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DATE: May 23rd, 2021

TO: Mr.Andy

FROM: Group 2 of Class 1522


Open letter:

Ho Chi Minh, 2021 May 21st.

Dear Mr.Andy,
On behalf of the team, we would like to propose to everyone the project "Tit's journey and the
importance of 5K message".
Covid-19 has come back and is stronger than ever, meanwhile, people are starting to become
subjective and disregard the disease. We start to let our guard down and start letting ourselves
go, allowing ourselves to go around and not even comply with any item of the health
department's 5K message.
Therefore, we decided to create this project, which aims to show the consequences of lack of
vigilance in protecting ourselves and others at a time of epidemic. Besides, with lively and joyful
images, we hope that the video we put out can imprint on each person's subconscious and
remind everyone to adhere to the 5K message.
We firmly believe that with the practicality of the video, people have a clearer sense of the
danger of lack of vigilance, the project will succeed and carry the message further, raising
people's consciousness. We hope you will take a moment to review and evaluate our ideas and
plans. Your review and evaluation help the project go further and complete.

Best regards,
Group 2, Class SE1522

1. Table of contents:
(tạo auto bằng word)
2. Proposal summary:
The pandemic is comeback, beside that Vietnamese resident neglect to protect themselves. To
raise awareness to everyone, we decided to create a cartoon video that bring 5K message of
Health Ministry.
3. Purpose:
This is a proposal to raise people’s awareness in the epidemic situation by creating a cartoon
The purposes of this proposal are:
To propagate 5K[1] to everyone widely and to remind them follow the 5K message.
To show consequences of a lack of awareness in protecting themselves and others.
4. Problem or need:
About a month ago, Covid-19 returned and broke out strongly in provinces and cities across the
country, especially the northern provinces (ex: Bac Giang, Bac Ninh, Ha Noi). The number of
infections increases daily and shows no sign of stopping. Up to now, the number of infections per
day can reach 190 people, and the deaths appear.
Ignoring the unpredictable consequences of the epidemic, many people do not wear masks when
going out and gathering at meeting places. [2]
Raising people's awareness at this time is necessary and urgent. Increased awareness reduces the
risk of disease spread, creating time for medical doctors and the state to control the disease.



5. Background:
On May 25th, there were a total of 167,978,435 cases of covid 19 globally, including 3,486,909
As of 10am on May 25, Vietnam has a total of 2,562 infections
under treatment. Meanwhile, from the beginning of March to
the end of April, the number of new infections ranged from 0 -
30 cases per day. [3] The peace in a period of time makes a part
of the people forget the awareness of epidemic prevention. The
appearance of the covid-19 variant, the unknown source of the
epidemic, plus the poor awareness of some people lead to the
risk of rapid spread and increase exponentially in a short time.

6. Benefits of proposal:
In the epidemic situation, raising awareness is urgent. A simple but important message like 5K needs
to be spread more strongly. This proposal brings the 5K message closer to everyone: from children
to adults through a video format that is both easy to remember and easy to follow. People can easily
read 5K messages everywhere, and animated videos can easily be brought to people more closely.

7. Description of the solution:

8. Evaluation plan:


Viewers/ Share/ The number of people 1 week after launch of Facebook and Youtube
Reactions who watched the video solution reports
on Facebook and

Memorability % people remember 3 days after watching A form ask what they
important informations the video. remember.
in the video

Application % people applied the 5K 3 days after watching A research form for
message after watched video. people who what the
the video. video.

Result % people applied the 5K 2 weeks after watching Interview people to ask
message in their life for the video[*] how they make 5K
a long time. message their habit.


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