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Greetings to the people: come on in the room (?

Introduce myself: So it's clear Im not Pastor B Chris lol but my name is Juoniah and I am a Change Agent
of Change Church! And Im so excited to be with you all this evening. I give honor to the Lord for giving
me and us this day, this space, time and hour to share and for us to all interact. And I also wanna honor
Pastor B Chris for this opportunity even though when he asked I was like well chile... we gon see

BUT Im here and excited to be able to share what God has given unto me and for us to be able to
interact. YES, I said interact lol meaning yall can post ya comment, questions and opinions on the topic
and I'll talk back ok now?

SOOO get you cappachinos, mocha lattes, or just your regular coffee and let's
dive on into Coffee and Convo's

So the past couple of weeks Pastor B Chris has been talking about the pleges but tonight I
decided to switch it up to something else, is that alright with y'all?

So last Sunday, 3 days ago, was Resurrection Sunday where we honored and
remembered the sacrifice that Jesus made for both you and I. And for me, Resurrection Sunday
is always a reminder and even a renewal of our understanding of Jesus' sacrifice for us and His
ultimate and true power through him conquering death hell and the grave.

And because of this my spirit has been so stirred up and set on fire to carry out the instructions
he gave His disciples before leaving. So with that the scripture I wanna come from is Matthew

And so with that scripture text I'm gonna be talking from the subject:

Will the REAL disciples Please Stand UP?

Now this aint for the folks that been saved all their life but for those who haven't been and y'all
know that M&M song slim shady and he's like "will the real slim shady please stand up?" LOL
yeah thats how I'm coming tonight but "WILL THE REAL DISCIPLES PLEASE STAND UP?"

Definition of disciple: a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher; a personal

follower of Jesus during his life, especially one of the twelve Apostles. But his life still lives on
in the word because it is true and alive

You can be a disciple of many things so it's important to take inventory of what/who you are
discipling; but that's not what we on this evening ok

So we're gonna break down these scriptures (Matthew 28:18-20) tonight and really take a look
into what Jesus' instructions were which leads me to my first point:


- He didn't leave us here with no direction on what it is that we should be doing...

He told us exactly what we're to be doing while we're here occupying the land.

- He didn't leave us here to wonder aimlousley around wondering what it is we

should be doing while he's placed us here... we have a purpose and HE TOLD US what it was.

But there was something else he did


(V18) "Jesus came and told all his disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on

- Definition of announcement: a public and typically formal statement about a fact, occurrence,
or intention

- Definition of formal statment: an official account of facts, views, or plans, especially one for
release to the media

So throughout the time of Jesus' ministry he had demostrated that he had all power,
through the healing of the blind, the lame, the sick, the diseased, the dead, and then assumed
all power when He conquered death, hell and the grave

SO in verse 18 he made an announcement, in front of his disciples giving an official account of

what had taken place

So let's bring it back to us, the believer, the disciples; our LIVES should be the announcement; it
should be public, giving an official account of the fact that Jesus is Lord over my life meaning
he's my healer, my redeemer, my deliverer, my way maker, my help in times of struggle, my
protection, my everything and it should be in occurence meaning all the time that this is to be
found true in our lives; with the intention of voicing your plan of that I will serve the Lord all the
rest of my days

- And I like that in the definition of formal statement it says especially one for the release
to the media; meaning we need to be mindful of not only how we live our lives but the lives
that we live on social media. And asking ourselves the questions of what does our
announcement reflect on our media, and if you really want me to get in your business, your text
messages. And that don't mean just sending innapropriate things, but gossiping, lying, and a
plethora of other things ok?
So for a recap; first, he gives an announcement, then He gives an ongoing charge


(V19) "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
father son and the Holy spirit"

- Definition of Ongoing: continuing; still in progress

Going out and making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, son and
the Holy Spirit is the ongoing charge; It's time to stop looking like disciples and start BEING
disciples, for as long as God blesses us to be here

- And a quote I wanna use that I heard Bishop Matthew Brown say was "If we're in the
business of soul winning, how's our business?" How's your business? Is your business thriving or
are you going out of business?

And for those of us going out of business, just wait cause there is hope ok? Cause even I was like
"omg girl... is you finna go outta business???" But ongoing has a second part to it's definition
meaning "still in progress" meaning we are to be progressing in God not perfect in God and how
do I know this? Because

- Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God"

- Roman 3:10 says "As it is written, there is none rigteous, no, not one"

We are to be progressing in God, moving in and with God and especially in the way we disciple
for him YET still being flat footed in His truth; so the way we disciple people has to change, the
way we present God to people has to change because discipling ten years ago is vastly different
from today, even five years is different, matter of fact six months ago because now Churches
and people of God are having to get his message out through different ways of streaming and
connecting because I can't come knock on your door, I don't see you at church anymore, or out
and about in the stores and I feel led to give you a invite to our physical location. The approach
has to be different but His truth must remain the same!

And even in the way that we disciple after milennials; all I wanna say about this is rules without
relationship = rebellion

- Romans 5:8 says "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us"

- Jeremiah 31:3 say "Long ago the LORD said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people,
with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself"
Jeremiah 31:3 is the basis of drawing people to God, in another version it say "with loving
kindness have I drawn thee"... Jesus brought us, his disciples into the knowledge of him with
love, kindness and His truth.. And we are to do the same when discipling. Why? Because we are
to take on the the Character of Christ... He very much knew he was dieing for a sinful, mean,
hard-headed, know it all, think they grown bunch of folk and did it anyways. And even to this
day draws us to him with love, kindness, his truth and especially patience because some of us
have been in christ but have yet to mature in him so we venture back to the things he's brought
us out of and while he might give a little pop on our behinds with some life events He does so
with love and kindness. Cause that's what every good parent does.


(V20) "Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of
this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age"

- Teaching means that as a disciple; I have to be in the word myself, have the call to
teach (because some of us are good at bring people in but not teaching) new disciples. And if I
have the call to teach, I have to teach it in it's entireity, not just use the scriptures I wanna use to
manipulate someone, or for my own personal gain or to smack them around and beat up on
them with the word..

- And then this is where the promise comes in at the end when it say "and be sure of
this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." One thing I'm sure of, two things for
certain, Jesus is with me, till the day I take my last breath and even after that because in Christ,
we have an eternity in him

So in conclusion, my only question is Will the REAL Disciples Please Stand Up?

And my question to you is, are you a real disciple?

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