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Head and Neck Imaging


Imaging the neck is unlike imaging any region of the mented to improve upon the accuracy of clinical
torso or brain since maximal contrast resolution is lymph node staging. This is true of either computed
necessary to differentiate lesions in cross-sectional tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging
exams of those solid organs. Because of the various (MRI) or sonography and nuclear imaging including
organ systems, the neck has very good native con- fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography
trast resolution between lesions and adjacent normal (FDG-PET). Intravenous contrast is necessary to
structures and at the interface with the skull base characterize internal lymph node architecture on CT,
and thoracic inlet. Intravenous contrast is necessary, but less important on MRI. Careful attention to
however, to differentiate veins (and arteries) from lymph node sub-sites is needed at the lateral
adenopathy and masses (Figure 3–1). Once a base- retropharyngeal (Figure 3–3) and tracheo-esophageal
line scan has been obtained, contrast is less impor- groove (Figure 3–4) when appropriate. The added
tant for this particular consideration. Intravenous value of sonography is the capacity to perform fine-
contrast also helps characterize internal lymph node needle aspiration (FNA) of suspicious lymph
architecture for necrosis. Bolus timing parameters nodes,5 which might otherwise look unremarkable
are dependent on the equipment used1 and the med- on other imaging modalities or feel unimportant to
ical condition of the patient. Oral contrast in the the examiner. With proper attention to technique,
form of barium paste is helpful for lesions of the
hypopharyngo-esophageal complex. The throat,
being a semi-collapsed tube, is difficult to evaluate
on cross-sectional images. The importance of cross-
sectional imaging is in evaluating the submucosal 2
component of lesions (Figure 3–2), complementing
the clinical and endoscopic exam. Imaging is there-
fore not valuable for detection of mucosal disease 1
and cannot be a substitute for clinical inspection.
Evaluating a palpable neck mass2 and staging a
known mucosal or sinonasal lesion is the primary
role for imaging of the neck and head. Lesions of the
nasopharynx, parapharyngeal space, sinonasal tract
and subglottic space are better staged by the cross-
sectional exam, however. Familiarity with the imag-
ing of lymphomas and benign3 or inflammatory
lesions of the neck can prevent unnecessary surgical
Figure 3–1. Enhanced axial CT image through the oropharynx. (1)
explorations in this functionally and cosmetically Partially necrotic pathologic lymph node (level II). (2) Normal sub-
sensitive region.4 Imaging exams have been docu- mandibular node (level I-b) with fatty hilum.



Figure 3–2. Enhanced axial CT images through the oropharynx. (1) Base of tongue
squamous cancer extending to lateral pharyngeal wall. (2) Early extra-pharyngeal exten-
sion into parapharyngeal space.

both the neck and the primary lesion can be ade- CT and MRI improve upon the clinical accuracy of
quately scanned at one imaging visit. Whether or not 71 percent.7 Conventional MR is not adequate10 and
there is a known primary tumor, the contrast bolus has no benefit over CT.11 The neck can be adequately
should be peak for the axial survey of the neck. The staged if MR is chosen for staging of the primary
primary site, if it is known, can be scanned in what- site. FDG-PET is very accurate in the post-treatment
ever plane necessary in the post-bolus phase of the setting compared to either CT or MRI.12,13
scan. These issues are less important in MRI. As As in other body regions, a diagnosis has often
many as one-third of all N0 neck dissections show been established and the imaging is performed to
histologically positive metastatic adenopathy.6 round out the TNM staging. While radiology is com-
Imaging may demonstrate some of these occult plementary to the clinical staging, it is responsible
metastases and thus improves upon the clinical for so-called stage creep,14,15 increasing the T, N, or
exam.7 In the N0 neck, FDG-PET (Figure 3–5) has M component of the diagnosis. The radiologist and
been reported to be more sensitive than CT or MRI8 clinical oncologist need to establish a rapport and
and to have a sensitivity and specificity of approxi- select the modality most appropriate for their collec-
mately 90 percent.9 However, true micro-metastases tive expertise and imaging armamentarium. Scan
will remain below the resolution of cross-sectional protocols must be established for consistency within
exams and current FDG-PET technology, but a practice and at the very least among sequential fol-
enlarged lymph nodes should not be overlooked. low-up surveillance-type scans on a given patient.
One half of all missed lymph nodes are less than or Consistent imaging parameters from contrast injec-
equal to one centimeter in size. Careful analysis of tion rates through scan technique16 to photography
high quality scans is necessary to maintain a facilitate detection of subtle changes lending confi-
respectable accuracy rate for staging the neck. Both dence to the diagnosis of often clinically occult
Head and Neck Imaging 59

flap reconstruction (Figure 3–8) and/or radiation ther-

apy can be very distracting and misleading.21 Inflam-
matory changes related to chemotherapy-induced
mucositis and superimposed radiation changes22 limit
2 our ability to diagnose mucosal recurrences. Lymph
node metastases take unconventional pathways after
neck dissection.23 Different phases of contrast are
beneficial for different modalities. Early phases are
better for MRI1 and later phases are better for CT.24
Metabolic imaging in the form of FDG-PET will find
a more important role for this stage of patient evalua-
tion.13,25,26 This tool, while not perfect,27 will help
1 triage previously operated patients into categories
such as intervention or continued surveillance. In the
“unresectable” or organ preservation groups, deter-
mining the relative degree of metabolic activity of a
tumor prior to being treated will help determine the
Figure 3–3. Axial T2-weighted MR image through the maxilla. (1) effects of radiation treatment28 or combined thera-
Metastatic left lateral retropharyngeal lymph node. (2) Palate tumor pies.29 These images are best interpreted with some
(hard and soft palate).
form of co-registration with a cross-sectional scan.30
Less expensive methods of imaging FDG-PET with-
changes. Consistency also allows the other members out a dedicated PET scanner (Figure 3–9) can be
of the clinical oncology team to work with reliable competitive.31 If the PET radionuclides are not avail-
images for treatment planning. able, SPECT imaging with Tl-201 can be used as an
Staging the index lesion involves evaluating for adjunct to the clinical exam.32,33
the possibility of clinical underestimation of the
submucosal extent of disease17 (Figure 3–6), inva- The Paranasal Sinuses
sion of adjacent vital structures18 (Figure 3–7), and
non-palpable adenopathy. Imaging for determination Tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are
of the M stage of disease begins (and usually ends) the most challenging lesions to stage. The cosmetic
with the chest radiograph. Cross-sectional imaging
of the chest should be productive given the preva-
lence of smoking exposure in the head and neck can-
cer population. This would also serve as a baseline
against which any developing apical pulmonary
radiation changes or aspiration infiltrates could be
compared. A well-designed scan of the neck that
covers the superior mediastinum should provide
adequate evaluation of the apical pulmonary region. 1 2
Detection and staging of neck lesions are very
important for accurate assignment of initial treatment
pathways for individual patients. High quality CT is
usually adequate for most upper aerodigestive sub-
sites. MRI is useful for skull base, larynx19 and equiv-
ocal CT findings.20 Follow-up imaging is very chal-
Figure 3–4. Enhanced axial CT through thoracic inlet. (1) Thick-
lenging, especially for the uninitiated. Distortion of ened esophagus related to squamous cancer. (2) Necrotic lymph
tissue planes by biopsy, resection, neck dissection, node in the left tracheo-esophageal groove.

ties each provide vital but incomplete information.

Nowhere else than the skull-base margin is per-
ineural extension more problematic.37 Some very
2 small and very peripheral lesions track deep into the
skull base foramina (Figure 3–11) while other larger,
more centrally located masses grow in a simple cen-
trifugal manner. The interpretation must be made
with a high index of suspicion while the oncologist
must have a great deal of confidence in the interpre-
tation. A brain imaging protocol is often applied but
is inadequate in its standard form. A standard neck
imaging protocol will not provide adequate spatial
resolution at the skull base. A well-designed CT or
MR imaging protocol with appropriate plane, range
and section thickness is necessary for accurate diag-
nosis. Coronal, axial and sometimes sagittal views
Figure 3–5. Corongal FDG-PET image of torso. (1) Activity related
to unsuspected lymph node metastasis. (2) Activity related to glottic track the deep margin to best advantage. The cav-
squamous cancer. ernous sinus is the most difficult compartment to
confidently pronounce clear of disease with imag-
and functional impact of these tumors is immedi- ing. The vascular channels intermixed with fat are
ately apparent. They rarely present at an early stage. alternately bright and dark on MR imaging and
There are few, if any, discriminating imaging fea- inhomogeneously bright on CT. Tumor extension
tures among the various subtypes of tumors in this within the cavernous sinus can actually be identified
region. The challenge is to accurately predict the tis- on non-contrast images (Figure 3–12). Contrast
sue compartments that have been violated without images are necessary, however, to exclude disease
overestimating the boundaries of the tumor. Unlike
the neck, this region requires multiplanar imaging.
Radiographs and tomographic radiographs no
longer have a role in this work-up. The coronal view
is the single most important imaging plane (Figure
3–10) for the orbital margin and for the cribriform
plate for high naso-ethmoidal lesions.34 Prior to
MRI, high resolution CT was used to evaluate these 2 1
thin osseous barriers. Any distortion of the bone tex-
ture raised the suspicion of involvement of the adja-
cent soft-tissue space. With the advent of MRI, not
only is the coronal plane easier to acquire but also
the soft tissue within any compartment is directly 3
evaluated,35 not inferred from bony change. MRI is
probably the single best baseline-imaging exam for
paranasal neoplasms.36 Certain vagaries of physics
disturb tissue signal at these bone tissue air inter-
faces, but this is less problematic when tumor or
fluid replaces the air of the sinus cavity. The critical
determination of whether or not an orbit should be Figure 3–6. Axial T1-weighted MR image through maxilla in a
patient with squamous cancer of the soft palate. (1) Neurotropic
exenterated demands the application of both modal- extension to the left pterygopalatine fossa (PPF). (2) Normal appear-
ities (CT and MRI). These complementary modali- ance of right PPF. (3) Vidian canals, diseased on the left.
Head and Neck Imaging 61

beyond the cavernous sinus, within the basal cisterns pharyngeal spaces. The lateral retropharyngeal
(Figure 3–13). Axial views are familiar to most lymph node station can also be cleared in this view.
observers and easily outline the deep posterolateral Extra-paranasal extension into the clinically sus-
extracranial extension to the masticator and para- pected buccal and pre-maxillary spaces is confirmed
in this plane as well. Involvement of the palate must
be determined to allow appropriate preoperative
2 consultation with the maxillofacial prosthodontist.
Epithelial tumors of the hard palate are best
staged by cross-sectional imaging protocols that
evaluate deep extension such as a paranasal sinus
protocol. The larger lesions are staged for the deep
3 margin that is neither visible nor palpable. Both
advanced and apparently early/small lesions are at
risk for central neurotropic extension to and through
the foramina at the skull base (Figure 3–14). Distant
perineural extension is more typical of the minor
salivary histologies but can be seen in squamous
neoplasms, particularly those with desmoplastic fea-
tures. MRI has the distinct advantage over CT by
revealing abnormal perineural enhancement before
A evidence of widening of the corresponding fissure
or foramen. These images help determine the extent
and appropriateness of skull base resection and por-
tal planning for radiation therapy in anticipation of a
3 positive margin.

Oral Cavity

Oral cavity lesions rarely require imaging without

clinical suspicion of deep infiltration. Patients with
floor of mouth, retromolar gum and endophytic
lesions of the tongue are imaged to rule out deeper
involvement. Key landmarks are the midline lin-
gual septum, mylohyoid sling, extrinsic muscles
and cortical margin of mandible. Although axial
images are most familiar, the coronal view is cru-
1 cial for the above determination. The sagittal view
is important to exclude extension of anterior
tongue lesions into the root of the tongue base (Fig-
ure 3–15). As with surgical margins, the confi-
dence in diagnosing involvement of the intrinsic
tongue is limited by the heterogeneous signal of the
interlacing muscle and fat. Pre-contrast and fat-
Figure 3–7. A, Enhanced axial CT through lower neck. (1) Left
common carotid artery (CCA). (2) Recurrent squamous cancer sur- suppressed post-contrast views must be carefully
rounding the CCA. (3) Normal right CCA. (4) Normal right internal matched to improve confidence. Involvement of
jugular vein. B, Nonselective cervical catheter angiogram. (1) Proxi-
mal left CCA. (2) Extrinsic compromise of distal left CCA. (3) Normal
the extrinsic muscles must also be carefully
caliber proximal left internal carotid artery. excluded. Determining T stage by measuring size

status of bone as well as perineural involvement.38

Confirming that disease is limited to the mucosal
1 compartment allows treatment of nasopharyngeal
lesions with a standard radiation portal while spar-
ing the cranial nerves (particularly cranial nerve II)
and the temporal lobes is the main goal of imaging.
While one modality may be adequate and efficient
for follow-up surveillance, it is the combination of
CT and MRI that is crucial at the baseline for this
disease. MRI is more sensitive than CT for invasion
of the cancellous bone of the central skull base. CT
is more sensitive to early involvement of the overly-
ing cortical bone of the sphenoid and basi occiput.
The minor change in the bone cortex that is not well
shown with MRI may have prognostic implications,
but will not likely change the treatment portal. MRI
may be the single best staging exam (Figure 3–16)
given the greater sensitivity to perineural exten-
Figure 3–8. Enhanced axial CT image through reconstructed
sion,39 cavernous sinus extension4 and the more
hypopharynx. (1) Composite free tissue graft at hypopharynx produces accurate estimation of cancellous bone involvement.
a pseudo-mass. (2) Partial airway compromise at supraglottic airway. MRI is adequate for nodal staging. Treatment plan-
ning is widely performed with CT although MRI-
may be difficult to determine by any means and based planning continues to develop.
any radiographic description must be considered an Imaging follow-up is best performed with the
estimated margin. modality that is most compatible with the patients’
Retromolar lesions sit within one of the most condition. CT remains an efficient method for fol-
asymmetrically shaped structures, the trigone. Fur-
thermore, imaging artifacts most often degrade this
area, especially CT. Upward posterior extension 3
along the lateral pterygoid fascia and neurotropic
extension along the mandibular segment of the Vth
nerve can be clinically silent but should be excluded 2

in all cases.
Buccal mucosal lesions are not usually imaged 1
until they become problematic due to multiple recur-
rences and limitations to clinical evaluation due to
trismus. Submucosal, periosteal and perineural
extension is difficult to evaluate and close correla-
tion with the clinical findings is necessary to avoid
over- or underestimating disease which becomes dif-
ficult to stage given the loss of tissue planes after
multiple treatments.

Figure 3–9. Coronal coincidence FDG image of the upper body.
(1) Clinically symptomatic metastatic lower left cervical lymph node.
Imaging of nasopharyngeal tumor requires the (2) Primary base of tongue lesion, occult on cross-sectional imaging.
greatest expenditure of techniques to confirm the (3) Normal intensity brain activity.
Head and Neck Imaging 63


3 3


2 2

Figure 3–10. MRI images of sinus tumor. Sagittal upper and coronal lower
images with T1 and T2 weighting. (1) Penetration through fovea ethmoidalis into
extradural space. No brain invasion. (2) Displaced lamina papyracea without inva-
sion of orbital fat or muscle cone. (3) Obstructed sphenoid sinus secretions, not
tumor extension.

low-up surveillance imaging of the primary site does require intravenous contrast for detailed
and the neck. It is very reproducible between restaging, however. Patients receiving nephrotoxic
patients’ visits and among different institutions. CT chemotherapeutic agents should be followed with

Figure 3–11. Enhanced coronal T1-weighted MR image

1 through mid-orbits. (1) Thickened first division of left trigem-
inal nerve due to neurotropic skin tumor at forehead. (2)
Normal appearing first division of left trigeminal nerve.

2 1

Figure 3–12. Coronal T2-weighted MR image

through cavernous sinuses. (1) Tumor extension into
left cavernous sinus. (2) Intact dura stretched by
expanding tumor. (3) Normal heterogeneous
appearance of non-contrast MR of cavernous sinus.

MRI if their mucositis doesn’t produce too much contralateral to the original primary tumor. Misin-
swallowing motion artifact. Scanning of both the terpretation of this phenomenon could falsely sug-
primary site and comprehensive evaluation of the gest locoregional failure. Imaging artifact can be
neck does result in a lengthy exam, however. A avoided in the oropharynx with direct coronal views
bonus for the MRI cohort is evaluation of the CNS behind the dental work that would otherwise obscure
white matter injury of the spinal cord, brainstem the lesion in the axial plane.
and optic nerves.


Most of the oropharyngeal sub-sites are easily eval-

uated in the axial plane with cross-sectional imag-
ing. Pharyngeal wall lesions rarely penetrate the 3

tough pharyngo-basilar fascia in their early stages.

Retropharyngeal extension and adenopathy are clin-
ically occult and must be excluded radiographically.
Invasion of the masticator space by tonsillar lesions
(Figure 3–17) can be detected with a good contrast-
enhanced scan. The index of suspicion must be high
particularly when trismus is present. Axial views
also outline base of tongue lesions across the glosso-
tonsillar sulcus, which may be difficult to appreciate
clinically. Base of tongue lesions are best supple-
mented by sagittal views to outline the status of the
preepiglottic space. This also determines the extent
of involvement anteriorly into the intrinsic muscles
of the tongue for accurate T staging.
Follow-up images need careful correlation with
pretreatment scans because of the variability of Figure 3–13. Axial contrast T1-weighted MR image through skull
base. (1) Neurotropic intracranial extension along cisternal segment of
native lymphoid tissue during treatment. Often Vth nerve. (2) Leptomeningeal growth along cerebellar folia. (3) Oper-
regrowth of lymphoid tissue produces pseudotumor ative bed of original ethmoid sinus tumor remains free of disease.
Head and Neck Imaging 65


1 3
Figure 3–14. CT images of palate tumor with centripetal neurotrophic extension.
Upper panel: axial bone (L) and tissue (R) windows through palate. Lower panel:
coronal (L) and para-sagittal (R) tissue windows. (1) Palate tumor involving hard
and soft segments. (2) Extension upward through widened left greater palatine
foramen. (3) Normal bilateral palatine canals.

Soft palate lesions are difficult to discriminate without intravenous contrast. That benefit is not nec-
with conventional imaging because of the curved essary in early larynx cancer but has a bearing on
contour of the structure, the poor conspicuity of prognosis for local recurrence for more locally
these lesions and motion artifact from the soft palate advanced lesions.41 A negative CT is adequate for
resting on the tongue. This organ is best imaged in
the semi-coronal plane (Figure 3–18) with special
attention to the tonsillar margin.

Larynx and Hypopharynx

Imaging findings in the larynx have, in the past,

helped confirm the limited extent of early larynx
cancer allowing patients to decide between radiation
and surgery for primary management. Imaging for
advanced larynx and hypopharynx lesions helps
confirm the need for surgery and single out the 1
patients appropriate for organ preservation. Post- 2
3 4 5
biopsy changes distort the narrow tissue planes Figure 3–15. Midline sagittal MR tongue with undifferentiated
within the larynx and patients should not be scanned carcinoma. (1) Intact bone cortex of buccal plate at symphysis.
(2) Tumor originating at oral tongue. (3) Intact geniohyoid muscle.
prior to any endoscopic manipulation or biopsy. (4) Tumor extension toward base of tongue. (5) Preserved pre-
MRI provides exquisite soft tissue resolution40 even epiglottic space.

3 3

5 4

Figure 3–16. Nasopharynx cancer. Clockwise from upper left: semi-coronal T1-
weighted, contrast T1-weighted, and fat-suppressed T2-weighted MR images and
para-sagittal contrast T1-weighted MR images. (1) Mucosal mass. (2) Levator veli
palatini muscles (invaded on the left). (3) Intact skull base (clivus) with normal mar-
row signal. (4) Early invasion of parapharyngeal space. (5) Benign reactive
enhancement at foramen ovale, intracranial extension.

clearance of the paraglottic space and preepiglottic

space42 (Figure 3–19). MRI better evaluates the sub-
glottic extent and is more sensitive to early cartilage
involvement.43 Neither of these features is common
with early glottic cancer. Either modality can con-
firm a locally advanced lesion being restricted to the
supraglottis or hemilarynx permitting a primary sur-
gical approach.44,45 Advanced cancers of the larynx 2
cause pain and difficulty managing secretions—lim-
iting the success of MRI for staging. Tracheostomy
alleviates some of these problems. Rapid CT scan-
ners coupled with “slip ring” (helical/spiral) tech-
nology help produce images with less patient motion
artifact.46 Reformatted images can be produced in 3
the sagittal and coronal planes from the original
axial scan plane (Figure 3–20). Either modality pro-
vides adequate surgical planning or baseline infor-
mation prior to treatment. MRI is more sensitive but
Figure 3–17. Squamous cancer tonsillar pillar. (1) Large mass
less specific than CT for cartilage invasion.47 Imag- arising in right palatine tonsil. (2) Right medial pterygoid invaded. (3)
ing of primary tumors of the hypopharynx is per- Right base of tongue extension.
Head and Neck Imaging 67

2 1

3 2

Figure 3–18. CT images of soft palate squamous cancer. Axial (L) and semi-
coronal (R) tissue windows. (1) Soft palate component. (2) Tonsillar pillar exten-
sion. (3) Medial pterygoid muscle (normal).

formed with larynx style protocols. Local extension One method to reduce the need for re-biopsy and
to the laryngeal framework is the most important avoid the difficulties of follow-up cross-sectional
component of extra-pharyngeal extension. Imaging imaging is PET imaging.13,26 Non-surgical or organ
detects cartilage invasion that can be clinically preservation patients treated by chemo/radiotherapy
occult.48 CT can detect inferior extension of pyri- frequently have persistent morphologic abnormali-
form sinus tumor (Figure 3–21) that cannot be ties on follow-up clinical evaluation and imaging
assessed clinically.49 Surveillance follow-up imag- despite maximal therapy. Often this represents ster-
ing should take into account the risk for patient ilized tumor and fibrosis. Pain or dysfunction influ-
motion with MRI and the ability of the patient to tol- ence the decision to re-biopsy the primary site. In an
erate intravenous contrast for CT. effort to avoid the post-biopsy injury, a baseline


Figure 3–19. CT images of left transglottic squamous cancer. Clockwise from

upper left panel: axial images through epiglottic, false cord and true cord levels of
larynx and coronal reformatted image of same. (1) Supraglottic lesion. (2) Para-
glottic component at false cord level. (3) Paraglottic extension to true cord level.

FDG-PET scan should be obtained and repeated head and neck best evaluated with fluoroscopy (Figure
after treatment.50 If the degree of metabolic activity 3–22). Mural and exophytic lesions can be detected
has improved, biopsy could be deferred unless cross- prior to advanced dysphagia, which is usually the
sectional imaging shows a distinct progression and accompanying chief complaint. Like other segments
resection deferred unless the correlation of modali- of the esophagus, complete staging is best performed
ties indicates severe tissue necrosis. Another sec- with a combination of endo-sonography,54 and cross-
ondary benefit of the FDG-PET scan would be sur- sectional imaging. These techniques are complemen-
veillance for second primaries. Nuclear scans with tary, with the endoscopic exam providing information
thallium-201 on more conventional equipment with about the depth of invasion relative to the muscularis,
single photon emission computed tomography the linear extent of the lesion and characterization of
(SPECT) capacity has been shown to be competitive internal architecture of posterior mediastinal lymph
with CT in the post-treatment larynx population.51 nodes. Synchronous lesions can be excluded at other
This method had an accuracy of 90 percent and does levels of the esophagus at baseline. Cross-sectional
not require investment in PET technology. exams provide a more complete locoregional N stag-
Follow-up imaging of the reconstructed and irra- ing and can be extended for regional M staging. Nei-
diated laryngopharyngectomy is very important ther CT nor MRI has sufficient negative predictive
given the difficulty of examining the irradiated/ value for adenopathy, however.
operated neck. Familiarity with the type of resec-
tions, flap reconstructions and patterns of recurrence Salivary Glands
is essential for accurate interpretation.52,53 Careful
attention should be directed to the anastomotic level Imaging of cancer of the minor salivary glands is
and peristomal region. covered in the corresponding sub-sites. Imaging of
the major salivary gland masses is usually per-
Esophagus formed when the clinical exam does not provide
accurate assessment of the anatomic extent of the
The cervical segment of the esophagus is difficult to tumor or when surgical excision is likely to have a
evaluate clinically. It remains one of the sites in the positive margin on a vital structure. Imaging

Figure 3–20. Large supraglottic cancer. Upper

panel: sagittal (L) and coronal (R) reformatted CT 1
images. Lower panel: glottic (L) and epiglottic (R) 1
axial CT source images. (1) Mucosal lesion at laryn-
geal surface of epiglottis. (2) Inferior preepiglottic
extension. 2

Head and Neck Imaging 69

1 1

2 2

Figure 3–21. Contrast CT images of left pyriform squa-

mous cell carcinoma. Clockwise from upper left: serial
images through the laryngo-pharynx. (1) Diseased left
pyriform aperture. (2) Preserved left pyriform apex.

should also be considered in the setting of cranial

nerve palsy.55
Parotid lesions are easily outlined with CT when
high quality multiplanar images can be acquired and
intravenous contrast used. Contrast helps outline the
lesion relative to the gland and provides better char-
acterization of the vascular margin at the carotid 1
sheath. The benefits of MRI over CT are better dis-
crimination of the lesion relative to background
parotid tissue (Figure 3–23) and slightly better dis-
crimination of proximal neurotropic extension of 2
disease along the VIIth nerve.
Image-guided biopsy is helpful when there is a
need to establish the diagnosis prior to treatment.
Follow-up imaging is best performed with the
modality that revealed the lesion prior to treatment.
Radiation changes produce extensive regional
hyperintensity22 of the parotid bed and mastoid, lim-
iting the value of T2-weighted images. Contrast-
enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted images are
important at this stage.1
Submandibular lesions are often managed without
imaging prior to resection. Imaging of the neck can be
Figure 3–22. Anterior esophagram of squamous cell carcinoma
performed to confirm the completeness of the resec- upper esophagus. (1) Varicoid appearance of squamous cancer cer-
tion and determine whether a limited neck dissection vicothoracic esophagus. (2) Trachea.

is appropriate. Both sublingual and submandibular tracheoesophageal lymph nodes at risk. Correlation
salivary gland lesions are imaged with an oral cavity- of the cross-sectional views with the radioiodine
type imaging protocol with careful attention to the scans is more productive than either scan alone.
floor of mouth and the status of Wharton’s duct. Lesions that accumulate iodine less well can be
imaged with thallium57 or FDG-PET.58,59 This
Thyroid agent accumulates in metabolically active tissue,
and to a greater degree in tumor. Although costly
Imaging of the thyroid gland and neck for thyroid and less specific, FDG-PET can be used without
cancer varies because of the variety of disciplines interruption of thyroid replacement. Another defi-
that manage this disorder. Imaging of the gland is nite advantage of PET is the ability to co-register
only part of a comprehensive clinical and labora- the images in any plane with cross-sectional exams
tory evaluation. Whether the imaging is cross-sec- in a way that cannot be done with I-131.
tional, functional (radioiodine), or metabolic
(FDG-PET) should be determined by the evalua- Unknown Primary
tion and the chief complaint. Persons with meta-
bolic complaints should be imaged with radioio- No discussion of head and neck imaging would be
dine to supplement their work-up, if necessary. complete without a discussion of the occult primary
Persons with palpable abnormalities don’t neces- presumed to be within the upper aerodigestive tract.
sarily need radioiodine scanning initially. Sonogra- If one looks at the larger picture of patients with
phy is often used to confirm multiplicity and con- metastatic adenopathy above the clavicles, the role
sistency of lesions, favoring a benign condition. of imaging has increasing value. CT of the neck,
Neither CT, MRI, sonography nor radioiodine chest, abdomen and pelvis usually follows the tradi-
scans can confirm or exclude cancer, however. tional method of panendoscopy and exam under
FNA is essential for lesions considered at risk for anesthesia after an unproductive office exam. The
cancer by clinical or imaging grounds. Sonography advent of FDG-PET can obviate the need for such
preceding or as an adjunct to the FNA may reveal a comprehensive searching60 and might even be
cyst, which could be aspirated or followed, as clin- sequenced between the office exam and any subse-
ically indicated. When cancer has been confirmed,
sonography (Figure 3–24) can establish the size of
the lesion(s), the status of any pseudo-capsule, and
the condition of the capsule of the gland.56 Sono-
graphic staging of the lymph nodes is limited5 and
CT or MRI is better at covering the high level II
nodes and the lower tracheo-esophageal nodes. 1
Cross-sectional imaging of the neck is not neces- 3
sary prior to thyroid surgery in the absence of clin-
ical features suspicious for extra-thyroidal or medi-
astinal extension. Since iodinated intravenous
contrast alters the accuracy of radioiodine scans,
CT is a less useful modality for baseline staging.
Imaging artifacts at the thoracic inlet and upper
mediastinum are difficult to sort out in the absence
of contrast with CT. MRI is not prone to these arti- 4

facts (Figure 3–25) and can be performed with con-

trast without interference with radioiodine scans.
Figure 3–23. Parotid tumor. (1) Parotid tumor along expected course
Neck scans by either modality should be extended of facial nerve. (2) Superficial lobe involvement. (3) Deep lobe exten-
to the level of the tracheal carina to cover the lower sion to paraphayngeal space. (4) Preserved stylomastoid foramen.
Head and Neck Imaging 71

sectional exam of the neck. The majority of patients

with positive FDG-PET scans are found to have a
2 corresponding tumor and most of those with nega-
tive scans never manifest a head or neck primary on
follow-up (after treatment).61,62 At the very least,
patients with no identifiable primary or one local-
ized to the head and neck have a better prognosis
than those discovered to have a visceral primary
below the clavicles.63

Soft tissue sarcomas and other tumors usually pre-
sent within the lateral neck or paraspinal compart-
ments. These are imaged equally well with MRI64 or
Figure 3–24. Throid cancer sonogram. Transverse sonogram contrast enhanced CT. CT tends to overestimate the
through right thyroid bed. (1) Solid component of complex mass. (2) overall size of neck masses65 compared with MRI—
Cystic component of complex mass. (3) Artifact. (4) Intact pseudo-
capsule of lesion.
probably because of its multiplanar capacity. Vascu-
lar integrity and margins can also be surveyed at the
initial MRI visit with the help of magnetic resonance
quent procedure requiring anesthesia. The results of angiography (MRA). Many patients can be spared
the PET scan can show other sites of adenopathy and catheter angiography. Sarcomas developing within
locate the primary tumor25 (see Figure 3–9). PET sub-sites of the aerodigestive tract are imaged
images are best reviewed in correlation with a cross- according to those protocols. Combining informa-

Figure 3–25. Throid cancer MRI. Clockwise from

upper left: Coronal and sagittal T1-weighted non-
contrast images and axial T2-weighted images
4 through base of neck and thoracic inlet. Note the lack
1 of imaging artifacts. (1) Left lobe thyroid mass. (2)
Extracapsular extension. (3) Tracheoesophageal
lymph node metastasis. (4) Trachea. (5) Invasion of
prevertebral muscles. (6) Plane of brachiocephalic
vein. (7) Left common carotid artery.

2 3


4 5

tion from pretreatment MRI with CT based treat- tion. Ideally the technique would provide anatomic
ment planning lends confidence to those plans. staging of the primary site, comprehensive lymph
node staging and functional information regarding
FUTURE DIRECTIONS nerves and blood vessels. One of the original goals
of MRI was to provide in vivo tissue characteriza-
Cross-sectional imaging will continue to develop tion on human subjects. Twenty years after its intro-
computer assisted interactive methods for opera- duction, MR shows promise for “one-stop shop-
tive guidance66 and treatment based on pre-proce- ping” for all vital information: MR imaging, MR
dure scans. These procedures are best performed angiography, and now MR spectroscopy.74 Improve-
by practitioners with prior experience without the ments in software have followed necessary
aid of imaging support. Further development of improvements in hardware and magnetic field
interactive types of software should allow trainees strength. Sampling a small volume of tissue from a
to develop skills on so-called virtual patients, pro- cross-sectional image and analyzing for relative
viding that experience base. Performing proce- amounts of known metabolites can predict the like-
dures under imaging guidance is advancing from lihood of neoplasm.75 As with other modalities, a
simple biopsies and ablations to realtime guidance physician is responsible for determining the pres-
on “fluoroscopic-CT” and “open architecture” ence of a target on the image for sampling. Like
MRI equipment. FDG-PET, this noninvasive technique allows one to
Developments in sonography with color flow follow a trend during treatment in order to confirm
imaging of lymph nodes and power Doppler imag- treatment response.
ing of masses and lymph nodes is being explored to
better characterize for neoplastic features. REFERENCES
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