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Match the verb to their meanings and write the translation

verb meaning translation
make off with run away
get away with excuse sb from punishment, duty
get off do sth bad
let smb off disappear, run away very quickly with sth stolen
give oneself up show the truth about sth unwillingly
break into escape punishment
get up to enter by force
give oneself away offer oneself as a prisoner

2. Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs above
1) A masked man attacked an old lady in the street and .................................... her purse.
2) The suspect ....................................... by giving different answers to the same questions.
3) Pickpockets usually .................................... being punished.
4) Although the police tried hard to catch the criminals, they ..........................
5) The thieves ................................ themselves ………… by the mud on their clothes.
6) A group of teenagers was stopped while joyriding, but as it was their first offence, the
police ......................................... with only a caution.
7) Despite the fact that he was caught drink-driving, the judge .................................
8) Several houses were .......................................... last night in our neighbourhood.
9) Be careful! Those children are always ............................................ some kind of mischief.
10) Why doesn’t he plead guilty? Does he hope to ....................................... no punishment?
11) A gang of masked men robbed a bank in the middle of the day and ............................... with £10,000.
12) The terrorists ....................................... when they saw that the building was surrounded by the police.
3. Paraphrase the following sentences
1) The burglars ran away with 3 TVs and a jewellery box.
2) She escaped punishment only with a little fine.
3) The muggers attacked the old man in the street and ran away.
4) The policeman let her go without punishment for speeding.
5) Last night my neighbours’ house was burgled, no one even woke up.
6) You never know what to expect of that boy, he is always ready to do something nasty.
7) She was noticed shoplifting when she dropped the box of chocolates she had stolen.
4. Translate the following sentences:
1) Грабитель сдался полиции, когда потерял последнюю надежду на спасение.
2) Ограбление банка было удачным. Грабителям удалось сбежать с сотнями тысяч долларов.
3) Несмотря на серьёзное правонарушение, преступнику удалось отделаться лишь небольшим
4) Она надеялась, что судья окажется не очень строгим и отпустит её без наказания.
5) Хотя она обещала молчать, на суде она выдала себя.
6) Наш район очень небезопасный. Несколько домов было ограблено за последнюю неделю.
7) Следите за этим ребёнком – он часто совершает нехорошие поступки.
8) Ловите его! Он вор! Не дайте ему уйти!

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