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tps wots. ute ‘0910272022 13:18 ‘it faire todo, to make! Bans’S Vransn grease close window: [i] faire "to do, to make" page: virrS ‘The verb faire is irregular in the present tense, 4) faire ‘to do, to make’ je fats ous falsons tu fale ‘VOUS faites iWellejon fait lisfelles font past participle : fait Note the vous form fate |s unusual because it does not end in -ez, Faire is one of only three verbs where this is the case (The others are étre: vous étes, and dire: vous dites ). You may notice, too, the similarity in the third person plural forms of aller, tre, and faire: 4) its vont (they go), is sont (they are), and Its font (they do/make). Listen carefully to the following sentences. Although faire Is often used in a tucson does nat eutomataly have tobe used inthe fesponse, 4 we saute monde tex hey eveyone Whats o44 Resaneiagene esheets BA Corey: Pas grand-chose. Corey: Not much Oy Fiona: Nous ne aeons ie, Fora: we're noteong a absolument rien. anything, absolutely nothing. Ag We FAttonrs RIEN, AQSOLUMENT Rien: Faire is used In many expressions, Including weather, sports, and household tasks WE Fill in the blank with the correct form of faire. 1. Tex ne pas de sport. J 2, Tammy et Bette, elles es cours ensemble. I 3. Corey, estice que tu tes devoirs? J 49

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