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-A: Hi B! I’m glad to see you again! I can’t wait to know your birthplace and all about
it. I’m going to a trip, and the first thing I want to do is see to see those species or
places that I have never seen anywhere else and that I probably will never see again
in my life, where do you recommend I go first?

-B: Oh A, is nice to see you again. I see you are excited!! So let me tell you
something, this is a beautiful place full of beautiful things so that will make depends
on what place you want to go. For example, if you go to Puerto Plata there is a
sanctuary, in a protected area where we have manatees.

-A: And what about if I decided if I decide to go to the beach, do you think that I can
find any endangered animal living free out there?

-B: mm I don’t know, I rarely get to see some, Carey turtles for example, they live
nearby and even lay their eggs on Saona Island, but due to regular human transit you
won’t see one provided you go there at nighttime.

-A: Oh well, I don’t lose hope, what about if I decide to go to the forest here?

-B: For sure!! In case you decided go to Pedernales or Barahona, in addition to being
beautiful places and having beautiful landscapes, they are also home to one of the
oldest species on this planet, which is the Solenodon, and there is also the Jutía,
which is another endangered species.

-A: oh Wow, there’s a lot of interesting things to do and see here. But I mean if I go to
any of those places do you think that I’ll be safe there? I mean I love the adrenaline,
but I don’t want to die here hehe.

-B: hehehe omg, Lucky you!!, the most dangerous animals here are not lethal, they
can leave you with a very painful bite thought.

-A: for real? So, you are telling me that spiders and the snakes here are not

-B: Nope, I didn’t say that. But they won’t attack you unless you scare them. For
example, the cacata which is a spider, is really big and people get nervous when they
see them, but they won’t bite anyone, they probably run away in a opposite direction.

-A: mmm, awesome but Think I’ve changed my mind. I’m not going to the forest here,
hahah I’m going to a beach first, so I can enjoy the peace there.
-B: Oh well either way you must be careful not to step on the manta rays. I recently
heard that a child stepped on a Raya de espina on Juan Dolio beach and he was in
pain for several hours.

-A: Are you trying to scare me?

-B: of course not!! Is just some advice!!

-A: all right girl. Thanks for the advice. By the way, someone invited me to a place is
called “hoyo azul”, I’ve seen so many pictures and it look so beautiful.

-B: Omg!! It is but you need to be careful along the path that you have to travel to get
there, since you have to go through a jungle with quite risky terrain, I recommend go
there as long as you wear good shoes and don't forget your repellent hehe.

-A: “Don’t forget the repellent?” what do you mean?

-B: Oh well you’re going to laugh about it but the most dangerous creature here are
the mosquitoes

-A: For real? Why though?

-B: Because they are everywhere, they like to bite and they transmit diseases that
can be deadly such as dengue, zika, malaria, filariasis, so I recommend you always
carry a repellent with you

-A: Oh, come on girl. I have to go now but, anything else I should know about here?

-B: Oh well. My final advice is that if you ever are alone in the streets and you hear a
motorcycle behind you, don’t even look, as soon as you hear that they are turning
back, run!!

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