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Erin Dillon


PSY 101

A Dangerous Method

In the movie “A Dangerous Method” it takes a look at how intense the relationship and

process between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud was when creating psychoanalysis. It all starts

when Sabina Spielrein, who is suffering from hysteria, is hospitalized under the care of Dr. Carl

Jung. Carl Jung is a follower of Freud, who states that all psychological problems are rooted in

sex. Jung uses these theories for the first time on Spielrein. Spielman’s problems were started

from her childhood and her violent father, yet she is very intelligent and hopes to become a

doctor someday. Jung decided to employ her to work in his research. After Jung finds Sabina

unique his attraction deepens and the married Jung and Spielrein eventually become lovers. Jung

eventually meets Freud and they become friends over their discussions. Overtime they begin to

disagree on matters of psychoanalysis. Jung and Spielrein continue working and playing with

each other but after he refuses to leave his wife for her, Spielrein decides to go to Vienna and see

Freud. She wanted to make sure they continued developing psychoanalysis. Jung and Freud end

their friendship and almost everyone goes their separate ways.

One of the main themes of this movie was the relationship between the father figure

Freud and his protégé Jung. They both had a lot of respect for each other. They had many

conversations about psychanalysis that would last a long while. Jung had some basic

disagreements with Freud’s version which ultimately ended their relationship. They mostly

disagreed on the concept of the unconscious. They both had enthusiasm about each other as well

as reservations.

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I have no idea whether Jung had a sexual affair with Sabina. I would have to say yes. The

times back then were very different than now. I think a lot of people in his field did as well. They

definitely had a mutual erotic relationship between each other. Whether they did or not, I don’t

believe that is the most important question to ask. This was the start of something huge and

monumental. It changed lives. It helped with Sabina’s treatment, encouragement for her, and

created a mutual respect for one another. This principle had a good influence on her as well as


Although I thought the movie was a little weird. I do think it gave us better insight of

how things were back then and how things came to be. I loved how Keira Knightly played

Sabina. I think she did an awesome job. I think Jung and Freud were both well represented as

well. It showed their struggles and their success. It made me appreciate all who have come

before me and the sacrifices that were made to help us better understand ourselves and each


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