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Ideas for 21st Century Education – Abdullah et al.

© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-05343-4

A web-based model to enhance competency in the interconnection of

multiple levels of representation for pre-service teachers

I. Farida
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia

L. Liliasari & W. Sopandi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

D.H. Widyantoro
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to design a web-based learning model to enhance pre-service teachers’ com-
petencies in the Interconnection of Multiple Levels of Representation (IMLR). The model contains multi-
modal representations with assignments and probing questions; it creates social engagement through online
discussion forums and online assessment as feedback on learning performance. The validity of the model was
evaluated by expert judgment, while the feasibilty of the model was explored through a limited test with stu-
dents using the quasi-experimental method. The results showed that the implementation of a web-based model
increased the pre-service teachers’ abilities in IMLR on each subtopic of chemical equilibrium in aqueous solu-
tion. The pre-service students also showed good abilities to resolve problems with interconnection patterns that
progressed from macroscopic to submicroscopic and symbolic, rather than starting from submicroscopic and
moving to symbolic and macroscopic. It can be concluded that the web-based learning model enhanced the
pre-service teachers’ understanding of the submicroscopic level, changing existing problem-solving ability pat-
terns from macroscopic–symbolic into six interconnection patterns, and improving student learning patterns.

1 INTRODUCTION (Tasker & Dalton, 2006). Students’ ability to solve

mathematical problems became the criterion by
As stated by Johnstone (in Treagust, 2008), the which they were deemed to have understood chem-
characteristics of chemistry involve three levels of ical concepts. However, such a view could hinder
chemical representation, that is, macroscopic, sub- students in achieving representational competence
microscopic, and symbolic. These three levels of (Chittleborough & Treagust, 2007).
chemical representation contain inter-connected- Reviews of various empirical studies supported
ness information. While macroscopic observable these statements. One previous study found that
chemical phenomena are the basis of chemistry, first-year students had difficulty in describing the
explanations of these phenomena usually rely on scheme and transfer of symbolic representation
the symbolic and submicroscopic levels of represen- to submicroscopic representation in acid–base
tation (Treagust, 2008). Consequently, the ability equilibrium (Devetak et al., 2006). Another study
of learners to understand the role of each level of showed that high school students had difficulty in
chemical representation and the ability to transfer representing submicroscopic levels of ionic equilib-
from one level to another is an important aspect of rium in weak acids, weak bases, salt hydrolysis, and
generating understandable explanations. This abil- buffer solutions (Murniati & Sopandi, 2007). Such
ity is also referred to as Interconnection of Multiple problems are caused by the lack of ability of teach-
Levels of Representation (IMLR) competence. ers to use a variety of modes of submicroscopic
In general, teaching and learning have been representation and connect them to other levels of
restricted to the level of macroscopic and symbolic representation (Savec et al., 2006; Weerawardhana
representations. Many high school teachers tend & Ferry, 2006; Akselaa & Lundell, 2008).
only to use these two levels. They often do not inte- Students’ representational competence is tied to the
grate the three representation levels in their teach- learning process in classrooms, the practical laboratory
ing but move among them without highlighting and textbooks. Chemistry teachers and pre-service
their inter-connectedness. Teachers often assume chemistry teachers must achieve their own internal
that students are able to connect symbolic to connection of the three levels of representation, as
submicroscopic representations on their own well as re-representing the three levels in their teaching
(Farida et al., 2010). Based on the consideration that The ChemSense Animator tool provides shape
the effectiveness of teaching and learning in school templates for modeling techniques and processes
depends on teachers’ competence, we should endeavor from the simple to the complex to help visualize
to increase the professional competence of chemistry and explain chemical phenomena (Toplis, 2008). An
teachers through the provisioning of IMLR compe- animation of a chemical process can be constructed
tence. This paper discusses the results of research on frame by frame using a simple toolbox, so as to sup-
the characteristics of a web-based learning model port reasoning and discussion about the submicro-
designed to increase the IMLR competence of student scopic changes occurring during the reaction. The
chemistry teachers, and the results of its testing. use of modes of representation is integrated in the
learning, as suggested by Tasker and Dalton (2006),
2 RESEARCH METHODS and by Mayer (in Kozma & Russell, 2005).
The characteristics of web-based learning model
This research aims to engender IMLR competence found in this study were:
using a web-based model of learning, and to analyze 1. Content- and activity-based learning (problem-
its impact on increasing the ability of pre-service based and question-driven).
chemistry teachers. The model was developed 2. Problem-solving is done through periodic tasks
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through three phases: a preliminary study phase, for each topic in order to develop competence in
model design, and model validation. The design IMLR. Based on these tasks, students’ IMLR
model was validated by expert judgment, and limited competence can be explored and elaborated.
tryout on 31 students, and a model revision was then 3. Learning materials for each topic are multimo-
performed. The revised model was implemented to dal representations in the form of text, images,
37  students using the quasi-experimental method: graphics, animation, simulation and tools aimed
a one-group pre-test/post-test design. IMLR com- at facilitating the development of IMLR ability
petence was measured using an online test (two-tier in any topic. Their use is integrated into learn-
multiple-choice test). An online questionnaire was ing activities via the web.
used to determine student opinion of the model. 4. A social atmosphere is created through an online
discussion forum to allow students to construct
3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION meaning and reflect their abilities.
5. Online assessment was conducted independ-
Theoretical studies were reviewed to analyze the ently as progress feedback on individual learn-
characteristics of chemical concepts, the mapping ing performance.
relationship among those concepts and the levels These characteristics included three main
of chemical representation. For this purpose, we elements associated with web-based learning
chose the concept of chemical equilibrium in aque- (Garrison & Vaughan, 2008): 1) cognitive pres-
ous solution for study. Contextually, this concept ence; 2) social presence; 3) the role of instructors
plays a crucial role in many biological and environ- in creating and facilitating the cognitive and social
mental processes (McMurry & Fay, 2006). climate (teacher presence).
The results of the conceptual analysis showed Learning phases were developed according to
that there are three main types of concept of chem- these characteristics as follows: orientation, explo-
ical equilibriums in aqueous solution: 1) abstract ration, elaboration, reflection, confirmation, and
concepts with concrete examples; 2) concepts in evaluation. The orientation phase is performed
the form of processes; 3) concepts in the form of offline or through a face-to-face meeting, while the
principles. The representation levels included mac- subsequent phases are implemented in a web-based
roscopic, submicroscopic and symbolic. learning environment. The courseware for the web-
The prerequisite concepts involved the three levels based learning is installed into a learning manage-
of representation too, and were: 1) proton transfer ment system (Moodle 2.0). It is in accordance with
reaction (Brønsted–Lowry acid–base concepts); 2) every teaching phase. Dynamic features of Moo-
weak acids, weak bases and water dissociation; 3) the dle 2.0 apply the principles and learning strategies
strength of acids and bases, and pH; 4) solubility. based on social pedagogy constructivism (Stocker,
These prerequisite concepts must be understandable 2010), thus enabling: interactive learning materials
to appreciate three main concepts: 1) salt hydrolysis; management; periodic content upload; multime-
2) buffer solutions; 3) solubility equilibrium. dia integration, which facilitates multiple levels of
An analysis of levels of representation is required representation; communication forums; and online
to determine the modes of representation that assessment (Gudimetla & Mahalinga, 2006).
are appropriate for these concepts. The modes Thus, the Moodle features that are activated are:
of representation available were pictorial mode,
graphics, animation, simulation and ChemSense 1. Lesson activity: an interactive web page with ques-
Animators ( tions in card format, which present the topic of

acid–base equilibrium. This feature is integrated On the basis of the limited testing, there were several
with animation, slideshows and images related to components that needed repair, including the pres-
the topic. Lesson activity can enable students to entation of text and images, instructions for using
get feedback so that they can assess and reflect on the application, and the strategy for using discus-
their own knowledge and then play it back to really sion forums and features, as well as consideration
understand the learning content. Lesson activity of the allocation of timings to access assignments.
features act as a triggering event and can be adapted. Through trial, it is found through the reliability test
2. Assignment involving advanced uploading of using Cronbach’s Alpha is at 0.86 with index of dis-
files that is used to load worksheet and send tasks. crimination, difficulty level, and internal validity.
Assisted tasks are accomplished using ChemSense According to Table  1, the highest increase
Animator tools, animation and simulation. For observed in student IMLR competence was on
completion of acid–base, salt hydrolysis, and buffer the topic of acid–base equilibrium, while the low-
solution tasks the Animator tool can be used, and est increase was in relation to buffer solutions.
can be supplemented with animations and PhET The overall improvement in capability was mod-
science simulations ( erate (N-gain  =  0.5). A non-parametric Wilcoxon
3. Discussion forum: for reflection and sharing of test was conducted on the pre-test/post-test
Downloaded by [Ade Gafar Abdullah] at 17:23 11 October 2017

knowledge between students and discussion of the data to determine significance, for all topics: the
problems they face in relation to the study topics. value of asymptote using 2-tailed significance
From this discussion forum, how students make level  =  0.00  <  0.05. This indicates that the IMLR
use of IMLR to solve problems can be traced. abilities of the students increased significantly after
4. Online assessment tools are used to test the ability the learning intervention for all topics.
of students’ IMLR competence before and after Data on the activity and quality of student writ-
the implementation of learning activities. Online ing was obtained from the discussion forum and
assessment is carried out to obtain feedback on traced from the data recordings of when students
the progress of students’ learning performance. logged in to each forum. There was a tendency
5. Chat room: used to communicate synchro- for discussion activity on a topic to decrease from
nously, so that students can directly exchange topic I to IV. Students who did not actively follow
ideas, ask questions about various aspects of the these discussions averaged 37%. These students
material or technical terms. This feature was not were recorded only as observers on the discussion
enabled at the time of the online test/quiz. forum: they were seen reading posts on the forum,
6. Feedback feature: includes an online question- but did not leave comments or ask questions.
naire to obtain feedback from students regard- Compared with the results of the preliminary
ing the learning model. This feature can be phase of the study, these findings showed that the
accessed after the student has completed the overall pattern of interaction occurring between stu-
entire learning package. dents was strengthened and the ability of students
to solve problems through IMLR was improved.
Each feature has a sequenced arrangement of These findings indicate the importance of the role
access and time limit, so that student access to of online discussion forums as a process of inter-
learning content is more structured. The continuity action (Snelson, 2005), which encourages the for-
of learning of each student can be traced by using mation of knowledge (Stocker, 2010) and a deeper
block completion tracking settings, as advised by learning experience (Kozma & Russell, 2005).
Stocker (2010) and Gillani (2003). The obligation for every student to post and
Thus, instructional design has to accommo- answer at least one question on the discussion forum
date the characteristics of effective online learning was intended as an encouragement to take an active
according to Horton (2006) and Dawley (2007).
Learning tools were developed by incorporating Table  1. Data of pre-test/post-test analysis of student
the principles of dynamic linking, as suggested IMLR competence on all topics.
by Kaput (in Snelson, 2005), and according to
Mayer’s multimedia learning principles (in Kozma Mean score (%)
& Russell, 2004). For each topic, eight indicators Mean
were developed that interconnect each level of Topic Pre-test Post-test gain N-gain
representation to a relational understanding, as
I. Acid–base 10 68 58 0.7
described by Treagust et al. (2003).
Overall, the assessment involves expert judgment
II. Hydrolysis of salts 21 58 37 0.5
of the design of the courseware material, and test- III. Buffer solutions 17 52 35 0.4
ing of the validity of its content. A limited test was IV. Solubility 16 58 42 0.5
conducted with 31 students and was intended to equilibrium
establish the design feasibility of the learning steps Mean 20 58 38 0.5
through the use of the web and supporting devices.

role in discussions. For every post or answer, students Chittleborough, G.D. & Treagust, D.F. (2007). The modelling
get an assessment based on set criteria. Based on the ability of non-major chemistry students and their under-
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had a doubt about something, they tended to ask the Glažar, S.A. (2006). Sub microscopic representations as a
lecturer for confirmation. In any discussion forum, tool for evaluating students’ chemical conceptions. Acta
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models in teaching chemistry. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 53,
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