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Management Development Institute, Gurgaon

Name of Programme:- PGDM-HRM (2021-23)

Endterm Examination, Term-I
Name of the Course: HBO
Name of the course Faculty: Prof. Sumita Rai
Section:- A

Name : Shri Prakash Tiwari Roll Number : 21PGHR011


My Firo-B Profile :

Inclusion(I) Control(C) Affection(A) Total

Expressed(E) 6 3 6 15
Wanted(W) 4 5 8 17
Total 10 8 14 32

The Firo-B assessment is used to estimate how comfortable an individual is with a

specific behavior.
Each category of above matrix receive a score ranging from 0 to 9. Based on your score,
each section will fall into one of these categories:
• 0-2 : Low
• 3-6: Medium
• 7-9 : High

Expresses Inclusion: Expressed inclusion score is 6 indicating that I typically involve

people in my activities, join and belong to group, and like to interact with other people
in the group.

Expressed Control: Expressed control score is 6 indicating that I typically avoid

controlling and influencing people in the group. I also avoid directing other and taking
responsibility voluntarily in a situation.

Expressed affection: Expressed affection score is 6 indicating that I typically gets close
to people and develop personal relation with them. I am more chances of sharing about
my personal feeling and supporting others in needs.

Wanted Inclusion: Most often I don’t wanted to be included in other group as my

wanted inclusion is 4. I am moderate attention seeker and I have Moderate desire of
belonging to group.

Wanted Control: Wanted control score is 5 indicating that I have moderate chance of
being comfortable in well structured situations and moderate chance of wanted to have
clear target and expectation. I will more enjoy working condition where I will get a new
challenge everyday.

Wanted affection: Wanted affection score is 8 ie. High indicating that most of the time I
want others to act warmly, share their feeling and motivate me when I am getting

Based on the above score, MY Total affection score is 14 which means typically I like a
lot of warmth and closeness in one to one relationship. I need to work on my emotional
quotient and need to have better control over emotions. As being more emotional in
workplace is not consider professional, I need to work on to become less emotional and
become more effective.


We define conflict broadly as a process that begins when one party perceives that
another party has affected or is about to negatively affect something the first party
cares about. Conflict describes the point in ongoing activity when interaction becomes
Conflict can be of three types:
• Task related
• Relation conflict
• Process conflict

Task conflict relates to the content and goals of the work. Relationship conflict focuses
on interpersonal relationships. Process conflict is about how the work gets done.

Source of conflict:

1. Ambiguity over responsibility:- Lack of clarity regarding the responsibility that

what the customers expect out of service employees and what management
wants. Customer wanted from telephone representative undivided attention and
to spend as much time as necessary to solve their problem while management
want the employee to handle as many calls as possible per day and to keep each
call as short as possible. This has put the employees into stress. There was also
the ambiguity regarding what was told to them during selection and training and
what they need to do to satisfy customers
2. Poor/faulty communication: The lack of standardized communication to convey
the message and handle the employees appropriately was another problem.
Management was unable communicate effectively to gain the employee trust
and loyalty of employee is another pertinent issues.

3. Failure to respond to employee needs: Though several complaints were raised
and management was well aware of the fact that employees are at the mid-sea in
terms to please both the bosses (consumers & management), they failed to find
out a solution or was inefficient in handling the grievances.
This is case of task conflict as this conflict is about goal and expectation of
management at reliance infocom from the employee.

Different conflict resolution technique are:

• Competing
• Collaborating
• Compromising
• Avoiding
• Accommodating

All the above technique depends on the assertiveness and cooperativeness between
employee and management.

Here Collaborative conflict resolution technique should be used. In this technique both
the parties involve in conflict utilize the opportunity to reach at win win situation for
both parties.

The management need to understand the pain point of employees;

• Root cause of their complaints

• Customer expectation out of the employee

In this case management need to reduce the no of calls given top the employees and
achievable target with flexibility should be given. This will give employee more
autonomy to work and also employee can focus on delivering quality. This will also
increase customer satisfaction which is win situation for companies as well.

Q1. Ans.

Peter browny was a successful and he helped the Bondware division to grow by making
some radical changes like reducing employees etc and performed well. He was one of
the most trusted person for the board.

Following are the problems that can be faced by Peter Browning:

1) For numerous years, the corporation Whitecap has been the market leader. Its
organisational culture of employee loyalty, high levels of employee perks, and the
concept of lifetime employment had all been successful. High pay, free meals, and need-
based incentives were among the perks. The organisation had developed a family-like
culture as a result of this.

Despite the fact that cultural is very successful currently, the relationship built by
organization is detrimental to the current and upcoming business situation. The
competiting in the market is increasing both at local and global level.

2) The second key Challenge was that the employee believe that company is very
successful and so do not make much change as they have become comfortable in
current situation. As a result, the corporation is not working on innovation and
investing lesser in R&D department, which constituted a significant danger due to
quickly increasing competitors. Because of its high overhead, the company was unable
to lower costs like its competitors. Other important difficulties included the HR
department's inefficiency. In previous years, the HR director did not take any steps to
teach the personnel. Furthermore, the marketing was poor, and the company's CEO
failed to successfully adopt marketing strategies. His and the firm's goals were to save
expenses, enhance efficiency, preserve the culture (family-style), and instil in the
company a desire to keep up with technical changes. Another objective was to keep the
company's sales performance consistent.

• Peter browning was tasked with transforming one of the group's most successful
members. To be able to make the change process smooth and successful, he needed to
be extremely vigilant. The corporation had failed to recognise competition and had
suffered losses as a result. Peter's mission was to mitigate the detrimental effects of
these losses by finding a way to overcome them.

• Peter required a quick and forceful transition process. Traditional management
approaches were familiar to the company's personnel. Peter faced a difficult task ahead
of him since he was going to go against the grain of traditional management and
implement a change management method.

Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership emphasizes transparency, genuineness and honesty. Authentic

leaders build authentic relationships and inspire trust and motivation in their

Various characteristics of Authentic leaders are:

• Authentic leaders are self-aware and genuine.

They are self-actualized individuals who are aware of their strengths, their limitations,
and their emotions. They also show their followers their true selves. They don't act one
way in private and another in public, and they don't hide their flaws or faults to avoid
appearing weak.

• Authentic leaders are mission driven and focused on results

They are able to prioritise the organization's objective and goals over their own personal
interests. They work for the sake of getting things done, not for their own power,
money, or ego.

• Authentic leaders lead with their heart, not just their minds

They aren't afraid to express their feelings, be vulnerable, and connect with their staff.
This isn't to say that genuine leaders are "soft." In truth, direct communication is
necessary for effective outcomes, but only when done with empathy; directness without
empathy is cruel.

Relationship of authentic leadership and ethical leadership

authentic leadership has many associated attributes that favor ethical behavior:

• Democratic style, very participatory and that encourages collaboration

• Exemplary leadership in association with values

• Service-oriented, desiring to help.

• Transparent and clear communication

• Empathetic listening and focus on developing relationships

Q4. Ans.

Physical outcomes:

1. Headache: Due to handling Large no of passeneger who are overbooked and

upset on not getting seat.
2. High blood pressure
3. Heart diseases: Due to increased stress of workplace and lack of support from
fellow employees.
4. Changes in skin and hair will be evident like hair loss, acne on skin

Psychological outcome:

1. Anxiety
2. Depression
3. Decrease in job Satisfaction
4. Irritability

Behavioral outcomes:

1. Productivity
2. Absenteeism
3. Turnover

Company Responsibilty: Company should understand Jim’s concerns. Providing training

to handle such clients and motivating him for achievement will also helps. Apart from
that mental wellness session should be planned for the employee.

Jim shoul try to be calm while handling customer, Practice yoga meditation and should
not focus on these concern while working and he should not let these work issue impact
his persona. He can rationalize the client’s emotions, as they are frustrated on the
company and does not hold any personal grudges.

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