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Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science

Information System

Project Title

Smart shoes to support blind people

By: Sherif Aly Moustafa

ID: 126677

Supervised By

Dr: Ann nosier

June 2016
There is no doubt the blind is a member in our society so it is so important to find solu-
tions to make their life more comfort which is one of their simplest that the duty of
the society to solve their difficulties that they face daily. As a part of society, this project
found a solution which is smart shoes. Smart shoes are connected to Arduino device which
consist of 6 sensors and buzzer and memory. Four sensors used for distance for four direc-
tion, fifth sensor for fire and sixth sensor for holes in the streets. This is necessary in order to
help to walk on the street freely and smoothly and is alerted to the dangers of walking in the
street. So, a small part of problems of blind is solved and this is a society duty towards them.

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Attestation &Turnitin Report
I understand the nature of plagiarism, and I am aware of the University’s policy on this.

I certify that this dissertation reports original work by me during my University project ex-
cept for the following (adjust according to the circumstances):

 The technology review in Section 2.5 was largely taken from [17].
 The code discussed in Section 3.1 was created by Acme Corporation (/JavaExpert)
and was used in accordance with the licence supplied.
 The code discussed in Section 3.5 was written by my supervisor.
 The code discussed in Section 4.2 was developed by me during a vacation placement
with the collaborating company. In addition, this used ideas I had already developed
in my own time.

Signature (sherif aly moustafa) Date (25 / 5 / 2017)

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At the beginning, I would like to thank you all those helped me to complete this project
which has devoted a great deal of time to its completion. I would like to thank my family, es-
pecially my father, who was a strong motivator for me to study at the College of Computer
Science and to provide me with all the means and possibilities to complete the study and suc-
cess process.
I would like to thank the staff at the university as a whole for giving us a golden opportunity
to learn to study, learn and benefit our society with our great learning ideas. I would like to
thank all the doctors at the University for their Efforts in completing this project. They
helped me by giving me some important advice and great ideas, especially Dr. Ann Nosir.
I would like to thank my friends who helped me complete the project. Some of them sit with
me in hours to draw all the project's scenarios and predictions. Some of them helped by col-
lecting the requirements, analysing the data, designing, programming and testing.

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Table of Contents
Attestation &Turnitin Report.............................................................................................ii
Table of Contents..............................................................................................................iv
List of
List of Tables....................................................................................................................vii
1 Introduction...................................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement.................................................................................................1
1.3 Scope and Objectives.............................................................................................1
1.4 Report Organization (Structure).............................................................................1
1.5 Work Methodology................................................................................................2
1.6 Work Plan (Gantt Chart)........................................................................................2
2 Related Work (State-of-The-Art)..................................................................................3
2.1 Background...........................................................................................................3
2.2 Literature Survey...................................................................................................3
2.3 Analysis of the Related Work................................................................................3
3 Proposed solution..........................................................................................................4
3.1 Solution Methodology...........................................................................................4
3.2 Functional/ Non-functional Requirements.............................................................4
3.3 Design / Simulation set up.....................................................................................4
4 Implementation.............................................................................................................5
5 Testing and evaluation...................................................................................................6
5.1 Testing...................................................................................................................6
5.2 Evaluation..............................................................................................................6
6 Results and Discussions................................................................................................7
7 Conclusions and Future Work.......................................................................................8
7.1 Summary...............................................................................................................8
7.2 Future Work...........................................................................................................8
Appendix 1.......................................................................................................................10
Appendix 2 – User guide..................................................................................................11
Appendix 3 – Installation guide........................................................................................12

List of Figures

Figure 1. Highly Technical Diagram...................................................................................5

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List of Tables

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1 Introduction
Helping the disable people is a duty towards our nation, hence the idea come through to
help the blind people to overcome their disability to see. Their major problem is inability to
see with their eyes, consequently the project work on this problem and try to equalize this by
making alternative eyes for them. The project is fixing sixth sensors on shoes, memory and
buzzer to make sound to caution the blind for any danger. The project mainly consists of 6
sensors, buzzer, Arduino, battery and memory. Four sensors for distance and dimensions, the
first sensor located on the left shoe for left direction. The second sensor is ultrasonic sensor
also that located on the right shoe for the right dimensions. The third ultrasonic sensor is loc-
ated on the front of the shoe and the fourth ultrasonic sensor is for the rear dimensions. The
fifth sensor is for fire to help the blind to avoid being nearby to any high temperature that loc-
ated on the Arduino on the top of the right shoe. The last sensor is hole sensor, this sensor is
used to caution the blind for any hole in his way, this sensor is located on front of the left shoe.
All these sensors are connected to memory that is connected to Arduino which connected to
PC with a cable for analyzing the readings. The project worked on 4 connected axes. The first
axis is getting the shoes 6 sensors, Arduino, memory, wires and battery. The first section de-
pends on connecting all the above and making it work efficiently and recording readings then
determine whether it is accurate or not. The second axis worked on determining the accuracy
of readings. The third axis is determining the danger percentage that blind people normally

1.1 Overview

The project is divided into 4 sections. The first section worked on 6 sensors, Arduino,
memory, battery, breadboard and buzzer. In this section, the 6 sensors are fixed on the shoes
with Arduino, memory, battery and breadboard that fixed on it the buzzer. When the one of
sensors determine, a danger is taking place, the buzzer make a sound to caution the blind and
the memory save the reading. All the previous sensors are connected to Arduino that connec-
ted to PC which used to program the six sensors. The second section worked on determining
the accuracy of readings by using Neural Network of MATLAB. The third section is determ-
ining the danger percentage that blind people normally face by using fuzzy logic of MATLAB.

1.2 Problem Statement

Blind face a lot of problems. One of it is the disability to move alone. Their problems can
be briefed as falling on the ground due to holes and decline roads and crashing into walls or
any Prominences in the road. Also, they cannot see the fire or any hot objects and in addition
to the water or any liquid on their way that they cannot see which may lead them to fall. For
the previous reason, the blind feel that he is in a prison because they cannot move where he
wants. Also, they feel afraid due to accidents they daily face because of falling and continu -
ously crashing. And there are related works to help the blind like smart walk stick, smart
Sunglasses, smart mobile application. Finally, they cannot live their life like normal people.
The project can be applied on a blind stick but the project worked on shoes in order not to feel
they are in embarrassing situation.

1.3 Scope and Objectives

The objective of the project is to find a solution that the society suffer from which is mak-
ing a shoes for the blind people who suffer from blindness. The smart shoes is like an eye for
the blind so it is helpful for them as it save them from crashing, falling and getting burnt due
to fire.

1.4 Report Organization (Structure)

Firstly, the report gives an abstract about what have done in the project, then a brief intro-
duction about how the blind suffers from their disability and incapability to see and how this
problem is challenge that they have to accept. After that an overview about the work done in
the project. How the six sensors are fixed together on the shoes and how it works with the Ar-
duino then the memory save readings of six sensors with a buzzer that caution the blind for
any danger that nearby the blind. Then a problem statement of how the blind face a lot of
obstacles and the society still cannot help them, and why it is necessary to find a solution. The
next step is identifying the objective and the scope of the project which is smart shoes which is
like an eye for blind people. Then the work methodology of the project. In this part, the system
is explained briefly. How every sensor is connected, how sensors are tested, how the memory
saves readings, how the reading is tested and calibrated then ensure the accuracy of reading.
After that the work plan of project. A Gantt chart is supplied. The second section is related
work. A work is similar to the project is introduced and what the advantages and disadvantages
of related work. A background about every related works is provided then a literature review
of each work is shown. Then, analysis is done to the work to show what advantages and disad-

vantages of the work. The next chapter is the proposed solution which is the smart shoes what
it consists of and how it every part is connect to other parts generally the solution methodo-
logy is presented, and determine the functional requirement, then the design of the smart shoes
is presented. The next chapter is the implementation. In this chapter, the codes of the programs
used in the project is given. The next chapter is testing and evaluation. In this chapter, the sys-
tem tested by software programs and give results, then these results are analyzed and evalu-
ated. the next chapter is results and discussion. In this part, the results are discussed and de-
termine the danger percentage that the blind faces. The next chapter is conclusion and future
work. In this part, a summary of the work is presented then in the branch of future work, the
limitation of the work is given and also how this project will be applied. Finally, a biblio-
graphy of the project is presented. Then appendices lists are given to clarify the data used in
the project for the reader.

1.5 Work Methodology

At the beginning of our personal duty towards society is to provide projects benefit genera-
tions and solve a problem in society and came to that idea through (smart shoes to support
blind people) which solve the problem of blindness in society and can move and walk freely in
the streets and fields and in their own home.
The shoes had been created by arduino board to put all sensors on it, 5 ultrasonic sensors (left
ultrasonic sensor to explore the left objects of the blind people , right ultrasonic sensor to ex-
plore the right objects of the blind people, front ultrasonic sensor to explore the front objects
of the blind people, rear ultrasonic sensor to explore the rear objects of the blind people, hole
ultrasonic sensor to explore the hole in the road of the blind people), flame sensor to explore
the fire on the road, buzzer to make sound to attention blind people to the danger of the six
sensors by six different sound to can differ what is the danger come from the buzzer working
if Left, right, front and rear ultrasonic sensors distance is less than or equal 10 cm between ob-
ject and blind people And hole ultrasonic sensor if distance more than 120 cm and flame
sensor when explore the fire in front of the blind , memory card to save the readings of the six
sensors, breadboard to connection the wires between sensors and the arduino board, and betray
to Connect the electricity to make all system working .
Installation the component of the system on the shoes through 5 ultrasonic sensors are fixed on
shoes.3 Ultrasonic sensor is fixed in the right shoe, the first sensor is fixed on the right side of
the right shoe, the second sensor is that one which fixed on the front of the right shoe, the third
sensor is fixed on the rear of the right shoe and make all of each sensor is designed to be
higher to detect walls or bodies. The Arduino board is fixed on the front of the surface of the

right shoe. Bread board is fixed in the left side of the right shoe. The flame sensor is fixed on
the Arduino board in the right shoe. In the left shoe, an ultrasonic sensor is fixed in the left of
left shoe. A hole ultrasonic sensor is fixed on the front of the right shoe and make it is de-
signed to be look to the ground to detect all holes. After fixing all the previous parts, we con-
nect the arduino bored by USB cable to computer and open program called Arduino program-
ing language and written code for programming all parts.
The next part mainly depends on the memory card as it saves all readings that come from the 6
sensors, after that all the readings that extracted from the memory is put on excel sheet. In The
second part, take the readings to put on Neural network of MATLAB to Train, validate, Test
the data that collected from the memory of arduino: to test the data that collected from the
memory of arduino and Classification to making the algorithms. The third step, the readings is
put on fuzzy logic in MATLAB to know the danger percentage in all sensors that blind man
faces in his daily life

1.6 Work Plan (Gantt Chart)

1.6.1 Work Plan

Gathering requirements from beginning of September to the end of October

Analysis from beginning of October to the end of November
Design from beginning of November to the end of January
Implementation from beginning of January to the end of May
Testing from beginning of April to the end of May

1.6.2 Gantt Chart

2 Related Work (State-of-The-Art)

2.1 Background

2.1.1 Background for related work 1Blind Navigation

This paper is experiencing the blind navigation system by using Arduino 1sheeld by Mas-
nah Gambilok, the system helps the whole blind community to deal with their lives and con-
tact their environment easily. The researcher formulated a blind navigation system that trans-
mits information wirelessly to blinds' smartphones from the Ardunio's shield, to inform the
person with the current ways and distance around using warning and vibration. Ultrasonic
sensors are used to detect the existence of object from the four directions; front, right, left, and
over waistline, it is used because it calculates the distance regardless of the light existence. In
addition to a speech written in Arduino coding to inform the user by the distance available.
The problem statement in this paper is the traditional ways used to assist the blind people,
some of them are costing low but need adjustment, and other has a high cost. This paper has
certain objectives which are; designing a technological way for blind people to detect their
ways and difficulties, alarming the user through an Arduino speech that there is a specific
problem in a specified direction, and building a low cost blind navigation system which is Ar-
duino with 1sheeld which will be mainly connected to smartphones.

2.1.2 Background for related work 2 Walking stick

Blindness is one of the most sensitive cases that may face any person and keep them dis-
abled in their lives having nothing to do even if they have all the other factors that made them
live easily. That is why many students and researchers try to come up with different facilities
or systems to improve blinds' life. This paper is about the Arduino based intelligent walking
stick for the impaired persons, students from government engineering college succeeded at
collecting different data for the blind navigation case, and adding their idea in formulating the
intelligent walking stick for facilitating blinds' live. The blind state is missing the visual ability
due to external or internal factors; blind one usually asks for help in their destination, they
should depend on others. It is clear that the white cane is the only help for those sightless ones,
but this paper introduces some problems in the white cane as it is unfamiliar for the blind per-
sons and they might get confused while using it. It hurts much for those cases to depend on
others in their daily routine, they are not able to walk, eat, or do anything without others' help.
So this paper aims at formulating an ultrasonic sensor to detect the presence of any difficulties

in the users' route, the light sensor is for testing the existence of light in the users' route, water
sensor, as well as anti-theft system, vibration, and sounds for warning users.

2.1.3 Background for related work 3 Walking stick using GPS

This paper is introducing a new technological way that could help blind cases to cope and
move in their lives, as well as providing them different features in the tool to manage their day
to day activities. The proposed idea in this paper is the walking stick; it is designed with cer-
tain sensors to ease the life, GPS receiver, converter, driver, vibration tool, sound tool, keypad,
speaker or headphone, controller and battery are all used together to design a well-developed
technological safe product for blind persons. It is designed to distinguish difficulties, pit, and
water existence, as well as finding out the location for blind people to prevent difficulty in mo-

2.1.4 Background for related work 4 Smart Gloves

Sightless persons are struggling every day in their lives; they are disabled from their visual
sense, and always need help from other. The following study is helping those disables to walk
easily with a low number of accidents which means it did not guarantee a system that is 100%
free from accidents. The system is mainly introducing a new technology with multi-sensors to
help blind people overcome the obstacles they face in their daily routine. The proposed system
in the paper consists of an ultrasonic sensor, vibrator, PIC controller, GPS, and battery. The pa-
per proves that technology is related to people in every aspect of their lives, so technology also
should have a role in helping blind persons. How the blind persons move differs from how
others can move, they just need safety and the sense of depending on themselves without ask-
ing for help. The most used facilities for blind people help are guide dogs and cane, the paper
discusses the problems in both ways. The cane has limited features that force sightless persons
to be more careful while walking, s well as taking too much time and effort to be trained for
using the guiding dogs. The introduced glove is set to solve the problems of the other two
guiding ways; it will create a well-designed system that will inform users if there is any ob-
struction in range 2 cm to 300 cm.

2.2 Literature Survey

2.2.1 Literature survey for related work 1 Blind Navigation

In this system, users have to set the Arduino shields in their smartphones, connect the ultra-
sonic sensors for different uses as distinguishing the empty from the crowded areas. The ultra-
sonic sensors calculates the distance available if it is higher than 30 cm so it detects that there

are no difficulties in the users' way, if the distance available is not empty within the for 30 cm,
sensors will warn users by sending to the smartphone connected and tells a specified speech
through the speaker until the distance becomes empty again. It is clear that another papers re-
search different system for the same aim as My 2nd Eye which uses gloves and the solar panel
to charge the battery; vibration motors, sensors, and the mini controller is the power of this
system. This system is working through several steps; detecting difficulties, sending signals to
the controller which will cause a vibration in the gloves' motor, the system stress on using the
touch sensor for the blind users, and then the user will keep standing in the same place until
another sign is sent to start moving on again. My 2nd Eye system is successful but still miss-
ing some technological features that may facilitate the blind navigation process more. Another
system is GPS based virtual eye for the blind ones, this system uses the global positioning sys-
tem and system for mobile communication to detect the users' location, and send his/her loca-
tion to a certain saved phone number through the mobile communication system in case the
user is missed. This system uses only one ultrasonic sensor to prevent further problems, the
sensor detects any strange objects in the users' way ranging from 2 to 400 cm. Users of this
system better use headphones to listen to the speech sent by the controller when detecting any
obstacles. This system also is working well because it could be applied inside and outside
houses and even in unknown places. Another system is the Smart cane for impaired people; it
was designed to be a guide cane to provide alternative ways for blind people. It also has only
one ultrasonic sensor attached near the top of the cane, water detector, vibration motor, and
this system uses PIC microcontroller. This system is working well but on the other hand it con-
fuses users because of sending too much voice messages, the water detector works only if the
water level is 0.5 cm or more, the water sensor cannot stop vibrating until the water turns dry,
and the most crucial problem in this system is detecting the obstacles only in the front space
from the user.

2.2.2 Literature Survey for related work 2 Walking stick

The following system formulates the blind stick that is integrated with ultrasonic sensors,
the system's main uses ultrasonic waves when the system detects any difficulties in the user's
direction; the sensor sends warning to the Arduino Uno. The Arduino works in this system
more like a calculator; it calculates the distance between the user and the difficulty. If the dis-
tance is far, nothing will change, but if it is close to the user the Arduino will send the user
warnings in a voice form to stop walking or keep standing at their places. The Arduino used in
this circuit send different warning sounds with different difficulties, whether water, fire, car, or
any other obstacle. This introduced system features a unique point as it can inform the user
whether the place in lighten up or not, but this is not the most important additional feature. As

well as wireless RF remote that is kept with the user, just by pressing on the remote buttons
the stick release buzz sound to inform the users' the exact place of their sticks in case they for-
get it.
This system is briefly sending warnings with vibration and sounds through earphones when
the system detects any obstacles, the Arduino send the sounds to the blind person through the
vibration or messages through the earphone. The system is containing two other systems that
work in the same way which are the light and water sensors. This paper introduces the system
which is acting as a guide for blind persons without waiting for others to guide them in their
way. Blind also are sensitive while asking for help, they know the problem they have, so those
persons have many needs that they can't ask others to do it for them. So, the system as many
other introduced systems before, aimed at solving blind problems and managing their lives
without waiting for others' help. From the researcher point of view, this paper is adding more
features upon the normally used systems for blind persons, as the RF remote and detecting the
dark areas from the lightened one. So the researcher paper should include more additional fea-
tures, and try to introduce new technology for helping blind ones.

2.2.3 Literature Survey for related work 3 Walking stick using GPS

This system is designed with the hardware and software as an existing system, the used
software techniques are MPLAB is software used to develop the code used in the PIC micro-
controller. As well as being a text editor, a simulator that eases the programming system. The
hardware used is ultrasonic sensors that generate echo, receive it and analyze it to calculate the
distance between the user and the object. Ultrasonic is a high detector than other sensors, it
can distinguish obstacles more precisely and identify their location easily. The walking stick
also is equipped with a microcontroller that includes a processor and memory, its function is
driven out from its name, as it controls the whole system, and it is useful at storing the pro-
gram and making a good use of it. In addition to water detector, a hardware device for examin-
ing the presence of water in the users' area, thus the stick could send the user vibration or
warning to be careful with the water existence. Returning to the aim of the paper, a proposed
system is shown to advance the use of the normal cane or traditional walking stick. The pro-
posed system is focusing on creating a sensor and GPS units, two different sensors are used;
the ultrasonic sensor and the infrared sensor. The ultrasonic as discussed before to detect the
existence of any strange object within a distance that it is equal to 3 cm width or diameter or
more, it generates a high-frequency level that reflects a specific sound if the sensor finds any
obstacles in the users' way. Infrared sensor for pits identification that would work the same as
other sensors, but it is more applicable for pits detection. Another unit is the GPS, by the help
of the microcontroller, the system is able to store the data of the user's current location re-

ceived from the GPS, it could inform the user by his/her location, and guess how long the user
is far away from the main location.

2.2.4 Literature Survey for related work 4 Smart Gloves

The paper argues that according to Herman, the blind persons lost their physical integrity
and has no confidence; those persons can lose the ability to remember the locations of other
objects and difficulties they may face. Some students from Central Michigan University de-
signed a smart cane the uses radio frequency identification to examine the location of the
obstacle, which has no additional feature over the normal cane for blind persons. So, this pro-
ject is using the Arduino Uno as a microcontroller that will send signs for the guide to inform
the user about the obstacles. Regarding the software, Arduino software will be used to easily
mobile, call anyone when needed, low-cost system, flexible, and save time with little depend-
ency on others. The improvement system in this paper is named HUB which contains addi-
tional features like GPS, emergency calls, and features. As well as using the Near Field Com-
munication technology, which uses the Android smartphones, just by tapping the phone with
gloves, it will automatically send messages to the identified important contacts. This means
that this system is limited to the usage of smartphones, which opens a door for further im-
provement in such systems. The system in hand requires two main software; Arduino and
Fritzing, Arduino is specialized for installing the microcontroller program and calculating the
distance between the difficulty and objects, Fritzing used to design connection to the hard-
ware. The hardware consists of six elements; ultrasonic sensor, sensor position, Arduino Uno,
switch, wires, servo vibrator motor, and USB. The ultrasonic sensor is used for determining
the distance between the user and the object, in addition to reading the data, it not affected by
noise in the environment, so it best fits this system. Arduino Uno is the focus of this system
because it acts as the microcontroller which could be connected to computers easier to connect
the battery and start using the system. The servo motor is directed by the Arduino to a specific
position; it was used before in the remote control, and now used in robots and technology
automated environment. And that’s how the smart glove helps the blind persons in their daily
life. This paper tried to help the blind people in their life; it is a successful system because it is
a low cost that blind persons can afford it easily. Despite being a successful system, there still
a limitation which is limiting the detection of objects to only detecting its position regardless
of its shape. In addition, it finalized for blind persons only and can’t help other people who
have disabilities. That's why this paper still needs much more improvements over the finalized
system to help more persons with more advanced technological services.

2.3 Analysis of the Related Work

2.3.1 Analysis for related work 1Blind Navigation

By the end of this paper, it is clear that different systems are available to help blind people
keep on going their lives, but a little number of systems is the effective ones. The researcher in
this paper is differently discussing the blind case and trying to improve in the traditional used
way to help blind people cope with their cases. The proposed system in this research is adding
the fire sensor feature which is warning blind people if there is any fire in their ways. In addi-
tion to detecting obstacles in that are in distance less than 10 cm instead of 30 cm, it also con-
tains the hole sensor, that can distinguish hole existence in the street to warn the users. So, this
paper is definitely adding additional features that are not proposed before and have a great ef-
fect on blind people lives.

2.3.2 Analysis for related work 2 Walking stick

Finally, it is observed that both systems will be helpful for blind people and will encourage
them to continue their life without any barriers. The researcher will examine a new method
that will enable blind people to feel comfortable with using high technological features, which
will compete with the walking stick. In the traditional way blind people use the walking stick,
the idea in this research is using also a walking stick but with many numbers of sensors. On
the other hand, the paper will discuss a more successful method which is the shoes that have
new sensors that are not available on the walking stick. From a personal perspective, blind
people may be shy from using the walking stick in front of people. But the shoes proposed in
this paper are acting as any of the users' outfit, which will enable them to be more comfortable
and trust themselves while moving around people.

2.3.3 Analysis for related work 3 Walking stick using GPS

The walking stick in this paper is adding the GPS feature, as well a mixing the infrared and
the ultrasonic sensors together for the overall achievement of the more advanced technological
tool. If this system is designed with high accuracy, the users will definitely feel the change by
depending more on themselves without relying on other persons help. And that is achieved in
the shoe design in the researcher paper, it is designed as a part of the users' clothing, and de-
signed with high technological sensors and accuracy systems to help blind people. The shoes
in this research are adding the fire and the hole sensors which have a new importance in the
blind people environment. Researchers have to gather all the available data and studies about
the blind cases, their needs, wants, and testing how would they feel satisfied and independent.
Based on the researchers' results, researchers can invent another product that could offer blind

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persons their need and make their lives much easier. Inventing a new technological tool may
cost money, but the main aim of inventing any new tool is satisfying blinds' needs and getting
their life easier without asking for others help. The researcher in this paper addresses the new
tools and shape of the product to help blind people more in their lives after gathering different
ideas and information from previous papers and solutions for the blind case.

2.3.4 Analysis of the Related Work 4 Smart Gloves

In the end, the two systems can help sightless people in an efficient and effective way but
choose which system will depend on blindness people personalities. Smart gloves need people
to have smartphones in order to get benefit from the features that are available in the sensor of
the gloves. But for the shoes, there is no need to have smartphones that will be connected to
identify the important contacts. The shoes have an effective sensor which is the hole sensor
that will warn the users if there is a hole while they are walking. So this paper is focusing on
some feature that will be more suitable and efficient for blind people and give them chance to
overcome their disabilities.

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3 Proposed solution

3.1 Solution Methodology

The system of the project consists of 3 parts to solution the problem :

1. Design and coding
2. Neural network by MATLAB
3. Fuzzy logic by MATLAB
Firstly, electronic parts are fixed on the shoes that consist of Arduino, buzzer, 6 sensors
(left ultrasonic sensor, right ultrasonic sensor, front ultrasonic sensor, rear ultrasonic sensor,
hole ultrasonic sensor and fire ultrasonic sensor), breadboard, battery, wires.
After fixing all the previous parts, the code has to be written for programming all parts by a
program called Arduino programing language. The next part mainly depends on the memory
card as it saves all readings that come from the 6 sensors, after that all the readings that extrac-
ted from the memory is put on excel sheet. In The second part, the results are put on Neural
network of MATLAB to know whether it is accurate or not. The third step, the readings is put
on fuzzy logic in MATLAB to know the danger percentage that blind man faces

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3.1.1 Part 1 (System design):

Definition of Arduino
Arduino is easy to be learned and used and it can be used by ammeters and professional
and it can be used for any purpose. Arduino is an electronic plate based on 2 majors (hardware
and software). The hardware is the connection with surrounding environment by sensors and
these sensors can be categories as (distance calculating sensor, agriculture sensor, fire sensor
and medical sensor). The software is programing sensors by a program called Arduino pro-
graming language based on C language. The programing by connecting the Arduino system to
the PC by a connection and the code is saved by microcontroller. Arduino is many types as
(Arduino Uno, Arduino mega, Arduino due, Arduino Leonardo, Arduino micro, …etc.), Ardu-
ino types is different from each other based on (dimension of the plate, the size of memory, in-
put and output pins, operating voltage and price). the type of Arduino system used in the cur-
rent system is Arduino mega 2560, it is used in the project because of 2 reasons. The first
reason, Arduino mega 2560 is used because the project based on 6 sensors and memory and

System components:

1- Arduino mega 2560

Is depending on Atmega 2560 and it Is a type of Arduino containing 54 digital input and
output pins and 14 of it can be used as connection output pwm and 16 analog inputs. Pins are
used to connect sensors and some sensors can be used in digital input and output and some
sensors can be used only in analog inputs that depend on the type of sensor and the purpose of
Arduino Mega 2560 consists of (USB connector, fuse for USB protection, regulator 5V,
source 7 to 12V, regulator 3.3V, power pins, analog input, reset button, digital inputs and out-
puts, TWI(12C), serial communications, PWM outputs and finally responsible for USB com-

- 13 -
Arduino mega 2560 features

2 -Ultrasonic sensor

Is ultrasonic HCSR04 and it is the sensor that is used to calculate distance by ultrasonic
waves and is contained from 4 legs. It is designed to work with 5V and the average dis-
tance that can be calculated is from 1 to 5 meter.
 Vcc is the leg that in connected to positive charge And it 5 V.
 Trigger is the ultrasonic module that sends waves in the shape of pulses.
 Echo: is the controller that mainly used to receive waves that sent by trigger and when
these waves are received it give estimation to the distance.
 Ground is the leg that is connected to the negative charge.

- 14 -
It can calculate distance by sending waves and when these waves touch objects it reflects
and the waves return back then received.

How to connect?

It is connected as the Vcc is connected to the positive pins in Arduino and the ground is
connected to the negative pins in Arduino. The trigger and echo is connected to the digital pins
in the Arduino. The Arduino is connected to PC by USB then it programed by open source.
The Arduino is programed that the trigger and echo in a specific pin.
Features Ultrasonic sensor
 It works with a power of 5V that make it easy to work with many types of batteries.
 It consumes low electric current as it is lower than 2 mA.
 The angle of waves spread is less than 15 degree.
 It works with a convenient range of distance (2-500) cm.
 Accuracy in detecting objects and also moving bodies by 1 cm.
 The frequency of ultrasonic waves reaches 40 Khz.

- 15 -
2- Flame sensor

Flame sensor work (ky-026) to detect the wave length of light between 760 to 1100 nm that
can appear in the shape of light waves in the range of the infra-red waves that is caused by
fire. The advantage of this sensor that it can detect the field of vision to 60 Celsius. It consists
of 4 legs:
 Vcc is the connected to the positive input and the voltage difference 3.3 to 5 V.
 Ground is connected as negative output.
 D0 is the digital output.
 E0 is the analog output.
Flame sensor (ky-026) advantages
 Detect the wave length of light between 760 to 1100 nm.
 Lid light that is used to detect the electric current by red light when current reach the
 Lid light that have green light when detecting fire in the area.
 Comparing slice that can be used a typical operating key that work in a voltage differ-
ence (3.3 to 5 V).
 It can detect fire in a range of 2 m.

How to connect

The Vcc is connected to the positive pin in Arduino and the ground is connected to the neg-
ative pin in Arduino. E0 is connected to E0 pin in Arduino and D0 is connected to Arduino
pins. Then Arduino is connected to PC by USB connection then programmed to show every
connection that exist in Arduino.

- 16 -
3- Buzzer

Is a tool used to make sound that sound may be changed from sound to another sound by
making different codes. It has 2 legs the first one is the leg that is connected to positive pin
and the other leg is connected to negative pin. Finally it works in 5 V.

4- Micro SD card

is the answer of write and read information and store it in memory card SD type and it is
necessary in most projects that depend on collecting and recording readings of different
sensors and the information is higher than controller board memory. Consists of 6 legs :
 Vcc is connected to the positive pin. Voltage difference is 5 V
 Ground is connected to negative pin.
 CS (shape select)
 MOSI (Master out save in )
 SCK (serial clock)

- 17 -
Method of connection

The Vcc is connected to positive pin in Arduino, gnd is connected to negative pin in Ardu-
ino, CS is connected to pin 14 in Arduino, MOSI is connected to pin 11, SCK is connected to
pin 13 in Arduino, MISO is connected to 12 in Arduino. Then Arduino is connected to PC by
USB connection and every leg is programed.

5- Breadboard

Breadboard is used in experiment of electronic circuits and it save a lot of time and effort
and it can install wire without wielding and it clear in the previous figure that there are many
hole that can install the electronic circuits in it. The breadboard that is used in the system is
considered as electronic complex for wires.

- 18 -
6- Battery

The battery is used to operate the buzzer, memory and 6 sensors (left ultrasonic sensor,
right ultrasonic sensor, front ultrasonic sensor, rear ultrasonic sensor, hole ultrasonic sensor
and fire ultrasonic sensor). in other words, it operates all system parts and make sure that
every part individually is working well.

Applying 6 sensors and buzzer and memory in the system (smart shoes to support
blind people)

5 ultrasonic sensors are fixed on shoes.3 Ultrasonic sensor is fixed in the right shoe, the
first sensor is fixed on the right side of the right shoe, the second sensor is that one which
fixed on the front of the right shoe, the third sensor is fixed on the rear of the right shoe. The
Arduino board is fixed on the front of the surface of the right shoe. Bread board is fixed in the
left side of the right shoe. The flame sensor is fixed on the Arduino board in the right shoe. In
the left shoe, an ultrasonic sensor is fixed. A whole ultrasonic sensor is fixed on the front of
the right shoe.

Rules of working sensors

Left, right, front and rear ultrasonic sensors is designed to work when the distance is less
than or equal 10 cm, the Height of each sensor is designed to be higher to detect walls or bod-
ies, the buzzer is whistle when the distance is lower or equal 10 cm and it has different
whistles to detect and inform the type of danger. The whole ultrasonic sensor face is designed
to make it face declined to the direction of earth and the ordinary measured distance is 117 to
119 cm. When the distance increases to more than 120 cm, the buzzer whistle with a sound
different from last sensors. The flame sensor is designed to detect fire and when it detects fire,
a green light appeared and as well, the buzzer makes a different sound than other sensors. the

- 19 -
memory in every second saves reading of last 6 sensors (left ultrasonic sensor, right ultrasonic
sensor, front ultrasonic sensor, rear ultrasonic sensor, hole ultrasonic sensor and fire ultrasonic
sensor). Every sensor is designed to work with each other by programing and every rule is ap-
plied by codes. The Arduino board is connected to PC by USB connection then using Arduino
programing language and programing the 6 sensors and buzzer and memory.

3.1.2 Part 2 (Neural network using Matlab)

Definition of Neural network

Neural network it is used to determine the accuracy of the data by establishing a network
for that data and training it to obtain the best results, Neural network gives many algorithms,
pertained models, and applications to make, prepare, envision, and reproduce both shallow and
profound neural systems. You can perform order, relapse, bunching, dimensionality decrease,
time-arrangement anticipating, and dynamic framework demonstrating and control. And it is
used to determine the accuracy of the data by establishing a network for that data and training
it to obtain the best results

Applying neural network using Matlab in our system (smart shoes to support blind

- 20 -
The file of reading has been taken, then it is put on Matlab and the file is classified into 2
parts, the first part is the reading of 6 sensors in the columns of inputs and the second part is
the target of the previous readings that come from the sensors.
The next figure shows the input that comes from the 6 sensors and the hidden layer that
happen in the processing and the output of the processing.

- 21 -
After that the network is created and train the data to train the data then it test the data after
that the result is obtained.

The results that obtained from processing

The training line is presented by blue line and the best line is dot line and as it is clear the
line of the best result is so nearby and so on for the red line which present to test and as well,
the validation line which presented by the green line, finally, the black line is represents all the
previous line which also is so nearby from the best line.

Algorithms used to classified the data

1- K-nearest neighbor’s algorithm (k-NN)

- 22 -
K-nearest neighbour’s algorithm is a straightforward calculation that stores every accessible
case and group’s new cases in view of a likeness measure (e.g., range function). KNN has
been utilized as a part of factual estimation and example acknowledgment as of now in the
start of 1970's as a non-parametric system. KNN works by stores the training data points with
their corresponding labels It compares any unknown sample with all the training points and se-
lect the K nearest points according to minimum distance And The predicted label is defined
using majority rule

The knn following this equation:-

By creating the K-nearest neighbor’s algorithm the accuracy is 90% in Roc curve and mat-
rix of Knn

- 23 -
2- Support Vector Machines (svm)

A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a regulated machine learning algorithm hat can be
utilized for both grouping and relapse purposes. SVMs are all the more generally utilized as a
part of order issues and all things considered, this is the thing that we will center on in this
post. SVMs depend on finding a hyper plane that best partitions a dataset into two classes, as
appeared in this figure:

Support vectors are data points closest toward the hyperplane, the purposes of an data set
that, if evacuated, would adjust the situation of the partitioning hyperplane. Along these lines,
they can be viewed as the basic components of a data set. The svm following the equation

By creating the support vector machine (Svm) algorithm the accuracy is 90% in Roc curve
and matrix of Svm

- 24 -
3.1.3 Part 3 (Fuzzy logic using Matlab)

Definition of fuzzy logic

Fuzzy logic is a logic system and the different between the fuzzy logic and normal logic is
a normal logic works on two variable (0, 1) and fuzzy logic works on multi variable (0, 0.5,
0.6, 1, etc...).
Fuzzy logic (FL) converts specified value to fuzzy set related to classes of object after that
do classification and theirs two type of classification (un sharp and sharp boundaries).

- 25 -
 UN sharp boundary: in a value (0.5) like Long distance by (50%)
 Sharp boundary: in a specific value (0, 1)

The fuzzy logic depends on UN sharp boundary, after that fuzzy logic apply rule called if-
then rule to get the rate of output.
Component of fuzzy logic
1- Fuzzy sets:
The name that I choose to specific value
Ex: small if person height < 150
Then the specific value (small) is fuzzy set and we can do more one fuzzy set to do
classification, fuzzy set that is variable of fuzzy logic that I will use it to make system
on it ( when make system I will use specific value (small) not use height < 150 ).
Fuzzy set Represent specific value (small) by a degree of membership function.

2- Membership function (MF): is curve that represent each input and output of specific
value (fuzzy set) mapping to membership function (MF) by a degree of membership
function between two variables like (0, 1), (10, 20), (20, 50), (0, 100), etc...

3- Logical operator: the fuzzy logic used logical operator to get a degree of member-
ship function. Fuzzy logic use multivalued logic.

In this picture shows the multivalued logic when use in fuzzy logic in
(AND that get the minimum of A, B)
(OR that get the maximum of A, B)
(NOT that gets the inverse of A, B)

4- IF-then rule : They are rules that the person enters into the system factor to get the
final rate of the output of the process

Benefits of fuzzy logic: The final output of the process can be determined by a very
precise number. This indicates the accuracy with which we are dealing and we know
this product after many rules and steps have been taken.

We explained what are the fuzzy logic definition, components, and benefits and we
applying fuzzy logic in our system (smart shoes to support blind people).

Applying in system
We applying fuzzy logic in our project (smart shoes to support blind people) to get the
rate of danger that the blind is exposed to in his daily life

- 26 -
We applying it on the six sensors that in the project
1- left ultrasonic sensor
2- right ultrasonic sensor
3- front ultrasonic sensor
4- rear ultrasonic sensor
5- hole ultrasonic sensor
6- flame (fire) sensor

Steps to applying Fuzzy logic using Matlab on our project (smart shoes to support
blind people)
1- enters the input and output data to get the fuzzy logic design

We enter the input that contains the six sensors

 left ultrasonic sensor
 right ultrasonic sensor
 front ultrasonic sensor
 rear ultrasonic sensor
 hole ultrasonic sensor
 flame (fire) sensor
And the output is the danger that we want to see the rate of danger that the blind is ex-
posed to in his daily life

2- applying the membership function (MF) by a degree of membership function between

two variables (0, 100) by 3 membership function (low, medium and high) In each in-
put (six sensors) and output (danger). the low danger explain the danger that the blind
people exposed is low danger between (0, 30), the medium danger explain the danger
that the blind people exposed is medium danger between (31, 70) and the high danger
explain the danger that the blind people exposed is high danger between (71, 100).the
degree of membership function (MF) (low, medium and high) is the fuzzy sets.

The three membership functions of left ultrasonic sensor in three level of danger (low,
medium, high)

- 27 -
The three membership functions of right ultrasonic sensor in three level of danger
(low, medium, high)

The three membership functions of front ultrasonic sensor in three level of danger
(low, medium, high)

The three membership functions of rear ultrasonic sensor in three level of danger (low,
medium, high)

The three membership functions of hole ultrasonic sensor in three level of danger
(low, medium, high)

- 28 -
The three membership functions of flame (fire) sensor in three level of danger (low,
medium, high)

The three membership functions of danger in three level of danger (low, medium,

3- Enter the rules for the six sensors to can know the rate of the danger

- 29 -
This rule mean calculation the rate of the danger ex: in rule number 10:
(If ultrasonic left is low and ultrasonic right is low and ultrasonic front is low) which
means the rate of danger is low between (0, 30) and (ultrasonic rear is high) which
means the rate of danger is high between (71, 100) and (ultrasonic hole is medium and
flame (fire) sensor is medium) which means the rate of danger is medium between
(31, 70).

4- After Enter the rules for the six sensors we run this rule to show the rate of the danger.
In the three different level of danger (low, medium, high)

- 30 -
Frist when the rate of danger is medium

- 31 -
In this screenshot we show the rate of danger in the left ultrasonic sensor is 50
(medium), the rate of danger in the right ultrasonic sensor is 50 (medium), the rate of
danger in the front ultrasonic sensor is 50 (medium), the rate of danger in the rear ul-
trasonic sensor is 50 (medium), the rate of danger in the hole ultrasonic sensor is 50
(medium) , the rate of danger in the flame (fire) sensor is 50 (medium) and rate of to-
tal danger is 50 which means the rate of totally danger is medium because the medium
danger the rate is between (31, 70)

Second when the rate of danger is high

- 32 -
In this screenshot we show the rate of danger in the left ultrasonic sensor is 60.2
(medium) , the rate of danger in the right ultrasonic sensor is 90.5 (high), the rate of
danger in the front ultrasonic sensor is 87.1 (high) , the rate of danger in the rear ultra-
sonic sensor is 90.7 (high), the rate of danger in the hole ultrasonic sensor is 77.1
(high), the rate of danger in the flame (fire) sensor is 83.9 (high) and rate of total dan-
ger is 86.9 which means the rate of totally danger is (high) because the high danger
the rate is between (71, 100)

Third when the rate of danger is low

- 33 -
In this screenshot we show the rate of danger in the left ultrasonic sensor is 22 (low) ,
the rate of danger in the right ultrasonic sensor is 1.5 (low), the rate of danger in the
front ultrasonic sensor is 26.4 (low) , the rate of danger in the rear ultrasonic sensor is
19.6 (low), the rate of danger in the hole ultrasonic sensor is 18.8 (low), the rate of
danger in the flame (fire) sensor is 21.4 (low) and rate of total danger is 13.8 which
means the rate of totally danger is (low) because the high danger the rate is between
(0, 30)

Finally the diagram of danger of the six sensors

- 34 -
- 35 -
- 36 -
We shows diagram of the danger of the six sensors (left ultrasonic sensor, right ul-
trasonic sensor, front ultrasonic sensor, rear ultrasonic sensor, hole ultrasonic sensor
and flame (fire) sensor) We note that they are similar in rate of risk Except the left ul-
trasonic sensor.
In the end, we explained the definition steps and objective of fuzzy logic and ap-
plied it on our System (smart shoes to support blind people) and finally reached the
risk when the blind person walking and that main reason to apply fuzzy logic to know
the rate of the danger that blind person in daily life.

- 37 -
3.2 Functional/ Non-functional Requirements

3.2.1 Functional Requirements

It is the function that consists of the System in terms of any requirements needed to make
system working or what system should do
It consists of
 Calculating the distance: to can the left ultrasonic sensor, right ultrasonic sensor,
front ultrasonic sensor, rear ultrasonic sensor Calculating the distance between the
shoes and the any objects and the hole ultrasonic sensor to Calculating the distance be-
tween the shoes and the ground

 Discover the fire: to can the flame sensor discover the fire in front of the blind people

 Make sound: to attention the blind people from any object in front or rear or right or
left from him and hole and the fire

 Calculating the rate of the danger: to know the rat of the danger he face in the daily

 Training : to train the data that collected from the memory of arduino

 Validation: to validate the data that collected from the memory of arduino

 Testing : to test the data that collected from the memory of arduino

 Classification : in neural network to generate the algorithms

3.2.2 Non-functional Requirements

It is a function which consists of System, and can only be run through the System and success
the system
It consists of
 Saving data: to save the data of reading of all sensors to can make training, testing,
validation, Classification, and Naive Bayesian
 Betray: Connect the electricity to make all system working and make sure all parts
are working

3.3 Design / Simulation set up

- 38 -
4 Implementation

- 39 -
- 40 -
- 41 -
- 42 -
- 43 -
- 44 -
- 45 -
- 46 -
5 Testing and evaluation

5.1 Testing

Testing sample 5 of 1171 record on neural network using Matlab

ID 5

Name of test case Classifying and Detecting any object,

hole and fire
objectives Classify and Detect any object, hole
and fire
Test case scenario Collect data
Detect any object, hole and fire
Classify data

Input Data collected from six sensors

Actual output good performance classifying

Expected output good performance classifying

Pass/fail Pass

This figure shows the testing, validating and training with excellent performance The train
is referred by the blue line, the green line is referred to validation, the test is presented by the
red line and the dot line is the best result. As it is clear, the line of the best is on 10 -1 and also
as it is obvious, the three lines of train, validation and test are so nearby from the best line
which gives the value of 0.1.the system main goal is classifying data with high degree of per-

- 47 -
- 48 -
6 Results and Discussions
The result depends on the memory card as it saves all readings that come from the
6 sensors,( left ultrasonic sensor, right ultrasonic sensor , front ultrasonic sensor
rear ultrasonic sensor, hole ultrasonic sensor and flame (fire) sensor ) after that
all the readings that extracted from the memory is put on excel sheet. and take the
readings to put on Neural network of MATLAB to Train, validate, Test the data that
collected from the memory of arduino and Classification to making the algorithms.
And the result is very good in the accuracy of data collected and classifying

The result is

Accuracy of training data 97%

Accuracy of validating data 96%

Accuracy of testing data 98%

Accuracy of Knn algorithm 90%

Accuracy of Svm algorithm 87%

- 49 -
7 Conclusions and Future Work

7.1 Summary

In conclusion, the system works on 3 axes. The first axis connection and installation
of all parts. The project based on 6 sensors, breadboard, battery, buzzer, memory, Ar-
duino and wires for connection. The first sensor located on the left shoe for left direc-
tion. The second sensor is ultrasonic sensor also that located on the right shoe for the
right dimensions. The third ultrasonic sensor is located on the front of the shoe and the
fourth ultrasonic sensor is for the rear dimensions. The fifth sensor is for fire to help
the blind to avoid being nearby to any high temperature that located on the Arduino on
the top of the right shoe. The last sensor is hole sensor, this sensor is used to caution
the blind for any hole in his way, this sensor is located on front of the left shoe. All
these sensors are connected to memory that is connected to Arduino which connected
to PC with a cable for analyzing the readings. The second part, the data that comes
from the 6 sensors (readings) are entered on excel sheet and work on it on Neural Net-
work using MATLAB to determine the accuracy of data that comes from sensors. The
third axis is working on data by Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB for determining the
danger percentage that the blind normally faces. At the end, this project is to help the
blind to feel more comfort. It is a great honour to help them to move freely with no
fear hoping all disables find their comfort ability and try to overcome their obstacles.

7.2 Future Work

There is no doubt every project has a limitation that have to be fixed and developed.
The limitation of the project is nonexistence of GPS that locate the blind. in the future
work, an additional device will be added to the shoes to find the location of the blind
in order to help the blind if the blind faces any problem in addition to a camera will be
fixed on the shoes identify the object that the blind faces. in my point of view, this will
be quantum jump that make the future come true and it will be an invitation for every-
one to help the disable by other ways and invent other devices to help them

- 50 -
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- 52 -
Appendix 1
You may have one or more appendices containing detail, bulky or reference material that is
relevant though supplementary to the main text: perhaps additional specifications, tables or
diagrams that would distract the reader if placed in the main part of the dissertation. Make sure
that you place appropriate cross-references in the main text to direct the reader to the relevant

Note that you should not include your program listings as an appendix or appendices. You
should submit one copy of such bulky text as a separate item, perhaps on a disk.

- 53 -
Appendix 2 – User guide
If you produced software that is intended for others to use, or that others may wish to extend/
improve, then a user guide and an installation guide appendices are essential.

- 54 -
Appendix 3 – Installation guide
If you produced software that is intended for others to use, or that others may wish to extend/
improve, then a user guide and an installation guide appendices are essential.

- 55 -

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