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Oral Manifestations in Patients with COVID-19: A Living Systematic Review

Article  in  Journal of Dental Research · September 2020

DOI: 10.1177/0022034520957289


28 520

8 authors, including:

Juliana Amorim dos Santos Ana Gabriela Costa Normando

University of Brasília University of Campinas


Graziela Canto Norberto Nobuo Sugaya

Federal University of Santa Catarina University of São Paulo


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JDRXXX10.1177/0022034520957289Journal of Dental ResearchOral Manifestations in Patients with COVID-19

Clinical Review
Journal of Dental Research
Oral Manifestations in Patients with © International & American Associations
for Dental Research 2020

COVID-19: A Living Systematic Review Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0022034520957289

J. Amorim dos Santos1, A.G.C. Normando1,2, R.L.Carvalho da Silva1,

A.C. Acevedo1, G. De Luca Canto3, N. Sugaya4, A.R. Santos-Silva2 ,
and E.N.S. Guerra1

This living systematic review aims to summarize evidence on the prevalence of oral signs and symptoms in patients with COVID-19. The
review was reported per the PRISMA checklist, and the literature search was conducted in 6 databases and in gray literature. Studies
published in any language mentioning oral symptoms and signs in patients with COVID-19 were included. The risk of bias was assessed
by the Joanna Briggs Institute appraisal tools. The certainty of evidence was evaluated through GRADE assessment. After a 2-step
selection, 40 studies were included: 33 cross-sectional and 7 case reports. Overall, 10,228 patients (4,288 males, 5,770 females, and 170
unknown) from 19 countries were assessed. Gustatory impairment was the most common oral manifestation, with a prevalence of 45%
(95% CI, 34% to 55%; I2 = 99%). The pooled eligible data for different taste disorders were 38% for dysgeusia and 35% for hypogeusia,
while ageusia had a prevalence of 24%. Taste disorders were associated with COVID-19 (odds ratio [OR], 12.68; 95% CI, 6.41 to 25.10;
I2 = 63%; P < 0.00001), mild/moderate severity (OR, 2.09; 95% CI, 1.25 to 3.49; I2 = 66%; P = 0.005), and female patients (OR, 1.64;
95% CI, 1.23 to 2.17; I2 = 70%; P = 0.0007). Oral mucosal lesions presented multiple clinical aspects, including white and erythematous
plaques, irregular ulcers, small blisters, petechiae, and desquamative gingivitis. Tongue, palate, lips, gingiva, and buccal mucosa were
affected. In mild cases, oral mucosal lesions developed before or at the same time as the initial respiratory symptoms; however, in those
who required medication and hospitalization, the lesions developed approximately 7 to 24 d after onset symptoms. Therefore, taste
disorders may be common symptoms in patients with COVID-19 and should be considered in the scope of the disease’s onset and
progression. Oral mucosal lesions are more likely to present as coinfections and secondary manifestations with multiple clinical aspects
(PROSPERO CRD42020184468).

Keywords: gustatory dysfunction, coronavirus infections, meta-analysis, oral-systemic disease(s), systematic reviews, evidence-based

Introduction lung; Zou et al. 2020). Therefore, cells with ACE2 receptor
distribution may become host cells for the virus and cause
Recently, a global pandemic burden has emerged by the inflammatory response in related organs and tissues, such as
human-to-human transmission of a novel coronavirus disease the tongue mucosa and salivary glands (Wang et al. 2020; Xu,
(COVID-19). Since the outbreak in December 2019, COVID- Li, et al. 2020; Xu, Zhong, et al. 2020). SARS-CoV-2 interac-
19 has affected >11,301,800 people (World Health Organization tion with ACE2 receptors may also impair taste bud sensitivity,
2020b; Zhou, Yang, et al. 2020). The most common symptoms which could induce dysfunctional gustatory responses (Mariz
are fever and dry cough and in some cases shortness of breath,
dysosmia, and dysgeusia (Guan et al. 2020; Lechien et al. 2020 1
Laboratory of Oral Histopathology, Health Sciences Faculty, University
[see Appendix References 1]). Most human cases of COVID- of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil
19 are mild (80%), while 20% of infected patients may develop 2
Oral Diagnosis, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas, São
severe disease, and 5% may become critically ill and develop Paulo, Brazil
pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome, which 3
Brazilian Centre for Evidence-Based Research, Department of
requires mechanical ventilation and intensive care unit hospi- Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
talization (Epidemiology Working Group and Chinese Center Stomatology Department, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo,
São Paulo, Brazil
Current research shows that coronavirus invades human A supplemental appendix to this article is available online.
cells via the receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) Corresponding Author:
through scRNA-seq data analyses. The study identified the E.N.S. Guerra, Health Sciences Faculty, University of Brasilia, Asa Norte,
organs that are at risk and are vulnerable to severe acute respi- Brasília, DF 70910-900, Brazil.
ratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection (e.g., Email:
2 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

et al. 2020). Available evidence has not yet established an effi- The inclusion criteria were defined via the PECOS strategy
cient and safe pharmacologic therapy against COVID-19, and and consisted of observational studies that investigated the
the potential ones are related to several adverse reactions prevalence of oral disorders in patients with COVID-19. For
(Godinho et al. 2020; National Center for Biotechnology taste disorders, only cross-sectional studies were considered.
Information 2020). However, for oral mucosal lesions, case reports were included,
Therefore, COVID-19 acute infection, with associated ther- given the lack of available data until this time. There were no
apeutic measures, could contribute to adverse outcomes con- language or publication time restrictions. Dysgeusia, hypogeu-
cerning oral health. The oral signs and symptoms related to sia, and ageusia represented the taste disorder subtypes.
COVID-19 are taste disorders, unspecific oral ulcerations, des- Infectious opportunistic lesions (fungal, viral, and bacterial)
quamative gingivitis, petechiae, and coinfections such as can- and autoimmune and inflammatory lesions (stomatitis, gingi-
didiasis (Amorim dos Santos et al. 2020; Cebeci Kahraman vitis) were considered disorders of the oral cavity, as were sali-
and ÇaŞkurlu 2020; Martín Carreras-Presas et al. 2020). vary gland disorders and other oral signs and symptoms in
However, it is still uncertain whether these manifestations mucosal tissue.
could be a typically clinical pattern resulting from the direct
SARS-CoV-2 infection or a systemic consequence, given the
possibility of coinfections, impaired immune system, and Information Sources and Search Strategy
adverse reactions of medical treatment (Cox et al. 2020; Electronic search strategies for the following bibliographic
Dziedzic and Wojtyczka 2020). databases were developed (Appendix Table 1): Embase,
Since the prevalence of clinical manifestations is still LILACS, Livivo, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. An
unknown, the range of COVID-19 manifestations on the oral additional search in the gray literature was performed, includ-
cavity has been considered of broad and current interest. The ing Google Scholar and OpenGrey, as well as a manual search
emerging approach of a living systematic review (LSR) enables across reference lists of included studies. The search included
continuous surveillance of recently published studies through all articles published until June 6, 2020, across all databases. A
periodical searches to include new relevant information, espe- software reference manager (EndNote X7; Thomson Reuters)
cially in a topic that is constantly updated (Elliot et al. 2017), was used to collect references and remove duplicate articles.
as in COVID-19 context. Therefore, the objective of this LSR The same search strategies will be run on every update.
was to provide a comprehensive up-to-date summary of oral
manifestations in patients with COVID-19 by reviewing all
relevant observational studies to answer the following ques- Study Selection
tion: What is the prevalence of oral signs and symptoms in The selection was completed in 2 phases. In phase 1, two
patients with COVID-19? authors (J.A.S. and A.G.C.N.) independently reviewed the titles
and abstracts of all the references through Rayyan software
(Ouzzani et al. 2016) and selected those appearing to meet the
Materials and Methods inclusion criteria, and the remaining were discarded. The third
Protocol and Registration author (E.N.S.G.) was involved when required to make a final
decision. In phase 2, the same selection criteria were applied to
A systematic review protocol based on PRISMA-P (Moher the full-text articles to confirm those studies that reported the
et al. 2015) was developed and registered at the International prevalence of oral conditions in patients with COVID-19. The
Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) same 2 authors independently participated in phase 2. Reference
database under registration CRD42020184468. The present lists for all included articles were critically assessed by 3
LSR was reported according to the PRISMA checklist authors and the new articles selected for selection analysis. Any
(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- disagreement in either phase was resolved by discussion and
analyses; Moher et al. 2009). mutual agreement among the 3 authors. The final selection was
always based on the full text of the publication.
Study Design and Eligibility Criteria
Data Collection
This is an LSR with meta-analysis to assess the prevalence of
oral manifestations related to COVID-19. The COVID-19 Initially, the first (J.A.S.) and second (A.G.C.N.) authors col-
research has been evolving quickly; therefore, the “living” lected the required information from the selected articles.
design is adequate to ensure emerging evidence incorporation as Then, the third author (E.N.S.G.) cross-checked the collected
it becomes available (Elliot et al. 2017). The review’s data will data and confirmed its accuracy. Again, any disagreement was
be updated every 6 mo over the next 2 y to maintain dynamic resolved by discussion and mutual agreement among the 3
results and conclusions. For this purpose, 5 mo after publication authors. The experts were involved as required for a final deci-
and after every update, the search will be retaken, and we will sion. When the necessary data could not be completed, attempts
take at most 1 mo to apply the review process for study selection, were made to contact the authors to retrieve the missing
data collection, risk of bias, and synthesis of results. information.
Oral Manifestations in Patients with COVID-19 3

Risk of Bias within Studies mucosal lesions. This assessment was based on study design,
risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and other
The risk-of-bias assessment was independently evaluated by 2 considerations. Evidence quality was characterized as high,
authors (J.A.S. and A.G.C.N.) using the Joanna Briggs moderate, low, or very low (Atkins et al. 2004; Murad et al.
Institute’s Critical Appraisal Checklist for Studies Reporting 2017). GRADE was assessed per
Prevalence Data (Munn et al. 2015) and Critical Appraisal
Checklist for Case Reports (Moola et al. 2017). The third author
(E.N.S.G.) was consulted in case of disagreements. Decisions Results
about scoring were discussed by all reviewers before critical
appraisal assessments, and a study was characterized as having Study Selection and Characteristics
a high risk of bias when it reached a “yes” score of up to 49%, In the first phase, 1,688 records were identified from databases,
moderate when 50% to 69%, and low when >70%. and after removal of duplicates, 1,211 references remained for
title and abstract screening. After all records were evaluated, 75
Summary Measures articles were selected to the second phase. A full-text reading
was conducted, and 35 studies were excluded according to pre-
The main outcome was the prevalence of oral manifestations. defined eligibility criteria (Appendix Table 2). Thereafter, 40
The outcomes were divided into 2 groups: taste disorders and studies were selected for synthesis (see Appendix References
oral mucosal lesions. For taste disorders, secondary outcomes 1), of which 33 were cross-sectional appraising taste disorders
were the prevalence of different disorders (dysgeusia, hypo- and 7 were case reports assessing oral mucosal lesions. A flow-
geusia, and ageusia), as well as associations between taste dis- chart detailing the process is presented in Figure 1.
orders and COVID-19 positivity, severity, and patients’ sex. The included studies were distributed worldwide, wherein
For oral mucosal assessment, secondary outcomes included the 57.5% were performed in Europe, 25% in Asia, 12.5% in North
clinical presentation of the lesion and its diagnosis hypothesis, America, and 5% in South America (Table 1, Appendix Fig.
based on whether it was a coinfection, an autoimmune and 1A). All studies were published between March and June 2020.
inflammatory manifestation, or a primary sign of SARS-CoV-2 English was the only publishing language.

Risk of Bias within Studies

Synthesis of Results and Statistical Analysis
Risk-of-bias assessment in individual studies is summarized
Qualitative synthesis was conducted by grouping and compar- in Table 1 and detailed in Appendix Table 3. Case reports and
ing data reported in the included studies regarding primary and cross-sectional studies were evaluated with the appropriate
secondary outcomes. The meta-analyses of taste disorder pro- checklist for each study design (Munn et al. 2015; Moola
portions were performed via cross-sectional studies through et al. 2017).
the MetaXL 5.3 add-in Microsoft Excel software. The overall
prevalence of gustatory disorders and the individualized analy-
sis for disorder subtypes (dysgeusia, hypogeusia, and ageusia) Synthesis of Studies
in patients with COVID-19 were expressed through relative or A total of 10,228 patients with COVID-19 were included in this
absolute frequencies and 95% CI. The association analyses of LSR. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for detec-
taste disorders and COVID-19 positivity, severity, and patient tion of viral RNA and serologic assays for detection of IgG/IgM
sex were generated with RevMan 5.4 (Nordic Cochrane antibodies were the most employed methods for COVID-19
Centre). The outcomes were measured using the dichotomous confirmation (Appendix Table 4). Taste disorders were relevant
analysis of odds ratio (OR), considering 95% CIs. The I2 test symptoms as compared with data on overall signs and symp-
was used to calculate statistical heterogeneity, which defined toms in patients with COVID-19. Smell dysfunction was exten-
whether a fixed (I2 < 50%) or random (I2 ≥ 50%) effect model sively reported in the included studies assessing taste disorders,
should be applied. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was per- and its prevalence varied from 4.9% (Romero-Sánchez et al.
formed to ascertain if the studies with a high risk of bias inter- 2020) to 69.8% (Vaira, Hopkins, Salzano, et al. 2020) in patients
fered with the final result of the meta-analysis. with COVID-19. At least 14 studies included in this LSR
reported a higher prevalence of taste disorders in comparison
Certainty of Evidence with smell dysfunction. Descriptive characteristics of patients
with COVID-19 and associated details are provided in Table 1
The GRADE instrument (Grading of Recommendation, (for details of diagnosis test for COVID-19 and treatments
Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; Guyatt et al. 2008; applied, see Appendix Table 4).
Murad et al. 2017) assessed evidence quality and grading of All cross-sectional studies appraised gustatory outcomes
recommendation strength in all studies included in the quanti- (Table 2), from which 10,220 patients were identified (4,283
tative and qualitative synthesis. The certainty of evidence was males, 5,767 females, 170 unreported). Almost all studies diag-
rated for taste disorder prevalence and associations and for oral nosed taste disorders through in-person, online, or phone call
4 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

Figure 1.  Flow diagram of literature search and selection criteria adapted from PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-

questionnaires, except that by Vaira, Hopkins, Salzano, et al. Table 3. Just 7 studies assessed 8 confirmed COVID-19 case
(2020), who conducted a standardized and validated test using reports (5 male and 3 female).
prepared solutions (data provided in Table 2). Questionnaire
methods are subjective, and taste disorder subtypes (dysgeusia, Prevalence of Taste Disorders.  Taste disorders were assessed in
hypogeusia, and ageusia) were diagnosed according to the pro- all cross-sectional studies. The study sample sizes ranged from
fessional’s concept in each study, which may impair the quality 10 to 3,191 patients with COVID-19, of which 10,220 were
of data collection. Also, it is important to highlight that many considered in gustatory disorders assessments. The sample age
patients with smell disorders may complain of a loss of taste; ranged from 11 to 88 y. Considering that COVID-19 severity
however, <5% of them present a measurable taste impairment definition was variable among included studies, we grouped
(Hummel et al. 2011). nonhospitalized patients with mild/moderate cases and hospi-
In addition, oral mucosal lesions were presented only in talized patients with severe cases, according to categorization
case reports, and their characteristics are summarized in terms reported by authors (Table 1).
Oral Manifestations in Patients with COVID-19 5

Table 1.  Descriptive Characteristics of Included Studies (n = 40).

Age, y, Mean ± SD Risk of

Studya Design Sample, n (Range) COVID-19 Severity, % COVID-19 Signs and Symptoms Reported, % Biasb

Aggarwal (2020), CS 16, M:12, F:4 65.5 50 hospitalized, 50 Anosmia (19), arthralgia (25), chest pain (6), diarrhea (6), dry Moderate
United States ICU cough (88), dysgeusia (19), dyspnea (81), fatigue (50), fever
(94), headache (25), lightheadedness (19), nausea/vomiting
(13), sore throat (12.5)
Amorim dos Santos CR Case 1, M 67 ICU Bilateral diffuse hyperdense infiltrations in both lungs, Low
(2020), Brazil diarrhea, dyspnea, erythema in palatine tonsil region, fever,
geographic tongue, multiple pinpoint yellowish ulcers and
white plaque on the tongue dorsum, respiratory symptoms
Ansari (2020), Iran CR Case 1, F; case 56; 75 Hospitalized Fever, shortness of breath, and oral ulcers; dysphasia, Low
2, M hypoxia, and oral ulcers
Beltran-Corbellini CS 79, M:48, F:31 61.6 ± 17.4 Hospitalized Smell and/or taste disorders (39.2) Low
(2020), Spain
Bénézit (2020), France CS 68, NR NR Nonhospitalized Hypogeusia (62) and hyposmia (45) High
Carignan (2020), CS 134, M:64, F:70 57.1 (41.2 to 2.2 hospitalized Anosmia (51.5), anosmia and/or dysgeusia (64.9), arthralgia Low
Canada 64.5) (27.6), asthenia (77.6), blurred vision (4.5), chest pain
(26.1), chills (53.0), cough (72.4), diarrhea (44.8), dysgeusia
(63.4), dyspnea (41.8), fever (objective) (37.3), fever
(subjective) (34.3), headache (64.9), loss of appetite (56.0),
myalgia (56.7), nasal congestion (43.3), nasal drip (44.8),
nausea (29.8), rash (6.0), red eyes (0.7), sneezing (39.6),
sore throat (44.8), sputum production (29.8), vertigo or
dizziness (20.1), vomiting (6.7)
Cebeci Kahraman CR Case 1, M 51 Nonhospitalized Fatigue, fever, severe dry cough, smell and taste disorders, Low
(2020), Turkey sore throat, erythematous surface in the oropharynx and
on the hard palate, oral petechiae, and pustular enanthema
Chaux-Bodard (2020), CR Case 1, F 45 Nonhospitalized Mild asthenia, single ulcer on tongue surface, and an Moderate
France erythematous plane lesion on the big toe
Chary (2020), France CS 115, M:34, F:81 47 (20 to 83) 24 hospitalized, Cough (43), diarrhea (17), fever (61), headache (54), Low
4 ICU myalgia (50), odynophagia (18), rhinitis (22), smell or taste
disorders (70)
de Maria (2020), Italy CS 95, NR NR Nonhospitalized Diarrhea, dysgeusia, fatigue, influenza-like-illness with fever Low
(37.5 to 38 °C), myalgias, nausea
Dell’Era (2020), Italy CS 355, M:192, F:163 50 (40 to 59.5) Nonhospitalized Cough (47.9), diarrhea (19.7), dyspnea (21.7), fatigue (40.3), Low
fever (72.1), smell disorders (66.7), taste disorders (65.4)
Gelardi (2020), Italy CS 72, M:39, F:33 49.7 (19 to 70) NR Anosmia (11), breathlessness (47), cough (80), diarrhea (11), Low
dysgeusia (25), fever (86), headache (22), myalgia (18), nasal
congestion (7), nausea/vomiting (15), weakness (40)
Giacomelli (2020), CS 59, M:40, F:19 60 (50 to 79) Hospitalized Abdominal symptoms (8.5), ageusia (13.6), anosmia (11.9), Low
Italy arthralgia (5.1), asthenia (1.7), coryza (1.7), cough (37.3),
dysgeusia (15.3), dyspnea (25.4), fever (72.8), headache
(3.4), hyposmia (11.9), sore
throat (1.7)
Kim (2020), South CS 172, M:66, F:106 26 (22 to 47) Nonhospitalized Abdominal pain (2.9), anorexia (13.4), chills (18.0), cough Low
Korea (40.1), diarrhea (15.7), dizziness (18.6), dyspnea (4.1),
fatigue (26.7), fever (11.6), headache (31.4), hemoptysis
(0.6), hypogeusia (33.7), hyposmia (39.5), myalgia (31.4),
nasal congestion (34.3), nausea (4.1), pleuritic chest pain
(1.7), rhinorrhea (26.2), sore throat (18.0), sputum (39.5),
vomiting (1.2)
Klopfenstein (2020), CS 54, M:18, F:36 47 ± 16 37 hospitalized, Abdominal pain (28), anosmia (100), arthralgia (72), blurred Low
France 9 ICU vision (7), conjunctival hyperemia (4), cough (87), diarrhea
(52), dry eyes (4), dysgeusia (85), dyspnea (39), epistaxis
(11), fatigue (93), feeling of fever (22), fever (74), headache
(82), hearing loss (7), hemoptysis (6), myalgia (74), nasal
obstruction (30), nausea (35), rhinorrhea (57), sneezing
(33), sore throat (43), sputum production (22), tearing (7),
tinnitus (11), vomiting (6)
Kluytmans-van den CS 86, M:15, F:71 49 (22 to 66) 2 hospitalized Abdominal pain (6), chest pain (29), cough (77), diarrhea Low
Bergh (2020), or loose stools (19), general malaise (76), headache (57),
Netherlands loss of appetite or nausea (17), objective fever (53), runny
nose (53), severe myalgia (63), shortness of breath (38),
sore throat (40), subjective fever (12), taste disorders (7),
other (20)
Lapostolle (2020), CS 197, M:81, F:109, 44 (31 to 54) 8 hospitalized Ache/myalgia (44), ageusia (28), anorexia (22), anosmia (31), Low
France NR: 7 asthenia (52), chest pain (22), diarrhea (25), dry cough
(55), eye disease (5); fever (42), headache (50), hemoptysis
(2), nausea (18), pharyngalgia (22), rhinopharyngitis (13),
shortness of breath (40), vomiting (17)

6 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

Table 1. (continued)

Age, y, Mean ± SD Risk of

Studya Design Sample, n (Range) COVID-19 Severity, % COVID-19 Signs and Symptoms Reported, % Biasb

Lechien (2020), CS 417, M:154, F:263 36.9 ± 11.4 (19 Nonhospitalized Abdominal pain, anosmia, arthralgia, asthenia, cough, diarrhea, Low
Belgium, Canada, to 77) dysgeusia, dysphagia, dyspnea, ear pain, face pain/heaviness,
France, Italy, Spain, fever, headache, hyposmia, loss of appetite, myalgia,
Switzerland nasal obstruction, nausea and vomiting, postnasal drip,
rhinorrhea, sore throat, sticky mucus
Lee, Lockwood, CS 56, M:23, F:33 38 (31.8 to 47.2) 7.3 hospitalized Abdominal pain (12.5), anosmia (42.9), cough (66.1), diarrhea Low
(2020), Canada (35.7), dysgeusia/ageusia (57.1), fatigue (7.1), fever (46.4),
headache (17.9), hyposmia (12.5), nasal congestion (41.1),
rhinorrhea (26.8), shortness of breath (37.5), sore throat
(37.5), other (44.6)
Lee, Min, (2020), CS 3,191, M:1,161, 44 (25 to 58) NR Anosmia (12.19) and dysgeusia (11.06) Low
South Korea F:2,030
Levinson (2020), Israel CS 42, M:23, F:19 34 (15 to 82) Hospitalized with mild Abdominal pain (17), anosmia (33), chest pain (5), chills Moderate
symptoms (5), conjunctivitis (2), coryza (40), cough (69), diarrhea
(21), dizziness (21), dysgeusia (36), dyspnea (43), fatigue
(69), fever (88), headache (48), hemoptysis (2), myalgia or
arthralgia (57), nausea or vomiting (12), palpitation (12),
sore throat (31)
Liguori (2020), Italy CS 103, M:59, F:44 55 ± 14.6 Hospitalized Anxiety (33.01), auditory disorder (1.94), confusion (22.33), Low
nonsevere cases daytime sleepiness (33.01), depression (37.86), dizziness
(26.21), dysgeusia (46.60), fatigue (32.04), headache
(38.83), hyposmia (38.83), muscle ache (24.27), numbness/
paresthesia (5.8), sleep impairment (49.51)
Mao (2020), China CS 214, M:87, F:127 52.7 ± 15.5 Hospitalized 41.1 Abdominal pain (4.7), acute cerebrovascular disease (2.8), Low
severe and 58.9 anorexia (31.8), ataxia (0.5), seizure (0.5), cough (50.0),
nonsevere cases diarrhea (19.2), dizziness (16.8), fever (61.7), headache
(13.1), impaired consciousness (7.5), nerve pain (2.3),
skeletal muscle injury (10.7), smell impairment (5.1), taste
disorders (5.6), throat pain (14.5), vision impairment (1.4)
Martín Carreras- CR Case 3, F 65 Nonhospitalized Diarrhea, high fever, rashes on oral mucosa, rashes under Low
Presas (2020), Spain the breasts and other parts of the skin, including back and
genital area
Meini (2020), Italy CS 100, M:60, F:40 65 ± 15 NR Smell disorder (29) and taste disorder (41) Low
Mercante (2020), Italy CS 204, M:110, F:94 52.6 ± 14.4 NR Diarrhea (8.3), dizziness (21.1), dry cough (44.6), dyspnea Low
(5.9), ear fullness (10.8), ear pain (6.4), facial pain and/or
pressure (12.7), fatigue (22.6), fever (65.7), headache (15.7),
myalgia or arthralgia (9.9), nasal obstruction (34.3), nausea
or vomiting (5.9), postnasal drip (23.0), runny nose (35.8),
smell disorders (41.7), sneezing (32.3), taste disorders
(55.4), thick nasal discharge (14.2)
Merza (2020), Iraq CS 15, M:9, F:6 28.06 ± 16.42 86.7 mild, 6.7 mild/ Asymptomatic (40), chill (6.7), cough (46.7), fatigue (20), Low
moderate, 6.7 fever (53.3), rhinorrhea (13.3), shortness of breath (20),
moderate/severe smell disorder (13), sore throat (6.7), taste disorders (26.7)
Noh (2020), South CS 199, M:69, F:130 38.0 ± 13.1 Residential treatment Ageusia (22.6), anorexia (0.5), anosmia (26.1), asymptomatic Low
Korea care with mild (26.6), chest pain (3.5), cough (41.2), diarrhea (4.5),
symptoms fatigue (4.0), fever (19.1), headache (3.5), myalgia (17.1),
pneumonia (2.5), rhinorrhea/nasal stuffiness (30.2), sore
throat (7.5), sputum (20.6)
Paderno (2020), Italy CS 508, M:285, F:223 55 ± 15 (18 to 91) 58 hospitalized, 42 Arthromyalgia (50.4), asthenia (69.2), diarrhea (33.6), dry Low
and Sweden nonhospitalized cough (64.5), dyspnea (50), fever (89.5), headache (38.9),
nasal congestion (22.4), nausea (22.4), ocular discomfort
(16.7), pharyngodynia (21.2), smell disorder (55.7), syncope
(8.2), taste disorder (63.2)
Patel (2020), United CS 141, M:83, F:58 45.6 (20 to 93) 34.8 hospitalized, 65.2 Ageusia (63.1), anosmia (56.7), cough (72.3), diarrhea (31.9), Low
Kingdom nonhospitalized fever (75.7), myalgia (66), nasal congestion (42.6), shortness
of breath (61), vomiting (13.5)
Putra (2020), CR Case 1, M 29 NR Anosmia, back pain, dry cough, fever, myalgia, rhinorrhea, Low
Indonesia sore throat, pin and needles sensation, viral exanthema, and
stomatitis aphthous
Romero-Sánchez CS 841, M:473, F:368 66.42 ± 14.96 Hospitalized Anosmia (4.9), anxiety (8.1), asthenia (51), cough (76.7), Low
(2020), Spain 9.16 ICU depression (5.2), dizziness (6.1), dysgeusia (6.2), dyspnea
(75.7), fever (87.9), gastrointestinal symptoms (54.1),
headache (14.1), myalgia (17.2), syncope (0.6)

Oral Manifestations in Patients with COVID-19 7

Table 1. (continued)

Age, y, Mean ± SD Risk of

Studya Design Sample, n (Range) COVID-19 Severity, % COVID-19 Signs and Symptoms Reported, % Biasb

Sayin (2020), Turkey CS 64, M:25, F:39 37.78 ± 11.34 NR Chills (29.7), cough (43.8), fever (28.1), gastrointestinal Low
distress (17.2), headache (31.3), malaise (64.1), nasal
congestion (28.1), pneumonia (23.4), rhinorrhea (17.2),
smell disorders (67.1), taste disorders (71.8), other (18.8)
Sierpinski (2020), CS 1,942, M:773, 50 Nonhospitalized Diarrhea (24.2), lack of appetite (47), smell disorder (49.2), Low
Poland F:1,169 taste disorders (47.5)
Soares (2020), Brazil CR Case 1, M 42 Hospitalized Cough, fever, shortness of breath, petechia-like and small Low
vesicobullous lesions in the skin, and oral ulcerated lesion
and multiple reddish macules
Speth (2020), CS 103, M:50, F:53 46.8 ± 15.9 3.8 hospitalized, 18 Cough (68), fever (74.8), mucus production (35), nasal Low
Switzerland and already released of obstruction (49.5), shortness of breath (46.6), smell
United States hospitalization, 78 disorder (61.2), taste disorder (65)
Sultan (2020), United CS 10, M:7, F:3 NR (31 to 62) Hospitalized Confusion (10), cough (80), dyspnea (70), fatigue (30), fever High
States (90), gastrointestinal symptoms (30), myalgia (10), pleuritic
chest pain (10), taste disorders (10)
Vaira, Hopkins, CS 345, M:146, F:199 48.5 ± 12.8 (23 53.3 hospitalized Smell disorder (69.8), taste disorder (44.8) Low
Salzano (2020), Italy to 88)
Yan (2020), United CS 128, M:61, F:67 53.5 (40 to 65), 20.3 hospitalized Anosmia (58.5), cough (87.5), diarrhea (37.5), dysgeusia Low
States 43 (34 to 54)c (54.6), dyspnea (50), fatigue (70.3), fever (70.3), headache
(48.4), nasal obstruction (27.3), rhinorrhea (13.2), sore
throat (42.9), sputum production (15.6)
Zayet (2020), France CS 95, M:16, F:79 39.8 ± 12.2 (18 Nonhospitalized Anosmia (63.2), cough (78.9), dysgeusia (65.3), dyspnea Low
to 73) (42.1), gastrointestinal symptoms (56.8), headache (77.7),
myalgia and/or arthralgia (74.7), rhinorrhea (62.1)

CR, case report; CS, cross-sectional; F, female; ICU, intensive care unit; M, male; NR, not reported.
See Appendix References 1 for included studies.
Assessed by the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tools for case reports and prevalence studies.
Median: hospitalized and nonhospitalized.

After a sensitivity analysis, the 2 studies classified as high clinical aspects, varying in localization, size, color appearance,
risk of bias were removed from the meta-analysis (Bénézit and quantity. Patients presented blisters, ulcers, erosion, mac-
et al. 2020; Sultan et al. 2020). The overall prevalence of gus- ule, and plaques. Four patients presented oral mucosal lesions
tatory disorders was 45% (95% CI, 34% to 55%; I2 = 99%; in a localized area, while the lesions were diffuse in 3 patients,
Fig. 2A). When each disorder was assessed separately, the and data were not reported for 1 patient. Tongue mucosa was
prevalence of dysgeusia was 38% (95% CI, 22% to 56%; I2 = affected in 5 cases, while injuries on the lips and palate were
98%), 35% for hypogeusia (95% CI, 21% to 51%; I2 = 97%), reported in 3 cases each, and buccal mucosa and gingiva were
and 24% for ageusia (95% CI, 15% to 35%; I2 = 97%; Fig. 2B, described once in different patients (Table 3). Appendix Figure
Appendix Table 5). The mean duration of these conditions 2 summarizes the clinical aspects of lesions.
was 15 d, and patients seemed to fully recover. Taste disorders In 2 cases, first oral manifestations developed in association
were presented in 53% of North American patients with with the initial systemic symptoms (Chaux-Bodard et al. 2020;
COVID-19, in 50% of Europeans, and in 27% of Asians Martín Carreras-Presas et al. 2020). In addition, patients with
(Appendix Fig. 1B). severe COVID-19 infection (i.e., with medication use or hospi-
talization need) developed late lesions between the 7th and
Association between Taste Disorders and COVID-19 Character- 24th day after symptom onset (Amorim dos Santos et al. 2020;
istics.  The OR analysis showed a positive association between Ansari et al. 2020; Cebeci Kahraman and ÇaŞkurlu 2020;
taste disorder symptoms and COVID-19, with an OR of 12.68 Martín Carreras-Presas et al. 2020; Putra et al. 2020). In all
(95% CI, 6.41 to 25.10; I2 = 63%; P < 0.00001; Fig. 3A). patients, the lesions healed within 3 to 21 d through topical
Regarding COVID-19 severity, an association was observed treatments, by oral hygiene, or spontaneously.
between taste disorders and mild/moderate COVID-19 cases as Two patients presented negative serological test results for
compared with severe ones, presenting an OR of 2.09 (95% CI, herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 antibodies (Ansari et al.
1.25 to 3.49; I2 = 66%; P = 0.005; Fig. 3B). Furthermore, taste 2020), and 1 showed negative immunohistochemical reactions
disorders were significantly associated with female patients against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus,
(OR, 1.64; 95% CI, 1.23 to 2.17; I2 = 70%; P = 0.0007; Fig. Treponema pallidum, and Epstein-Barr virus (Soares et al.
3C). Detailed data in the OR analysis are reported in Appendix 2020). However, other infectious, inflammatory, and autoim-
Tables 6 to 8. mune disorders could not be excluded for diagnosis. Therefore,
oral mucosal lesions seemed to develop as secondary manifes-
Description of Oral Mucosal Lesions in Patients with COVID-19 tations and coinfections related to a weakened systemic condi-
from 7 Studies. Oral mucosal lesions showed miscellaneous tion of the patients.
8 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

Table 2.  Taste Disorders Characterization in Patients with COVID-19 (n = 33 Cross-sectional Studies).

Taste Disorders, %  
Duration, d,
Studya Dysgeusia Hypogeusia Ageusia Period of Appearance Mean ± SD (Range) TD Diagnosis Method

Aggarwal (2020), United 19  

Beltran-Corbellini (2020), 10.1 8.8 17.7 First symptoms in 11 (35.5%) 7.1 ± 3.1 Questionnaire applied by phone
Bénézit (2020), France 62 Questionnaire applied online
Carignan (2020), Canada 63.4 50.7 Questionnaire applied by phone
Chary (2020), France 31.3 31.3 15 (4 to 27) Questionnaire applied by phone
de Maria (2020), Italy 50.5b Occurred early (within 5 d Questionnaire applied in personal
from onset of fever)
Dell’Era (2020), Italy 66.4b First symptoms in 31 (13.3%) 10 (2 to 25) Questionnaire applied in person or
by phone
Gelardi (2020), Italy 72.2 Mean 2.8 d (range, 1 to 4) 16.1 (7 to 22)  
before the respiratory
Giacomelli (2020), Italy 15.2 13.55 Before hospitalization in 91% Questionnaire applied in person
of patients
Kim (2020), South Korea 33.7 First symptom in 44 (28.6%) Questionnaire applied in person
Klopfenstein (2020), France 85.1 Recorded medical files
Kluytmans-van den Bergh 7b Questionnaire applied in person
(2020), Netherlands
Lapostolle (2020), France 28 Questionnaire applied by phone
Lechien (2020), Belgium, 21.1 78.9 Questionnaire applied in person or
Canada, France, Italy, by phone
Spain, Switzerland
Lee, Lockwood, (2020), 57.1b First symptoms in 26 patients Questionnaire applied online
Canada (46.4%)
Lee, Min, (2020), South 13.05 6.0 (3.0 to 10.0) Questionnaire applied by phone
Levinson (2020), Israel 33.3 Mean 3.3 d after illness onset 7.1 (0 to 7) Questionnaire applied online or
(range, 0 to 7 d) by phone
Liguori (2020), Italy 46.6 More frequent on patients Questionnaire applied in person
interviewed after the 7th day
of hospitalization
Mao (2020), China 5.6b Median onset until hospital Recorded medical files
admission: 2 d (range, 1 to 5)
Meini (2020), Italy 41b 32 Questionnaire applied by phone
Mercante (2020), Italy 55.4b Questionnaire applied by phone
Merza (2020), Iraq 26.7b  
Noh (2020), South Korea 22.6 7.5 ± 5.6 Questionnaire applied in person
Paderno (2020), Italy and 63.1b First symptom in 57 (11.22%), Complete resolution: Questionnaire applied in person
Sweden delayed symptom in 451 9.2 ± 5.4; ongoing
(88.7%) disorder, 12.4 ± 6.8
Patel (2020), United 63.1 Questionnaire applied by phone
Romero-Sánchez (2020), 6.2 Fist symptom in 31 (60%) Recorded medical files
Sayin (2020), Turkey 25 56.3 12.5 First symptom in 14 (30.4%) Questionnaire applied in person
Sierpinski (2020), Poland 47.5b Questionnaire applied by phone
Speth (2020), Switzerland 25.2 39.8 Questionnaire applied by phone
and United States
Sultan (2020), United States 10b  
Vaira, Hopkins, Salzano 34.5 10.4 Taste disorders were more 191 of 256 (74.6%) Standardized and validated test
(2020), Italy frequent on days 0 to 4 of followed up presented using prepared solutionsc
the disease ≤7 d of chemosensitive
symptoms duration
Yan (2020), United States 54.6 Recorded medical files
Zayet (2020), France 65.3 38% with dysgeusia and Questionnaire applied in person
anosmia were tested >5 d
after the onset of symptoms

Blank cells indicate not reported.

TD, taste disorders.
See Appendix References 1 for included studies.
Taste disorders in general.
Based on Vaira, Salzano, Petrocelli, et al. (2020).
Oral Manifestations in Patients with COVID-19 9

Table 3.  Oral Lesion Characterization in Patients with COVID-19 (n = 7 Studies).

Oral Signs and Location on Oral History of Duration and Treatments for Oral
Studya Symptoms Mucosa Appearance Recovery Conditions Reported Diagnosis

Amorim dos 1) White plaque. 2) 1) Tongue On the 24th day of 14 d after the first Fluconazole, oral 1) Fungus infection. 2) Herpetic
Santos Multiple pinpoint dorsum. hospitalization, oral examination, nystatin, and recurrent oral lesion. 3)
(2020), yellowish ulcers. 2) Tongue the white plaque the lesions on the chlorhexidine Fibroma. 4) Geographic
Brazil 3) Nodule. dorsum. 3) was persistent and tongue dorsum digluconate tongue. Authors suggested
4) Severe Lower lip associated with resolved almost (0.12%) alcohol- that oral lesions, coinfections,
geographic yellowish ulcers. completely. Severe free mouth and secondary manifestations
tongue + Two weeks later, geographic tongue rinses, hydrogen may be due to systemic
fissured tongue. severe geographic improved to peroxide, and condition of the patient
5) Extremely tongue was moderate within oral health care
viscous saliva observed approximately 17 d
after its appearance
Ansari Several painful Case 1: Hard Case 1: 5 d after Approximately 7 d Diphenhydramine, Diffuse edema with
(2020), ulcers, with palate. Case the onset of of duration until dexamethasone, desquamation, granulation,
Iran irregular margins 2: Anterior symptoms. Case complete recovery tetracycline, and and ulceration under the
and varying region of the 2: 1 wk after lidocaine mucosa, with invasion of
sizes in red and tongue hospitalization mononuclear and neutrophilic
nonhemorrhagic cells, indicating a secondary
background bacterial infection. Negative
serologic tests for herpes
simplex virus type 1 and 2.
Authors suggested that oral
lesions are due to COVID-19
Cebeci 1) Largely 1) Oropharynx 10 d after the onset After a few days of Antibiotic therapy Diffuse oropharyngeal
Kahraman erythematous and hard symptoms therapy erythema, petechia, and
(2020), surface. 2) Few palate. 2) pustule formation. Authors
Turkey petechiae. 3) Palate midline. suggested that oral mucosal
Numerous 3) Near may be involved in COVID-19
pustular soft palate symptoms
enanthema border, more
(1 to 3 mm in prominent on
diameter) the left side
Chaux- Irregular ulcer Dorsal side of First symptom: 10 d of duration until Not reported COVID-19 is associated with
Bodard the tongue a painful complete recovery inflammatory reactions, such
(2020), inflammation as vascular inflammation.
France of a tongue The ulcer observed after
papilla. 24 h later: a macular erythematous
erythematous lesion could be explained by
macula. After, the vasculitis. Authors suggested
lesion turned to that these oral ulcers could
an irregular and be an inaugural symptom of
asymptomatic ulcer COVID-19
Martín 1) Pain. 2) Small 1) Tongue. 2) 1) With first 3 d of duration and 1) Hyaluronic acid Suggestive of erythema
Carreras- blisters. 3) Internal lip symptoms. 2 and treatment until and chlorhexidine multiforme. Authors
Presas Desquamative mucosa. 3) 3) 1 mo after first recovery mouthwash. 2) suggested that SARS-CoV-2
(2020), gingivitis Gingiva symptoms Prednisolone may provoke exanthematic
Spain 30 mg/d lesions
Putra (2020), Stomatitis Not reported 7 d after the first 3 d of duration until Usual hygiene oral Stomatitis aphthous. Authors
Indonesia aphthous symptom (fever) recovery care suggested a diagnosis of hand,
foot, and mouth disease
Soares 1) Painful 1) Buccal Not reported 21 d of duration until Not reported Diffuse chronic inflammatory
(2020), ulceration. 2) mucosa. 2) complete recovery infiltrate with focal areas of
Brazil Multiple reddish Scattered necrosis and hemorrhage in
macules of along the hard the lamina propria. Intense
different sizes palate, tongue, lymphocytic infiltration in
and lips adjacent minor salivary glands.
Negative IHC reactions
against HHV-1, HHV-2, CMV,
treponema pallidum, and EBV.
Authors suggested that oral
mucosal may be involved in
COVID-19 symptoms

CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HHV, human herpesvirus; IHC, immunohistochemical.
See Appendix References 1 for included studies.
10 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

findings of 10,228 patients with

COVID-19 provide the best available
evidence in terms of oral manifesta-
tions related to coronavirus disease
2019. Taste disorders were the most
common oral symptoms in patients
with COVID-19, presenting a higher
prevalence in Europe and North
America than in Asia and a signifi-
cant association with COVID-19–
positive diagnosis, mild/moderate
COVID-19 severity, and female
Chemosensory disorders are
defined as diseases or problems asso-
ciated with the sense of smell and/or
taste. Taste disorders are classified as
quantitative or qualitative disorders,
of which hypogeusia is a decreased
sense of taste, ageusia is the absence
of a sense of taste, and dysgeusia is a
qualitative distortion of taste percep-
tion (Maheswaran et al. 2014).
Although chemosensory disorders
are commonly mentioned in flu-like
diseases, these conditions were not
reported during previous SARS and
MERS outbreaks (Pellegrino et al.
2020). Interestingly, in the present
pandemic by SARS-CoV-2, olfactory
and gustatory disorders have become
extensively noticed as common
symptoms of COVID-19. In this
LSR, patients with COVID-19 pre-
sented a prevalence of 45% for over-
all taste disorders, 38% for dysgeusia,
35% for hypogeusia, and 24% for
ageusia. In addition, a significant
association was found between taste
Figure 2.  Prevalence of taste disorders. (A) Forest plot shows the pooled prevalence of taste
disorders and COVID-19 positivity
disorders in patients with COVID-19. (B) The prevalence of individual taste disorders: dysgeusia,
hypogeusia, and ageusia. I2, inconsistency index. when compared with patients with-
out COVID-19 who presented simi-
lar symptoms. These results confirm that taste disorders may
Certainty of Evidence be a significant and specific symptom of mild/moderate
The certainty of evidence from outcomes assessed by the COVID-19 cases. Although not specific, chemosensitive disor-
GRADE system was high for the prevalence of taste disorders ders have been suggested as important markers of early infec-
in patients with COVID-19. Also, the system showed a moder- tion; however, several clinical conditions decrease the oral
ate certainty of evidence for the association of taste disorders intake and may impair the identification of taste disorders in
and COVID-19 positivity, severity, and patient sex. In contrast, those cases (Paderno et al. 2020; Romero et al. 2020; Vaira,
a low certainty of evidence was observed regarding the descrip- Hopkins, Salzano, et al. 2020; Yan et al. 2020). Taste disorders,
tion of oral mucosal lesions in patients with COVID-19 as easily and early detectable symptoms, would allow mild/
(Appendix Table 9). moderate case identification and self-isolation orientation,
directly contributing to contain the quick spreading of the dis-
Discussion ease, especially in countries with reduced testing capability
(Kucharski et al. 2020; Prather et al. 2020; World Health
The present LSR approach was chosen since the quick emer- Organization 2020a).
gence of COVID-19 evidence demands incorporation of data Although taste disorder pathogenesis in patients with
as they become available (Elliot et al. 2017). At this time, the COVID-19 is not completely understood, several hypotheses
Oral Manifestations in Patients with COVID-19 11

Figure 3.  Forest plots show the association of taste disorders and (A) patients with and without COVID-19, (B) mild/moderate and severe cases of
COVID-19, and (C) male and female patients. I2, inconsistency index; M-H, Mantel-Haenszel test; OR, odds ratio; Q, Cochran’s Q test; Z, Z test; χ2,
chi-square test.

have been raised (Finsterer and Stollberger 2020; Mariz et al. Taste disorders may precede these manifestations, and many
2020; Vaira, Salzano, Fois, et al. 2020). Finsterer and Stollberger studies demonstrated a higher prevalence of taste disorders than
(2020) highlighted the possibility of a local inflammatory rhinorrhea or no association between symptoms (Beltran-
response resulting from rhinitis triggers, which could hamper Corbellini et al. 2020; Chary et al. 2020; Finsterer and
the normal function of taste buds. However, the occurrence of Stollberger 2020; Kim et al. 2020). Correspondingly, Vaira,
signs and symptoms due to nasal mucosal inflammation is not Salzano, Fois, et al. (2020) mentioned that taste sensation may
mandatory for taste impairment in patients with COVID-19. pose as an adverse event by concomitant olfactory disorder in
12 Journal of Dental Research 00(0)

patients with COVID-19. Nonetheless, patients with COVID- and taste disorders. In a sex-based analysis, Cao et al. (2020)
19 present taste disorders even without smell dysfunction, since reported no significant disparities regarding ACE2 gene
the prevalence of taste disorders is frequently higher (Table 1). expression in the lungs. However, hormonal modulation and
Taste disorder, as a side effect of certain drugs for COVID-19 innate immune response to viral infections seemed to be exac-
treatment, is another questionable hypothesis. The association erbated in women, which may contribute to higher dysfunction
found between taste disorders and mild/moderate cases corrob- on the gustatory system (Liguori et al. 2020; Sierpiński et al.
orates the conclusion of Finsterer and Stollberger (2020) that 2020). Further investigation on ACE2 expression symptoms
these symptoms also occur in patients with COVID-19 who are related to tissue and organs other than the lungs is required to
drug-free. confirm ethnic and sex-based differences.
The interaction of SARS-CoV-2 with gustatory components Different from taste disorders, oral mucosal lesions were
and ACE2 receptors supports a direct effect in COVID-19– described in only a few case reports, presenting controversial
related taste disorders. First, the peripheral nervous system is conclusions on whether this type of condition is directly
affected by the new coronavirus, and as gustatory buds are caused by SARS-CoV-2 or represents secondary manifesta-
innervated by cranial nerves, related functions may be impaired, tions. Nonetheless, the manifestations showed miscellaneous
resulting in taste disorders (Kinnamon and Cummings 1992; clinical aspects, such as ulcers, blisters, macules, and plaques,
Finsterer and Stollberger 2020). Second, SARS-CoV-2 may varying in quantity, color appearance, and localization. A
bind essential salivary mucin components, such as sialic acid, divergent mucosal lesion pattern related to a single virus is
consequently accelerating taste particle degradation and dis- uncommon (Galván Casas et al. 2020). Cox et al. (2020), thus
turbing gustatory sensation (Milanetti et al. 2020; Pushpass accentuating the importance of coinfection investigation in
et al. 2020; Vaira, Salzano, Fois, et al. 2020). Moreover, the severe respiratory diseases. Studies recorded bacterial and
tongue presents a high expression of ACE2 (Hamming et al. fungal coinfections in many fatal COVID-19 cases (Chen
2004; Xu, Zhong, et al. 2020), and its interaction with SARS- et al. 2020; Zhou, Yu, et al. 2020). Admitted patients fre-
CoV-2 may affect normal gustatory functions through dopamine quently receive antibiotics; however, no specification on bac-
and serotonin synthesis pathway coregulation (Finsterer and terial sensitivity is provided (Cox et al. 2020). Also, most
Stollberger 2020; Mao et al. 2020; Nataf 2020). In addition, patients presented oral mucosal injury during the hospitaliza-
ACE inhibitors and ACE2 blockers are frequently associated tion period, supporting the hypothesis of coinfections, immu-
with impairment of taste sensation (Tsuruoka et al. 2004; nity impairment, or adverse reactions from medications to
Unnikrishna et al. 2004). These drugs play a role in taste disor- COVID-19 treatment. In these senses, the oral examination in
ders by G protein–coupled and sodium channel inactivation patients with COVID-19 should not be neglected but rather
(Vaira, Salzano, Fois, et al. 2020). Similar to what patients with encourage a multidisciplinary approach that includes dentist
COVID-19 experience after infection recovery, the effect on professionals. Thus, the importance of the clinical oral exami-
gustatory sense by ACE inhibitors regresses a few weeks after nation of patients with infectious diseases in the intensive care
discontinuation. Furthermore, ACE2 high expression was dem- unit should be emphasized, given the need for support, pain
onstrated in the taste buds of rats and was associated with angio- control, and quality of life.
tensin II production in mice taste buds. These findings might
also suggest the inability of ACE2 to degrade this protein during
COVID-19 infection, resulting in disorderly taste responses
(Shigemura et al. 2019; Mariz et al. 2020; Sato et al. 2020). There are some limitations that should be highlighted. First,
Our results suggest different susceptibility or response to most authors have not clarified the definition of each level of
SARS-CoV-2 symptoms from different populations, given that severity for COVID-19; therefore, patients were grouped
the North American population presented a taste disorder prev- according to reported categorization terms: “mild/moderate”
alence of 53%, European 50%, and Asians 27%. The Asian with “nonhospitalized” and “severe” with “hospitalized.”
population also presented a lower prevalence than the world- Second, the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions is underrepre-
wide pooled prevalence (45%). Western patients (North sented (just 7 studies) and could not be calculated since only
America and Europe) seem to be more susceptible to taste dis- case reports were published at this time. Third, many included
orders than the Asian population (Dell’Era et al. 2020; Lechien studies were published as letters to the editor, leading to unde-
et al. 2020). These differences were observed since initial stud- tailed reported outcomes. Also, most oral manifestations may
ies on this subject were conducted in different regions (Lee, go unnoticed, and there is a difficulty in registering the oral
Min et al. 2020; Mao et al. 2020; Yan et al. 2020; Zayet et al. findings, due to exposure and contamination risk during photo-
2020). Zhao et al. (2020) suggested in a single-cell RNA-seq graphic image conduction. Moreover, in terms of gustatory
that Asians presented a distinct expression of ACE2 receptor as disorders, almost all tests performed are subjective methods
compared with Americans. In accordance, Cao et al. (2020) based on questionnaires, which may not accurately diagnose
evidenced a higher polymorphism of functional RNA coding these conditions. Therefore, authors should have considered
associated with ACE2 expression in Asian population tissues. standardized and validated tests to improve data collection
Controversially, Cai (2020) reported no ethnicity differences in quality, as Vaira, Hopkins, Salzano, et al. (2020) did. In addi-
ACE2 expression in lung tissues. Also, this LSR found a sig- tion, disorder classification (dysgeusia, hypogeusia, and ageu-
nificant association between female patients with COVID-19 sia) is not always considered correctly. Finally, many patients
Oral Manifestations in Patients with COVID-19 13

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