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Invited review

Personalizing dosing of risperidone, paliperidone and clozapine using

therapeutic drug monitoring and pharmacogenetics
Jose de Leona,b,c,∗
University of Kentucky Mental Health Research Center at Eastern State Hospital, Lexington, KY, USA
Psychiatry and Neurosciences Research Group (CTS-549), Institute of Neurosciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Biomedical Research Centre in Mental Health Net (CIBERSAM), Santiago Apostol Hospital, University of the Basque Country, Vitoria, Spain


• Dividing serum concentration by daily dose gives a concentration-to-dose(C/D) ratio.

• The C/D ratio under steady-state and trough conditions measures drug clearance.
• Total risperidone C/D ratio for the oral formulation is around 7 ng/ml per mg/day.
• Long-acting paliperidone provides a C/D ratio around 8 ng/ml per mg/day.
• In the US, clozapine C/D ratios typically range from 0.6 to 1.2 ng/ml per mg/day.


Keywords: By combining knowledge of pharmacogenetics, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) and drug-drug interactions
Antipsychotic agents/administration & dosage (DDIs) the author developed a model for personalizing antipsychotic dosing, which is applied to risperidone, 9-
Clozapine hydroxyrisperidone or paliperidone, and clozapine.
Delayed-action preparations Drugs are approved using an average dose for an ideal average patient, but pharmacologists have described
Drug monitoring
outliers: genetic poor metabolizers (PMs) and ultrarapid metabolizers (UMs). Environmental and personal
Paliperidone palmitate
variables can also make patients behave as PMs or UMs. Drug clearance is represented by the concentration-to-
dose (C/D) ratio under steady-state and trough conditions. A very low C/D ratio indicates a UM, while a very
high C/D ratio indicates a PM.
Total risperidone C/D ratio for the oral formulation is around 7 ng/ml per mg/day and can be influenced by
CYP2D6 polymorphism, DDIs with inducers and inhibitors, and renal function. Oral paliperidone has low
availability; its C/D ratio is around 4.1 ng/ml per mg/d and can be influenced by inducers and renal impairment.
Once-a-month long-acting paliperidone provides a C/D ratio around 7.7 ng/ml per mg/day at steady state, which
is expected to be in the 8th month (before the 9th injection). TDM is particularly important for long-acting
paliperidone formulations that may accumulate once steady state is reached (after years for the 3- and 6-month
formulations). In the US, clozapine C/D ratios typically range from 0.6 (male smokers) to 1.2 (female non-
smokers) ng/ml per mg/day. East Asians’ clozapine C/D ratios appear to be twice as high. Inhibitors (including
fluvoxamine and oral contraceptives) and inflammation can also increase clozapine C/D ratios.

1. Introduction In 1996 he moved to Lexington, Kentucky, to run a unit for treat-

ment-refractory patients in a state hospital; to face this challenge he
In 1994 at a scientific meeting the author learned that the cyto- planned to use CYP 2D6 (CYP2D6) genotyping and measurement of
chrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 (CYP1A2) metabolized clozapine and caffeine antipsychotic blood levels, which is called therapeutic drug monitoring
(Bertilsson et al., 1994), which later explained a clozapine intoxication (TDM) by pharmacologists. Then he realized that he needed to combine
due to a drug-drug interaction (DDI) with caffeine (Odom-White and de knowledge of pharmacogenetics (de Leon, 2016), TDM (de Leon, 2018)
Leon, 1996). This led him to start studying CYP science and pharma- and DDIs (de Leon, 2019).
cokinetics in pharmacological journals. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not worry about CYPs

UK Mental Health Research Center at Eastern State Hospital, 1350 Bull Lea Road, Lexington, KY, 40511, USA.
E-mail address:
Received 3 January 2019; Received in revised form 17 May 2019; Accepted 27 May 2019
0028-3908/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Jose de Leon, Neuropharmacology,

J. de Leon Neuropharmacology xxx (xxxx) xxxx

until 1996 (Flockhart, 1996). Oral risperidone was introduced in 1993 3. Drug clearance and TDM
despite very limited pharmacokinetic data (Huang et al., 1993). The
company proposed that: 1) risperidone pharmacokinetics was “well Pharmacologists define the elimination of a drug from the body as
understood” and 2) CYP2D6 poor metabolizer (PMs) status was irrele- drug clearance. Clearance includes not only drug metabolism but renal
vant because risperidone and 9-hyroxyrisperidone have the same and hepatobiliary clearance; the relevance of these 3 systems varies
pharmacological activity since adding their serum concentrations pro- from drug to drug (Smith et al., 2019).
vides the active moiety (Heykants et al., 1994; Van Peer et al., 1996). Antipsychotics follow linear kinetics, which means that in each
The author's review of his patients' TDM results taught him that these patient taking typical clinical doses (and no changes in inhibitors or
two statements are not correct. First, the author found a risperidone inhibitors) there is a linear relationship between the dose (D) in mg/day
DDI that suggested CYP3A4 was also important for risperidone meta- and the concentration (C) (ng/ml). This linear relationship is re-
bolism (de Leon and Bork, 1997) and then that CYP2D6 PMs were presented by the concentration-to-dose (C/D) ratio under steady-state
prone to developing toxicity (Bork et al., 1999). Later on, the author and trough conditions. When comparing individuals, a very low C/D
hypothesized that a lower threshold for crossing the blood brain barrier ratio indicates a UM, while a very high C/D ratio indicates a PM. In the
(BBB) makes 9-hydroxyrisperidone less potent. It is interesting that, experience of the author, pharmacists have been exposed to the concept
when the company marketed 9-hydroxyrisperidone as paliperidone, it of antipsychotic C/D ratios or at least can easily grasp it due to their
recommended approximately twice the daily risperidone dosage, thus quality education in pharmacokinetics during pharmacy school. On the
in agreement with the author's hypothesis that 9-hydroxyrisperidone other hand, physicians, including psychiatrists, frequently have diffi-
may be less potent (de Leon et al., 2010). culty with the concept of antipsychotic C/D ratio since they received a
After 20 years, the author has developed a model for personalizing poor education in pharmacokinetics during medical school. If the
the dosing of risperidone, 9-hydroxyrisperidone, which was marketed reader has problems with this concept, the author recommends that he/
under the name paliperidone, and clozapine. He will need to increase she review some of the lectures describing real cases using C/D ratios in
his limited experience with TDM for aripiprazole, olanzapine and a free psychopharmacology course available on the web (de Leon,
quetiapine to be able to provide similar comprehensive models for their 2015–2016).
personalized dosing in future articles. He has no experience or very The therapeutic reference ranges used in this article were obtained
limited TDM experience with other more recently marketed second- from the third version of TDM guidelines (Hiemke et al., 2018) devel-
generation antipsychotics, but they appear to follow similar pharma- oped by expert consensus, which have been summarized for clinicians
cokinetic principles, including linear kinetics. (Schoretsanitis et al., 2018a). To calculate the ranges, these experts
reviewed studies in which therapeutically effective dosages were used.
By their definitions, “the lower limit of a drug's therapeutic range re-
2. Personalized dosing presents the threshold value in blood below which therapeutic effects
are not significantly different from placebo” and “the upper limit of the
The randomized clinical trials (RCTs) used to approve drugs are therapeutic range is determined on the basis of maximal efficacy and
designed to provide an average dose for an ideal average patient, but increased risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), assuming that ADRs
clinicians know that not all of their patients are average. Moreover, are related to a drug's concentration in the body”. They also explain
pharmacologists developed pharmacogenetic science (Meyer, 2004) that “therapeutic reference range is an orienting, population-based
after identifying patients who need unusually low or high doses, called range which may not necessarily be applicable to all patients” (Hiemke
outliers by statisticians (de Leon, 2012). Outliers are not well re- et al., 2018).
presented by the mean and are ignored by companies that conduct RCTs Clinicians need to remember that these therapeutic reference ranges
and by researchers who use an evidence-based medicine (EBM) ap- are for concentrations that are trough and steady-state concentrations.
proach. From the pharmacological and statistical points of view, it is Trough concentration refers to the lowest point of the concentration
nonsensical to ask which clozapine dosage is best (Subramanian et al., within a day and is typically collected early in the morning before
2017). There is no best clozapine dose for an ideal patient because he/ taking any medication. Steady-state concentration requires at least 5
she does not represent all clozapine patients well. DDI, sex, smoking, half-lives after the last time the dosage of the TDM drug was changed.
ethnicity and possibly genetics and various genetic combinations are For oral risperidone, paliperidone and clozapine most patients are at
factors that require different average clozapine doses. In the end, the steady state one week after the last dosage change, but PM patients may
best individual dose for a patient is better established by TDM. PMs have longer half-lives and it may be better, if possible, to wait addi-
need low doses to avoid adverse drug reactions (ADRs), and ultrarapid tional days. Similarly, a recent change in inhibitors or inducers of any of
metabolizers (UMs) need high doses to maintain efficacy. these three antipsychotics with no corresponding dosage change in the
Articles traditionally state that approximately 7% of Caucasians are antipsychotic may mean that TDM is no longer at steady state (Spina
believed to be cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) PMs, compared to et al., 2016).
1–3% of individuals of other races. A recent article estimated a
worldwide prevalence of CYP2D6 PMs from 0.4 to 5.4% (Gaedigk et al., 4. Personalizing risperidone dosing
2017). CYP2D6 PMs have two null alleles and they have no CYP2D6 in
their bodies (activity score = 0). Most commercial tests do a reasonable In the United States (US), risperidone is marketed in oral and long-
job of identifying CYP2D6 PMs (de Leon, 2017). In the US population, acting injectable (LAI) formulations (Schoretsanitis et al., 2017). This
approximately 1.5% are CYP2D6 UMs. Gaedigk et al. (2017) estimated risperidone section describes: 1) clearance, 2) risperidone/9-hydro-
the world prevalence at 1–21%. CYP2D6 UMs typically have at least 3 xyrisperidone ratio, 3) total risperidone C/D ratio, 4) therapeutic range
active copies of the gene (activity score = 3). Most commercial tests and therapeutic index, 5) pharmacodynamic variability and dosing, 6) a
misclassify CYP2D6 UMs (de Leon, 2017). Between the CYP2D6 PMs proposal for personalizing dosing, 7) other types of genotyping, 8)
and UMs, one finds the intermediate metabolizers (IMs) with decreased personalizing LAI dosing, and 9) major pending issues related to per-
activity, and the normal metabolizers (NMs) which were called ex- sonalizing dosing.
tensive metabolizers in the past. These are the “genetic” PMs or UMs,
but environmental (DDIs and smoking) and personal variables (aging, 4.1. Risperidone clearance
pregnancy or medical illness) can make patients behave as if they are
PMs or UMs (de Leon, 2009). This review of risperidone clearance is based on articles written by:
1) the marketer (Huang et al., 1993; Mannens et al., 1993; Heykants

J. de Leon Neuropharmacology xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Table 1
Risperidone clearance after stratification by patient characteristics.
Metabolism to 9-hydroxyrisperidone Renal clearance Total C/D

CYP2D6 CYP3A4 Risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio Risperidone 9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio

Induced NM important ↑↑ role 0.2 little ↑↑ < 3.5

Induced PM absent ↑↑ role around 2 important ↑↑ <7
NM main auxiliary 0.2 little important 7
CYP2D6 inhibitor inhibited auxiliary >1 ↑ ↓ 7–14
PM absent only enzyme around 2 ↑ ↓ close to14
Geriatric NM main auxiliary 0.2 little ↓ by 30% >7

C/D: concentration/dose; CYP2D6: cytochrome P450 2D6; CYP3A4: cytochrome P450 3A4; NM: normal metabolizer; PM: poor metabolizer.

et al., 1994; Snoeck et al., 1995; Van Peer et al., 1996), 2) the author (Williams, 2001); exposure to antipsychotics is associated with a not-
(de Leon and Bork, 1997; Bork et al., 1999; Barnhill et al., 2005; de well-understood development of tolerance in D2 receptors. Geriatric age
Leon et al., 2005, 2006, 2008b, 2009; de Leon, 2014; Leon et al., 2007; is associated with reduced R clearance due to decreased glomerular
Spina et al., 2016; Schoretsanitis et al., 2017) and 3) other authors flirtation (GFR), but aging is probably also associated with some
(Ereshefsky, 1996; Fang et al., 1999; Güzey et al., 2000; Spina et al., pharmacodynamic factors: a decrease in dopamine neurons and in-
2000; Yasui-Furukori et al., 2001; Hefner et al., 2015, 2016). creased risk of EPS (extrapyramidal symptoms). Lower risperidone
In the average patient, risperidone is mainly metabolized by hy- doses are recommended in patients with abnormal brains such as those
droxylation to 9-hydroxyrisperidone by CYP2D6 and CYP3A4, and 9- with dementing illnesses and intellectual disability (de Leon et al.,
hydroxyrisperidone is mainly eliminated by renal clearance (glo- 2008b).
merular filtration and tubular secretion). Table 1 explains the relevance
of each clearance method varying across patients. 4.6. A complex proposal for personalizing risperidone dosing

4.2. Risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio The best way of personalizing risperidone dosing is to pay attention
to the clinical response (look for efficacy in the absence of ADRs),
Ereshefsky (1996) proposed that an inverted risperidone/9-hydro- conduct risperidone TDM, and keep the patient at a total risperidone
xyrisperidone ratio, having more risperidone than 9-hydro- serum concentration of 20–60 ng/ml (Hiemke et al., 2018). In the
xyrisperidone in serum, is a sign of being a CYP2D6 PM or taking a average patient with a total C/D ratio of 7 ng/ml per mg/day, it would
powerful CYP2D6 inhibitor. CYP2D6 NMs have risperidone/9-hydro- be reached using a risperidone dose between approximately 3 and
xyrisperidone ratios around 0.2. Box 1’s upper panel describes how to 8 mg/day (20/7 = 2.9 and 60/7 = 8.6). As risperidone was approved
calculate this ratio and its meaning. when higher antipsychotics were the norm and risperidone tends to
have a narrow therapeutic range, the author usually recommends a
4.3. Total risperidone C/D ratio lower upper range of 45 ng/ml, which corresponds to a risperidone dose
of approximately 6 mg/day in the average patient.
The normal total risperidone C/D ratio is around 7 ng/ml per mg/ In the absence of TDM, Table 2 provides guidelines for starting,
day (de Leon et al., 2008b). A higher C/D ratio, particularly when it target and maximum R doses for adult patients taking no other anti-
gets close to 14 ng/ml per mg/day (twice the normal ratio of 7), is a psychotic; it upgrades the excellent clinical guideline proposed by
sign of poor clearance, characteristic of genetic PM status, taking a Williams (2001) by adding pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
powerful CYP2D6 inhibitor, or renal impairment. When the total C/D concepts. Risperidone should not be used in patients with renal im-
ratio is < 3.5 ng/ml per mg/day (half the normal ratio of 7), this can pairment; other second-generation antipsychotics with limited renal
be a sign of rapid clearance, such as taking a powerful CYP3A4 inducer, clearance (Spina et al., 2016) should be used.
but usually is explained merely by lack of compliance. Box 1's middle
panel describes how to calculate this ratio and its meaning. 4.7. Other types of genotyping need further development to aid personalized
R dosing
4.4. R therapeutic range and therapeutic index
Commercial pharmacogenetic tests can be marketed in North
The risperidone therapeutic reference range is 20–60 ng/mL, ob- America and Europe with almost no supervision by any regulatory
tained by adding risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidone concentrations agency and do not have to demonstrate clinical validity or clinical
(Hiemke et al., 2018). Box 1's lower panel explains that risperidone has utility (de Leon, 2016; de Leon and Spina, 2016). Pharmacodynamic
a narrow therapeutic window or index and is prone to cause ADRs genes such as gene variants in dopamine or serotonin receptors are not
(Simpson and Lindenmayer, 1997; Regenthal et al., 2005; Migliardi ready for clinical use. Similarly, the p-glycoprotein gene variants are
et al., 2009; Leucht et al., 2013; Schoretsanitis et al., 2017). not ready for clinical practice (de Leon, 2015b).

4.5. Pharmacodynamic variability and dosing 4.8. Personalizing LAI risperidone dosing

Four pharmacodynamic factors contributing to lower pharmacolo- In 2003, based on the hypothesis that its pharmacology is similar to
gical tolerance are important in R dosing for: 1) any patient before ti- oral risperidone, the FDA approved the LAI risperidone formulation
tration, 2) naïve patients, 3) geriatric patients, and 4) those with ob- developed by risperidone's marketer using a complex microsphere
vious neuropathological brain changes (de Leon et al., 2008a, 2008b). technology (Schoretsanitis et al., 2017). Based on company RCTs, Kane
The company recommends titrating risperidone, probably due to the et al. (2003) considered 25, 50 and 75 mg of risperidone LAI every 2
need to develop tolerance at α peripheral receptors, which can cause weeks to be respectively equivalent to oral daily doses of 2, 4 and 6 mg/
orthostatic changes, and at brain H1 receptors, which can cause seda- day. This equivalence has never been systematically tested. The author
tion. Naïve patients need to be treated with lower risperidone doses prefers the recommendation from Castberg and Spigset (2005), who

J. de Leon Neuropharmacology xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Box 1
Interpreting oral R TDM to personalize R dosing

Collect at trough (early morning before meds) and at steady state (≥5 days after dose change)

Risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio
Calculation Divide serum risperidone by 9-hydroxyrisperidone concentration
Meaning Index of CYP2D6 activity in most patients
In CYP2D6 PMs it may be an index of CYP3A4 activity
Genetic N Median1 (25th, 75th Percentiles) Mean ± SD
UM (3 active alleles) 7 0.03 (0.02, 0.04) 0.04 ± 0.03
NM (1–2 active alleles) 179 0.08 (0.04, 0.017) 0.17 ± 0.28
IM (> 0 but < 1) 21 0.56 (0.29, 1.1) 0.87 ± 0.92
PM (0) 14 2.5 (1.8, 4.1) 4.2 ± 4.5
Environment Inducers do not change this ratio.
Powerful CYP2D6 inhibitors can lead to risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratios > 1.
Clinical Summary A risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio > 1 (called an inverted ratio since risperidone > 9-hydroxyrisperidone levels)
indicates a CYP2D6 PM or the intake of a powerful inhibitor and poor risperidone elimination. Some IMs2 may have a
risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio close to 1 in the absence of inhibitors.
Total C/D Ratio
Calculation Divide the total concentration (risperidone + 9-hydroxyrisperidone) in ng/ml by risperidone dose in mg/day.
Meaning Index of total ability to clear risperidone (CYP2D6, CYP3A and renal excretion)
Normal Values 7 in USA research and clinical laboratories and in German TDM studies
10 in Italian and Spanish research laboratories
Differences may be due to different analytic techniques and/or calibrations
Each laboratory needs to establish its normal C/D
C/D ratio < half of normal (< 3.5 in USA or German TDM or < 5 in Italian research laboratory)
Indicates ↑ to eliminate risperidone (if the patient is compliant)
After excluding non-compliance, it can be explained by CYP3A4 inducers.
C/D ratio > almost twice the normal value (close to 14 in USA or German TDM or close to 20 in Italian research laboratory)
Indicates poor ability to clear risperidone (if TDM was measured at trough)
Can be explained by:
- CYP2D6 PM genotype
- use of CYP2D6 inhibitors or CYP3A4 inhibitors
- infections or inflammations may inhibit CYP3A4
- renal insufficiency (limited clinical experience by author)
Risperidone has a narrow therapeutic window or index
- Risperidone's therapeutic window or index is 3 (dividing the upper range by the lower: 60/20 = 3) which indicates risperidone is an antipsychotic with a relatively narrow
therapeutic index (Schoretsanitis et al., 2017).
- This narrow therapeutic index explains why in the SGA meta-analyses risperidone has high propensity to cause some dose-related ADRs, such as extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS)
and hyperprolactinemia (Leucht et al., 2013). As a matter of fact, there is a linear relationship between EPS and risperidone dose (Simpson and Lindenmayer, 1997). Although
it has never been well studied (Regenthal et al., 2005), pharmacokinetic science suggests that the dose-related EPS are better described as concentration-related EPS, meaning
that, in each patient, as concentration increases EPS risk increases. Migliardi et al. (2009) support hyperprolactinemia as definitively a concentration-related ADR, after
correcting for confounding factors.

ADR: adverse drug reaction; C/D: concentration/dose; CYP2D6: cytochrome P450 2D6; CYP3A4: cytochrome P450 3A4; EPS: extrapyramidal symptoms; IM:
intermediate metabolizer; NM: normal metabolizer; PM: poor metabolizer; SD: standard deviation; TDM: therapeutic drug monitoring; UM: ultrarapid metabolizer;
USA: United States of America.
In a naturalistic sample of 221 risperidone patients in Kentucky (Leon et al., 2007), not contaminated by CYP inhibitors, nor by hepatic/renal impairment, these
are the medians (25th, 75th percentiles) of the risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio according to genetic profile (de Leon et al., 2009). The comparison of
median with mean ± SD demonstrated that the data did not follow a normal distribution. The 221 patients had a median of 0.12 and mean ± SD of
0.49 ± 1.2 ng/ml per mg/day. After excluding the 14 CYP2D6 PMs, the median was 0.10 and the mean ± SD of 0.24 ± 0.44 ng/ml per mg/day.
Some IMs have very low activity. The most typical example is East Asians with CYP2D6 *10/*10, which accounts for approximately 10% of Chinese, Koreans and
Japanese. These IMs, with very low activity, may also have problems eliminating risperidone and a risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio around 1.

ADR: adverse drug reaction; C/D: concentration/dose; CYP2D6: cytochrome P450 2D6; CYP3A4: cytochrome P450 3A4; EPS: extrapyramidal
symptoms; IM: intermediate metabolizer; NM: normal metabolizer; PM: poor metabolizer; SD: standard deviation; TDM: therapeutic drug
monitoring; UM: ultrarapid metabolizer; USA: United States of America.1In a naturalistic sample of 221 risperidone patients in Kentucky (Leon et al.,
2007), not contaminated by CYP inhibitors, nor by hepatic/renal impairment, these are the medians (25th, 75th percentiles) of the risperidone/9-
hydroxyrisperidone ratio according to genetic profile (de Leon et al., 2009). The comparison of median with mean ± SD demonstrated that the data
did not follow a normal distribution. The 221 patients had a median of 0.12 and mean ± SD of 0.49 ± 1.2 ng/ml per mg/day. After excluding the
14 CYP2D6 PMs, the median was 0.10 and the mean ± SD of 0.24 ± 0.44 ng/ml per mg/day.2Some IMs have very low activity. The most typical
example is East Asians with CYP2D6 *10/*10, which accounts for approximately 10% of Chinese, Koreans and Japanese. These IMs, with very low
activity, may also have problems eliminating risperidone and a risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio around 1.

divided the applied LAI dose by the number of days. This RCT provided 15.4 ng/ml per mg/day (Hendset et al., 2009). In a later German TDM
respective equivalents of 1.8 mg/day, 3.6 mg/day and 5.4 mg/day, study, 63 patients on LAI R had a median total C/D ratio which was
slightly lower than the manufacturer's equivalents. In a systematic re- slightly higher than in 851 patients on oral risperidone, 7.6 versus
view of the LAI formulation (Schoretsanitis et al., 2017), 6 studies had 6.3 ng/ml per mg/day (Schoretsanitis et al., 2018b).
total risperidone C/D ratios ranging from 7.4 to 9.7 ng/ml per mg/day. In a risperidone LAI systematic review (Schoretsanitis et al., 2017),
The 6 samples included 297 patients, whose combined weighted mean the weighted mean risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone ratio was 0.48 in
total risperidone C/D ratio was 8.8 ng/ml per mg/day, not far from the 329 patients, which is approximately twice what the author found in his
7 ng/ml per mg/day that the author considers normal for oral risper- oral TDM study with 221 patients (Box 1). Similarly, in the recent
idone. Thirteen CYP2D6 PMs had approximately double values, German TDM study, the median was higher, 0.51, in 63 patients on LAI

J. de Leon Neuropharmacology xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Box 2
Interpreting clozapine TDM to personalize clozapine dosing based on examples

Patient examples that relate clozapine C/D ratios and therapeutic doses

1) A patient requires 900 mg/day to reach 350 ng/ml of clozapine concentration. The clozapine C/D ratio = 0.4 (350/900 = 0.4).
a) The author has seen a few patients with clozapine C/D ratios around 0.4: Caucasian ♂ smokers taking potent inducers such as phenytoin.
2) A patient requires 600 mg/day to reach 350 ng/ml of clozapine concentration. The clozapine C/D ratio = 0.6 (350/600 = 0.6).
a) Caucasian ♂ smokers typically have C/D ratios around 0.6.
3) A patient requires 300 mg/day to reach 350 ng/ml of clozapine concentration. The clozapine C/D ratio = 1.2 (350/300 = 1.2).
a) Caucasian ♀ non-smokers typically have C/D ratios around 1.2.
b) Caucasian ♂ taking a clinically relevant inhibitor may have C/D ratios around 1.2.
c) East Asian ♂ smokers have C/D ratios around 1.2.
4) A patient requires 150 mg/day to reach 350 ng/ml of clozapine concentration. The clozapine C/D ratio = 2.3 (350/150 = 2).
a) Caucasian ♀ non-smokers taking a clinically relevant inhibitor may have C/D ratios around 2.3.
b) East Asian ♀ non-smokers may have C/D ratios around 2.3.
Genetic, environmental or personal factors leading to the need for high or low clozapine doses
1) Patients requiring higher doses:
- Individuals with extremely high CYP1A2 activity are probably very rare (< 1%).
- Smokers need higher doses. Smoking ↓ C/D ratio by 0.80. Therefore, smoking patients need ↑in dose (approximately 1.25 times higher) to reach therapeutic clozapine
- Inducers such as rifampin, phenytoin, and phenobarbital ↓C/D ratio by a factor of approximately 1.5.Therefore, patients taking inducers need ↑ in dose (approximately 1.5
times higher) to reach therapeutic clozapine concentrations.
- Mild inducers of clozapine may include valproate, charbroiled food, roasted coffee, omeprazole and cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli). Mild inducers do not usually
require dosing changes.
2) Subjects requiring lower doses:
- The author thought individuals with extremely low CYP1A2 activity were probably rare (< 1%). More recently he has defined PMs in each ethnic group as those
having > mean + 2 SD of total clozapine concentrations for their sex and smoking status group. He has found that 1–10% of Chinese and Caucasians are PMs who need
clozapine doses < 125 mg/day to reach 350 ng/ml
- Fluvoxamine is a very powerful inhibitor. On average, fluvoxamine ↑ the C/D ratio by 3 times, which requires ↓ clozapine doses to 1/3. Published cases of 5–10-fold increases
in C/D ratios exist. Do not prescribe fluvoxamine without clozapine TDM.
- Ciprofloxacin (and some similar antibiotics) and high caffeine doses are clinically relevant inhibitors and may require ↓ clozapine dose by half.
- Major inflammations or infections (pneumonia, upper respiratory infections with fever, or appendicitis) may decrease clozapine metabolism and may require ↓ clozapine dose
by half.
- Females have lower capacity to metabolize clozapine, probably due to the presence of estrogens.
- Oral contraceptives and estrogen elevations during pregnancy can inhibit clozapine metabolism.
- Fluoxetine and paroxetine are mild inhibitors of clozapine metabolism (dosing changes are not usually required). Sertraline in high doses can occasionally inhibit clozapine
- Patients with renal or hepatic impairment need lower clozapine doses; there are no dosing studies.
- With advanced age, particularly after the age of 65 years, there is a progressive diminution of the ability to clear clozapine. The ↑ C/D ratio associated with aging is small.

C/D ratio: concentration/dose ratio; CYP1A2: cytochrome P450 1A2; East Asians include Chinese, Koreans and possibly Japanese; PM: poor metabolizer; SD:
standard deviation; TDM: therapeutic drug monitoring.

C/D ratio: concentration/dose ratio; CYP1A2: cytochrome P450 1A2; East Asians include Chinese, Koreans and possibly Japanese; PM: poor
metabolizer; SD: standard deviation; TDM: therapeutic drug monitoring.

risperidone than 0.26 in 851 patients on oral risperidone (Schoretsanitis and due to statements about half-life by the marketer that are extremely
et al., 2018b). This increased mean risperidone/9-hydroxyrisperidone likely to be wrong, the author recommends that all clinicians obtain
ratio probably reflects a relative decrease in first-pass metabolism on risperidone TDM before switching any patient to this RBP-7000 for-
the LAI risperidone formulation (Castberg and Spigset, 2005). The re- mulation and repeat TDM at least every 3 months in all patients.
lative CYP2D6 contribution to risperidone metabolism may decrease
when moving from the oral to the LAI microsphere formulation.
In a systematic review of the LAI microsphere risperidone for- 4.9. Major pending issues related to personalizing risperidone dosing
mulation, most studies had drug concentrations very close to the lower
limit of the range for oral risperidone, 20 ng/ml. At steady state, LAI There are 3 major unresolved issues related to TDM and persona-
antipsychotics may be therapeutic in lower concentrations than the oral lizing dosing for LAI risperidone: 1) the need for half-life studies
antipsychotics, since they tend to have more stable concentrations (Schoretsanitis et al., 2019a), as the data provided by the marketer does
within the same day and from day to day (Schoretsanitis et al., 2018c). not appear to be correct for RBP-7000 and is unverified by independent
Clinicians using TDM for the risperidone LAI microsphere for- investigators for the microsphere formulation; 2) the possibility that
mulation need to: 1) consider steady state to be reached ≥6 weeks after lower total risperidone concentrations between 20 and 30 ng/ml may
the first injection; 2) pay attention to a) co-medications with inducers/ be enough for the risperidone microsphere formulation; and 3) limited
inhibitors, b) severe inflammations/infections, and c) hepatic/renal understanding of the relevance of the increase in risperidone/9-hy-
impairment; and 3) use Castberg's recommendation to calculate ris- droxyrisperidone ratio when moving from the oral to the LAI micro-
peridone dosing (Schoretsanitis et al., 2017). sphere formulation. The author recommends that any clinicians using
A new once-a-month subcutaneous risperidone LAI formulation LAI risperidone should use TDM to be sure that the concentrations are
called RBP-7000 was developed by another company and recently reasonable (20–60 mg/ml). CYP2D6 UM status and pregnancy are
marketed in the US (Citrome, 2018) without any published TDM study probably associated with increased risperidone clearance and may re-
(Schoretsanitis et al., 2017). Laffont et al. (2015) proposed that patients quire TDM to verify that the risperidone dose is sufficient for that pa-
on 2, 3 or 4 mg/day of oral risperidone should receive RBP-7000 tient. Two issues need future study by pharmacologists: 1) the need to
monthly SC injections of 60, 90 or 120 mg respectively. In the absence correct total risperidone concentrations if 9-hydroxyrisperidone is de-
of any published pharmacokinetic studies (Schoretsanitis et al., 2017) finitively demonstrated to be less potent, and 2) the role of the 9-hy-
droxyrisperidone enantiomers (Yasui-Furukori et al., 2001).

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Table 2
Approximations for personalizing risperidone dosing in the absence of TDM for average adults not taking any other antipsychotica by combining pharmacodynamic
and pharmacokinetic influences.
Normal Carbamazepine and other inducersb CYP2D6 PMs or paroxetinec Non-potent inhibitorsd

(multiply x 2) (divide by 2) (divide by 1.3)

DOSES (mg/day)
Average adult Startinge 1–2 2–4 0.5–1 0.75–1.5
Targetf 4 8 2 3
Maximumg 6 12 3 4
First psychotic episodeh Startinge 1 2 0.5 0.75
Targetf 2 4 1 1.5
Maximumg 4 8 2 3
Geriatric, liveri insufficiency or organicity Startinge 0.25 0.5 0.12 0.12
Targetf 2 4 1 1.5
Maximumg 4 8 2 3
Demented Startinge 0.5 1 0.25 0.25
Targetf 1 2 0.5 0.75
Maximumg 1.5 3 0.75 1
Adult ID behaviorsj Startinge 1–2 2–4 0.5–1 0.75–1.5
Targetf 2 4 1 1.5
Maximumg 4 8 2 3

Do not use risperidone if there is renal impairment, or with fluoxetine,k or if a CYP2D6 PM is taking a CYP3A4 inhibitor.
CYP2D6: cytochrome 2D6; CYP3A4: cytochrome 3A4; ID: intellectual disability; PM: poor metabolizer; TDM: therapeutic drug monitoring. This table includes
modifications from prior versions (de Leon et al., 2008b; Spina and de Leon, 2015).
If the patient is taking another antipsychotic, lower risperidone doses than those described in this table should be used as long as the other antipsychotic is
prescribed. If the patient has taken risperidone, prior doses can be used for orientation as long there are no changes in co-prescription of inhibitors or inducers, no
development of renal or hepatic insufficiency, and the patient has not reached geriatric age. TDM can provide a better approximation for an individual than these
average recommendations.
These indications are based mainly on carbamazepine data. Other CYP3A inducers have not been well studied. Clinically relevant inducers that may have similar
or greater effects than carbamazepine are rifampin, phenobarbital, primidone, phenytoin, nonnucleoside reverse transcript inhibitors (efavirenz and delavirdine).
Mild inducers that are probably less potent than carbamazepine are oxcarbazepine, topiramate, dexamethasone, prednisone and St. John's wort. Mild inducers have
not been studied.
Paroxetine is a potent CYP2D6 inhibitor; it frequently inhibits CYP2D6 completely.
Non-potent inhibitors include moderate CYP2D6 inhibitors such as duloxetine and bupropion, and any potent CYP3A inhibitor: fluvoxamine, cimetidine,
ketoconazole, erythromycin, clarithromycin, protease inhibitors, grapefruit juice, and diltiazem. High doses of sertraline may also be an inhibitor of risperidone
metabolism. Disregard inhibitor effects if the patient is taking potent inducers.
Starting dose refers to the first dose given to the patient. This dose has to be slowly titrated over a few days based on tolerance for reaching the target dose. Lower
starting doses are recommended to avoid orthostatic hypotension and other adverse drug reactions to the first risperidone doses.
Target dose refers to the dose expected to be therapeutic in the average patient with these specific characteristics.
Maximum dose refers to the maximum recommended dose expected to be therapeutic in the average patient with these specific characteristics.
First-episode patients are probably less tolerant of risperidone and other high potent antipsychotics, such as haloperidol (de Leon et al., 2008b).
There is no published information on hepatic insufficiency in clinical samples but conservative dosing appears reasonable.
These doses are for challenging behaviors that did not respond to non-pharmacological interventions. Psychotic episodes in adults with IDs may require higher
doses; see average doses for adults.
If a patient has any renal impairment, select another antipsychotic besides amisulpiride or paliperidone. Fluoxetine is a powerful CYP2D6 inhibitor and a mild-to-
moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor; thus, it should be avoided in patients on risperidone. Similarly, when a CYP2D6 PM is taking any CYP3A4 inhibitor, another anti-
psychotic not metabolized by CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 should be used. Do not use with risperidone: aripiprazole, brexpriprazole or iloperidone (Spina et al., 2016).

5. Personalizing paliperidone dosing FDA forced the recall of a generic formulation of paliperidone's ER
formulation with even lower bioavailability (Cassels, 2017).
Dopheide (2008) proposed that paliperidone is more amenable for
developing LAI formulations than risperidone, which was approved in
the US in 2009 as a monthly paliperidone palmitate injection (PP1M) 5.2. Paliperidone clearance
for schizophrenia. The three-month LAI paliperidone formulation (or
PP3M) was approved in 2015. A 6-month LAI formulation (or PP6M) is Extrapolating data from the immediate-release formulation to the
currently being developed. oral ER formulation, approximately 25% of oral paliperidone absorbed
This paliperidone section describes: 1) bioavailability, 2) clearance, is metabolized mainly by CYP3A4 while the other 75% is eliminated in
3) C/D ratio, 4) therapeutic range, 5) DDIs related to personalizing urine as paliperidone, half by GFR and the other half excreted by an
dosing, 6) personal variables related to personalizing dosing, 7) LAI unknown renal transporter (Schoretsanitis et al., 2018d).
TDM for personalizing dosing, and 8) personalized treatment com- Carbamazepine, an inducer of CYP3A4 (and P-gp), enhances the
bining oral risperidone and PP1M. clearance of oral paliperidone. In patients under carbamazepine in-
duction, ¾ of the paliperidone may be metabolized by CYP3A4 and
only ¼ may be eliminated in the urine unchanged (Schoretsanitis et al.,
5.1. Paliperidone bioavailability 2018d). As pregnancy is associated with increased GFR and CYP3A4
activity, pregnancy may increase paliperidone clearance (Schoretsanitis
Surprisingly, the FDA approved an extended-release (ER) formula- et al., 2018d).
tion that only provides 28% bioavailability and allowed the company to Oral paliperidone goes through first-pass metabolism, while LAI
complete bioavailability studies with an immediate-release formulation paliperidone does not. In fact, the increased clearance of carbamaze-
with 80% bioavailability (Sheehan et al., 2010). On the other hand, the pine in oral paliperidone is 3 times as great while it is 2 times as great

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for PP1M (Schoretsanitis et al., 2018c); this is compatible with a greater concentration levels may double, increasing the risk of dose-related
role of CYP3A4 (or P-gp) in clearance due to first-pass metabolism for ADRs (Schoretsanitis et al., 2018c).
oral paliperidone. Deltoid injections provide better PP1M absorption than gluteal in-
jections, which may provide particularly low concentrations in obese
5.3. Paliperidone C/D ratio patients. Steady state may take more than one year for PP3M and
several years for PP6M. For that reason, Lee et al. (2015) proposed that
In the TDM systematic review of oral paliperidone (6 studies with a PP3M steady state is achieved in one and one-half years for deltoid
total sample of 221 non-Korean adult patients), non-geriatric patients injections and almost two years for gluteal injections. Due to these
had a weighted mean C/D ratio of 4.1 ng/ml per mg/d (Schoretsanitis extremely long half-lives, the author recommends establishing baselines
et al., 2018d). For PP1M (3 studies with a total sample of 69 adult before moving from PP1M to PP3M and from PP3M to PP6M by: 1)
patients), it was almost twice as high, 7.7 ng/ml per mg/day examining the patient for dyskinetic movements; 2) completing an
(Schoretsanitis et al., 2018c). electrocardiogram (ECG); and 3) collecting blood for baseline TDM,
Two studies including 100 Korean adult patients provided a prolactin and creatine kinase. In the unlucky situation that ADRs de-
weighted mean C/D ratio of 2.59 ng/ml per mg/day. This extremely velop after reaching steady state, years after moving from PP1M to
low C/D ratio is most probably due to the low bioavailability of the PP3M or from PP3M to PP6M, the clinician can compare the later va-
Korean ER formulation; another less likely possibility is that Koreans lues with baseline values (Schoretsanitis et al., 2018c). Clinicians also
have greater activity in the unknown renal transporter that eliminates need to remember that long-term hyperprolactinemia may be a risk
paliperidone (Schoretsanitis et al., 2018d). factor for osteoporosis (Montejo et al., 2016).

5.4. Paliperidone's therapeutic range 5.8. Personalized treatment combining oral risperidone and PP1M

For paliperidone, Hiemke et al. (2018) in their consensus guidelines, Taking into account the limited bioavailability of oral paliperidone,
adopted the therapeutic reference range of oral risperidone (20–60 ng/ there is no good reason to use this compound; oral risperidone appears
mL). to be a much more reliable choice. There is no published TDM data with
RBP-7000 but data on the risperidone microsphere formulation is
5.5. DDIs related to personalizing paliperidone dosing problematic when compared with LAI paliperidone due to: 1) unreliable
absorption in obese patients, 2) need for initial oral supplementation,
When adding a potent CYP3A4 inducer such as carbamazepine, and 3) need for injections every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks
phenytoin, or phenobarbital, the prescriber should multiply the pali- (Schoretsanitis et al., 2017). Thus, the clinician may consider going
peridone oral dose by 3 and the PP1M dose by 2 to maintain stable from oral risperidone to PP1M.
paliperidone concentrations. A better alternative is to conduct pali- According to the marketer's simulation study (Russu et al., 2018),
peridone TDM after maximal induction, which would be after 5 weeks patients on oral risperidone should be switched to the following PP1M
for carbamazepine due to its auto-induction, or after 3 weeks for other equivalent doses: 1) 1 mg/day to 39 mg (or 25 equivalents of active
inducers (de Leon, 2015a). Paliperidone TDM should be used when paliperidone) every month, 2) 2 mg/day to 78 mg (or 50 equivalents)
adding mild CYP3A4 inducers such as oxcarbazepine, topiramate or St. every month, 3) 4 mg/day to 156 mg (or 100 equivalents) every month,
John's wort (de Leon, 2015a). and 4) 6 mg/day to 234 mg (or 150 equivalents) every month.
In a company study, single-dose valproate was an inhibitor which As the above marketer's guidelines are derived from simulations and
would require halving the oral paliperidone dose (Remmerie et al., not real-world measurements, it is a good idea to complete TDM in all
2016), but in repeated dosing valproate appeared to be an inducer. The patients moving from oral risperidone to PP1M, although in the average
author recommends avoiding co-prescription of valproate with oral patient, oral risperidone and PP1M may have similar C/D ratios.
paliperidone, or PP1M. If co-prescribed, clinicians should perform re- CYP2D6 PM status due to genetic variations or use of CYP2D6 in-
peated TDMs as valproate may act as an inhibitor, an inducer, or both, hibitors may require relatively higher PP1M doses; this is described in
at different times in the same patient. Table 8 of a prior article (Schoretsanitis et al., 2018c).
In conclusion, paliperidone dosing does not benefit from genotyping
5.6. Personal variables related to personalizing paliperidone dosing in the manner that risperidone dosing does, but can greatly benefit from
TDM particularly when: 1) using LAI formulations due to their long
The C/D ratio of 6.9 ng/ml/mg/day in one study of 15 elderly half-lives; 2) treating older patients; and 3) co-prescribing inducers,
Japanese patients suggested that geriatric patients may only need ap- including carbamazepine, or valproate, which may be an inducer or an
proximately half of the paliperidone oral dose (Schoretsanitis et al., inhibitor at different times.
2018d). As geriatric age may increase PP1M C/D ratios (by a factor of
1.26), TDM should guide dosing in these patients (Schoretsanitis et al., 6. Personalizing clozapine dosing
2018d). Regardless of the severity level of renal impairment, another
antipsychotic should be selected instead of paliperidone. This clozapine section describes: 1) clearance; 2) genetics; 3) the
influence of sex, smoking and ethnicity on dosing; 4) DDIs related to
5.7. LAI TDM and personalizing paliperidone dosing personalizing dosing; 5) other personal variables related to persona-
lizing dosing; 6) therapeutic range; 7) clozapine and total clozapine C/
There is an urgent need to investigate real-world PP1M half-life. D ratios; 8) normal variations on clozapine TDM; and 9) personalizing
Currently, clinicians should consider steady state to be reached no dosing.
earlier than after 9 injections of PP1M (8 months), but it may be longer
for obese patients and possibly for female patients. A TDM level ob- 6.1. Clozapine clearance
tained 3 or 4 months after PP1M onset may provide a C/D ratio that is
half the 7.7 ng/ml per mg/day expected at steady state, around 3–4 ng/ Clozapine has 3 metabolic pathways: 1) N-demethylation of cloza-
ml per mg/day. If the concentration after 3 or 4 months is already in the pine to norclozapine; 2) clozapine-N-oxide, which is reversible and
therapeutic range of 20–60 ng/ml, the clinician may need to consider partially conducted by flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO); and 3)
decreasing the dose since the patient may tolerate the first injections glucuronidation by the UDP glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs).
well, but after steady state is reached beyond the 9th injection, Demethylation is mainly accomplished by CYP1A2 which may

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account for 70% of clozapine metabolism (Bertilsson et al., 1994). (Nielsen et al., 2017).
CYP2C19, CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 have lesser roles in demethylation
(Olesen and Linnet, 2001). Norclozapine is further metabolized by 6.4. DDIs related to personalizing clozapine dosing
conjugation with sulfates and glucuronides, but Schaber et al. (1998)
estimated that 71% of free serum norclozapine is eliminated through Other potent clozapine inhibitors are fluvoxamine and cipro-
tubular secretion by an unknown transporter (Barclay et al., 2019). floxacin. Caffeine is metabolized by CYP1A2 and is probably a com-
petitive inhibitor. Other inducers of clozapine metabolism are ome-
6.2. Genetics prazole, rifampin and the antiepileptic inducers, such as
carbamazepine, phenytoin and phenobarbital (Spina et al., 2016).
Most known CYP1A2 alleles have no clear effects on function (de
Leon, 2015a). It has been proposed that the CYP1A2*1F allele is asso- 6.5. Other personal variables related to personalizing clozapine dosing
ciated with the increased effects of inducibility from smoking in Cau-
casians, but it is not clear that influences clozapine clearance (Kootstra- There are no studies on the effect of renal clearance on clozapine
Ros et al., 2005). A unique French clozapine PM had a very rare allele, elimination, but renal impairment and geriatric age are likely to have
CYP1A2*7 in heterozygous state, which has never been identified again effects on clozapine clearance. Severe infections (Ruan and de Leon,
(Allorge et al., 2003). In a Chinese inpatient sample, this allele was not 2019) or inflammations (Ruan et al., 2018), probably by releasing cy-
identified in any of the PMs who accounted for 4% (5/129) of the tokines, can also inhibit clozapine metabolism. Pneumonia appears to
sample and needed very low clozapine doses of 75–115 mg/day to get be particularly lethal in clozapine patients, possibly because the in-
clozapine therapeutic concentrations (Ruan et al., 2019). flammation can contribute to clozapine intoxications, creating positive
In a recent systematic review of the literature on clozapine TDM, 13 feedback and further worsening the symptoms (Cicala et al., 2019; de
cases were identified as being published because overly high clozapine Leon et al., 2019; Ruan and de Leon, 2019).
doses were needed (Ruan et al., 2019). Nine of these 13 cases appear to Clozapine is lipophilic and probably deposits in the fat tissue;
be compatible with clozapine UM status in US or European patients, therefore, clozapine-induced weight gain may decrease clozapine
defined as needing > 900 mg/day to get a clozapine concentration of clearance, but the effects are probably small in most patients. However,
350 ng/ml. Several authors proposed that these cases were actually it cannot be ruled out that females with extreme obesity may behave as
genetic UMs but they did not provide enough information to clarify that clozapine PMs (Diaz et al., 2018). During pregnancy, CYP1A2 activity
lack of compliance or inducers other than smoking were excluded decreases remarkably, probably due to the massive increase in estro-
(Ruan et al., 2019). The high clozapine dose of a US case taking up to gens, but there are no clozapine TDM studies in pregnancy.
1300 mg/day appeared to be explained because the patient was a male
smoker who also was prescribed valproate, which acted as an inducer 6.6. Clozapine's therapeutic range
(Riesselman et al., 2013).
Hiemke et al. (2018), in their consensus guideline, recommend a
6.3. The influence of sex, smoking and ethnicity on clozapine dosing therapeutic reference range of 350–600 ng/ml for clozapine without
including norclozapine. As norclozapine has no antipsychotic efficacy,
Genetic studies on clozapine metabolism should consider smoking it makes sense to focus only on clozapine concentration for the efficacy
and sex major known determinants of CYP1A2 activity. Smoking, by of clozapine therapy in treatment-resistant schizophrenia
stimulating the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, is an inducer of CYP1A2. (Schoretsanitis et al., 2019b). Although it cannot be ruled out that some
Females have slightly lower CYP1A2 activity, which is probably ex- unusual patients may need clozapine concentrations > 600 ng/ml, the
plained by the fact that estrogens are CYP1A2 inhibitors; in fact, oral author has never seen any in his clinical practice and recommends that
contraceptives are clinically relevant inhibitors of clozapine metabo- if any patient has repeated and consistent trough steady-state con-
lism (de Leon 2015a). centrations in the therapeutic range and does not show even a partial
In 1997, two studies (Chang et al., 1997; Chong et al., 1997), fre- response to clozapine, the clozapine trial should be considered a failure.
quently ignored by Western psychiatrists, described how Chinese pa- He usually tries to keep these concentrations in the therapeutic range
tients received half the clozapine dosage used in Western countries, but (between 400 and 500 ng/ml) for 2–3 months unless clozapine ADRs
had clozapine concentrations similar to Westerners. This is compatible cannot be tolerated. For other indications besides treatment-resistant
with a very well-controlled caffeine study demonstrating lower caffeine schizophrenia, the author has anecdotal experience that some patients
clearance in Koreans than Swedes (Ghotbi et al., 2007). Caffeine is also may respond to low clozapine doses with concentrations lower than
mainly metabolized by CYP1A2. A recent systematic review (Ruan 350 ng/ml. They include those with symptomatic polydipsia (de Leon
et al., 2019) found significantly lower clearance in East Asian patients et al., 1995) and patients with self- or hetero-aggressive behavior in the
than in Caucasians. The East Asian samples included Korean and Chi- context of intellectual disability and the absence of psychosis (Sabaawi
nese patients, who are known to be closely related. Japanese are usually et al., 2006).
defined as East Asians but the systematic review identified no Japanese Hiemke et al. (2018), in their consensus guideline, describe >
studies. After the systematic review search, a limited study has pro- 1000 ng/ml for clozapine as a laboratory alert level. Although the
vided some limited data on clozapine clearance (Kikuchi et al., 2018) author has seen many patients with trough steady-state clozapine
which is compatible with the idea that Japanese are likely to have concentrations > 1000 ng/ml and no clozapine ADRs, he usually re-
clearance similar to Chinese and Koreans. The concept of East Asian is a commends that clinicians consider decreasing the clozapine dosage if
rough approximation of a complex genetic reality in Asia and is usually concentrations are consistently > 1000 ng/ml (de Leon and Simpson,
applied to Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and Mongolians, who are closely 2004).
related from the genetic point of view (Singh and Teo, 2019). The Serum norclozapine concentrations appear to contribute to some
limited published clozapine data (Ruan et al., 2019) suggest that other clozapine ADRs including constipation (de Leon et al., 2003) and sei-
Asians may also have lower clozapine clearance than Caucasians. As a zures (McCollum et al., 2018). Moreover, a review of the pharmaco-
matter of fact, other groups with clozapine clearance lower than Cau- logical and clinical literature suggests that using total serum clozapine
casians may include a substantial part of the world, possibly including concentration (by adding clozapine and norclozapine) may be better
patients from India (Rajkumar et al., 2013) and possibly even non- than clozapine concentrations for: 1) reflecting clozapine clearance and
Caucasian patients with American ancestry (González-Esquivel et al., 2) possibly predicting some dose-related ADRs, such as hypersalivation,
2011), who are descendants of East Asian immigrants to the Americas constipation, sedation and seizures (Schoretsanitis et al., 2019b).

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Table 3
Current approximations for initial clozapine dosing and subsequent use of TDM for average adults.
DO NOT START when infection/inflammation is present: before starting, verify that CRP and ESR are normal. Valproate: divide titration in half. Other inhibitors (fluvoxamine or
oral contraceptives): stop them.

First week

- Typicala Caucasian: a first dose of 25 mg at night to avoid sedation and orthostatic hypotensionb If tolerated, ↑ daily dose by 25 mg, keeping approximately 2/3 at
night Schedule ↑, avoiding major increases during times with less supervision (weekends). Target 100 mg/day at the end of the first week. Draw
CRP/ESR (stop until normal); if clozapine TDM > 250 ng/ml, dose may be enough.
- Typicalc East Asian: a first dose of 12.5 mg at night to avoid sedation and orthostatic hypotensionb If tolerated, ↑ daily dose by 12.5 mg, keeping approximately 2/
3 at night Schedule ↑, avoiding major increases during times with less supervision (weekends). Target 50 mg/day at the end of the first week.
Draw CRP/ESR (stop until normal); if clozapine TDM > 250 ng/ml, dose may be enough.

Second week
- Typicala Caucasian: if tolerated, ↑ twice 50 mg/day each time, keeping approximately 2/3 at night Target 200 mg/day at the end of the second week. Draw CRP/
ESR (stop until normal); if clozapine TDM > 250 ng/ml, dose may be enough.
- Typicalc East Asian: if tolerated, ↑ twice 25 mg/day each time, keeping approximately 2/3 at night. Target 100 mg/day at the end of the second week.
Draw CRP/ESR (stop until normal); if clozapine > 250 ng/ml, dose may be enough.

Third week
- Typicala Caucasian: if tolerated, ↑ twice 50 mg/day each time, keeping approximately 2/3 at night. Target 300 mg/day at the end of the third week.
- Typicalc East Asian: if tolerated, ↑ twice 25 mg/day each time, keeping approximately 2/3 at night. Target 150 mg/day at the end of the third week. Target
150 mg/day at the end of the third week.

Fourth week TDMd

- Caucasians on 300 mg/day: C = 350 ng/ml; C/D ratio = 350/300 = 1.2. Needs ≥300 mg/day (bettere 300–400 mg/day).
C = 175 ng/ml; C/D ratio = 175/300 = 0.6. Needs ≥600 mg/day (bettere 600–700 mg/day).
C = 87 ng/ml; C/D ratio = 87/300 = 0.3.f May need up to 900 mg/day
East Asians on 150 mg/day: C = 350 ng/ml; C/D ratio = 350/150 = 2.4. Needs ≥150 mg/day (bettere 150–200 mg/day).
C = 175 ng/ml; C/D ratio = 175/150 = 1.2. Needs ≥300 mg/day (bettere 300–400 mg/day).

Further increases in patients needing higher doses

- In Caucasians, ↑twice 50 mg/day each time with a target ↑ 100 mg/week.
- In East Asians, ↑twice 25 mg/day each time with a target ↑ 50 mg/week.

Target doses
- One week after you reach your target dose, repeat TDM to verify > 350 ng/ml (betterf if in 400 s ng/ml).
- Whenever clozapine C reaches > 1000 ng/ml, look for the reason and consider cutting the clozapine dose in half.
- Make the administration as easy as possible, including rounding doses and administering twice a day.g
- If you do not have access to clozapine TDM, best approximated recommendations:
Caucasians: ♀ non-smokers: around 300 mg/day (100 in the early morning and 200 at night).
♂non-smokers and ♀ smokers: 300–600 mg/day.
♂ smokers: around 600 mg/day (200 in the early morning and 400 at night).
East Asians: ♀ non-smokers: around 150 mg/day (50 in the early morning and 100 at night).
♂ non-smokers and ♀ smokers: 150–300 mg/day.
♂ smokers: around 300 mg/day (100 in the early morning and 200 at night).

Further need for TDM

- If clinically relevant inducers or inhibitors are added or discontinued, repeat TDM after steady state is reached.
- Development of major inflammations or major infectionsh requires close monitoring for ADRs. If TDM results take several days to arrive, you may want to cut the clozapine dose in
half after collecting TDM.
- Remember that major changes in smoking may have relevant effects on clozapine C after a few (1–3) weeks. Smoking cessation may ↑ clozapine C (approximately by a factor of
- Watch for dramatici changes in caffeine intake.

ADR: adverse drug reaction; C: concentration; C/D ratio: clozapine concentration/dose ratio; CRP: C-reactive protein; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; TDM:
therapeutic drug monitoring.
These recommendations are not for Caucasians taking clinically relevant inhibitors, of geriatric age or taking medication that increases clozapine risk due to
pharmacodynamic drug interactions. For them, consider the titration recommended for East Asians.
During titration, orthostatic changes in blood pressure and pulse need to be measured. Cut scores for abnormal values and a scale for documentation are provided
by Sabaawi et al. (2006). Orthostatic changes should be assessed before increasing any clozapine dose for at least the first 3 weeks. Orthostatic abnormalities or other
ADRs should signal slower titration. Fever should prompt stopping titration and drawing CRP and ESR and waiting until they normalize to proceed with titration.
Consider slowing the titration for East Asians taking clinically relevant inhibitors, of geriatric age or taking medication that increases clozapine risk due to
pharmacodynamic drug interactions.
Draw trough steady-state clozapine C in the early AM at least one week after the last clozapine dose increase.
Fluctuations of 10% are not unusual in the same patient taking the same dose and using the same laboratory. A clozapine C result of around 350 ng/ml may be
associated with risk of subtherapeutic concentrations on other days. Keeping a clozapine C in the 400 s ng/ml appears easy and safe.
Double-check as much as you can that lack of adherence does not explain low clozapine C. Repeat TDM if you have any suspicion that low clozapine C could be
explained by lack of adherence.
Occasionally a single dose at night facilitates compliance and can ↓ risks for ADRs unless the patient gets up in the middle of the night.
Major infections include pneumonia, upper respiratory infections with fever, pyelonephritis and appendicitis.
Although no prospective study defines what a “dramatic” change is, caution is recommended with increases or decreases of daily caffeine intake of > 1 cup of
coffee (or 2 cans of caffeinated soda) in non-smokers and > 3 cups (or 6 cans of caffeinated soda) in smokers. For example, when a smoker taking clozapine increases
caffeine intake by three cups of coffee (e.g., from 2 to 5 cups per day), clinicians should watch for increased side effects due to ↑ clozapine C.

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Therefore, when these dose-related ADRs are present, the author re- clozapine-induced myocarditis (Chopra and de Leon, 2016).
commends decreasing clozapine dose but keeping clozapine con-
centrations close to 350 ng/ml (in the low 400s ng/ml) and trying to 7. Conclusions
decrease the total concentrations as much as possible. Gemfibrozil may
inhibit the renal transporter that excretes norclozapine and can cause After 20 years of combining pharmacogenetics and TDM to perso-
elevations limited to norclozapine without increasing clozapine con- nalize dosing for antipsychotics, the author has developed models for
centrations (Barclay et al., 2019). risperidone, paliperidone, and clozapine based on the concept of C/D
ratios at trough and steady-state conditions. Risperidone dosing is in-
6.7. Clozapine and total clozapine C/D ratio fluenced by CYP2D6 polymorphism, DDIs and renal function.
Paliperidone dosing is influenced by inducers and renal function. TDM
In the US, the average patient usually needs from 300 to 600 mg/ is particularly important for the LAI formulations because the medica-
day to reach the lowest values in the therapeutic range (350 ng/ml) for tion may accumulate once steady state is reached (after years for PP3M
schizophrenia. US male smokers usually have a therapeutic con- and PP6M). Clozapine dosing is influenced by smoking, sex, DDIs and
centration ≥350 ng/ml on a dose of 600 mg/day; this produces a C/D ethnicity.
ratio of 0.60 (600/350). US female non-smokers usually have a con-
centration ≥350 ng/ml with a dose of 300 mg/day; this produces a C/D Declaration of interest
ratio of 1.17 (300/350). Therefore, in the US, average clozapine C/D
ratios typically range between 0.6 and 1.2 ng/ml per mg/day. On the No commercial organizations had any role in the writing of this
other hand, for Chinese patients, clozapine C/D ratios appear to be paper for publication. J. de Leon personally develops his presentations
approximately double (Spina and de Leon, 2015). In a small study for lecturing, has never lectured using any pharmaceutical or pharma-
comparing 20 Caucasians from Australia and 20 Asian patients from cogenetic company presentations, and has never been a consultant for
Singapore without matching for sex and smoking, Ng et al. (2005) pharmacogenetic or pharmaceutical companies. In the past, J. de Leon
described a clozapine C/D ratio of 1.01 vs 2.65 ng/ml per mg/day. In a received researcher-initiated grants from Eli Lilly (one ended in 2003
systematic review, the clozapine C/D ratio was significantly higher and the other, as co-investigator, ended in 2007); from Roche Molecular
when comparing the weighted mean values of 1.57 in 876 East Asians Systems, Inc. (ended in 2007); and, in a collaboration with Genomas,
vs. 1.07 in 1147 Caucasians (Ruan et al., 2019). Inc., from the NIH Small Business Innovation Research program (ended
While the clozapine C/D ratio can be used by clinicians for dosing, in 2010). J. de Leon has been on the advisory boards of Bristol-Myers
the total clozapine C/D ratio, calculated by adding clozapine and nor- Squibb (2003/04) and AstraZeneca (2003). Roche Molecular Systems
clozapine, better reflects clozapine clearance and may better predict supported one of his educational presentations, which was published in
some of the clozapine dose-related ADRs (Schoretsanitis et al., 2019b). a peer-reviewed journal (2005). His lectures were supported once by
Sandoz (1997), twice by Lundbeck (1999, 1999), twice by Pfizer (2001,
6.8. Normal variations on clozapine TDM 2001), three times by Eli Lilly (2003, 2006, and 2006), twice by Janssen
(2000, 2006), once by Bristol-Myers Squibb (2006), and seven times by
Clinicians are not always aware that a single clozapine level must be Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. (once in 2005 and six times in 2006).
viewed with caution and that a pattern change after measuring several
levels is much easier and more reliable to interpret. Laboratory, tech- Funding
nical and natural variations can cause some day-to-day variations in
clozapine levels, even after assuming stability of all possible con- This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
founding factors such as timing of collection, dose and schedule, agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
smoking variations and DDIs. It seems reasonable to suggest that only a
change by a factor of two is probably meaningful from the clinician's Acknowledgments
perspective This means that if an individual has a clozapine level of
500 ng/ml, the next one in the same stable conditions should not The author acknowledges Lorraine Maw, M.A., from the University
be > 1000 or < 250 ng/ml. However, a change from 500 to 400 ng/ml of Kentucky Mental Health Research Center at Eastern State Hospital,
is probably not significant (Sabaawi et al., 2006). who helped in editing the article and the reviewers who provided im-
When a patient with repeated normal clozapine or total clozapine portant suggestions for improving the article.
C/D ratios exhibits a dramatic decrease in these ratios, the clinician
should first consider lack of compliance unless this decrease can be References
explained by the addition of an inducer, such as smoking, omeprazole
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