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Date: November 9, 2021

Municipality: Dinalupihan

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10. 5

Health Benefit Score:

38 GOOD - Keep up the great work and continue to make healthy food choices.

1. Do you agree with the results of your assessment test? Are you well aware of your
eating patterns?

Yes I agree with the result of the assessment.

Yes I’m aware of my eating patterns because I’m under a diet plan to loose
weight and be fit
as well.

2. In what ways can you improve your lifestyle? Give at least five (5) examples and
explain it briefly.

I can improve my lifestyle by starting to eat more healthy foods, exercise

regularly, avoid eating salty and fatty foods, avoid staying up late at night and
read more helpful facts on how I can be fit and more productive everyday. I
need to improve all of this to achieve my goal weight and help me boost my
self confidence. Because in our society today many people are looking after
a sexy body where we fat person are always victim of body shaming which
lead as to loose our self confidence and make us feel so insecure.
3. How can you promote healthy lifestyle through the use of social media?

I as a GIP can help in promoting a healthy lifestyle in social media by posting

facts about being healthy, on what is the good effects of having a healthy life
style in each individual. And also share to them my fitness journey on how I start
this diet and work out session which really work for me, because before more
people ask me “ Are you pregnant? “ I refuse to look in the mirror back then.
Because I myself is ashamed of my body, but when I start my healthy lifestyle. I
got to inspired lot of people who see the improvement on my body. They all
ask me f what I usually do why I lost my weight and I share it to them so they
can start their fitness journey also.

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