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Siddharth Rajsekar
Table of Contents

1. Introduction: What Is The Best Way To Manage My Money?

2. How Should I Manage My Money As A Digital Entrepreneur?

3. How To Create Multiple Streams Of Income?

4. Financial Challenges That Digital Entrepreneurs Face

5. What Are The Steps That Self-Made Millionaires Follow?

6. Is There A Way That I Can Make Rs.3 Lakh A Month?

7. Conclusion. Ten Things You Should Never Do

About The Author
Siddharth Rajsekar
Founder-Internet Lifestyle Hub
Siddharth Rajsekar aka Sidz is the founder of
the Internet Lifestyle Hub, one of the world’s
largest communities for coaches, trainers,
teachers, and experts with over 10,000 mem-

As an acclaimed lifestyle entrepreneur and international speaker, Siddharth has

trained over 200,000 people in the last 10 years. Recognized as one of India’s lead-
ing andsought-after “info-marketing” specialists, Siddharth has worked closely with
renowned International experts like Robert Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, Brian
Tracy,and Jack Canfield.

After running many multi-million-dollar online campaigns for companies and helping
people make money online in the last 10 years, Siddharth has developed and per-
fected the Freedom Business Model. The Freedom Business Model focuses on helping
people take their expertise online and building a super-profitable digital coaching
business, without an office or employees.

His mission is to reform the education and employment system by building a new
breed of Digital Leaders, based on the core principles of humanity and simplicity and
by enhancing one’s social skills, happiness, and overall productivity.

He is the author of this book, “You Can Coach” which decodes all the steps for experts
to successfully PLAN, LAUNCH, and GROW a digital coaching business to six figures a

Wearing multiple hats, Siddharth is a husband of a loving wife, a father of 2 boys, a

minimalist, futurist, spiritualist, a YouTuber who has published over 300 videos, as well
as a podcast host!


Introduction: What Is The Best
Way To Manage My Money?
Do you want to learn how to manage your money in a much better way as
you’re building your online business? Over the last few years, I realized that
managing money is so much more important than just making money. Ev-
erybody can make money, but once you’re able to bring in a system of money
management, you can multiply it faster than ever.

I’ve been in the internet marketing space for over a decade. I got inside this
game in 2011. I ran an agency for quite a few years, and the first seven to eight
years of my journey, I was not very good at money management. I was doing
some excellent work for other people. Running an agency felt good. I had the
knowledge and skills in the digital marketing space, but I had a lot of financial
issues. I was not managing my money correctly until I met my mentor, who
showed me a system to make this work.

I was in a bad situation in 2011; I was dead broke. I had just Rs.500 in my bank ac-
count. My wife was pregnant, and I had lost my job. What I started to do at that
hopeless point of time was to learn from mentors. I began to understand the
principles of money. I attended a seminar by T Harv Eker called Millionaire Mind
Intensive, which changed the game. I finally understood I could not expect dif-
ferent results in my life while being the same person. You have to transform
from within if you want an external transformation in your life. I’ve adopted all
of that wisdom. My mentor, Vick Strizheus’ learnings, are like an evolved version,
most suited for knowledge business.

What I want to share with you is what works for me right now. So even if you’re
broke right now, that’s perfectly fine. First, accept it, acknowledge it and then
start to rewire your operating system. Start to remove all the viruses in your
head, install new programs, and learn from successful people who are pas-
sionate about explaining it in the right way.

That is a starting point because if you’re able to change your mindset, you can
change your life. A practical solution I can give you is to search YouTube for The
Strangest Secret in the World by Earl Nightingale. Listen to his words twice a day
for the next 30 days; your life will change. That’s what helped me through.

He said, “Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repe-
tition and emotion will one day become a reality.”

For many years before I started to see success in my life and my business fi-
nancially, I was not disciplined with money. I had different perceptions about
money. I felt like money was not so important; doing the work was more im-
portant. And because I had such a careless attitude with cash, it was reflected
in my bank account. At times I used to have more days in the month than

Introduction: What Is The Best
Way To Manage My Money?
money in the bank account.

I would have a tough time making decisions towards the end of the month; it
was a very, very tough situation. Only once I started to change my money hab-
its and money management habits, things changed for me. I’m not a very ex-
travagant spender, I’ve always been frugal, but the point was, I never knew how
to manage it in the right way. Fortunately for me, I learned this principle from T.
Harv Eker; the Jars Principle. He talks about this in the Millionaire Mind Intensive.
He advises us to divide one’s income into six jars. This is how he allocates his

1. FFA (Financial Freedom Account) – 10%

2. LTSS (Long Term Savings For Spending) – 10%
3. NEC (Necessities) – 55%
4. PLAY (Indulge in yourself) – 10%
5. GIVE (Charity) – 5%
6. EDUC (Education) – 10%

There is a story from MMI that I’d like to share. It is the story of a child out with
his father for a visit to the carnival. They saw an ice cream shop along the way,
and the child asked the father for ice cream. The father happily bought the ice
cream for his child, a single scoop.

As they started walking down the path, suddenly the ice cream fell, and the
child began to cry, dad, I want another ice cream. The dad, feeling sorry for his
child, agreed to walk back for another scoop. On the way, the child saw a post-
er for triple-scoop ice cream and demanded that instead. But the dad refused,
saying, how can you have a triple scoop of ice cream if you can’t even handle

Introduction: What Is The Best
Way To Manage My Money?
The same applies to your money. Most of us want more money in our life with-
out realizing that if we can’t even manage the money that we’re making right
now, how will the universe give us more? Just like a parent will not buy a child
three scoops of ice cream if it cannot handle one scoop, the same applies to

This principle opened up my mind when I met my mentor. If you can’t han-
dle small sums of money, there is no way that you are going to receive large
amounts of money. It is all about discipline. That’s why managing your money
is more important than making money. If you can handle what you have right
now and break it into those five different segments and manage it in the best
possible way, trust me, you will start to make more money.

If there is no discipline over the minor things in your life, you can never expect
to receive bigger things in your life. There’s a huge lesson that I learned the
hard way. For many years, I was struggling because I was avoiding money, and
there was no discipline.

The minute I started to incorporate a system of money management, things

began to change. Later on, I learned a slightly evolved version of this concept
from my mentor, Vick Sreizheus. Now, whatever system works for you, it’s okay,
as long as you have a strategy in place to manage your money.

Because systems work and people fail.

Introduction: What Is The Best
Way To Manage My Money?

If people are left on their own, they are bound to fail. I got to where I am today
because my mentor gave me a formula called the TWCGO system.

I’ve adapted this along with the Jars principle to manage my money for the last
two years, and I can see the funds continually compounding because of the
correct management.


How Should I Manage My Money
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

To help you understand how to manage your money, I’m going to delve deep
into some truths and mistruths. I know many internet marketers, many people
in the online space, who’re making a lot of money, but they do not know how
to manage their money. Soon enough, they go back to ground zero. They may
show income snapshots of how much money they’re making, but little do peo-
ple know that their actual financial and cash flow situation is not good. And
how do I know this? Because my mentor is someone who makes close to a mil-
lion dollars a month and knows all the top industry leaders.

When I had a one-to-one catch-up with him, he shared the realities of the in-
ternet marketing industry. He said most people have this project, some big in-
come numbers, but the actual situation in life is not what it appears to be.

I’m going to go deep into how to manage your money following the TWCGO
formula. I’ve been implementing this formula for the last 12 months now in my
personal life, and because of managing money properly, more money has
come into my life. I want to tell you the exact moment that changed my life last

I participated in an affiliate marketing contest and was thrilled to be among

the top 10 globally out of 200,000 affiliates. I won a fully paid trip to Miami, Flor-
ida. So here I was on a $30,000 a day yacht, where I got to network and spent
a whole two days with my mentor, Vick Strizheus and the top 10 marketers on
this fabulous yacht. We had a great time. It was just more like celebrating our
success. On the second day, we were all in a boardroom. This man, who makes
How Should I Manage My Money
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

close to a million dollars a month, one of the top affiliate marketers in the world,
opened up a can of worms and shared with us the actual reality of this industry.

Vick told us that the internet marketing industry is a space where many people
are doing things, but actually, we don’t know what’s happening beneath the
surface. He knows so many marketers in debt because of mismanagement of
money. When they make money, they just buy something glitzy like a Ferrari,
blowing the money up without understanding this simple formula. After a few
months, they’re back to square one. In his case, he could have a sustainable
income for himself because of the TWCGO formula.

If you go back to the old classics, like The Richest Man in Babylon, The Strangest
Secret in the World, Think and Grow Rich, you know, some of these older teach-
ings, everything comes down to these principles:

1. If you’re not paying yourself first, if you’re not giving that 10% to yourself, you’re
not going to be wealthy. This should be some money that you never touch,
which is only used to multiply your wealth. So even if I’m making Rs. 1000, I keep
that Rs.100 aside. How you manage the tiny drops of water will determine how
you manage the ocean that will come to you.

2. The next component is charity. For me, it’s a flat 10% that goes into a separate
charity account. I have a different debit card for making those transactions.
Give to your causes, your temples, church, mosques, and other donations that
you want to give. My mother told me that if you want something, you need to
give it first. If you’re tightfisted and you’re not willing to give in charity, money’s
not going to come into your life. So every month before the third of every month,
I have my set of three to four charities that I give to regularly. I also have some
ad hoc stuff that I give to schools and other things. If I have to go to a temple
and wish to feed some people there, I ask whether I can do an online transac-
tion. If there is a card option and I get a receipt for that, there is no hesitation.

I hope from this moment on you will make this an essential principle in the
monthly routine of your cash flow. Give more of that, which you want to get. It’s
all about the flow of the newest; the foot competent in general.

3. I’m a minimalist, so I have significantly less for myself, and that’s my way of
operating. Each of us will be different, but keeping that in mind, once you know
your lifestyle requirements number, how much you need to spend on your life-
style, what you make after that can go towards operations and skills. If you’re
able to allocate it with discipline, then there is no emotion connected with mon-
ey. It becomes a system. The system will work.

How Should I Manage My Money
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

So if 30% of what we make should go to general expenses, rent, mortgage, util-

ities, groceries, outings, all of this comes down to the general. In case you find
30% is meager, you can decide on working towards that. Initially, the general
bucket will be on the higher side, up to 70, 80% also, but try and bring it down
to 30%. If you can bring it to 30%, then in India, you can live like a king on Rs.1.5-2
lakhs. However, if that 30% is Rs. 2 lakhs, you multiply that by three. You calcu-
late how much your 100% will be, and you need to make at least 7- 8 lakhs per
month. You always have to figure in those terms.

You can only eat so much. I don’t splurge on luxuries, have any habits, or party
hard. My household expenses are kind of fixed instead of varying on the amount
of money I make, so there will always be a limit to how much I can spend every

This is more than enough, provided you do not have any overheads, EMIs, com-
mitments, and loans taken. If you’re loan-free, if you’re debt-free, on Rs. 2 lakhs
per month, you can live a good life in a good neighborhood without owning a
house. That is my perspective; you may have different perspectives. I’m just
giving you my view of this.

And then you have operations where 20% goes to operations. In fact, for me
now, a lot of money goes back into the operations towards marketing spends
advertising budgets with more than two ad budgets because I’m in that game
of scale right now.

How Do I Organize My Income?

It does not matter which system of money management you follow as long as
it has these components:

1. It doesn’t matter how much you are making, it could be Rs.10,000, but learn to
manage it wisely when you’re a digital entrepreneur.

“Budgeting creates freedom, not restrictions.”

2. You need to be compliant with regulations, your state or country’s laws from
day one as far as operations are concerned. If you treat this like a business, it
will treat you back as a business. If you treat this like a hobby, it will treat you
back as a hobby. From the moment I started my online business of selling in-
formation products, I set up an entity. I got my GST number, even before I was
making Rs. 20 lakhs in total revenues because that’s where the GST kicks in.
Before I started, I got all of this in place. After all, I wanted to be compliant from

How Should I Manage My Money
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

day one because I wanted to start thinking like a person who would achieve
that goal. I also wanted to get that discipline of paying my taxes on time every
month. I found an auditor who helped me with this. I worked out a system to
pull out all my reports and send them to her by the fifth of every month. All my
statements will be ready by the tenth of every month. The auditor would tell me
exactly how much tax I need to pay for that month, the GST, and by the twenti-
eth, it will all go in, like clockwork.

I needed to ensure that my money was divided into the correct ratios to man-
age this entire system.

1. I would like you to start to plan this right from this month onwards. Get com-
pliant from day one,

Set up your current account to get your entire business into place. Whatever
comes into the current account, you can open five other accounts. Now the five
other accounts, if you’re doing a proprietorship firm, will be connected to your
tax ID or your PAN number. You can have additional funds from other different
banks into the same thing. But as long as you pull out the reports and have an
auditor who can document all of that and file your returns monthly, you set up
a system. The business account is my current account; the other accounts are
all savings accounts.

2.The formula that I learned from Vick came to my aid. I have a current account
for my primary business, and the money that comes into the current account, I
move into five different savings bank accounts. Each of these bank accounts is
for a particular purpose. I don’t mix that and do any transactions for anything
else. The TWCGO formula, that I’m going to reveal to you is this:

is for Tax. There’s a famous and slightly depressing quote that says,
In this world, nothing. Now the digital entrepreneur money manage-
ment system goes like this; the first component is tax cuts. So what-
ever amount of money you make, based on the country you live in, this number
can go up and down, but you need to allocate a dedicated 30% away for tax.

You need to have a tax account. And currently, what I’m doing is 40% of what-
ever I make goes towards tax. That includes GST and income tax; I am tax com-
pliant also. This goes into a separate bank account, and that different bank
account is what I call my tax account. You can begin with a 25 or even 30%
bracket in tax and the GST component of 18% when starting the journey. Plus,
you have the other income tax component. If you show a lot of expenses and

How Should I Manage My Money
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

have business expenses on things like your tools, hosting, and domain, you’ll be

taxed. Your income tax will kick in only after you pay all of that.

is for Wealth. This is the money multiplication account. A principle of

paying yourself first recurs in all the success principles books that
I’ve read, Think and Grow Rich, Richest Man in Babylon, Strangest
Secret in the World, Law of Success, you just name all the biggest
of the big influencers. Thou Shall Prosper by Rabbi Daniel Lapin. It’s a beautiful
book, a longish read, where he goes deep into the principles of wealth creation.
It’s based on how the Jews who used to control a lot of the world’s wealth ap-
proached money-making from a spiritual angle.

A wealth account is critical. 10% of what I make goes towards it. I use it for creat-
ing personal wealth; investing in gold and silver. I move money into liquid funds,
anything that I’m not going to touch at all, and quickly liquidate later for what-
ever investments I want to make. I have multiple investment vehicles, but 10%
of whatever I’m making moves here, and I have a dedicated account on this.
I don’t touch this money; it’s solely for wealth creation. From there, it goes into
the subcategories of the different various investment vehicles.

How you manage tiny drops of water will determine how you handle the ocean
that will come to you.

How Should I Manage My Money
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

“The rich invest their money and spend what is left; the poor spend their mon-
ey and invest what is left.”

is for Charity. This account is essential for me; I like to pay charity
by the fifth of every month even before I pay myself. I made a list
of all the charities that are dear to me that I give to regularly. It is
non-negotiable; the amount varies from month to month, but it goes to these
different charities. Sometimes it’s food relief, support, education, or temples. I
sometimes want to give gifts to people or anybody in the family who needs
help. 10% of whatever you make needs to go to support causes, whether your
temple, church, or mosque. Maybe you want to feed the poor and do other
philanthropic activities that all have to come into a charity bucket, which is
very important. And that’s what creates the flow in your business. If you’re just
expecting big money to be coming into your online sales, and you don’t have
the heart to give back to society, you’re going to be getting stuck at some point.
It’s all about flow; you need to give in order to receive. You can decide whether
to do 10% after paying your taxes or do 10% on the top. That’s something that you
can decide for yourself. So charity is the giving account. Trust me; if you start
including this as a monthly routine, you will see amazing results in your cash
flow situation.

Don’t ask me how it works, but this works. It works like magic.

is for General. Next is the bank account you need to open for your
household. So I have a separate bank account, which is only for my
household needs, rent, school fees, provisions, groceries, electricity,
food, anything to do with running the household will all come into this. So under
T Harv Eker’s principle, he’s got a play jar and a necessity jar. Now my play and
necessity jar are combined into this, which I call the general bank account. Play
also includes buying toys for the kids and shopping, my Netflix subscriptions,
and anything needed to run the household all come in the general account. I
track this every month.

You know what, even though my income was growing, my budget for my gen-
eral account never increased. I kept my household operations as it is. Some of
you may not know this; I still live in a rented house. I still like to keep my costs
very low. I’m not too attached to a digital business buying homes and stuff like
that. At some point in time, probably, later on, I will, but I’m not so keen to get big
loans and EMIs just to show the world that I live in our own house. That whole
paradigm is not for me. Cash flow is king. If I can live in a nice place right in the
center of town, even if it means paying a little higher rent, that’s perfectly cool.
How Should I Manage My Money
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”

So make decisions in such a way that you can keep the general account min-

is for Operations. The fifth is the operational account that is purely

dedicated to my business. This is also a current account. My internet,
mobile, tools, subscriptions, personal learning, advertising, whatev-
er I’m paying my freelancers, vendors, suppliers, everything, all the transactions
go out of this one account. We’re able to track everything in one place. It be-
comes so much easier, even for my auditor, to do all the calculations monthly.
What I would suggest is that you start to get more disciplined with money.

“Spend your money where you spend your time.”

You can take whatever system works for you, but as long as you have a plan
or you’re breaking it down into these five or more elements. That’s what works
in T Harv Eker’s principle. He has a Play Jar; he has an Education jar. He also has
something called long long-term savings for spending in an LTSS account. He
says managing your money allows you to eventually create financial freedom
so that you never have to work again.

The goal is that you should be able to create a business model in such a way
that you have more money going towards wealth creation. Then as the wealth
increases, charity can remain the same, the general will decrease. You can
increase your operational costs, as it is more like an investment. The more you
invest in the business, the more your business will grow. For example, initial-
ly, I spent X amount on advertising, and now I’m spending at least 10 X of that
amount on ads.

But correspondingly, my revenue is increasing too. So operational costs for

your business, you should be aiming at least 3-5 X. That means if your opera-
tion cost is, say, Rs.1 lakh in your business per month, you should be generating
Rs. 3 lakhs per month in total revenues. So if your operational costs are Rs. 5
lakhs, then it’ll cater to all your other expenses.

The best way to structure your finances and your bank account from a digital
business perspective is to have these different bank accounts, bank account
numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. That’s five other bank accounts. Operations and receiv-
ables can be the same. All my Facebook ads, my tools, everything happens
from my receivable account.

How Should I Manage My Money
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

I only have one debit card for all my business expenses. I do have credit cards,
but I don’t use them that much. From an accounting perspective, I prefer ev-
erything to be intact.

That’s how I’ve been managing the money, and it’s working like a dream for me.
I’ve grown my business 100X in 14 months by having a rational attitude towards
allocation and dynamic money management without being emotionally at-
tached to money. Money is just a form of energy. If you use it properly, you’ll get
more of it. If you give in charity, you’ll get more of it. Another tip is to get a good
auditor who can work well with you. Find somebody who’s quick at pulling up
reports and quick at making things happen for you.

To further organize your finances, there’s a good website by Intuit,

com. You can reach your goals with personalized insights, get customized bud-
gets, track spending and monitor subscriptions all for free. You should check it
out - Mint, they also have a really cool mobile app and stuff like that, where you
can track all of this stuff.

You can link your different bank accounts and even your corporate bank ac-
count. So once you have done this, you can go into the transactions where you
can have separate tags that you can create, like TWCGO or whatever. You can
create as many tags as you want and then you can set the budget. So let’s say
you want to run a monthly budget for yourself. Let’s say the rent budget for this
month is Rs.20,000. I’m going to put in Rs.20,000 and set this as a budget. Anoth-
er budget is for, let’s say bills, and utilities amount to say Rs.20,000. So you put
this here and you have set the budget for the month, you can set the budget
for the coming months. Once you’ve added your accounts, you can track all
your expenses and check whether you’re meeting the budget within this par-
ticular tool itself. Then you can look at trends like where do you spend more?

You can look at spending by category, merchant, or your income, over time,
net income. Because this data is being pulled in from all the banks into this par-
ticular system, it becomes so much easier for you to track. And the best part is
this is free. It’s really, really awesome.

Besides this, you can also add any kind of investment account that you have.
You can link your portfolio to track how your investments or mutual funds are

In your overview tab, you can see everything in one goal, your bank accounts,
all your insights, trends. You’ll be able to see everything in one view itself, where
you can track everything in one place.

If you’re having money problems right now, my suggestion is to stick with me.
How Should I Manage My Money
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

There’s a lot more that I can share. Money management is just one part of what
I talk about, but my core topic is Wealth Creation in a Knowledge Business.

So stay connected, attend my webinars and make sure that you follow all my
systems. I look forward to sharing more proven strategies like this practical one
that can help you grow in your business.

I want to give you a couple of action steps. The first action step is for you to go
to to connect with me on Facebook. I have a Facebook group
with over 90,000 people. They’re all experts, knowledge givers, teachers who
stay connected over that.

The second action is I want you to go to I will teach you how to
make money, how to make three lakhs per month, and how you can sell your
knowledge and expertise. That’s what I’m going to share with you when you
come from my masterclass.

The third thing, which I would like you to do is join my Telegram group with more
than 9,000 people where I post my latest updates. I have a Facebook group,
every time I launch a new podcast or something brand new, you’ll get a notifi-

If you want to learn more about building a knowledge business without any of-
fice or employees, please go and check out my formula, You’ll
see how 7,000 people implement my model to build a super, super successful
knowledge business within 90 days.


How Do I Create Multiple Streams
Of Income Online?

I just shared the money management concept; now, let’s get to the mon-
ey-making solution. How does one create multiple streams of income online?
My methodology, the MSI model - again was given to me by my mentor. MSI
stands for multiple streams of income model or the ecosystem model. The
multiple streams of income model works like this:

1. Digital Products: I first tell my students to create their own digi-

tal products. If you are in my student community, you know what
I mean. If you’re not in my community, hop into my next webinar,
and I’ll tell you more about it. I train people to take their knowledge
and make it into irresistible online courses they can sell. According to Forbes
research, the e-learning industry will become a $325 billion industry by 2025.
This is the first industry that I wanted to capitalize on, which is the e-learning

2. Affiliate Marketing: The second billion-dollar industry is the af-

filiate marketing industry. Initially, I made my first real money by
earning $100,000 in commissions selling other people’s products.
Affiliate marketing is a booming industry where you can create re-
curring cash flow. Your product helps you gain authority, affiliate products help
you get cash flow, and you can become an affiliate of many different kinds of
products. For example, I’m an affiliate of various tools.

I have at least ten additional income streams through tools such as ClickFun-
nels, BlueHost, GetResponse, Convertkit, Clickmagick, and many other streams
from essential tools for business.

If anyone goes through my courses and buys those tools, I get 30%- 40% com-
missions on those. So affiliate income helps me create cash flow, and my prod-
ucts help me gain authority.

3. Franchising: I have a franchise model and now offer licensing

for people who want to use my courses along with theirs; it’s a high
ticket model, which is Rs. 1 lakh and above. As you gain more author-
ity, you can offer one-to-one coaching or a high-ticket program.

So your products can start at, say, Rs.5,000- Rs.10,000. You can start selling your
products. Affiliate marketing is more about recommending things. Again, you
How Do I Create Multiple Streams
Of Income Online?

can recommend the smallest of the small tools, which is $15 from GetResponse,
even going up to high ticket courses. I promote a course by my mentor called
Internet Traffic Academy, a $2000 course, and I make a 50% commission. It’s like
$1000 per sale. I recommend I don’t dictate or command or even ask people to
buy. As people go through my courses, I suggest it, and those interested go for
it. I make multiple streams of income coming through that as an affiliate.

You can structure your income streams in this way. Set up your systems; once
you know exactly how to build it into the internet, build it into an ecosystem,
and you’ll see each one will start to feed itself.

For instance, Apple is an ecosystem. First, you buy the phone. Now the iPhone 13
is just launched, and everyone is super excited about it. Some people may be
buying it for the first time in their life.

Little do they know that they’re going to be buying the other products down
the line because once they buy the phone and look around the app store, then
purchase the MacBook Pro, and soon enough, they’ll get the iMac. I’m a classic
example of somebody who’s hooked into the ecosystem. I’m in the Apple eco-
system with the iPhone, the computer, and the Apple watch I have right here. I
can’t get out of it that quickly now I’m so comfortable with it.

Similarly, if you’re able to create an ecosystem built around you, and you have
all these MSIs that talk about your products or affiliate products and coaching
built into it, that’s going to be an incredible ecosystem that you can create for

If you ask me, the best way to start is to create a mini-course of your own, but
affiliate marketing is one of the fastest ways to make money, provided you pick
a product you have used that aligns with you. One of my golden rules is never
to promote any product as an affiliate unless you’ve used it yourself. If you have
not got the results yourself, don’t simply promote it just because it’s a launch
How Do I Create Multiple Streams
Of Income Online?

that’s happening, or it’s an incredible tool or something like that.

The next question is how to start doing this the right way? Start on the journey
with affiliate marketing, as this is the fastest way for you to begin to create
some cash flow. Then you can start to reinvest that back into traffic.

1. Step one: You’ve got to set up your money machine. I know of no other course
that teaches you exactly how to accomplish this as efficiently as this. The one
that I want to recommend to you is number one in the world. This is the one that
helped me breakthrough. It’s a paid program called the Four Percent Success

The blueprint that I got from my mentor Vick is this one: it’s called the Million
Dollar Conversion Model. There are different elements to the million-dollar con-
version model. There are many elements to this model. You need to first master
the game of traffic. You need to have an opt-in page. You need to have your
internal traffic, which is your list, a pre-framed funnel, your hub, and a product
to sell, whether it’s your product or somebody else’s product.

I went through it, and in the first 30 days, I underwent a massive transformation
in understanding how each system works. Within 90 days of implementing the
Success Challenge plan, I achieved $25,000 in sales in a single month. As you
scroll down you’ll see one of my video testimonials there. I think
I’m the only Indian that’s featured as a video testimonial on that page.

2.Step two: Once you have set up all your systems, and once you have created
that ecosystem of your own, the second step is to master the game of traffic
and conversions because when all your systems are set up, all you need to do
is focus on traffic and conversions. Focus on driving more visitors to your webi-
nars and then efficiently selling your products in the webinars.

As people go through the products, the other affiliate streams open up inside
them. Once you go through this, you will learn about the traffic system because
Vick talks about the three traffic levels. You have fast traffic, which is influencer
media, 24-hour traffic, social media display, PPC.

Then you have level two traffic, which is strategic scale traffic, like CPA traffic
media, traffic media X, and then your domination traffic, which is perpetual
traffic machine, syndicate traffic, and ultimate traffic media. With all of these,
you need to have your retargeting pool, landing page, email list, and a whole
data aggregation system.
How Do I Create Multiple Streams
Of Income Online?

This may seem a little complicated for some of you who may be new to this, but
this is the journey that you need to go through.

The first step of your journey is to understand how systems work and build the
systems independently. Once it’s set up, you get into mass traffic and drive an
insane amount of traffic to your offers or your products. In essence, you want
to build a super profitable business online without any office or employees in a
digital business. To manage your money in this formula, TWCGO, you need to
be good at creating that money first. There’s a high chance you will be able to
expand and grow your business in a much better way.

Visit this link and watch the video, where Vick talks about ev-
erything you need to start and grow a six-figure affiliate marketing business,
step by step. If you have no product, zero experience, and nobody knows you,
go check it out. If you’re not into affiliate marketing, if you’re entirely zero in the
space, at least start managing your money in these five different buckets. Once
you start managing your money better, getting more disciplined, it’s not going
to be emotional anymore. Once it is systemized, you’ll begin to see your money
compounding. You’ll have the flexibility to buy more things and do more things.
I’m a minimalist; I prefer multiplying wealth, reinvesting.


How Do I Face Financial Challenges
As A Digital Entrepreneur?
When I started my journey in this online business, I had just Rs.500 in my bank
account. My wife was pregnant, and I pawned her gold jewelry to invest that
money into courses. Because of her sacrifice, I learned so much and then start-
ed up a business. I’m going to be diving into six core areas of dealing with mon-
ey challenges because, let’s face it; money challenges will strike everyone at
some stage in their lives.

Every successful business owner has gone through money challenges, wheth-
er raising money for their business or coming up with seed capital, expansion,
or even money just to get started.

I need to break through some of those limiting beliefs that we may have so that
you don’t look at this as a challenge but an opportunity to get more creative
and make things happen for yourself. I’m going to break it down into six areas.

1.In the first place, you need to understand the root cause of why you are hav-
ing a money challenge at all. Most people who have difficulties with money
find it comes from two or three aspects of the root cause. The first root cause
is your relationship with money. Maybe you have a particular ideology about
money. Maybe when you were growing up, your parents or someone told you,
money is not good. Money is the root of all evil. You should not be greedy. You
should not be chasing it.

Once you grow up, you’re probably thinking, why is that money not coming into
my life? All those seeds that have been planted while you were young, about
money being the root of all evil, is what is manifesting in your life. At a subcon-
scious level, you may have put barriers between yourself and money.

The first part is understanding your upbringing and your programming about
money. Everybody has a money blueprint inside their mind, but the beauty of
it is that you can change that blueprint. That’s why when anybody buys my
Freedom bundle course, the first thing I do is work on their system because you
cannot install new programs of prosperity on an operating system that’s out-
dated and that has viruses on it.

If you have come from a lower middle class or middle-class family, the whole
aspect of money is very conservative. Like, you know, don’t spend too much,
don’t leave the fans on, switch off the lights in the rooms, conserve money, save
money for tomorrow. All of these are pretty much part of the middle-class and
lower middle-class mindset when it comes to money. So it’s the same thing
when you start a business, and once you’re starting to make money, some of
these ideologies would pop in there. But if you’re born in an abundant world,
let’s say you’re coming from an affluent family where there was a lot of money.
There was a lot of abundance in your life. Then your view of money would be
very different. People look at money through the lens of their upbringing, the
How Do I Face Financial Challenges
As A Digital Entrepreneur?
way they’ve been brought up in early life.

That’s the first point I want to share with you; it doesn’t matter where you’re
coming from. I want to give you a system today on how you can start to get
more disciplined with money, when they don’t value the money irrespective of
your background. We are all aware that on both sides, there are pros and cons.
The ones with the middle-class mindset sometimes don’t take those risks to
grow in their business. On the other hand, those with the abundance mindset
sometimes blow the money on things that can damage their lives when they
don’t value money.

I’ve seen both sides of the coin here, and I understand the ups and downs of
business cycles.

2.Now, the other reason why you may not have money in your life right now is
mismanagement of money or poor management of money, or maybe suc-
cumbing to temptation. You just go and buy stuff. Perhaps you are too tight-fist-
ed with money, or you feel you’re too spiritual for money, and you feel like there
are things beyond money and things like that. But you know what, even for
charities and temples and mosques and churches, you need money to run the
show. Remember, money is just a form of energy, and you need to think about
how you’re managing money.

3.The other reason why you may not be having money, or you may be having
money challenges, is because you’re just comfortable. What I mean by that is
you just want to remain in your comfort zone. You’re probably in a job and don’t
want to start something new that can create additional revenue streams for
yourself. It’s when you’re not moving, and you’re not doing stuff, that you go into
a state of inertia, where there’s zero growth.

I’d like you to understand that money is just an idea. When I open my wallet and
hold a note in my hand, this is just paper. This is paper money, and paper mon-
ey doesn’t mean anything if you think about it.

Yes, we use it for transactions, but it is, after all, paper. Originally notes were
being printed based on the gold standard of how much gold was worth in a
How Do I Face Financial Challenges
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

particular nation. But today, the whole economy has changed. It comes back
to the main point that money is an idea.

You do not have money for these three reasons; the first reason is your nega-
tive programming in your childhood, and the second is the mismanagement of
cash currently. Thirdly, you’re not finding creative ways to generate that money
for yourself.

4. The next way to deal with your money challenges while growing your online
business is by getting a mentor and going through a mentorship program. In
this case, your mentor is going to be your accountability partner. Seek out the
one person you resonate with and want to surrender to. Then do exactly what
he says because the beauty of having a mentor is that you can stop the old
ways of thinking and start acting based on your mentor’s advice.
That is the whole purpose of having a mentor, coach, or somebody who can
guide you step by step. You need to find a mentor or a money management
coach, or a financial coach, somebody who cares for you, not about pushing

5. Be a part of a more significant community. Right now, the Internet Lifestyle

Hub is a fantastic community. We have thousands of people right now who
are going through different courses. We have meetup groups all over India,
and people can find accountability partners in different parts of the country to
support each other.

It doesn’t have to be just this, but if you’re able to be a part of a community

where you can find like-minded people who are good with managing money,
it’s automatically going to help you deal with the money issues.

6. Marketing. You have to be good at marketing and selling. If you look at money
as just a form of energy, money is just the medium of transaction. I teach peo-
ple to create their digital products and create their courses to sell these digital
courses by mastering the game of marketing. Once you are good at selling
and marketing, you will have control over your economy. Finances are more
about managing the money, but eventually, you will have control over your

How Do I Face Financial Challenges
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

economy. For me, every month is a very predictable month, and when I know
that a hundred people are attending a webinar, I’m going to be making $1,500
from one webinar. Once you start growing those skills, you will be in a much
better position to generate that money and cash flow for yourself, where you
won’t have any more money challenges in your life.

7.You need to be good at investing your money and multiplying your money.
You can invest your money into different kinds of asset classes. Find a good
advisor who can help you with this. In my case, I invest my money into multiple
areas, so I do have a portfolio manager for mutual funds. I don’t even look at it,
and I’m not going to look at the investments I make for the next 10 - 15 years. I’m
only looking at long-term investing. I’m not a day trader, and I don’t get into dai-
ly stock trading. Or you can choose to invest in gold and silver, which are signif-
icant investments that you can liquidate when needed. Even diamonds are a
great form of investment. Of course, diamonds do not have such an enormous
variation in price. It’s been kind of consistent over the years. Gold is something
that goes up and down, but invest in these kinds of asset classes.

I also consider investing in my email list as one of the asset classes because I
spent a lot of money on marketing. I allocate at least Rs.2-3 lakhs per month. At
this point, investing in leads makes sense, as leads are the lifeline of my busi-

The more I keep putting into it, the more it will compound and help me grow
my business. Investing in your tools, in your advertising, or your Facebook lead
generation is a form of building digital assets.

8.You can also invest in yourself. I’m talking about investing in your education,
buy the appropriate courses. Now, once you’re in my coaching system, I’ll be
guiding you on what to buy, what not to buy, and where you just have the cor-
rect information to take the right action. In my case, even now, I do buy courses.
I do attend events. I do invest in my learning because if you’re not investing in
your learning, you will not grow. As T Harv. Eker says, if you’re not growing, you
are dying. You have to constantly keep at it, reinvent yourself frequently, and
add new tools to your skills. Expand your knowledge, expand your income and
expand your impact as well.

To recap,
◊ Identify the root cause of your money challenges.
◊ Develop simple money management habits.
◊ Get a mentor and surrender to his teachings, and follow that path. Stop try-
ing to figure it all out on your own.
◊ Be a part of a community because your environment is more potent than
your willpower.

How Do I Face Financial Challenges
As A Digital Entrepreneur?

◊ If you’re surrounding yourself with wealthy people who manage their money
well, who’re making smart investments, you’ll automatically take to it like a
fish to water.
◊ Excel at marketing and sales. Once you can sell an idea, your concepts, and
your products, you will control your economy.
◊ The best way to deal with your money challenges is to keep investing back
into things that can expand and grow, be it gold, silver, tools, and digital as-
sets that can help you multiply your money.
◊ Finally, invest in yourself and always stay updated.

To sum up, if you have the mindset of a business owner, you will always find
ways to get money to grow a business because you’re always thinking in terms
of investing for expanding your business in the future. But if you have the mind-
set of an employee, you will look at this whole game as losing money or unnec-
essary expenses. There is no way that you can get out of this trap. You’ll be so
tight-fisted that you won’t make any decisions, and you’ll be stuck.
A quote I resonate with says:

You cannot do the same things and expect different results in your life.

You have to make those changes. You have to start moving. You have to put
yourself outside your comfort zone for you to make this happen.

If you are struggling with money, the only reason you’re having difficulties with
money is because of the thinking that got you into the situation. The only way
for you to get out of this situation is to change your mindset, follow these steps,
and make things happen for yourself.

I would highly recommend that you hop into one of my webinars by going to If you genuinely want to live a lifestyle of freedom, come and
meet me live. I do these live webinars every week, and I’m going to be showing
you the system that I’ve built, literally from scratch, to touch over $100,000 in
revenue sales within nine months, selling digital courses and online coaching
systems. If you want to learn how to build a business without any office or em-
ployees, which is super profitable, I want to see you in my webinar.

I’m coming out with some compelling concepts that can help you live a better
and prosperous life because I’m on a mission to help a hundred thousand peo-
ple live a lifestyle of freedom, leveraging the power of the internet.


How To Become Rich: Three Steps
Self-Made Millionaires Follow
Here I’m going to oversimplify the entire aspect of wealth creation, as there is
some confusion about the difference between wealth creation, wealth multi-
plication, and financial planning.

A quick disclaimer here, I’m not a financial planner or a wealth advisor. Through
my practical life experience, I’ve grown from a small middle-class family to
now achieving multiple millions of dollars online, mainly because of my atti-
tude towards money and learning from people making money.

“The more your money works for you, the less you have to work for money.”

I’m not learning from people who are wealth advisors. I’m learning from people
who are millionaires. I learned from my mentor, Vick Strizheus, whose income is
a staggering $1 million per month. He spoke about a concept called get, man-
age, multiply. How do you get money? How do you manage money? And how
do you multiply that money?

I want to tell you how to approach it; what should be the strategy for getting
money, what should be the strategy for managing money, and what should
be the strategy for multiplying money,

All these require a different strategy. I want to give you my perspective and tell
you what works for me. If you feel that this works for you, you can use it. If it does
not work for you, you can just scrap it.

The first point is how you earn money. You could be an employee with an in-
come source. You may be running your own business, or, you may be a free-
lancer. I’m not talking about making money in stock markets. That is the mul-
tiplying money part; it’s not earning money. You can get money through the
stock markets, but that is the place where you need to have some money to
invest into, and you’ve got to multiply that money. People get confused about
how to make money through stock markets. They get into this whole game,
and they realize that they need the seed capital for it.

The First Step: You need to equip yourself so that you can earn money first.
Making money is nothing but a value exchange. Whether you’re working in a
company right now, and you’re getting a salary. It only shows that the company
values you, and the value exchange that happens is they pay you an X amount,
a CTC, whatever you’re going to be getting from that company monthly, that is
the value to the company.

The more value you add in the marketplace through a job or a business, the
greater extent to which you will make or earn money. For example, the CEO
of Google, Sundar Pichai, earns multiple millions per month; that’s his pack-

How To Become Rich: Three Steps
Self-Made Millionaires Follow

age because that is his value to the company and the company’s value to the
world. He’s the world’s ultimate employee.

Then there are business owners, like Warren Buffett, who is a money multiplier.
Richard Branson with many ventures and businesses. He started with Virgin
Music, then Virgin Air, many other subcategories of a conglomerate creating
value. When there is that much value exchange, then you can make that kind
of money.

Now, how do you add value to the marketplace? First, you have to add val-
ue to yourself. The best investment in the world is not investing in the capital
markets, gold, or real estate. It is investing in yourself because the exponential
growth or ROI you can get when investing in yourself can never be measured
on any scale used for traditional investments.

For example, I’m not a college graduate. I don’t have any degree next to my
name, but going from a middle-class family to achieving these kinds of finan-
cial results for myself and the members of my community, had a lot to do with
personal development and personal growth.

There’s a beautiful quote by Jim Rohn. He says

Formal education will make you a living, but self-education will make you a

Only you can fix this part. If you are currently in a situation where you do not
have enough money in your bank account, you only have to look at yourself

How To Become Rich: Three Steps
Self-Made Millionaires Follow

and reflect and ask yourself what value you are providing in this world. If you’re
working in a company and not getting a salary hike, ask yourself that same
question. Why are you not getting a salary hike? Is it because you are not add-
ing more value than expected? It’s only when you over-deliver value that you
start to see the needle move.

The Second Step: How do you manage your money? I know many people mak-
ing very good money, but they’re extremely poor at money management. They
go and splurge. They just buy stuff and end up wondering, where did the mon-
ey go?

Just making money or knowing how to make money is not enough. The system
I learned from my mentor, the TWCGO formula, works well for money man-
agement. I have detailed my allocation earlier. Divide your income into these
categories as best suits you; tax, wealth, charity, general and operational. You’ll
find you can be emotionally detached from money, and managing money will
become a system. Money is a form of energy. How you use that energy matters
the most, and the best way to manage the energy is to create a system.

Briefly, 30% goes towards tax, by default. A minimum of 10% goes towards multi-
plying wealth, stock markets, crypto, or other assets classes. I recommend 10%
should go towards charity, after taxes. Next a general account for household
expenses, rent, fuel, groceries, school fees, holidays, insurance for the family.
Plus a business operation account for buying tools, learning and advertising.
I asked my wife to manage the entire thing. She uses YNAB (You need a budget)
to track and put all my budgets in place. The thing I spend a lot of money on is
Apple products, Montblanc pens. Once in six months, I splurge on toys that I like,
but I have very few clothes for myself. My household expenses I keep as mini-
mum as possible for living expenses.

The Third Step: Multiplying money. Only when you have sufficient discipline in
the first two steps, adding value and creating a system, should you move to
step three.

How do you multiply money? There are different modalities and many reasons,
and there are many paths to achieving the same goal. You can start with a
bank deposit, about 4% interest currently, or you can move into liquid funds,
stock markets, cryptocurrency, gold and silver, real estate. I look at this game
because I first need to manage my money correctly and allocate the expenses
in my business; next, I find ways to incorporate my expenditures as business
expenses to save on taxes and then whatever is in the wealth bucket into mul-
tiplication methodology.

I do value investing, long-term investing, nothing to do with day trading. I think

How To Become Rich: Three Steps
Self-Made Millionaires Follow

long-term, at a five-year plus window, which I don’t want to touch right now.
I just want to keep building and building. That is how Warren Buffett has also
built his Bat Cave. Now you go and look at Warren Buffett’s net worth graph,
type that in Google, and go and see his chart where he started investing at 14;
now, he’s in his late 80s and is one of the wealthiest people in the world. Why?
Because he doesn’t get emotional about wealth creation. He doesn’t look at
the stock market as a game. He looks at everything as a business; he invests
in Apple, Verizon, Kraft-Heinz, all these different companies that are growing.
That’s where his money’s going.

If you have a challenging situation in your financial situation, you need to work
on step one. When you don’t have the capital to invest, you’re going to waste
your time over there. First, you have got to think about how you can add value.
If you want to learn how to add value to the marketplace, please jump into my
next live session. If not, buy my course. You can go to, you can join
my community. We are over 10,000 plus people where I will help you start the
first part of the process on how you can add value to the marketplace. Once
you’re a part of my community, I will teach you, step by step, how to launch
yourself. We will work on the first part of the puzzle, which is how do you earn
more money. Once you’re inside the system, I will teach you how to manage
your money. Multiplying money is not my core domain expertise, but I can help
you earn money by adding value to the marketplace.

Go to this link, if you’re not part of my community yet. If you are
already a part of my community and want to upgrade yourself, move on to
the next level. I have different levels of programs in my community. Just up-
grade yourself because the more you upgrade yourself continuously, invest in
yourself, your learning, your personal growth; to that extent, you will see wealth
manifest in your life.

I said this is an oversimplified version of wealth creation based on my personal

experience, you may have a different view about this, and I respect that. This is
what works for me, and that’s what I’m here to share.

The next question is how to start doing this in the proper order to get the best

The first step is you need to master the game of traffic generation, especially
on the internet. If you want to master this game and create multiple income
streams on the internet, you need to master traffic. The second step is you
need to master the game of conversions, getting people to pull money out of
their wallets to buy your products or your service. When you master traffic and
conversions, you can apply this model to any number of businesses that you
may have in your mind.

How To Become Rich: Three Steps
Self-Made Millionaires Follow

But first, take part in a survey to see if you fit into this model, In
the end, it takes you into an automated webinar. It’s a one-hour training where
I go in-depth on the evolution of an expert, the four-stage funnel, and the three
secrets that helped me achieve this result. In case you’re interested, make that
decision to complete the purchase. Once you’re part of my community, you
can actually see all of this live in action. You can see it as a work in progress
where several people engage and comment. This way it’s becoming a move-

This is not something to be taken lightly. It is a system where you can create
an impact in this world. If you wish to make that impact, this is the method that
you need to follow.

I’m turning businesses into a mission here. My dream is to turn this assignment
into a digital ecosystem where people work within the community while creat-
ing high incomes.


What Is The Best Way To Make Rs.
3 Lakhs Per Month?

I’d like to share some thoughts on how you can make Rs. 3 lakhs per month as
a digital coach.

How does it work? First of all, let me just tell you that it is possible. It does not
matter where you’re coming from, and it does not matter what your past is. It
does not matter where you are, but you can surely make Rs. 3 lakhs a month. I
used to be stuck at Rs. 1 lakh per month for a long, long time until I made a few
shifts in my thought process. My results went from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs.1.5 per month,
then the following month, Rs.2.5 lakhs, then Rs. 4.5 per month. I even hit Rs. 1
crore in a gle month selling digital products.

Now, this transition happens over time, and it requires a different state of being
for you to get there.

Step One: The first concept I want to tell you is that if you’re going to make
massive shifts in your life and take a quantum leap in your income, relation-
ships, and health, you need to understand one fundamental truth. You cannot
achieve all this because your life as you have been living it thus far dictates
your current environment.

By remaining with your current persona, there is no way that you can achieve a
quantum leap. The hard truth is that the different tools, techniques, hacks, and
software that everyone in the digital industry talks about are only a tiny part of
the game. I want to open up and tell you exactly how to make that quantum
jump in the next 90 days.

Your current situation is determined by the current character or persona that

you have. If you have to make a 10 X jump, you have to envision yourself as a
different persona and personality. I’m not saying that you have to change as a
person completely. Some people say, no, you should never change; you should
stay where your roots are. But if you look at any successful person, the results
have come when they have changed fundamentally and become something
more than they were.

The results only come when you evolve into something much bigger. When
I look back in time, the way that I thought, the stuff that I would consume, the
conversations that I had with people, it’s very different right now. At the most
What Is The Best Way To Make Rs.
3 Lakhs Per Month?

basic level, I’m here to tell you that you need to be open to change. You need
to permit yourself to play the bigger game. And there’s a deeper-rooted issue
to this.

The deeper issue is that many of us want to conform to society’s norms. We

want approval from either our parents, grandparents, or father figures, any-
body who’s influenced our life. You don’t want to be better than them subcon-
sciously, even at an income level. Perhaps this is due to the Indian culture and
the respect given to our elders.

I have around 4,000 people in my core group right now, and I’ve done more than
400 one-to-ones with people who want a breakthrough in their life. At least 50
of them have made that quantum leap within a span of three to six months.
You can check out their success stories on my YouTube channel, where I in-
terview them in the Hall of Fame. I found that people cannot make the jump
in their income level because they want to conform to either their parents or
father figures out of due respect. They don’t want to show that they’re bigger
than them.

I had to make peace with myself on this point and accept that it’s okay to be
making much more money than my dad ever did. I was stuck at that level for
many years because I respected my father; I didn’t want to exceed his income
level. It’s weird, but that’s how it works. The first step is permitting yourself to
play the bigger game. It starts there.

Then you need to set a new vision for yourself; you want to make your family
proud of you. You need to accept that you can prosper based on your inten-
tion, why you are doing this.

Step Two: Start expanding your awareness which will get you out of your com-
fort zone. Do the Myers-Briggs test at There are many
other tests, such as DISC profiling, wealth dynamics, and Enneagram. When
people do a personality analysis or a DISC profiling, they are told that they are
a particular personality type but wrongly believe that they will be that person-
ality type forever.

If you want to make a quantum leap, first do the16 personalities test. It’s a free
What Is The Best Way To Make Rs.
3 Lakhs Per Month?

test. People are either analysts, diplomats, sentinels, or explorers. Once you
know what your personality type is, start to do the opposite. So if you’re an in-
trovert, be outgoing and speak to more people; if you’re an extrovert, begin to
get more reclusive and sit in one place and think. Only when you change the
patterns of your current situation in your life can you create a massive shift in
your life.

In my case, that quantum jump, month on month on month, has been through
conscious pattern shifts, conscious challenges. When I feel I’m doing the same
thing every day, I decide to shake it up and do something different. If you are
traveling to the office on a particular route, try going a different way. If you write
with your right hand, try doing it with your left hand. Make a shift in a pattern
because you have to expand your awareness, start to learn new things to ex-
pand your thinking. If you passionately dislike a particular subject, try and un-
derstand that. It’s a counter-intuitive approach because then you will start to
have a different worldview of things.
You’ll start to expand your awareness. You won’t be comfortable. If you imple-
ment this straight away, I’ll tell you for sure in the next 90 days; you are going to
see a massive shift in your life.

The degree of shift can vary depending on your intensity and what kind of in-
come you want to achieve.

Step Three: if you want to make big money, you need to find a big problem to
solve with your talents. I have a few students in my community who feel that
their years of experience in a particular field will enable them to make money.
My only answer to them is, people don’t care about all those years of experi-
ence. They want to know whether you can solve their problems.. If you have
30 years of experience in a particular field, but when there’s no problem that
you’re solving, that’s a losing formula. That’s just your bloated ego, and you’re
not going to make money. I have gotten so much feedback from the market
when I do one-to-ones. I get to know what my community wants precisely, and
I have to help them based on their needs. The bigger the problem to solve, the
bigger the money. Look at Amazon, which has solved one of the biggest prob-
lems in the retail industry. Now with a few taps on your phone, you can buy
whatever you want without having to step out of your home.
Similarly, Uber and Airbnb are solving a big problem. Apple is a status symbol;
What Is The Best Way To Make Rs.
3 Lakhs Per Month?

people who buy it feel they think differently. Their entire campaign started with
that ideology of giving people something which they want to own. Please un-
derstand that if you’re going to make a significant shift, you want to make a
quantum jump in your income level, you have to break through these patterns,
and you have to look at a big problem that you can solve. If you can’t fix the
problem immediately but still wish to tackle it, you’ll figure out how to upgrade
your skills and solve the problem eventually.

In my case, the big problem that I wanted to solve is this whole corporate cul-
ture. For me, it is all about providing people an alternate way to live their life.
I lived my life driving three, four hours in traffic in Bangalore, and then grind-
ing it, coming back home exhausted. Why should life be like that? I didn’t have
much time for the family. My first son was growing up and was just three years
old. When I left in the morning, he would be sleeping. When I came back in the
night, he would be sleeping. I was chasing the money just to pay those EMIs. For
me, the fundamental shift in how I started to approach my business and the
reason I’m able to make big money right now is that I understood there’s a big
problem out there that needs to be solved with an alternate lifestyle.

Now I work from home, and I teach people to build businesses without needing
an office and employees; I have an automated agency and a team running it.
The whole aspect of creating an alternative reality is what has given me that
leverage because there’s a big problem over there. So the fundamental princi-
ple is you want to make a lot of money, you need to find a big problem to solve.

Step Four: You have to create a winning formula to solve that problem. It may
not happen overnight. Today I have a winning formula where anybody, irre-
spective of their background, can come into my coaching system and achieve
it in 90 days if they put in the effort.

But what is that winning formula? I discovered it through trial and error. I start-
ed selling digital products through affiliate programs. Then I began to sell my
products. As I was selling my products, I discovered people wanted some more
support. I added a layer of coaching into it and that expanded into group
coaching. Then I started to create communities around it, and I ultimately built
an ecosystem.

What Is The Best Way To Make Rs.
3 Lakhs Per Month?

All this happened in just 14 months because of the laser-like focus. Once I fig-
ured the problem, I started to adapt it, developed through multiple iterations.
I began to get feedback and improved the formula, and now it’s become so
much more predictable. It is better than what it was four months back, and one
year from now, it’s going to be even better. The key is to discover the big prob-
lem and focus on the niche that you’ve picked.

Step Five: Craft your big solution into digital products. Don’t just sell products,
but create a community because this is the fundamental difference between
just selling e-learning products, randomly doing transactional business online
versus creating movements. We’re creating a revolution, the Freedom Business
Model. If you’re already in my community, this is what you’re doing.

Step Six: You need to start mastering skill sets. For the digital age as a digital
coach, you want to make Rs. 3 lakhs per month, you need to be good at these
skill sets: traffic generation, lead generation, building your email list, converting
the sale.

For conversions there’s webinar selling; you can do one-to-one selling of your
product or your service. Copywriting is another skill you must master. It’s all
about words. Even though I’m doing powerful videos, I can speak fluently be-
cause I have studied marketing material minutely. I know the right language to
use for the context for the digital space, the social space, the email space, the
Facebook ad space, and the blogging space.

Step Seven: Next comes digital tribe building. Once you start mastering and
tweaking each part of the process, you will be in a position to create money
on demand. I’m at the stage where I have my products and I’m mentoring and
coaching many people right now.

What Is The Best Way To Make Rs.
3 Lakhs Per Month?

I created a model called the Freedom Business Model because the problem
that I’m trying to solve is that I want to help people achieve freedom in their
lives by creating an alternate way of earning money.
The model that I’m talking about works because first, I mastered traffic gen-
eration and the whole aspect of webinars. I do a lot of webinars; about ten a
month, and I sell through my webinars. The revenue from there is about Rs. 25-
30 lakhs. For every rupee I spend on advertising, we’re able to pull out three to
four rupees in terms of return on advertising spends.

Step Eight: Strategic scaling. I’m now at the stage where I’m looking at my num-
bers and looking for ways to bring down my cost per lead. Based on what I just
shared with you, you’ll have better leverage when you build a digital ecosys-
tem mode because you do not need an office for this. You do not need any
employees. You need to just ride on automation and systems and try to perfect
these eight steps.

If it were a physical product with office space and employees, your overhead
expenses would be 30 to 40% plus manufacturing and distribution costs. In-
stead, with a digital model, you’ll be playing a marketing game, looking at how
you can bring down your cost per customer acquisition and the overall mar-
keting cost, yet adding more value. When you can successfully reduce costs,
you’re looking at exponentially increasing profitability.

The Game Plan: If you’re serious about achieving your goal of Rs. 3 lakh a month
I suggest you purchase my course and watch the first video in the Freedom
Business Model. I actually gave a game plan and have a hop, skip and jump
approach. For the first 10 days, you need to get very clear on the problem that
you’re solving, your niche and your products.

Then for the next 30 days, you have to set up your systems and then for 90 days,
you can achieve your freedom number. What is your freedom number? Jump
into my YouTube channel and take a look at the Hall of Fame. It’s where I inter-
view people who have shown amazing results. I have a lot of success stories.

When you have the right intention, if you permit yourself and want to expand
your awareness, if you’re going to solve a big problem, if the intention is pure,
people will buy your products for what you stand for.



1 Digital Coach Blueprint 13 Demio

11 Part Video Course Webinar System

2 Digital Coach Masterclass 14 WebinarJam

Register For Live Session Webinar System

3 Freedom Budget Blueprint 15 EverWebinar

One-Page Business Plan Automated Webinar System

4 Freedom Bundle 16 Teachable

Join The Community Learning Management System

5 FourPercent 17 Calendly
Join The Community Appointment System

6 Consulting Accelerator 18 ClickFunnels

Top Notch Consultant Training Funnel Building System

7 NameCheap 19 ClickMagick Link

Buy Your Domains Here Tracking System

8 WPX Hosting 20 Zapier

Best Wordpress Hosting Automation System

9 Bluehost 21 MightyNetworks
Wordpress Hosting Private Network Platform

10 ConvertKit 22 Instamojo
Email Marketing System Payment Gateway (India)

11 GetResponse 23 RazorPay
Email Marketing System Payment Gateway (India)

12 Flodesk 24 Stripe
Email Marketing System Payment Gateway (Global)


25 PayPal 37 Telegram
Payment Gateway (Global) Messenger Chat

26 CollectChat 38 Mint
Website Chatbot System Personal Finance Tool

27 ManyChat 39 YNAB
Facebook ChatBot Personal Finance Tool

28 Vimeo 40 Attract IO
Private Video Hosting eBook Creation Tool

29 Wistia 41 Zoom
Private Video Hosting Webinar & Meeting Tool

30 Digital Market 42 Canva

Freelance Marketplace Image Editing Tool

31 eCamm Live 43 InShot

Video Streaming Video Editing App

32 ScreenFlow 44 Typeform
Video Editing Tool (Mac) Survey and Data Collection App

33 Camtasia Disclaimer: Some of the links are my affili-

Video Editing Tool (Windows) ate links. I make a commission if you decide to purchase them

34 Mindnode
Mind Mapping Tool (Mac)

35 Garageband
Audio Editing Tool (Mac)

36 UseProof
Social Proof Tool

Ten Things Not To Do

A person chasing money and security believes that they should be paid a lot
for doing very little. Then comes the stress, demands, complaints, and selfish
behavior. If someone is obsessed with getting rather than giving, they cannot
serve anyone in any valuable way. After learning from my mistakes earlier in
my career, I’m not in the position where I have to chase after money every
month. It comes to me because of the value that’s being created.

If you’re not in a good financial position right now due to various situations in
the world, there is a way out. I’ll try to share as much valuable information as
possible. I learned a lot through my journey, from struggling to make ends meet
to being in a comfortable position now. Believe me; there was a time that there
were more days in the month than money in my bank account. I’ve been in
those situations, and now there is abundance and value that’s been created.

I don’t even think about acquiring money now, but since the value is created,
the system is designed, the byproduct is only making more money. If you want
to get wealthy, I’ll give you a straightforward formula to overcome the situation.
So let’s understand all the concepts one by one:

1. The first concept I want to share with you is this; money is just an idea. I re-
alized money is all in your thoughts; it’s in your head. You can create a mon-
ey-making concept and generate a money-making plan by using your mind.

For example, just before Black Friday, I came up with an idea and tried this out
for the community last year. This Black Friday too, I came up with the concept
that my income spiked in just a single day.

Your mind is magical, and if you use it the right way, you’ll be able to create any
kind of financial impact in your life because money is just an idea.
Ten Things Not To Do

2.The second concept I want to share with you is that money is an exchange in
value. Like people say money is a scorecard in a business, whereas vitality is a
scorecard in health. Love is a scorecard in relationships. Money’s a scorecard
in business. If you are in business right now and cannot see enough money,
that means there’s something wrong with your entire system. What are you

If you believe that money is an exchange in value, the extent to which people
can see the merit in what you’re offering them is the extent to which you’re go-
ing to see that represented in your bank account. It’s as simple as that.

3. The third concept is you have a money thermostat. This is what I learned
from T Harv Eker. He says

The single biggest difference between financial success and financial failure
is how well you manage your money.

Each of us has a thermostat inside our heads regarding how much money we
want to make. There’s always the next level that you can go to. Some of the
most prominent billionaires in the world had gone broke and have bounced
back and made more billions than ever before because they were at that ther-
mostat level.

You have the power in your mind to increase the thermostat if you want by
following a few rules, just as every game has its own set of rules. If you’re going
to play cricket, there are rules on doing well and winning the game. In football,
basketball, or snooker, there is a set of rules.

Over time, I’ve learned that there are ten things you should never do. These
mistakes can cause even the wealthiest person to go broke. I’m going to share
with you the rules, which are NOT going to help you become rich.

The counter-intuitive approach or the negative side of the wealth game is what
I want to share. Look at all the statements which are negative and make them
into positive messages.

Let’s understand what this is. This will be exciting, and you will know exactly
where you stand in all these ten different must-not rules when it comes to be-
coming wealthy.

◊ The first thing is, don’t pay yourself first every single month.

If you want to stay broke, then whatever money you’re making, just buy the
stuff you want. The wealthiest people paid themselves first. I learned this from

Ten Things Not To Do

Robert Kiyosaki as well as Napoleon Hill. George Clason talks about it in his
book, The Richest Man in Babylon. I read this in Thou Shall Prosper by Daniel Lap-
in. There are so many books about paying yourself 10% first, but you should not
touch that money at all. I always pay myself first. If you want to go broke, don’t
pay yourself first.

◊ Spend money on habits that damage your health so that you can spend
even more money trying to fix your health.

If you can invest and move your money towards things that will help you, you’re
going to be becoming wealthier.

People who waste their money by smoking, drinking, drugs, habits, any sub-
stance where they’re abusing their body in the name of recreation are the
ones who are going to spend more money and even lose that money by pay-
ing hospital bills later. So it’s far better to be sensible than sorry.

◊ Spend on all the get-rich-quick schemes on the internet.

Just enter, how to make money online, in Google. In seconds you’ll find hundreds
of those opportunities that will come your way. I learned this the hard way be-
cause I’ve spent a lot of money on schemes like this, which never worked for
me. Why? Because the intent with which I bought that product was the wrong
intention, I wanted to get rich quick, and that possibility simply does not exist.
One day I finally surrendered to my mentor, who patiently explained that get-
ting rich is an exchange in value and people need to see the value. It’s a process.
When I looked at this as a long-term game, everything started to change. My
advice to you is, don’t fall for any kind of marketing message that says, there’s
this push-button software, you’ll make money fast. Anything that promises re-
sults without any effort is suspect. How can anyone make so much money in a
few days without even lifting a finger? Stay far away from such promises be-
cause that is the wrong approach to start the game of creating wealth.

Just Google Warren Buffett’s net worth; you’ll see his graph where he consis-
tently built his wealth long-term. Just in the last decade, he’s hit billion dollars
of exponential growth. Look at the curve from age 14 to 80. This is a long-term
game. It is not a short-term get-rich-quick thing.

◊ Get into an EMI trap and go and buy a house right now because the interest
rates are low at the moment.

If you go and book a place emotionally without really understanding what’s

going on, you’ll get into an EMI trap and end up working for a long time just to
fulfill that monthly nightmare.
Ten Things Not To Do

I’m sure countless people are in this trap right now, where they paid the down
payment and got into an EMI schedule. Now with the pandemic situation in the
world, they’re struggling to pay those EMIs when they don’t have money to buy
necessities for their family.

We rent a house but pay very minimal rent compared to buying that house
and paying the EMI. It makes sense to own assets in the form of commercial
properties when you’re getting an income from it by way of rent.

You need to understand the difference between an asset and a liability. Ac-
cording to Robert Kiyosaki, an asset is something that would put money in your
pocket. A liability is something that takes money out of your pocket. If you’re
buying a house and living in it, that means it’s not an asset. It is a liability be-
cause you are paying for that.

Whereas if you buy a property and get rental income out of it, that becomes an
asset. According to Robert Kiyosaki, you should create enough assets to cre-
ate passive income and let the passive income pay for your house. Then that
makes sense. One of his quotes I love is

“Making money is common sense. It’s not rocket science. But unfortunately,
when it comes to money, common sense is uncommon.”

If you only have limited income coming in and choose to buy a house, you’re
getting into an EMI trap. You’re going to be working for the rest of your life. You’ve
lost your freedom, but on the surface, the world thinks you own a house. Deep
down, only you know how much money you’ve got, how little cash flow flexibili-
ty you have. Debt is good when it comes to growing your business, but getting
into debt for a liability will take away your freedom. I’m never in favor of that.

• Apply for the credit card with the highest credit limit, and max it out on
anything you desire.

There are a few people who know how to use credit cards wisely. They accu-
mulate points and get all kinds of awards after they maximize their spend on
credit cards. But I know most people just keep collecting credit cards. They keep
accumulating debt. And then, they use one credit card to pay the other credit

This goes on like one big circus where they have sleepless nights, get threaten-
ing phone calls asking them to pay up, or else. The CIBIL scores keep falling, and
this has a massive impact on their financial life.

Ten Things Not To Do

It’s best if you can cut those cards and throw them away. Just have one card
you use only for emergencies and expenses, but live within whatever you can
create as a cash flow. Never buy something which you cannot afford.

Why am I telling you this? I’ve been through all of these mistakes. That’s why I do
not want any one of you to go through that kind of pain. If you’re going through
that trauma, it’s time to get real right now, time to wake up.

◊ Where can I get the best deal? Let me go and shop there immediately.

Don’t be lured by the offers and deals, and start to think about what you really
need. I’ll buy something if I know it will add value to my life, I’m not chasing af-
ter the deal. Yes, we have a Black Friday deal; I also do it in my community to
make people take action. I don’t care whether there’s a 50% off sale. If I need
something, I don’t mind paying the price. In case there happens to be a deal on
it, perfect.

If I buy something, I like to buy quality stuff. I don’t want to hold too many things.
I keep wearing the same few Nike shirts that I have. I just have maybe five, six
shirts and three to four pairs of jeans. That’s it. A couple of shoes, one pair of
slippers enough, what more do I want? Don’t chase deals and mindlessly shop.

◊ Go and invest in things that you do not understand.

Now, many people watch webinars and are fascinated by cryptocurrency.

They have no idea how it works, but they just go and put money on that, the
stock market or Forex trading. It’s like a gold rush that someone tells you, hey,
just put money in. There’s no problem. We’ll figure it out later. You don’t under-
stand what you’re getting into, and you put money in, but they don’t. You end
up losing money. I’ve lost money like that.

I know countless people are going through it right now. The purpose of this
book is to give you that awareness to change your financial situation in the
next three to six months.

◊ Go and buy a car that you cannot afford because it’s a status symbol.

Just to show off to the world that you have a fancy car. Most of us are work-
ing from home most of the time, and then you have Uber to go from point A to
point B. Get a car if you can make it into a business expense that gets paid off
when you’re paying taxes after those expenses. Then it makes sense to pick it
up, but still, it is not an asset.

Ten Things Not To Do

A car is a liability because the day you buy the car and take it out of the show-
room, it’s already depreciated. If you want to go broke, go and buy cars, which
you cannot afford so that you can keep washing it every day in the garage
without driving out anywhere so that you can tell the world that you own this

◊ Do not give to charity regularly.

If you want to stay broke consistently, do not give to charity regularly. That will
keep you broke. It needs to be a regular donation, not a one-off. In my case,
for more than two years now, before the fifth of every month, all my charities
go out. I support maybe four to five charities consistently. I feel like giving, but
I have a separate bank account for the charity itself, and I swipe that card for
charity. I don’t think twice, or if there’s money in that account. I send it to the
charity and it’s a very non-emotional allocation game. Giving has to be con-
sistent. It has to be a priority. After all, you are letting go of money because you
want to. My mother says you’ve got first to give that which you wish to receive.

If you’re not able to give charity or are very tight-fisted with money, there will
never be a flow of funds back into your life. If money is not flowing out of your
charity mindset, you can never expect it to rush back to you. It’s like a circle; it’s
the law of reciprocation of the universe.

It doesn’t matter how much you give to charity. You want to give Rs.50, or
Rs.100,000, it’s up to you. I have a 10% rule; 10% of my revenue goes to a charity
after paying taxes.

Sometimes I give more than that. What is the use of all this money? Once you’re
creating enough cash flow, if you’re living in India, Rs.2,00,000 per month is
enough to live in a decent neighborhood. It’ll take care of all your household
needs if you’re somebody who does not have expensive habits, who’s not par-
tying and blowing money on expensive substances and stuff. My whole ap-
proach is very different. So for me, my living expenses are very low, but with all
the surplus that there is, it’s only going towards giving, creating more and more
flow in life in terms of money. Once you can operate at this level, your entire life
becomes a mission. The whole reason to make money becomes all the more
exciting because there’s more of a giving competent, and it makes the entire
thing so much more awesome.

◊ Be attached to money itself and not interested in giving value.

The wealthiest people in the world are the ones who have the least attachment
to money. They are more focused on value creation because the money will
take care of itself when you’re creating more value. If you shift your focus away
Ten Things Not To Do

from money-making and focus on creating value and providing outstanding

service to your audience, you’ll notice your bank account is filling up. That is
how it works. The more you are attached to or chase after money, the more
money will run out, run away from you. I learned this from my granddad. When
I was very young, he said, never be attached to the money itself. Instead, be at-
tached to the value that you can create, and money will automatically follow

Money has to follow you. You cannot chase after it. I had this mind shift when I
didn’t have much money. It has to start when you do not have money or are not
in an ideal financial situation. When I understood these concepts and began to
think about them differently, everything changed. When you can change your
inner game, the outer game will also change. Your inner world is a represen-
tation of your external world. Everything is connected. If you’re able to change
your thinking about money and how you’re going to use it, you will see chang-
es in the external world. Many of you would have heard of this. It seems like I’m
preaching to the choir over here, but I just want to reiterate that attachment to
value creation is more important than attachment to money itself.

I’m going to give you a simple formula on how you take this and put this into
an efficient implementation where you can make the following year your best
year financially. There are three parts to the whole game of money. And this is
what I learned from my mentor.

Ten Things Not To Do

The first part is how do you get money? The second part is how do you manage
money? And the third part is how do you multiply your money? Now you need
first to understand how to get money. There has to be a value creation process.
Maybe you start a business or upgrade yourself with new skills to be more valu-
able in your workplace, or you can become a freelancer and create some kind
of a value exchange where people are ready to pay you money for either skill
or product, or a service.

You need to get good at selling your product and service, which is a part of the
getting money process.

Once the money is coming in, you need to manage your money well. Use the
TWCGO formula. You can work out the numbers based on your current situa-

Initially, your general and operational costs will be high. Charity and wealth,
maybe at the lower end. Tax will always remain the same. I teach my com-
munity members that they need to open up different bank accounts for tax,
wealth, charity, general, and operations when they start their online business.
It helps you manage the money better. So if you know your monthly household
budget that is X amount for the month is overshooting, it’s easy to cut back.
This is because everything is not mixed into one account.

Now, the next part is, how do you multiply your money? So once you are good
with managing your money, you can multiply your money by investing in gold
and silver, liquid funds. There are so many different vehicles of investments
available, and depending on your capacity, risk appetite, and age, you can de-
cide to what extent you want to invest. All my investments come out of this
wealth bucket. Right now, my wealth bucket is more than 10% because I have
something called an FFA, like a financial freedom account.

And then I have something called LTSS, long-term savings for spending. If I want
to buy something later, then I put that into this particular bucket. My number
may not be 10%. It’s more than that. The investing you do has to come from the
wealth account. The problem with people today is they don’t have this kind of
money management system. They put all their savings in some sort of invest-
ment; they get wiped out if that goes bad.

The money multiplication will happen if you’re more disciplined with the money
you already have. I’m confident that if you implement this, your life is not going
to be the same.

We are on a level playing field right now. It does not matter where you come

Ten Things Not To Do

from. All that matters is where you want to go. If you’re able to change your
mindset, your views about money, and managing money with these principles,
your life is not going to be the same. I truly wish prosperity, wealth, and abun-
dance in your life because when you’re able to create that kind of wealth and
abundance in your family, you can help so many other people, and do so much
more charity. You could do that with more flexibility, more freedom, and you’ll
be able to operate and live a life where you look forward to each day. This will
not come from a big salary package where you’re not fulfilled, but it comes be-
cause you are doing something you love.

If you want to be in that situation where you can call your own shots and have
a lifestyle of freedom, here’s your next step. Here are three options.

Option #1: If you want to go to one of my free pieces of training on how I’m
helping many people to learn how to build a super solid digital business with-
out any office or employees. This is more to do with the value creation process
of starting a business on the internet as a digital coach. Then I would like you
to go to this link, and register for that training. It’s a 30 minutes
training session. And at the end of the training, I offer my course and you can
buy my course and you can get into my community called the internet lifestyle

Option #2: You can join my group on Facebook. I have a VIP group on Facebook
on this link,, and go and join my VIP group on Facebook.
I share a lot of insights. I have a lot of case studies of my students who are get-
ting phenomenal results, and I keep sharing those interviews there.

Option #3: If you want to directly buy my course without having to go through
any other training, and if you’re able to see the value in what I’m offering over
here, just go to, there’ll be a special discount code. That’ll keep
changing from time to time, apply that code, grab the best offer that I have for
you for that particular course and get in.

I’m here to tell you, whatever I’ve shared with you comes from my personal ex-
perience, through making all those mistakes over the years. I come from a very
typical middle-class family. I did not have any big financial backing and I start-
ed from scratch. I got some support initially from family members and slowly
moved my way up, set up my own agency, ran it along with my co-founder.

We recently sold that company to BNI. I was able to find my calling in serving
people, supporting people, and creating the next breed of digital features. If you
can resonate with this vision of being a digital leader, mentor, or coach, you can
take your knowledge and monetize it by helping out those who want to learn. If
you’re still not following me on YouTube, you can go to where I
Ten Things Not To Do

have something called the Hall of Fame. I interview people who have created
financial results for themselves very fast. I also do a free live masterclass, sidz.
co/freedom. Think about your ideal lifestyle situation, where you would live, how
much you would earn and how you can achieve that. Be very clear about this.
Don’t go with the flow. Once you know the Why, the How will be revealed.

Your next logical step is to get into my community. Or if you want to meet me
live, you can even do that. Get into the community; we have over 10,000 plus
members from all over the world. You can go to Watch the videos
of the case studies, and I’ve created more than 15 crorepatis; many many have
made Rs. 5-10 lakhs in three to six months. Make the decision and get started. I
have an exceptional offer if you’re really serious and you want to get in and the
price is going to be increasing very soon.

If you’re not in my community, get started. I have a bundle of courses called the
freedom bundle, and you just need to follow that. You don’t have to reinvent the
wheel. If you want to get to know more about what I’m doing in life, attend my
live session, go to and you can attend my next live webinar.

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