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your perfect

early morning

a workbook for mamas
By Mama's Mornings
hey mama!
I'm Kelsey.
I LOVE my early morning routine (or as I like to call it, my Mama's Morning) - and know that
every mama could benefit if they started waking up before the kids. I could talk about an
early morning routine for hours--so for the sake of brevity (I know you have things to get
done!), here is a quick summary of the ways that my Mama’s Morning has changed my life as
a mama to my boys. Waking up early:

gives me a chance to work on projects that I LOVE

provides more (yes...more!) energy and patience for those that I care about most
allows for the ever elusive “me time” that all stay at home moms crave!
opens up opportunities to be in the Word of God, uninterrupted

And I know that it can do the same for you.

As mamas we don’t always get time to ourselves - and if you are anything like me that alone
time is something that you crave.

Even the most extroverted woman finds she needs a little peace and quiet after a day in a
house swarming with toddlers.

We often find that we don’t have control over our days as moms - there are always

But waking up early before the kids gives you the time, space, and quiet you need to get what
you want to do done. You may not be able to count on another 30 minutes of the day to go
as you plan, but you can always count on your Mama’s Morning.

So how do you build the perfect morning routine? One that gives you the time alone you
crave, while providing the energy that you need to be fully present with those kids you love
so much? Let me show you...


COPYRIGHT 2021 Mama's Mornings

1 Spend time in the Word of God

If you are a believer in Christ, then this is a MUST.

As followers of Jesus we are called to serve. And as mamas our service is mostly geared towards
our kids and husband. But serving is draining and depleting - if done out of our own strength.

This is why we mamas so often feel exhausted, mentally foggy, and have a total lack of energy:
we are trying to do it on our own.

But God does not ask us to serve on our own. He has asked us to allow Him to fill us and
energize us with His Spirit.

He asks us to serve with Him.

We cannot be filled and encouraged by Him if we are not spending time in the Word and praying
with our Creator.

So if you do nothing else during your Mama’s Morning, do this: Take time to allow your God to fill
you and energize you for what He has asked you to do.

brainstorm ways to specifically incorporate this into your morning routine:

COPYRIGHT 2021 Mama's Mornings

2 Do Something You Love

As kids we are often divided into two groups: the kids who are “creative”, and the kids who
are not. I was in the “not” category. And I took this on as a label and believed it.

But the older I get, the more I realize I AM creative. We are all creative in some form or

We create meals. We create functional and fun bedrooms for ourselves and our kids. We
create objects out of play-dough. We create budgets. We create lists and methods for running
our home. We create presentations at work. We create games and activities for our kids.

The older I get the more I realize I need some form of creative outlet. And having kids
intensifies that need--because as mamas we need an extra dose of creativity to play hard and
stay engaged, and to inspire our little ones to pursue creativity as well.

It is important as mamas and wives and neighbors to get our creative juices flowing in the
morning. Not sure where to start? Try one of these:

Watercolor; Color a picture; Write and record life events (like an autobiography to hand down
to your kids); Journal; Meal plan; Play with play-dough; Decorate a chalkboard with an
inspiring quote; Bake; Scrapbook; Journal with pictures; Knit or crochet; Go on a walk with a

brainstorm ways to specifically incorporate this into your morning routine:

COPYRIGHT 2021 Mama's Mornings

3 Prepare your body for the day

More than to burn calories, the goal is to get your blood flowing, mind working, and body ready
for the day. It will wake you up and give you a few endorphins to keep you going. Here are some
brief ideas:

jog in place
complete a short workout on youtube
do some pushups
go for a walk
leg kicks and punches

brainstorm ways to specifically incorporate this into your morning routine:

COPYRIGHT 2021 Mama's Mornings

4 Pick out a morning treat

If I am being honest (and I am always honest here) this is what gets me up in the mornings - it is
the vital piece of the motivate-yourself-to-get-out-of-bed formula.

It doesn’t have to be anything big (and don’t overindulge here!). Even just a cup of coffee with a
special creamer, or a fancy herbal tea you don’t normally drink, or a piece of dark chocolate will
do the trick.

You know that urge you get in the middle of the day when you suddenly feel the need to dash
away (into a closet or under a table) and treat yourself to a moment alone and something tasty?
You do, I know you do. Because I get that feeling all that time.

But when we have had a little treat in the morning we can hold off on the sudden urge more
confidently knowing that we’ve already treated ourselves, and we will get to again tomorrow
morning. No dashing necessary. Incorporating a treat into your Mama’s Morning also ensures
that you will get to enjoy said treat all in one sitting--imagine savoring your hot coffee rather
than wolfing it down while chasing the kids. Now, that’s a treat!

brainstorm ways to specifically incorporate this into your morning routine:

COPYRIGHT 2021 Mama's Mornings

5 Practice Personal Growth

It’s tempting to think that as mamas personal growth doesn’t apply to us - that we are just at
home playing with our kids and personal growth is for those guys and gals in suites riding
elevators up to their office suite.

Wrong. I am convinced that moms MUST practice personal growth if for no other reason than
that we have little ones watching and learning from us EVERY SINGLE DAY.

So what is personal growth? It is the act of intentionally improving behavior, habits, and ways of
thinking, and continually pursuing the full potential that you were created to have. And this could
be as simple as reading more non-fiction books, learning new skills, taking time to be more
introspective with journaling, or spending more time in the Word.

We are raising little people here! If anyone needs to practice personal growth it is you and me -
mamas. We are teaching our kids how to live and thrive in this world. To teach them well, we
must be consistently working towards the full potential that God has equipped us for.

brainstorm ways to specifically incorporate this into your morning routine:

COPYRIGHT 2021 Mama's Mornings

6 Design your perfect morning routine

plan it. Write down exactly what your perfect morning would look like (include times).

COPYRIGHT 2021 Mama's Mornings

That's a Wrap!
Don’t start your mornings off groggy and irritable like I have so many times. You can try to fake
early morning enthusiasm with your kids - but they can tell.

So I dare you - try waking up early, before the kids, for 3 days in a row. You CAN do it and you
SHOULD do it. Because I know from experience that a Mama’s Morning, done right, has the
power to transform your life.

If fitting in time in the Word, something creative, a short workout, personal growth, and a little
treat sounds overwhelming, then don’t start with all 5! Pick one or two from our list of five to
start with. I recommend always having a little treat and spending time with God, but YOU choose
what is most important to you, and go from there.

You got this mama. Give it a try, and let me know how it goes. I’m dying to know.

And remember:

I’m rooting for you!


COPYRIGHT 2021 Mama's Mornings

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