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2 Vocabulary and Grammar

future cont
inuous and future pe rf ec t • de te rm iners • family and
friends •

1 Choose the correct answers.

1 She is used to being surrounded by people, as she has four : three brothers and one sister.
a siblings b twins c step
2 I don’t know him that well. He’s just a(n) from university.
a acquaintance b soulmate c relative
3 Being a parent and raising a child on your own takes a lot of effort and organisational skills.
a half b missing c single
4 Your brother's wife is your sister- .
a in-law b in love c outlaw
5 Dan was older than me and seemed a lot more mature than my .
a pears b peers c pairs
6 He is looking for a long- relationship, not a fleeting romance.
a time b date c term
7 After her parents had divorced, they introduced her their new partners.
a to b with c by

2 Complete the gaps with the correct prepositions.

I really get 1 with my older brothers, but sadly, I am not so close 2 my younger sister Claire,
and I don't hang with her as often as with the boys. We have rows every week and we regularly
fall with each other. There are so many things I can’t stand about her! First of all, she is always
wrapped in her books and never has time to talk. To make matters worse, she often stares
me as she has a problem but never says what's wrong, which is quite annoying. Then you talk
her and if she tells you that it takes two 8 tango, but she doesn’t really mean it – she is
not very supportive herself. And due such misunderstandings, it's much more difficult to make
. It’s so frustrating! And as she's the family’s little baby girl, our parents and my big brothers
seem to look 11 to her and she knows that very well. Such a shame ...

3 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Most of our teacher / teachers take the register at the beginning of each lesson a few / a little at the end.
2 None / Any of the books she wanted me to buy was available, but every / some she can order online.
3 We've run out of coffee – there isn't any / some left. We need a couple of / many bottles of milk as well.
4 We've made a lot of sandwiches for our guests, but few / a few people turned up and we ended up with too
much / little food.
5 Either / Both of my parents went to the cinema, so I'm home alone. And I invite all / much of you to my

4 Translate the sentences into English.

1 Za dwa tygodnie będziemy się cieszyć wakacjami.
2 Obawiam się, że nie posprzątam w pokoju do 7 wieczorem.
3 Nie dzwoń w południe – będziemy wtedy jeść lunch.
4 Do 30 roku życia na pewno skończę jakieś studia.
5 Żaden z moich przyjaciół nie wie, że jestem uczulona na kurz.
6 Obiecuję, że zadzwonię do Ciebie po szkole.
7 Wszystkie egzaminy końcowe są w czerwcu, więc w lipcu zamierzam wyjechać na wakacje.

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