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Introduction :

The issue of energy is one of the important issues because it is important for all
human beings, and its importance has increased, especially after the discovery of non-
renewable energy sources such as oil, for example, and people have relied on them for
long periods until they have become big problems such as global warming, so he began
to discover other sources of renewable energy.

Definition :

Renewable energy is energy produced by a renewable means of production. This

means that it has no limited quantity, it will always be available. By producing renew-
able energy, there is no real impact on the planet, since we are using bottomless re-

Types of renewable energies:

- Solar energy is produced in two forms: photovoltaic solar energy which transforms
the light radiation of the sun into electricity thanks to panels made up of semiconductor
cells and solar thermal energy which captures the heat of the sun, which is used as such
or that one transforms into mechanical energy, then into electricity.

- Wind power, wind energy, has progressed, offshore and onshore, with steadily im-
proving technology. The tallest wind turbines reach 170 meters, with rotors with a di-
ameter of over 150 meters!

- Biomass is made up of all organic matter of plant origin (micro-algae included), ani-
mal, bacterial or fungal (fungi). Wood was for centuries, through its combustion, the
main source of energy before being dethroned by coal and then by oil and gas. But
there are other forms of using biomass. Anaerobic digestion produces biogas from our
household or agricultural waste. The refining of plant biomass allows the production
of biofuels.

- Geothermal energy uses the heat from underground aquifers, or even dry rocks, cap-
tured at greater or lesser depth, to supply urban districts, buildings or factories, or even
produce electricity via power stations. Some countries with favorable geological con-
ditions use it on a massive scale, such as Iceland or the Philippines, two volcanic coun-
tries. Heat from other sources can also be captured and used in industrial networks or
- Hydraulic energy is the energy provided by the movement of water, in all its forms:
waterfalls, rivers, sea currents, tides, waves1. This movement can be used directly, for
example with a water mill, or more commonly be converted, for example into electrical
energy in a hydroelectric power station.

The advantages of renewable energies :

The advantages of renewable energies are many, because they are generally clean,
safe and above all, they exist in unlimited quantities (unlike fossil fuels) :

- Safety: By using them in the majority, we would find climatic, economic, environ-
mental and social stability, especially by developing large thermal power stations.
Safety is one of the main advantages, as there are very low risks of accidents.

- Little waste: They also generate little waste, and this waste is sometimes recyclable.

- The decentralization of renewable energies is also a very important positive factor

for developing certain territories and local development. The labor market for these
energies represents almost one million two hundred thousand jobs, especially in pho-
tovoltaics, wind power and biomass. These energies respect the environment during
their manufacture, their operation and at the end of their life, at the time of their dis-

- To sum up, these renewable energies make it possible to considerably reduce CO2
emissions. They would also not generate dangerous radioactive waste and their re-
sources would be infinite thanks to the wind, water and sun. Studies conducted claim
that, in theory, the planet could be powered entirely by renewable energy using just a
500,000 km square with solar panels. This area represents approximately that of Spain.
This vision produced by renewable energies is attractive a priori, but it hides many

Disadvantages of renewable energy:

- Their availability depends on the climate. For those running on solar, it is only possi-
ble to use 50% of their real capacity in equatorial zones and even less because of the
disappearance of the sun for several months in the poles. In addition, when the sky is
cloudy, solar radiation is less. During high pressure periods, there is no wind. This
energy is not very stable.

- The responsibility for global warming of renewable energies is a major drawback.

They are often presented and accepted to precisely solve this problem, but for this to
be real, it would be necessary to considerably reduce the consumption of fossil fuels
such as oil, coal or gas and to better control renewable energy to save it more.

- The major problems for wildlife are hydroelectric dams, as they flood entire valleys
and have a strong negative impact on the ecosystem. Fish migrate with difficulty to
their breeding grounds - even though fishways have been built. Wind turbines are a
danger to birds and bats.

Conclusion :

Our interest in a clean environment drives us to search for other alternative sources
of energy that are less polluting to the environment. Energy in its liquid form is easier
to transport and store. Which makes green fuel a promising source for the production
of alternative energy. The solution to our energy problem in our country Algeria lies
in the multiplicity of energy sources and their financing.

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