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09/02/2022 13:20 BS Vransn Yrs prepositions with places Prepositions are used in expressions which relate where you are, re3: prepostions with places close window: 5] page: pres where you are going and where you are coming from, The preposition used in such expressions depends on the geographic location discussed. x) geographic location to/in from a de (d') = gy ay \ fd En Caurponure Au Canapa A cues masculine beginning with a vowel en de (d') Math chee} rt . TAS Ay he. &s - _— Ev Fea En Rav Aur erars-unis Tex est né au Texas, bien sir. Mais par accident il a grandi en Europe. Comment cexpliquer cette histoire incroyable? Eh bien, quand il étalt tout petit, on Pa mis dans un avion avec les bagages & laéropart Bush International & Houston. ‘Son avion est arrivé a Paris (en France) oi hitpshwotals. texas ecutexprpre3.himl Tex was born in Texas, of course, but by accident he grew up in Europe. How de we explain this unbelievable story? Well, when he was very litle, he was put with the luggage in a plane at Bush International Airport in Houston. His plane rived in Paris (in France) M6 ‘0910272022 13:20, Wa rencontré des nonnes francalses qui venaient de faire un voyage aux Etats- Unis, Elles arrivaient de Houston, elles ‘aussi. Quelle coincidence! Elles ont eu pitié de ce pauvre tatou égaré et elles ont emmené au couvent a Lyon. ‘Tex a vécu heureux chez les nonnes pendant plusieurs années. Matheureusement, un jour ila été expulsé de France, et il est retourné dans son pays natal, clest-d-dire au Texas! fill in the blanks Fill in the blank with the proper preposition: 8, en, au or aux. re: prepostions with places where he met some French nuns who had just taken a trip to the United States. They, too, were arriving from Houston. What a coincidence! ‘They took pity on this poor lost armadillo and they took him to their convent in Lyon. Tex lived happily with the nuns for several years. Unfortunately, one day he was deported from France and he returned to his native country, that is, to Texas! 1 fe ct Tammy vont passer les vacances Espagne. 2 p= et Bette étudient Austin 3 resus nvoime pas travailler Texas. 4 p fait beau tout le temps France. 5. Fiona: Ily @ beaucoup de monuments intéressants Mexique? 6. Bette a envie de faire du shopping Japon. 7. Tammy aime faire du ski suisse. 8 fas va aller au cinéma San Antonio. 9. pesamt adore le idee Bretagne 10 paren va au parc tous les jours. Opelousas. 11, Rita adore les plages Floride hitpshwotals. texas ecutexprpre3.himl 26

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