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Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana

Activities week 2-3

Presentado por:
Issa Zuniga

Alejandro Martinez

Cristhian Rodriguez

Elizabeth Elvir

Ilich Wah Lung

Presentado a:
Lic. Libia Peña

World Literature

Tegucigalpa M.D.C, january 2022
Parody: Pride and Prejudice

While Mr. Darcy is pretty reserved, he is known for going around in his horse with his friends.

People say out there he even married Elizabeth Bennett by giving her a ride in his horse!

Meanwhile her sister was missing, and everyone was out looking for her, Mr. Darcy himself

went out of his way to look for her in his mighty and old friend of a horse. They say the horse

had to ask him for a few stops along the way because of how tired he was, and if he didn’t give

him any rest stops, he would drop Mr. Darcy right off his back!

They communicated really well, and Mr. Horse would take Mr. Darcy to all the balls he

got invited to. He is also attached to Elizabeth Bennett and is the designated driver for those

nights where both Mr. Darcy and Mrs. Elizabeth had a little too good of a time at a ball. He even

held the rings at the wedding! A very loved horse indeed. It is known that while Mr. Darcy’s

friend was preparing to propose to Elizabeth’s sister, he was there helping them break the scene

down and how to talk.

“How can I tell her that, Mr. Horse! She would hate me!” The friend said.

But Mr. Darcy defended his horse and said “Trust me, he’s better than both of us

together. Try it yourself and see if you get married within three hours.”

And so, he did. He took the horse’s words and proposed, to which the girl of his dreams

accepted, and they got married that same year. As well as Mr. Darcy, who took Mr. Horse’s

words and captivated Elizabeth’s heart.

Mr. Horse did not end up alone at the end of this story, for the Bennett’s household had a

pretty horse lady whom he met while on a visit to their house. They were introduced by Mr.

Darcy and became perfect for each other!.

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