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Mary Help of Christians College – Salesian Sisters, Inc.

Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna
S.Y. 2020 – 2021





At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. discuss the events that led to establishment of Christianity.

2. explain the factors that led to the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Read the following excerpt from the Bible then answer the succeeding questions.

But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless
those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the
cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your coat, do not
withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who
takes away your goods, do not demand them back. And as you wish that others
would do to you, do so to them."

Luke 6:27-31

1. Which part of the excerpt captured your attention? Explain why.

2. What is the message of the excerpt?

3. Do you apply the message in your life? Explain your answer.

In the preceding module, you have learned about one of the most powerful empires in
the world—the Roman Empire. From this empire emerged the most influential and
widespread religion in present timeChristianity.


At the height of its power, the Roman Empire

conquered the territories around the
Mediterranean Sea. Some parts of Asia were
also under its dominion such as Judea in 63
B.C.E. In this Roman province, in the town of
Bethlehem, one of the most prominent
personalities in world history was born-Jesus,
the Messiah.

Jesus, King of Jews

Judaism was the main religion in Judea. In this religion, they

believed in the coming of a Messiah or “savior.” The fervor of
the Jews for the coming of the Messiah intensified as a result
of the cruelty they suffered from the hands of polytheistic

In such a society, Jesus was born around sixth to fourth

century B.C.E. In his youth, Jesus lived as an ordinary
carpenter in the town of Nazareth. When he turned 30, he
started to preach the Word of God.

Among his teachings were the belief in only one God; to

love oneself, one's fellowmen, and even one's enemies; and
the promise of eternal life to those who believe in God.
Aside from preaching, it was also said that he cured the sick
and performed miracles. The number of his followers grew. The most recognized were
the 12 apostles. To some Jews, Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting for.

The Christ in the name "Jesus

Christ" came from the Greek
word "Christos," meaning
"Messiah" or "savior".

The New Testament, believed

to have been written from
100 to 50 B.C.E., tells the life
and teachings of Jesus.



At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. identify the founders of Christianity.

2. explain the Christian beliefs.

When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, he was warmly welcomed by the Jews. Some called
him the “King of Jews." Roman and Jew leaders became concerned by Jesus's
increasing popularity. They saw it as a threat to the imperial power in Judea. In 33 C.E.,
Jesus was arrested and brought to trial in front of Pontius Pilate, governor of the Roman
Empire in Judea. He was sentenced to death by nailing him to the cross.


When Jesus died, his disciples continued to preach the Word of God. They also taught
that Jesus is the Son of God who would bring salvation to mankind. Two of Jesus's
disciples who spread Christian beliefs in the Roman Empire are Paul and Peter.

Founders of Christianity


 Born with the name “Saul" in Tarsus

(present-day Turkey), Paul was not
a Jew but a Gentile.

 Spread Christianity in the Roman

Empire, especially to the Gentiles.

 Paul did not meet Jesus. He used to

persecute Christians before he
converted to Christianity.

 He became a Christian after

witnessing a sign from God.


 Born as Simon in Bethsaida (present-

day Israel), Peter was one of Jesus's
12 disciples.

 Spread Christianity in Judea and


 He is considered as the first bishop

of Rome.

 He eventually became known as

the first pope of the Catholic

It was Jesus who gave Simon the name "Peter" as stated in Matthew 16:18 of the Bible:
"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates
of Hades will not overcome it."

The warm acceptance of Jesus's teachings by many Jews and Gentiles was used by
the following Christian beliefs.

God loves
everyone equally

Christianity's teachings
The common people on simplicity were
who experienced CHRISTIAN found encouraging
amidst the
hardships and sufferings BELIEFS extravagance and
in life were given hope.
materialism of Roman

A person who believes in

Jesus as the Messiah will
receive eternal life with
God in His kingdom.

Christianity also quickly spread throughout the empire during the Pax Romana

 the travel and transfer of ideas were efficient, fast, and safe due to the improved
systems of transportation and communication.
 the people easily communicated with one another using two common
languages, Greek and Latin.



At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. analyze the challenges faced by the first Christians in the Roman Empire.
2. state the events related to the establishment of the Catholic Church in Rome.

Challenges to the First Christians

The first Christians also faced challenges. The Romans were angered by the Christians'
refusal to worship the emperor as god. They also feared their gods' retribution because
of the Christians' faith.

The Christians became scapegoats for the sins and misfortunes

that befell the empire. They were persecuted, punished, and
killed. In 64 C.E., for instance, Emperor Nero accused the
Christians of setting the fire that destroyed Rome. He ordered to
kill them as punishment. In 250 C.E., Emperor Decius ordered the
massacre of Christians when they rejected to worship the
Roman gods and to offer sacrifices. Amid these challenges,
there were Christian martyrs who chose death over renouncing
their faith in God.

Their situation improved when Constantine became emperor.

In 64 C.E., a huge fire destroyed a large part of Rome and lasted for six
days and seven nights. Emperor Nero (left photo) blamed Christians
for the incident.


According to legend, in 312 C.E., Constantine prayed to God for the victory of his army
in war. A flaming cross appeared in the sky as well as the inscription in hoc signo vinces,
which means "By this sign, you will conquer."

Inspired by the omen, Constantine ordered to have the symbol of the cross inscribed on
the shields of his army. This was believed to have brought their triumph in the Battle of
the Milvian Bridge. The event made Constantine a defender of Christianity.

In 313 C.E., Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which allowed the citizens to choose
their own religion. In 380 C.E., under the Edict of Thessalonica, Emperor Theodosius
made Christianity the official religion of the empire. This edict also prohibited traditional
Roman beliefs.

Depiction of the sign

witnessed by Constantine

Doctrine and the Catholic Church

Many churches were built by the followers of Jesus. The

regional head of the church was called a bishop. From 100
to 500 C.E., scholars who became known as the Church
Fathers, compiled the teachings of Christianity together.

It was also during this period when Church hierarchy was

organized thus strengthening the Church as an institution.

In 400 C.E., Roman bishops claimed themselves as the heirs

of Peter. According to them, the bishop of Rome should
also be the pope, or the highest official of the Catholic

Make a flowchart showing how Christianity was established and spread in the Roman

Analyze the words inside the box in each item. Write in the first rectangle the word that
does not belong to the group. In the second rectangle, explain your reason for
choosing the word.




Write 150-300 words essay that answer the question “How do the teachings of
Christianity influence my life?”


Cruz, M. A.; Fietas, M. A.; & Mercado, M. M. (2015). World history. Vibal Publishing House,


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