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Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite

Learning Resources Management Section

Learning Activity Sheet

Name:___________________________________________ Grade and Section: __________________

Write a Reaction About the Story Read

English 4, Quarter 4 – Week 2

Learning Competency with code/Kasanayang Pampagkatuto at koda

Write a reaction about the story read (EN4WC-IIf-22)

Background Information for Learners

Hello learners, this worksheet is designed to guide you in writing a

reaction from the story read. Now, let us read this story:

Buddy and the Cat

Little Buddy Cockroach is a house bug. Mother Bug always tells him to stay in
dark places and hide. He listens to her with half an ear not really believing in what she
says. “How could they not like me? I have beautiful, shiny wings, and long antenna.
Surely, they would love me,” he thought.
Then, Buddy saw a black cat and said, “I will show Mother Cockroach that she is
wrong.” But when the cat saw him, it immediately jumped and started running after him
with its sharp claws. Buddy ran as fast as he could to the dark place under the cabinet
and never ever came out.

Comprehension Check-Up:

1. Why did Mother Bug keep on telling to stay in dark places and hide?

2. With whom among the characters you could relate the most? Why?

3. Did you like the story? Why?

Reaction is a text-based response in which you incorporate your views or opinions on

the source text like a story. It is assigned by teachers so that you may carefully consider

Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet

what you think or feel about the story you have read. It is important to stress that a
reaction is not a summary of the text read. You must be reacting to or responding to the
text, not simply repeating what it says. If there is no analysis involved, then the writer
has not responded but only repeated without understanding it.

A reading response asks the reader [you] to examine, explain and defend your personal
reaction to a reading. You will be asked to explore:
• why you like or dislike the reading,
• explain whether you agree or disagree with the author,
• identify the reading’s purpose, and
• critique the text.
There is no right or wrong answer to a reading response. Nonetheless, it is important
that you demonstrate an understanding of the reading and clearly explain and support
your reactions. When writing a reaction, you must answer the following questions:
1) How do you feel about the reading?
2) What do you agree or disagree with?
3) Have you learned or gained anything from the text read?
4) Did you like it? Why or why not?
5) What is its purpose
Remember this, Reaction is a text-based response in which you incorporate your views
or opinions on the source text.

Activity 1
Directions: Read the story carefully. Write TRUE on the blank if you agree with the
statement and FALSE if you disagree.

The Milkmaid

Mutya, the Milkmaid, was going to the market carrying a huge pail of pure milk on
her head. She hummed a happy tune while walking. As she went along, she began
thinking of what she would do with the money she would get from the milk. “I’ll buy
some chickens from Mang Tomas,” said she, “and they will lay eggs each morning, then I
will sell the eggs to the mayor’s wife. With the money that I will get from the sale of the

Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet

eggs, I’m sure I can buy myself a cute dress and a hat, and when I go to the market I
would be a muse. Won’t all the young men come up and speak to me! Ana will be that
jealous, but I don’t care. I shall just look at her and toss my head like this.” As she
spoke, she tossed her head back, the pail fell, and the milk was spilled. She had to go
home and tell her mother what happened.

_____________1. Mutya planned to buy a cute dress and a pair of shoes for herself once
had sold the eggs to the mayor’s wife.
_____________2. She felt very happy about the spilt milk.
_____________3. She went home and told mother of what had happened.
_____________4. Mutya planned to buy chickens from Mang Tomas with the money she
would get from the sale of the milk.
_________5. Mother would advise Mutya to be more careful next time.
Activity 2
Directions: Read the story “The Milkmaid” again, then give your honest reaction to each
question. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. If you were the character, what would you feel when the pail of pure milk
A. I would be afraid.
B. I would feel sad.
C. I would be disappointed.
2. Would the mother get mad at Milkmaid? Why do you think so?
A. Yes, because the pail of pure milk was spilled.
B. No, because it was an accident.
C. Maybe, because there would be no more pure milk to sell.
3. What part of the story struck you the most?
A. Milkmaid hummed a happy tune while walking.
B. Milkmaid thought of her dream.
C. Milkmaid tossed her head back and the pail fell down.
4. Do you have a dream?
A. Yes, I have.
B. Yes, I have, but I’m not sure what it is.
C. I don’t have one yet.
5. How will you achieve your dream?
A. I will ask help from my parents.
B. I will study hard.
C. I will finish my schooling.

Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet

Activity 3
Directions: Read the following stories below and decide why each character had done
what he/she did. On the space provided, write your 3-5 sentence reaction.

Danica’s Birthday Surprise

It was Saturday, the day of Danica’s birthday party, and she was so excited she could
hardly keep still. She had spent the whole morning decorating her house with streamers
and balloons. She had set the table with matching plates, cups, and napkins. Best of all,
she had baked and iced cupcakes for each of her friends, without anyone else’s help.
Danica’s little brother Oscar was his usual bouncy self. “Happy birthday, Danica,” he
yelled, running around the kitchen, and waving a balloon he’d torn down from the wall,
where Danica had taped it up.
“Calm down,” she ordered. Oscar’s jumping was making the counters tremble and
Danica feared her cupcakes would fall on the floor. “Get out of here and quit tearing
down my decorations or I won’t give you the cupcake I made for you.” “I get a cupcake?
Yay!” Oscar shouted, bouncing around as boisterously as ever. “Stop it, Oscar, you’ll
ruin everything!” Danica wailed. Oscar didn’t stop.
Finally, Danica picked up a cupcake. “This one was going to be yours,” she told Oscar,
and threw it to the floor, where it landed upside down with a plop. Oscar stopped
bouncing, looked down at the cupcake, and began to cry.
Why did Danica ruin Oscar’s cupcake?

Activity 4
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write whether you agree or disagree with the
statements below and cite your own experience/s to support your stand in 2-3

1. Families provide a crucial support system that shapes our lives and relationships.

2. Drinking enough water is important during hot weather.

Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet

Rubric in Writing a Simple Reaction

Criteria Very Good (3) Good (2) Needs Help (1)

Content The learner was The learner was The learner was
able to express able to slightly not able to
the main point. express the main express the main
point. point.

Organization All ideas were Few ideas were There was no

organized organized, and clear order of
clearly. some were ideas.

Mechanics The learner had The learner had The learner had
(grammar, 1-2 errors in 3-4 errors in more than 4
spelling, grammar, grammar, errors in
punctuations) spelling, and spelling, and grammar,
punctuation. punctuation. spelling, and

“Read and React: 4th Grade Reading Comprehension.” Accessed January 27, 2021

Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Cavite
Learning Resources Management Section
Learning Activity Sheet

Answer Key

Activity 1
Activity 2
(Learners’ reactions may vary and will be considered correct)
Activity 3
(Learners’ reactions may vary)

Activity 4
(Learners’ reactions may vary)

Prepared by:
Rica J. Mendoza
Teacher I
Amadeo Elementary School – Amadeo District

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