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Human Discoveries: Ships that

Marsala Punic Ship (mid-

third century BCE, 2,000
years old)

The oldest known warship

wreck in existence and it
was found in 1917 a harbor
sunk Hundred Years Ago
at Sicily, Italy.

The Mary Rose (1510)
Mary Rose ship was discovered in
5th of May year of 1971 a warship in
the navy of the Tudor King Henry VIII
and was destroyed while leading an
action against a French ship in
Solent, in the Isle of Wight on 19 July

Carphatia ship (1902)

Discovered in May
27, 2000, best
known for rescuing survivors from
Sutton Hoo Ship (6th to the Titanic and it was destroyed
7th centuries) by a German submarine in the

year 1917, at the time of World War
The Spanish Armada (15th The most impressive medieval I.
and 16th centuries) grave to be discovered in 1939 in

Europe, inside the burial mound
was the imprint of a decayed ship
The Spanish Armada and a central chamber filled with
(15th and 16th centuries) treasures. R.M.S Titanic (1911)

Discovered by archaeologists off the coast Was found sits in the dark
of County Donegal in Ireland, it was found in
waters of the North Atlantic
the summer of 2010 and divers at the time
discovered a tunic button and piece of Ocean off the coast of New
Spanish pottery. Foundland.

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