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Adjectivele, in limba engleza , sunt invariabile ( nu se acorda cu substantivele in gen,numar si

caz ).
Adjectivele stau inaintea substantivelor (I like Chinese food) sau dupa anumite verbe
(to appear, to be, to become, to feel, to get, to look, to keep,to seem, to taste, to make,to
smell,to sound,
to turn, to taste).

Desi stau dupa verbe, ele nu descriu verbul si subiectul propozitiei (in majoritatea cazurilor -
sau pronume).

Ex: The examination did not seem difficult.

Your friend looks nice.

Unele din adjectivele care pot sta numai dupa verbele auxiliare: asleep, awake, afraid, alike,
alive, alone,
annoyed, difficult, ill, nice, sorry, upset, well
(She is alone.).

Asa cum am mai spus, avem adjective care stau inaintea substantive:
Ex : I like big black dogs.
She was wearing a beautiful long red dress.

Care este ordinea corecta pentru adjective ?

1) Ordinea generala: opinion, fact

Ex : a nice French car (not a French nice car)

"Opinion" este ceea ce crezi despre subiectul propozitiei/frazei .

"Fact" este ceea ce este adevarat despre subiectul propozitiei/fraziei.

2) Ordinea normala a adjectivelor este :

size, age/temperature , shape, colour, material, origin:
Ex : a big, old, square, black, wooden Chinese table

Size : small, little, thiny, big

Age/Temperature : old, new, hot, cold
Shape : round, square
Color : yellow, red, blue
Material : plastic, silver
Origin : Chinese, Romanian, Franch

3) Determiners usually come first, even though they are fact adjectives:
· articles (a, the)
· possessives (my, your...)
· demonstratives (this, that...)
· quantifiers (some, any, few, many...)
· numbers (one, two, three)

Here is an example with opinion and fact adjectives:

adjectives noun

deter- opinion fact

age shape colour

two nice old round red candles

Cand vrem sa folosim doua adjective care se refera la o culoare folosim “and”.
Ex: Newspapers are usually black and white.
Gradele de comparative ale adjectivelor :

- gradul pozitiv : arata prezenta normala a unei calitati a obiectelor (fara comparatii)
Ex : She is beautiful.
- gradul comparativ : compara doua sau mai multe obiecte
o in masura egala : comarativul de egalitate : he is as tall as his brother
o in masura inegala :- comparativul de superioritate : he is taller then she.
- compartivul de inferioritate : not as tall as …
- gradul superlativ: este de doua feluri : relative(in comparative cu alte elemente)
Ex : The biggeste : Cel mai mare
The smallest = Cel mai mic
The most important = Cel mai important
absolute (fata de el insusi)
Ex : Very gig = Foarte mare
Very small = Foarte mic
Very/Highly important = Foarte important

Comparativul de egalitate se formeaza prin incadrarea adjectivului : “ as…as “

Ex : as tall as = la fel de inalt ca, tot atat de inalt ca

Pentru sens negative : incadram adjectivul in : “not as/ so…as”

Ex : not as/so tall as = nu atat/ asa de inalt cat/ca

Comparativul de inferioritate se formeaza incadrand adjectivul in expresia :

“not so(as)…as “ sau “less…then”
Ex : not as tall as/ not so tall as = nu atat de inalt ca
Less tall then = mai putin inalt ca

Atentie la aceste 4 expresii:

So much the better = Cu atat mai bine

So much the worse = Cu atat mai rau
So much the more = Cu atat mai mult
So much the less = Cu atat mai putin

Expresia “cu atat” nu are echivalent in limba engleza.

(Cu cat) mai curand, (cu atat) mai bine = The sooner, the better.
(Cu cat este)casa mai veche, (cu atat este) pretul mai mic. = The older the house,
the smaller the price.

Adjectivele terminate in –e mut suprima aceasta vocala inaintea terminatiilor -er , -est .
Ex : large – larger – the largest
fine – finer - the finest

Adjectivele terminate in – y precedat de o consoana, schimba pe y in i inaintea lui – er si – est .

Ex : heavy – heavier – the heaviest

Adjectivele terminate in – y precedat de o vocala raman neschimbate :

Ex : gay – gayer – the gayest (vesel) Acest adjective este foarte rar folosit in
sensului lui propriu, intrand in raza vulgar a vocabularului.

Adjectivele monosilabice terminate in consoana, o dubleaza la comparative si

la superlative :
Ex: big – bigger – the biggest

Unele adjective au forme diferite la comparativ si superlativ:

Good – better – the best = bun(a)

Well – better – the best = bine
Bad – worse – the worst = rau
Ill- worst – the worst = bolnav
Much – more – the most = mult(a)
Many – more – the most = multi(e)
Little – less – the least = putin
Adjectivele posesive:

Se pun intotdeauna inaintea substantivelor:

My = meu, mea, mei , mele

Your = tau, ta, tai, tale
His = lui, sau, sa, sai, sale, dansului, dumnealui, domniei sale
Her = ei, sau, sa, sai, sale, dansei, dumneaei
Its (pers III neutru) = lui, ei , sau, sa, sai , sale
Our = nostril, nostru, noastra, noastre
Your = vostru, voastra, vostri, voastre, d-voastra
Their = lor, dansilor, danselor, dumnealor

Adjectivele demonstrative:

Pentru apropere:

This = acest, acesta, ast, asta, aceasta, asta

Those = acestia, acesti, asti, astia, aceste, acestea, astea, , aste

Pentru departare:

That = acela, acel, ala, aceea, acea, aia

Those = acei, aceia, ai, aia, acelea, alea

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