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Leader Guide Conversation Starters

A German Festival (Oktoberfest)

In Today’s Program: Many ways to have fun at a popular event

Discuss: Begin by introducing yourself to your group. Each person should say his or her name.

1. Tell us about a large festival in your country. Why is it special?

a. Would you enjoy a visit to Oktoberfest? Why or why not?
b. What festival would you like to attend? Explain.
c. Why do some festivals feel more exciting at night than in the day?
d. Oktoberfest has changed in many ways. Which changes might you think are
positive and which might be negative?

2. Many Bavarians wear traditional clothes for their festival. Why do you think people
like to wear unusual clothes?
a. What clothes did you wear that were only for a special event? How did you
feel wearing these special clothes?
b. What hats are worn by young people in your country? How are these hats
different to those worn by older people?

3. Children enjoy mechanical carnival rides at the Oktoberfest. What memory do you
have of special rides when you were a child?
a. Do you enjoy big rides that might produce fear? Explain.
b. Where would you go to ride a mechanical carnival ride in your community?
c. Have you ever gone to a place similar to Disneyland with permanent large
and small rides for adults and children? Tell us about your trip.

4. Much of the music and dancing at Oktoberfest was traditional. What do you think
about the traditional music and dancing of your culture?
a. Oktoberfest visitors can also buy traditional foods. What traditional foods are
sold at big events in your country?
b. Tell us about one of these traditional foods you enjoy and one you do not like.

5. Do you like to drink beer?

a. If yes, do you prefer it warm or cold? If no, what drink do you enjoy?
b. How do you feel about drinking alcohol?
c. Did you ever drink too much alcohol? What happened?

6. Bavaria is famous for making beer. What makes your part of the country special? Tell
us something about this.

7. Oktoberfest began with a big wedding of public leaders. How is a big wedding
different from a small wedding in your culture?
a. How have weddings changed in your culture since your grandparents were
b. Tell us about the most beautiful wedding you have attended (it may be your

8. Together read lines 36-37. (Club Leader: if you have an online club, ask one
person to read these lines.) What foods do families grow in your community?
a. Tell us about events in your community where people can win prizes for
showing what they have grown or made.
b. Have you or a member of your family entered competitions for growing or
making something? Tell us about it.

Tips for Leaders: Fill the extra time with conversation. Ask each person to share
something special about a family member or a friend. If they could give a special gift to
that person and there was no limit on cost, what gift would they give and why? What is
the most special gift each person has ever been given? Why?

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Leader Guide Conversation Starters
A German Festival (Oktoberfest)

Tips for Leaders: Fill the extra time with conversation. Ask each person to share
something special about a family member or a friend. If they could give a special gift to
that person and there was no limit on cost, what gift would they give and why? What is
the most special gift each person has ever been given? Why?

© 2020, All Rights Reserved

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