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Resolved as a condition for obstaining a degree




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Praise and Thanksgiving in say the presence of Almighty God, for his gift of

grace and the author can complete a final project report entitled "DESIGN AND



The final project report is made as one academic terms that must be

accomplished to complete the Diploma Program 3 (three) on the course of Computer

Engineering Department of computer engineering and Informatics Field State

Polytechnic of Medan.

In the completion of this final Task, the writer gets a lot of guidance and

assistance both in the form of labor, material or encouragement from various parties

that are very useful for writers.

1. M. Syahruddin, S.T., M.T., as Director of the State Polytechnic Medan.

2. Ferry Fachrizal, S.T., m. Kom., as Chairman of the Department of computer

engineering Informatics Field State Polytechnic.

3. Zakaria Sembiring, S.T., M.Sc. as the head of Computer Engineering Course

State Polytechnic Medan.

4. Zakaria Sembiring, S.T., M.Sc. as Professor Supervising in the completion of

this final project Report.

5. all Staff of the teaching Field, especially State Polytechnic Teaching Staff

Computer Engineering Courses.

6. The Author's entire family, both parents are writers, Mulo Napitupulu, S. Pd

and Basaria Sinabang, S.Pd incessant which provide support, compassion,

prayer, patience, and moral as well as material support during the lecture. Sister

and Brother of the author, Maria Anestesia Napitupulu and Pius Andrian

Napitupulu that gives the spirit so that the author can complete a final project


7. To Adventina Eilan G Br. Sinaga, Vinni Patricia M, Yola Kezia Hutapea,

Cecilia Situmorang, Afrina Wulandari Sitompul, Sri Eva Siregar who always

give support, passion and prayer to the author.

8. To Yohannes Sebastian Manalu, Ruth Irene Simanjuntak, Clenly Yonada

Sagita Purba who always give support, passion and prayer to the author.

9. Thanks to all the friends of CE-6 c that is a great help and encourage writers in

completing this final project Report.

10. All those who have helped in the completion of this final Task.

The author realizes that this final project Reports there are still shortcomings that

still need to be improved. For that the author expects suggestions and criticisms which

are build from the readers. The author hopes this final project Report may be more

perfect and may provide benefits for authors and readers in General.

Medan, 30rd August 2018


Bella Uduran Napitupulu


We often see blind people have difficulty in performing its activities, one of
them when they walk. Not a few sufferers blind is crashing or hit something that is in
front of him. There is also which might fall in the gutter or more, although some
sufferers who are blind have the tools, but that's not good enough to help them and also
other problems when they are lost the way, it will be the difficulty for the family. The
aim of this Thesis was to design a tool in the form of a Walker for the visually impaired.
System tool using the Arduino Nano as its main system controller. As ultrasonic sensor
module HC-SR04 consists of a transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX). As the output is used
as an indicator of the buzzer sound and shows the coordinates of the user it is
interoperable with GPS and sms. The result of this final project may be used by
sufferers who are blind through everyday activities, you can escape from the collision
because it can tell a State that exists around them with a voice that is issued through a
headset and also can help families find out where blind via GPS.
Key Words: SR04-HC, Arduino, DF Players, GPS, Buzzer.

APPROVAL SHEET ......................................................................................................... i

VALIDATION SHEET .................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... iii
PREFACE ......................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURE ......................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................................. ix
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Summary of Problem .......................................................................................... 2
1.3 Scope of problem ................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Final Project Objective........................................................................................ 3
1.5 Final Project Benefits .......................................................................................... 4
1.6 Research Methods ............................................................................................... 4
1.7 Writing Systematics ............................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER 2 BASIC THEORY....................................................................................... 7
2.1 Arduino ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Arduino Nano..................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Configuration PIN ............................................................................................ 10
2.1.4 The Arduino Software .................................................................................. 13
2.2 Ultrasonic Sensors (HC-SR04) ......................................................................... 16
2.2.1 The Workings of the Ultrasonic Sensor ........................................................... 17
2.2.2 The Diagram Time HC-SR04 ....................................................................... 19
2.3 DF Player Mini.................................................................................................. 20
2.4 Module SIM800L.............................................................................................. 22
2.5 GPS module Neo 6 m........................................................................................ 24
2.6 LM2596 Module ............................................................................................... 25
2.7 PAM8403 Module............................................................................................. 26


1.1 Background

The development of technology today, is increasingly advanced and provides

many conveniences in the use of devices or tools that are directly related to the needs

of human life. Therefore, it is also important that we follow the development of these

technologies. The need for an increasingly sophisticated system and more and more

communication tools and human tools that we must develop to be more effective.

Especially in big cities individual activities are very dense with a variety of activities.

Nowsday blind people generally use walkers in the form of white sticks or

trained dogs to help with movement and improve safety and independence when

walking. By having enough information on the travel path that will be passed by the

blind can be more comfortable to navigate in an unknown environment. Based on the

above problem is how blind people can walk safely and without the need for the help

of conventional assistive devices and produce outputs that are easily understood by

users by utilizing microcontrollers as data processors and ultrasonic sensors as object

detectors and determining object obstacles to users.[1]

An Arduino platform that is open source can be designed to function various

things. Arduino is also used to help blind people in carrying out their activities. In the

design of the electronic eye, the Arduino Nano mitrocontroller is used as the embedded

programming center of the system which will be realized in the form of a stick because
it is younger. In the design of this tool additional devices are also used namely

ultrasonic sensors. The sensor is useful to determine the distance of obstacles in front

and GPS (Global Positioning System) as a detector for the coordinates of blind people.

Based on the information above, the author tries to make a final project with

the title "Design and Manufacture of Electronic Eyes Blind Tools Based Arduino


1.2 Summary of Problem

The problems studied in this study are:

1. How to Design and Make Electronic Eyes as Arduino Nano-based Blind Aid


2. What is the Stage of Testing for Electronic Eyes as a visual aid for Arduino

Nano-based visual impairments?

1.3 Scope of problem

In writing this final project to overcome the existing problems, the authors limit

the following problems:

1. The Arduino Nano functions as a central programming system.

2. The Ultrasonic Sensor functions as a proximity sensor for the Electronic Eye as

a Blind Aid Tool.

3. DF Player mini functions as a File Supporter like Mp3 files.

4. The SIM800L module functions as a means of communicating between the

main monitor and the cellphone.

5. The Neo 6M GPS module functions as a determinant of the position of blind


1.4 Final Project Objective

The purpose of making this Final Project is as follows:

1. For the academic world and science, especially the Medan State Polytechnic.

a. As an additional reference material in terms of solving a problem that is

similar to the background of making this system.

b. As a practicum module in learning microprocessors especially

microcontroller parts.

c. Improve and add insight into the Arduino system.

2. For readers

a. This system is expected to benefit in knowing how the ultrasonic sensor


b. Readers can try to make this system for learning.

3. For Authors

a. To apply the knowledge that has been obtained during lectures and to

add insight into the work system of the tool.

b. For the contribution of writers in the world of education to be useful for

everyday life and can be developed in the future.

1.5 Final Project Benefits

The benefits of writing this final project are :

1. Can reduce the risk of accidents in blind people.

2. As a tool to help find out the distance from an object, the hole of the blind.

3. Adding trust from the assistant because it can help the shortcomings they have.

1.6 Research Methods

In this writing the author does several steps to complete the final project.

1. Literature Study

In this method by the author is to collect data in accordance with the problems


2. Data collection

Literature method (Library Research), collects data obtained by collecting data

through books and other sources (internet) that are relevant to the problems

faced, about how to use Arduino or Ultrasonic Sensors.

3. Do Software Design

Based on the observations that have been made, the next step is to do an

electronic eye building design for Arduino Nano-based blind people.

4. Do Hardware Design

Through the results of the design using Arduino software, the author makes an

implementation based on the simulation that has been made including the stages

for the design and design of the hardware used.

5. Testing

Is a process of testing the results of the analysis and evaluation of the problems

that exist in the Arduino configuration. This system testing was conducted to

determine the level of electronic eye success for this arduino uno-based blind.

6. Test and evaluation

Is a trial that is made with the process of testing the results of making an

electronic eye that is useful for blind people in knowing the objects that are


7. The Preparation Of The Final Project

It is the final stage to compile the results of the design and manufacture of

electronic eyes to run effectively and efficiently.

1.7 Writing Systematics

The systematics of this final project consists of several interrelated chapters.

The framework of the chapter which is part of the contents of this final project in broad

outline is as follows:


This chapter discusses and sets out the background, problem formulation,

research objectives, problem boundaries, settlement methods, and the

systematics of this final assignment.


This chapter contains the theoretical foundation that is the main reference in

writing the final project. The theory discussed relates to the system that will be

created and also used for the benefit of system analysis and design.


This chapter contains analysis and design tools so that it can also describe the

activities carried out on the current system and information design.


This chapter contains analysis and test results and system research that will be

carried out covering the overall system work and analyzing the results obtained

from the system test results.


This chapter explains the final results of all the writing done, namely

conclusions and suggestions that contain input to develop and complete the

system that has been built in the future.

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