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Conversation Starters

A Christmas Carol

Dickens’s Carol Changes Lives

Begin by introducing yourself to your group. Each person should say his or her name.

1. Can you name any other Charles Dickens books? Have you seen any movies
made about “A Christmas Carol” or other stories by Dickens? (Club Leader: Great
Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Bleak
House are a few of his more famous novels. See Gina Dalfonzo’s for more about Charles Dickens.)

2. Marley was in chains because he loved money too much. Do you think caring too
much for money should be a reason for punishment?

3. The “Spirit of Christmas Past” reminds Scrooge of his loneliness as a child. Tell us
how you would help someone who is lonely? What is the best way for lonely people
to find good friends? Who is lonely in your community?

4. Scrooge did not know that Bob Crachit’s child Tim was sick. How much do you
know about the families of your co-workers and friends? If your co-workers had a
difficult situation, would they tell you about it? How would someone be able to help?

5. The Spirit of Christmas Future shows the future death of Ebenezer Scrooge
himself. What do you want people to remember about you when you die? Would
you want to make any changes in your life now before you die?

6. Tell us about someone in your community who cares about other people. How does
this person give a good example for others to follow? How has this person
influenced you? (Club Leader: if appropriate, this may be an opportunity for you to
tell them the difference that Christ has made in your life.)

7. Scrooge is only a character in a story invented by Charles Dickens. What people in

real life today or from recent history would you describe as examples of moral
goodness? How did you learn about them and what should we learn from their
example of goodness?

8. Scrooge changes because his dream shows him what is wrong with his life. Tell us
about a time when something changed your life. How difficult was it to make a
change in your life? How did you know that you needed to make a change?

TIPS FOR VOLUNTEERS: Encourage all group members to talk. The volunteer should not
do all of the talking.


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