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THlnxzHs aBouT Youe axADING HABITS

Reading can help much more if you cm read well. That means being able to read many different materials
and being able to understand them. How well you read depends a lot on your reading hsbits. Answer all of
the questions in the questionnaire below according to your own experience.

F'or each statement. cycle Y Yes) or N {No )

I always reed eveiy word of a passage.

2. Reading aloud helps me improve my reading.
3. When l read in Engg ish, l track with my finger along the line.
4. I use different reading methods in my native language end in English,
5. When l read in Engg ish, I understand more when I read slowly.
If I don’i knnw the meaning of a word in English, I slways lnok ii up in the
To read well in English, I must be able tn pronounce every word. Y
I read beoks from cover tn cover. Y
i sun reading before l have worked out whnt l need to know, or what I am
looking for. Y N
I keep checking back along the I ine, rereading what I have just read Y
N I read
difficult sections before l have worked out the generid gist Y

How can you improve your reading habit? Bill Cosby, a well-known black American comedian and TV star
wrote an article thai explains the ways to improve our abil ity to deal with new information effectively.
Defore you reed the article, discuss in groups how you can improve your reading speed.

Bill fiosby

When I was a kid in Philadelphia, l must have read every comic book ever published. (There were
fewer of them than there are now.)
1 zipped through all of them in a couple of days, then reread the goc•d ones until the next issues
Yes indeed, when I was a kid, the reading game was a snap.
But as I got older, my eyeballs must have slowed down or something! I mean, comic books started
to pile up faster than my brother Russell and I could read them!
lt wasn’t until much later, when l was getting my doctorate, I realized it wasn’t my eyeballs that
were to blame. Thank goodness. They’re still moving as well as ever. The problem is, there’s ioo much to
read these days, and too little time to read every word of it.
Now, mind you, I still read comic bc•oks. In addition to contracts, novels, and newspapers.
Screenplays, tax returns and correspondence. Even textbooks aboui how people read. And which techniques
help people read more in less time.
l’ll let you in on a I inle secret. There are hundreds of techniques you could learn to help you read
faster. But I know of 3 that are especially good. And if l csn learn them, so can you—and you can put them
to use immediately'.
They are commonsense, practical ways to get the meaning from printed words quickly and
efficiently. So you’ll have time to enjoy your comic books, have a gc•od laugh with Mark Twain or a gc•od
cry with iPnr and Peace. Ready?
Okay. The first two ways can help you get through tons of reading material—fast—without readi!ng
even' ii ord.
They’ll give you the overaff meaning of what you’re reading. And let you cut out an awful lot of
iinnecessay• ceading.

1. Pravie If It’s Long and Herd

Previewing is especially useful for getting a general idea of heavy reading like long magazine or
newspaper articles, husiness reports, and non-fictinn bonks.
lt can give you as much as half the comprehension in as little ss one tenth the time. For example,
you shnuld be ahle to preview eight or ten 100-page reports in an hour. After previewing, you’ll be able to
decide which reports (or which porn of which reports) are wonh a closer look.
Here’s how tn preview: Read the entire first two paragraphs of whatever you’ve chosen. Next reed
only rf eJrSf seflfeiice of each successive paragraph. Then read the entire last two paragraphs.
Previewing dc•esii’t give you all the details. But it does keep you from spending time on things you
don’t really want—or need—to read.
Notice that the previewing gives you a quick, overall view of long, iinfami!liar material. For short,
light reading, there’s a better technique.

2. Sklm—If h'a Short and Simple

Skimming is a good way to get a geneml idea of light reading—like popular magazines or the
sports and entenainment sections of the paper.
You should be able to skim a weekly popular magazine or the second section of your daily paper in
less than £n//the time it takes you to read it now.
Skimming is also a great way to review material you’ve read before. Here’s how to skim: Think of
your eyes as magnets. Force them to move fast. Sweep them across each and every line of type. Pick up
only a fen ke)• words ion each line.
Everybody skims differently.
You and l may not pick up exactly the same words when we skim the same piece, but we’ll both
get a pretty similar idea of what it’s all about.
To show you how it works, I circled the words I picked our when 1 skimmed the following story.
Try it. It shouldn’ t take you more than 10 seconds.
My brother Rus 11 inns bedroom closer at night.
But I told
in him e
“Go and check then he said.
1 didn’i wani to Russell said I s ch c e
“Am not ” I said.
e so he said.
S I told hi the monsters were going to h at He started io c ry.
Dad came i anda the monste t t Then he told us to go t sleep.
’If l hear ny more about monsters, ” he sai “l’l1 spnnk you.” We wen to sleep ast. And
you know something* The v d c ba

Skimming can give you a very good i‹fen of this story in about haif the words—and in less than half
the time it’d taLe to read every word.
So far, you’ve seen that previewing and skimming can give you a general idea about content—fast.
Bul neither technique can promise more than 50 percent comprehension, because you aren’t reading all the
(Nobedy gets something for nothing in the reading game.)
To read faster and understand most—i f not elf—of what you read, you need to know a third technique.

3. Cluster—To Increase Speed end Comprehension

Most of us learned to read by looking ai each word in a sentence—one ar n r/me. Like this:


You probably still read this way sometimes, especially when the words are difficult, Or when the
words have an extra-special meaning—as in a poem, a Shakespearean play, or a contract. And thnt’s O.K.
But word-by—word reading is a rotten way to read faster. It actually curt dou'n on your speed.
Clustering uains you to look at grnx of words instead of one at a tim o increase your speed
enormously. For most of us, clustering is a totally different nay ofseei!ng u'hat iie read.
Here’s Noir re cluster.- Train your eyes to see o// the words in clusters of up to 3 or 4 words at a
Here’s how I’d cluster the story we just skimmed
bye Rus i on t e o c
u l ld
“ Go an check then he said.
ld ussell said was chicken
“Am not I said.
‘Are so he said.
So I told hi her e ece going t eat him t midnigh
tarted to c dad came i d told the monste to beat it Then h told u go to
she “ If 1 hearmore about monste e sai “I’ll spank you. We wen sleep fast
An ou know somethin hey never di rime back.

Learning to read clusters is not something your eyes do naturally. It takes constant practice.
Here’s how to go shout ii. Pick something light io read. Read it as fast as you can. Concentrate on
seeing 3 to 4 words at once rather than one word at a time. Then reread the piece at your normal speed to see
what you missed the first time.
Try a second piece. First cluster, then reread to see what you missed in this one. When you can read
in clusters without missing much the first time, your speed has increased. Practice 15 minutes every day and
you might pick up the technique in a week or so. (But don’t be disappointed if it takes longer. Clustering
evey'thing takes time and practice.)
So now you have 3 ways to help you read faster. Prerrr›r to cut down on unnecessary heavy
reading. JP*o to get a quick, general idea of light reading. And cluster to increase your speed and
With enough practice, you’ll be able to handle snore reading at school or work—and at home-in
less ti!me. You should even have enough time to read your favourite comic book nd liar and PeffCB!

Selactlng the mein Idea.


U’h inch of the follonu!np statements do you think beef expresses the main idea of Bill G.osby’s article? U’hy is ir
better than the other iv'o ?

1. Moving your eyes fast across each line will give you a general idea of the content of reading
materia) in much less time than ii would inke io read every word.

2. lt is necessary to choose your method of reading according io the kind of material you have io read
and the amount of comprehension you need.

3. You should preview long and heavy readings, skim simple ones, and read in groups or clusters when
you have to understand mosi of the material quite well.

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