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Quarter 4-Week 3
MODULE 5: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structure: Modals
Writer: Lilia L. Espadero, EdD, Andres Mariano Elementary School

What I Need to Know

The module has the lesson of composing clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures: Modals!

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Learn how to compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures with modals; and
2. Use modals in sentences.
3. Making modals applying coherent sentences with appropriate grammatical structure.

What I Know
Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct modal. (will, can, may, must, should)

1. Helen_______ be thirteen years old next month.

2. The school bell _______ be rang at nine o’clock.
3. We _______ miss the bus if we do not hurry.
4. You _______ overcome problems through sheer courage and determination.
5. The train ______ stop at the next station.
6. You ______ leave now.
7. I ______ find a way.
8. You _____ not steal.
9. ______ I cross the bridge?
10. I ______ return the book when I’m through reading it

Lesson Compose clear and coherent sentences using

5 appropriate grammatical structure: Modals

Modals play a very salient role in making comprehensible what we want to mean in speaking
or writing. These are very functional in our daily discussion. They help us transmit our intentions
either in oral or written form.

What’s In
Directions: Choose the appropriate modal to be used in each sentence. Encircle your
1. The couple (will, would) stand for hours, peeping through their window to watch the
children play.
2. You (might, must) do something to help the typhoon victims.
3. (May, Must, Will) I borrow your umbrella?
4. Everybody (may, should, might) prepare for the worst winter ever.
5. The little boy said, “Mom, (may, should, will) I play in this snow for an hour?
What’s New
Directions: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow. Write your
answer on the space provided after each question.

Simple but Enjoyable

by: Lilia L. Espadero

Every first Sunday of the month, our family goes to Valenzuela People’s Park. It is our
favorite place for family bonding. Aside from having a family picnic, every one of us enjoy
activities that the place offers.

The best part of the park for my father is the pond. He may observe turtles and fish in it
which are gracefully swimming. It makes him feel so relax.

My mother who really loves dancing joined the Zumba class at the park. She said that
she must do it to maintain a healthy body.

Jenny, my younger sister, likes playing at the Merry-Go-Round. She can stand on it with
balance even it rotates a hundred times.

I always see students practicing their acts or dance at the park. I really love watching
them. I always think that someday I will be a good performer. I will practice very well like
As Valenzuelanos, we should always be thankful. We have a place like Valenzuela
People’s Park where we can enjoy life even in ways that are simple.

1. Who goes to the Valenzuela People’s Park every first Sunday of the
2. What does his father do at the park?
3. In playing at the Merry-Go-Round, what can his sister do?
4. Why does she need to join the Zumba class?
5. As Valenzuelanos, why should we have to be thankful?

What is It
Analyze each sentence below which is taken from the story read. What does the underlined
word show or mean?
1. He may observe turtles and fish in it which are gracefully swimming.
(may – expresses possibility)
2. She said that she must do it to maintain a healthy body.
(must – expresses obligation or necessity)
3. She can stand on it with balance even it rotates a hundred times.
(can – expresses ability)
4. I will practice very well like them.
(will – expresses future action)
5. We should always be thankful.
(should – expresses advice)
(Joy in Learning English Text book page 218)
What’s More
Directions: Answer each question using modals. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. Can you recite the poem by heart? ____________________________________________
2. What could you do to make your parents happy? ______________________________
3. What is it that you ought to do after coming from school? ______________________
4. What does a teacher ought to do every day? __________________________________
5. What might result after a strong rain? ___________________________________________
6. What must a guard do during his post? _________________________________________
7. What can Manny Pacquiao do? _______________________________________________
8. What is it that you may forget today? __________________________________________
9. How shall your friends call you? ________________________________________________
10. Must students spend so much time before the computer? _____________________

What I Have Learned

You have learned that Modals are verbs that need another verb. They are also called
helping verbs. Modals are used with a base form of the verb.

They are used to show if we believe something is certain, probable or possible or not and
also to talk about ability, asking permission, making request and offers and so on.

Example of modals are may, will, must, ought to, might, shall, can, should, could, would.

A modal is a type of auxiliary or helping verb that is used to express ability, possibility,
permission, or obligation.

Read the following one-word modals and their phrasal counterparts.

One-word Modals Phrasal Modals
Can, could Be able to
Will, would Be going to, be about to
Must Have to, have got to
Should, ought, (to) Be able to, be supposed to
Would, (a past habit) Used to
May, might Be permitted to, be allowed to
One-word modals always go with the base form of the verb. Subject-verb agreement is not
observed in sentences using one-word modals. Read the sentences below.
1. He can work hard.
2. They will go to Paris.
3. You must see a doctor.
4. Could you lend me a book?
Modals can be used for various purposes:

• Will, would, can, and could are used in making requests.

Will/Would you listen to the instructions carefully?
Can/Could all of you girls stand up?
• May, might, can, and could are used in asking permission.
May/Might I use the phone?
Can/Could I use the phone?
• Must, should, have to, and ought to are used in giving advice.
You must/should obey your parents.
Martin has to sleep now.
Children ought to go to school.
(Joy in Learning English Text book page 84-85)
What I Can Do
Directions: Complete the following sentences. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. The children can ____________________________________________________
2. Parents will _________________________________________________________
3. Every pupil must ____________________________________________________
4. Could I _____________________________________________________________
5. Shall we ____________________________________________________________
6. The police officer might ______________________________________________
7. The teacher said she may ____________________________________________
8. May _________________________________________________________________
9. Everywhere we go, we must __________________________________________
10. The principal may __________________________________________________

A. Directions: Make clear and coherent sentences with appropriate and correct modals from the box
in filling the blanks to complete the sentences.

will can may must should

1. Some of the pupils __________ sing and dance well while others can act on stage naturally.
2. The teacher said that instead of spending our time playing computer games, we _________read
books to widen our vocabulary.
3. She also said that we _________ take our studies seriously to achieve our goal.
4. We _________always listen to the pieces of advice of older ones.
5. I _________ do my best to be successful someday.
6. You ________ catch a cold if you go out in the rain.
7. She ________ speak English very well.
8. He _______ lift the heavy weights.
9. We ______ be invited but I’m not sure.
10. Excuse me, I ______ hear you right now. The band is too loud.
B. Directions: Choose the appropriate modal to be used in each sentence. Encircle your answer.

1. The mother answered, “Yes, you (may, should, will) But you (ought to, could, might) wear your
2. “(Will, May, Could) you get a blanket for the little snow girl?” the man said.
3. “Yes, I (will, may, could) “replied the woman.
4. I think she (may, can) win the dancing competition.
5. Take an umbrella, it (may, can) rain later.

Additional Activities
A. Directions: Compose/Write clear and coherent sentences using the appropriate modals. Write your
answer on the space provided.
1. can - ________________________________________________
2. will - ________________________________________________
3. may - _______________________________________________
4. should -
5. must - _______________________________________________
B. Directions: Read the sentences and write the most appropriate modal for each. Be guided by the
words inside the parenthesis.
1. You ______ be tired. (possibility)
2. ______ I leave the room? (permission to do)
3. ______ we visit grandma this weekend? (polite suggestion)
4. ______ I lend you my laptop till tomorrow. (offer)
5. Drivers _______ drive carefully in bad weather. (advise)

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