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UNIT 1 Meeting People

Simple Present of the verb Be
A. Complete the sentences with the simple present of the verb be (am, is, or are).

1. I a student.

2. We on the soccer team.

3. My sister on the swim team.

4. You in my English class.

5. I Joe’s best friend.

6. Pizza my favorite food.

B. Look at the pictures. Choose the sentence that best describes each picture.
1. a. You are a basketball player.
b. We are on the train.
c. They are students.
d. I am happy.

2. a. It is a rainy night.
b. We are happy.
c. I am your friend.
d. You are at home.


Simple Present Tense of Action Verbs
C. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. My mom (don’t / doesn’t) cook dinner every night.

2. I (travel / travels) to a different country every summer.

3. My dog (play / plays) all day.

4. You (ride / rides) your bike everywhere!

5. Do they (live / lives) in Bangkok?

6. (Do / Does) Lee talk on his cell phone all the time?

7. We (don’t / doesn’t) play in the soccer team.

8. Candy doesn’t (meet / meets) her friends after her classes.

D. Write about things you and your friends do or don’t do. Use the correct form of the action verbs play,
cook, carry, walk, and read.

1. I .

I .

I .

2. My friend .

She .

He .

3. My friend and I .

We .

We .

E. Write about your daily routine using the simple present.

UNIT 1 3
Reading Strategy: Read for specific information
Before Reading
A. What do you say or do when you greet someone at school?

B. Look at the pictures and read the text. Underline specific information about saying hello in each country.

More Ways to Say Hello Around the World

In China, people bow or nod their heads to each In India, people put their hands together. They nod their
other. heads and say namaste.

In Thailand, you put your hands together, with In the U.S., most people shake hands. Each person
your arms down. Then you bow your head. This puts out his or her right hand. They hold hands and
is called wai. sometimes move the hands up and down.


After Reading
C. Read the sentences and circle T for True or F for False. Correct the false statements.
1. In the U.S., people say hongi! T F

2. In China, people put their hands together to say hello. T F

3. In India, people nod their heads. T F

4. In Thailand, people put their arms out straight. T F

5. In the U.S., people shake hands. T F

6. In China, people say namaste. T F

Writing Strategy: Use capital letters correctly
Follow the steps to rewrite the sentences.

1. Use a capital letter to start the first word in each sentence.
2. Use capital letters for names of people and places.
3. Use capital letters for months and days of the week.

hello! my name is ming. I live in beijing, china. every year, i visit my friend cheng in new york. my plane
leaves on thursday.

UNIT 1 5
UNIT 2 My Things

Demonstrative Pronouns: This / That / These / Those
A. Underline the demonstrative pronoun in each sentence. Then circle S for Singular or P for Plural.

1. That is the biggest star in the sky. S P

2. These are delicious cookies. S P

3. Do you like that? S P

4. This is a good movie. S P

5. Are those your books? S P

6. These are my friends, Kate and Ben. S P

B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. I have a new necklace. I can wear (this / these) to the party.

2. (That / Those) is Mom’s laptop.

3. (This / These) are my favorite games.

4. (That / Those) are the presents for Grandma.

5. (This / These) is a great smartphone.

6. (That / Those) isn’t an easy question!

C. Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those.

1. I don’t usually like fish, but is very nice!

2. Your clothes are in the living room. Please put in your room.

3. Look at . It’s a blog about the football team.

4. Look at ! It’s a very big star!

5. are nice, sunny days.

6. Is Tara over there?

Articles: a, an
D. Circle a or an.
1. (a / an) book

2. (a / an) friend

3. (a / an) number

4. (a / an) aunt

5. (a / an) present

6. (a / an) elephant

E. Write a or an.

1. ____ smartphone

2. ____ orange

3. ____ school

4. ____ umbrella

5. ____ sister

6. ____ game

F. Make a list of your favorite things. Write a or an in front of each noun.

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

G. Write four sentences about your things. Use demonstrative pronouns and the articles a and an.

UNIT 2 7
Reading Strategy: Read for the main idea
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and read the title of the text.
Then answer the questions.
1. What do you think the story is about?

2. How do you know?

3. What do you think makes this quilt special?

B. Read the text. Underline the main idea and specific details.

My Special Quilt
I’m Louisa, and I have a special quilt. It is my favorite thing. It is special because it’s from my grandmother.
It’s a purple quilt because Grandma knows it’s my favorite color. My mom and grandma make clothes for our
family. Grandma uses pieces of the clothes to make quilts. One part of my quilt is from my old school dress.
Another part is from my little brother’s shirt. Some of the white part is from my mother’s dress.

I like things that Grandma makes. She makes them with so much love. Every time I look at my quilt, I think
about Grandma. I think about the good times with my family. My best friends like my quilt. They want to
have special quilts, too. I have a special Grandma!

After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.
1. Who is Louisa’s quilt from?

2. Why does Grandma put purple in the quilt?

3. What color is the part from her mother’s dress?

4. Who does Louisa think about when she looks at her quilt?

5. What do Louisa’s friends think about her quilt?

6. Do you have a special thing in your house? What is it? Why is it special to you?

Writing Strategy: Sequence
Write the steps for putting a photo on a social media website. Use the sequence words.

First, .

Second, .

Third, .

Next, .

Then, .

Last, .

UNIT 2 9
UNIT 3 All about Me

Yes / No questions with the verb Be
A. Write the answers to the Yes / No questions.

1. Are you in Jin’s class?

Yes, .

No, .
2. Is Priya from India?

Yes, .

No, .
3. Are Joe and Tom on the soccer team?

Yes, .

No, .
4. Am I your best friend?

Yes, .

No, .
5. Are we cousins?

Yes, .

No, .

B. Look at the picture. Complete the questions and

write Yes / No answers.

1. this a basketball game?

2. they in a park?

3. the boy with the ball sad?

4. you on a soccer team?


Questions with Where and When

C. Read the questions and circle C for Correct or W for Wrong. Correct the wrong questions.

1. Where live they do? C W

2. When is that TV show on? C W

3. Home is your where? C W

4. The English test when is? C W

5. Where are the new books? C W

6. When are the games on TV? C W

7. Where the college is? C W

8. When is Mom’s birthday? C W

Live + preposition
D. Choose the correct answer.

1. My aunt and uncle Thailand.

a. live in b. live at c. live on
2. My best friend, Anita, our street.
a. lives in b. lives at c. lives on

3. The Lees 96 Pine Street, Philadelphia.

a. live in b. live at c. live on

4. I a farm.
a. live in b. live at c. live on

5. Chang the big house on the corner.

a. lives in b. lives at c. lives on

UNIT 3 11
Reading Strategy: Read for specific information
Before Reading
A. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. What do you think the two people like to do in their free time?

2. What is your favorite hobby? Why do you like it?

B. Read the text. Underline specific information about Keisha and Trey’s hobbies.

Fun Hobbies
I’m Keisha. My hobby is fashion. I love it! I make most of my clothes. That way, I get what I want. Sometimes
I buy old clothes. Then I make something new and different. Bright colors are my favorites. I make dresses,
shirts, and skirts. Some of my friends like my clothes, and I make things for them, too. I am interested in doing
this. I like to do things for my friends.

I’m Trey, and I have two hobbies. They go together. My first hobby is gardening. I have a big garden in my
back yard. I grow many vegetables. It’s not an easy hobby, but I like it! Can you guess my second hobby? I’m
a cook. After I pick my vegetables, I cook them. I find some ideas from the Internet or from cookbooks. I also
think of new ideas. I love it! My family likes my hobbies. They like to eat my food. In the future, I want to have
a restaurant.


After Reading
C. Read the sentences and circle T for True or F for False. Correct the false statements.

1. Keisha’s hobby is fashion. T F

2. Keisha always buys new clothes. T F

3. Keisha’s friends don’t like her clothes. T F

4. Trey’s hobby is fishing. T F

5. Trey finds ideas from the Internet. T F

6. Trey’s family likes his hobbies. T F

Writing Strategy: Answer questions
Read and answer each question on the questionnaire.

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where do you live?

4. What is your favorite hobby?

5. What sports do you play?

6. Who are your best friends?

UNIT 3 13
UNIT 4 Families

The verb Have
A. Rewrite each sentence so it has the opposite meaning.

1. She has a brother and a sister.

2. I don’t have an uncle.

3. He doesn’t have grandparents.

4. We have twins in our family.

5. You don’t have cousins.

B. Choose the correct answer and explanation. Some sentences have more than one correct answer.

1. He doesn’t have uncles.

a. any, because “uncles” is a plural noun
b. any, because the sentence is negative
c. any, because the sentence is a question

2. There are twins in her family.

a. any, because “twins” is a plural noun
b. any, because the sentence is negative
c. lots of, because there are a large number of twins

3. He reads old books.

a. any, because the sentence is a question
b. a lot of, because there is a large number of books
c. any, because the sentence is negative

4. Do his cousins have toys?

a. any, because the sentence is a question
b. a lot of, because there are many toys
c. lots of, because the sentence is negative
5. I have two grandfathers and two grandmothers, and I get presents on my birthday.
a. any, because the sentence is negative
b. lots of, because there are many presents
c. a lot of, because there are many presents

Who and How many
C. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).
1. (Who / How many) aunts do you have?
2. (Who / How many) takes the children to the park?
3. (Who / How many) mothers are in the picture?
4. (Who / How many) cooks your dinner?
5. (Who / How many) are those people over there?
6. (Who / How many) sisters does your father have?

D. Unscramble the words to make questions.

1. How many / cousins / she / does / have / ?

2. Who / that / man / is ?

3. goes / Who / to school / with the children / ?

4. apples / need / How many / you / do / ?

5. is / favorite / Who / your / uncle / ?

E. Write a question that asks about the underlined words. Use who or how many.

There are ten people in the house.

Tyler’s stepfather lives in that house.

Her uncle has two cars.

I have three cats.

The grandfather takes the kids to the movies.

UNIT 4 15
Reading Strategy: Make predictions

Before Reading
A. Look at the picture. What do you think this text is about? Write two ideas.

B. Read the text. Underline the main idea in each paragraph.

What Are Families?

Every person and animal is part of a family. We have a mother and a father, so we all start life as someone’s
child. Some people live with two parents, and some with one. Some moms and dads have many children and
others have one child. Sometimes children stay with their parents for a long time. Others go to live with other
families. Children need a family to feed them and keep them clean and safe. Families also teach children
how to do all kinds of things from walking to talking and how to live with other people.

Animals live in many different kinds of families, too. In many animal families, mothers stay with the babies,
and the fathers look for food. But look at penguins. They are birds, so the mother penguin has an egg—a
very big egg. Guess what happens? Every day, the mother goes away to look for food, and the father stays
with the egg and keeps it warm under his feet. Then one day, the chick—a baby penguin—comes out of its
egg, and dad helps mom bring the food home. They help the chick grow, and it learns to find food for itself.
Penguins don’t have many babies, but they live next to other penguin families. So they help each other a lot.

After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.
1. Look at your ideas in Activity A. Are they correct? Say why or why not.

2. What is the first paragraph’s main idea?

3. What is the second paragraph’s main idea?

Writing Strategy: Write short sentences
Follow the steps to write a paragraph about someone in your family.

1. Choose a member of your family to write about. Think of someone you know a lot about.
2. Name and describe the person. Write at least three things about the person.
3. Use short sentences. Make sure every sentence has a subject and a predicate.
4. Write 20 to 40 words.

UNIT 4 17
UNIT 5 Friends

Order of Adjectives
A. Choose the correct answer.

1. I want pieces of cake, please.

a. big two b. two big

2. That woman is their new teacher.

a. American tall b. tall American

3. There are bugs in the kitchen.

a. two big green b. two green big

4. The drawing has dots on top.

a. three small red b. small red three

5. Andy is wearing a pair of socks.

a. long red b. red long

6. I see cars in the street.

a. five German black b. five black German

B. Write the adjectives in the correct group.

gray great happy interesting Italian

long many one purple small

Spanish tall Thai twelve yellow

amount opinion size color origin

C. Match the sentence halves.

1. They’re wearing long t t English book.

2. She’s a friendly t t Chinese cakes.

3. We have many t t white socks.

4. It’s an interesting t t American woman.

5. These are two delicious t t clever students in our class.

D. Write the adjectives in parentheses in the correct order.

1. My dog has spots on his tail. (big,

brown, two)

2. This is a funny story about an queen. (Indian, old)

3. boy is eating an ice cream.

(Chinese, little, one)

4. Look at those clouds. (gray, big)

5. We need apples for the cake. (green, small,


6. I don’t want this sweater. (red, big)

E. Write three sentences describing things you bought recently. Use more than two adjectives in each

UNIT 5 19
Reading Strategy: Read for specific information

Before Reading
A. You will read an article in a magazine. Choose three items in this list that tell how to read for details.

1. Read the title. 4. Copy important sentences into a notebook.

2. Read each sentence three times. 5. Ask friends to help you.
3. Look for important words. 6. Look for important phrases.

B. Read the article. Underline the adjectives that give details.

My Crazy Cats
You know that people are all different, but do you know cats are all different, too? There are three cats in my
house: Matilda, Toby, and Rose. They’re all very different, but they’re all crazy!
Matilda and Toby are thirteen years old, and they’re twins. They’re the same orange color, but they’re so
different. Matilda, the girl, is clever—cats are ALL clever! She’s fat and round, and she sleeps a lot on the bed.
She’s friendly with me and her brother, Toby. She also likes our dog, but she hates Rose! Matilda isn’t very
brave, and she doesn’t like meeting new people. She goes into a cupboard when new people come into the
Toby is really big—he’s like a small tiger. He eats and sleeps a lot, but he’s also active. He runs around the
house and yard. Sometimes he tries to catch birds, but he never does. He’s friendly with everyone. He
likes all the other animals, and everyone loves him. He’s quiet and he sits on top of the sofa and watches
everything from there.
Rose is three years old. She isn’t from the twins’ family, so she looks different. She’s brown and black, and
she has white legs. She’s friendly with people and with Toby. She hates Matilda because Matilda wants to
eat all the food. Rose is funny because her best friend is our dog, Fred. She’s very active, and she plays with
Fred and Toby a lot. Sometimes she sleeps on top of the TV!
Fred, the dog likes cats, and he’s friendly and kind to them. But he knows there’s something crazy about all
of them!

After Reading
C. Write the three items you chose in Activity A. Then give an example for each of them from the article.







Writing Strategy: Describe people and their personalities
Follow the steps to write a description of a famous person you like.

1. Choose a famous person that you like. It can be a sportsperson, movie star, explorer, scientist, etc.
2. Write at least three sentences to describe the person and say why you like him or her.
3. Use adjectives to describe how that person looks and is.
4. Write 20 to 40 words.

UNIT 5 21
UNIT 6 People in the Community
There is / There are
A. Choose the correct answer.

1. several good shows on television this week that I want to see.

a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
2. any notebooks in the drawer?
a. There is
b. There are
c. Is there
d. Are there
3. a police officer coming to help us.
a. There is
b. There are
c. Isn't there
d. There aren’t
4. a library in your town?
a. There is
b. There are
c. Is there
d. Are there

B. The underlined word in each sentence is wrong. Rewrite the sentences correctly.

1. There isn’t any children at that party.

2. Is there many books on the table?

3. There aren’t any chance of getting there on time.

4. There is a lot of cars in the parking lot.

5. Are there a dogs in that house?


Prepositions of Place

C. Complete the sentences using these prepositions.

next to on in front of in behind

1. Don’t stand me. I can’t see the movie.

2. I sit my friend in class, so we can work together.

3. Grandpa is sleeping his chair.

4. She put an eraser in front of the ruler. The ruler is the eraser.

5. The birthday present is the box.

D. Look at the picture and complete the sentences

using prepositions.

1. The pants are the bed.

2. The ball is the T-shirt.

3. One shoe is on the mat the bed.

4. The teddy bear is the box.

5. One sock is the bed.

6. The toy box is the T-shirt.

E. Write five sentences describing your classroom. Use a preposition in each sentence.

UNIT 6 23
Reading Strategy: Read for specific information about places

Before Reading
A. You will read a report about the city of Seattle, Washington. Choose three items that help you find
specific information about the city.
1. Read the title.
2. Find mistakes in the text.
3. Look for key words and phrases about Seattle.
4. Make a computer file with the facts.
5. Look for details about Seattle.

B. Read the report. Underline the specific information.

Seattle is in the northwest of the United States. It is the largest city in the state of Washington. It is about 217
square kilometers in size. About 700,000 people live there.

Seattle is one of the most cloudy cities in the United States. It has warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters.
It is famous for its rainy winters in the months of November, December, and January. It rains about 150 days
every year.

Seattle is a seaport city. A lot of ships from Asia come to bring and take things. There are also many large
companies like Boeing,, and Starbucks that started in Seattle. Many Internet and technology
companies come to Seattle to start a business. This makes the city active and interesting.


After Reading
C. Write the three items you chose in Activity A. Then give an example for each of them from the report.






Writing Strategy: Complete an online survey
Complete the online survey about the library service in your neighborhood.
1. Name:

2. Age:

3. How often do you visit the library?

once a week once a month once a year

4. What time do you visit the library?

5. What are your reasons for using the library?

to read books to research
to watch videos or listen to CDs to study
to borrow books to use the computer
to borrow videos or CDs to use the Internet

6. What was the last book you read or borrowed from the library?

7. Do you usually find the books you want in the library?

8. How important is the library to you?

very important important not important

9. What do you think about the library service?

very good good not good

10. Will you tell your friends to visit the library?

UNIT 6 25
UNIT 7 Everyday Activities and Routines

Adverbs of Frequency
A. Unscramble the words to make sentences.
1. to work / ride / They / their bikes / never / .

2. see / me / always / My dog / is / to / happy / .

3. have / breakfast / I / a / usually / big / don’t / .

4. late / get up / sometimes / We / .

5. helps / with / homework / her sister / Kelly / often / .

6. on weekends / children / usually / in school / aren’t / The / .

B. Answer the questions using adverbs of frequency.

1. How often do you stay up late?

2. How often do you see your friends?

3. How often do you watch TV?

4. How often do you eat pizza?

5. How often do you go to parties?

6. How often do you play computer games?


Time Expressions and Time Prepositions
C. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. I swim (in / at ) 6 o’clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

2. The children do their homework (every / in) the afternoon when they get home from school.

3. Do you eat a big breakfast (in / every ) morning?

4. The shop isn’t open (on / in) Wednesday afternoons.

5. He always goes to bed (at / in) midnight.

D. Complete the sentences using these words.

on in every at

1. Marta visits her grandmother Sunday afternoon.

2. English class starts 10 a.m.

3. I usually relax the evening.

4. My family always spends time together the weekends.

5. The game ends 2 p.m.

6. I run in the park Saturday morning.

E. Write three sentences about your week. Use in, on, and at.

UNIT 7 27
Reading Strategy: Read for the order of events

Before Reading
A. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. Do you ever eat fast food?

2. Which picture best shows an example of healthy eating? Why?

B. Read the text. Underline words that tell the order of events.

Kanda’s Days
Kanda works in a guest house in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She has a lot of work to do! Kanda lives at the guest
house, so she doesn’t need to travel to work. She just goes downstairs. Kanda gets up at 5 a.m. She does
yoga for about thirty minutes every morning. Then she takes a shower. After that, she makes breakfast for
her guests. Usually, she gives them eggs, tea, and coffee. She also uses fresh fruit and vegetables from her

Sometimes, people ask questions about where to go. Kanda tells them about interesting things to do in
Chiang Mai. Before lunch, she works in her garden. She eats lunch at midday. She usually eats at home.
Sometimes, she meets friends at restaurants.

After lunch, Kanda talks with her guests and meets new visitors. She doesn’t clean the rooms because that’s
the cleaner’s job. At 4 p.m., Kanda makes tea and cookies for everyone. She has dinner around 7 o’clock in
the evening. Then she writes her blog. It’s about Chiang Mai. After that, Kanda relaxes. She goes to bed at 11


After Reading
C. Write Kanda’s actions in the correct order.

Kanda makes tea and cookies. Kanda works in her garden.

Kanda gets up. She writes her blog.

She goes to bed. She eats lunch.






Writing Strategy: Sequence
Use sequence words to write about your day.

I wake up at .

First, I .

Then, I .

After lunch, I .

After that, I .

Next, I .

UNIT 7 29
UNIT 8 Movies

Present Progressive
A. Look at the pictures. Choose the sentences that describe each picture.
1. 3.

a. The students are waiting. a. The family is having dinner.

b. A girl is getting a book. b. The boy is cooking.
c. The librarian is downloading a video. c. The family isn’t eating together.
d. The students are holding books. d. They are putting some food on the plates.

2. 4.

a. The boys are playing soccer. a. The girls are skating.

b. One boy is kicking the ball. b. The girls are having fun.
c. Two boys aren’t running in the park. c. The girls are watching a movie.
d. One boy is singing. d. One girl is eating popcorn.

B. Complete the conversation using the words am, is, or are.

Fen: Hi, Rutna. (1) you going to the market?

Rutna: Hi, Fen. Yes, I (2) . I (3) buying vegetables.

Fen: (4) you cooking tonight?

Rutna: Yes, I (5) making dinner for my father. He (6) having a birthday party.

Fen: (7) your sister helping you?

Rutna: No. My sister (8) not helping.

Present Progressive with wh- questions
C. Complete the sentences using these words.

What Where Who When How Why

1. is your uncle working now?

2. is standing next to the police officer?

3. are you waiting here? The last bus has gone.

4. are we stopping for lunch? I haven’t eaten for hours.

5. are the boys doing?

6. are you traveling to Rome? I think the train is the best way.

D. Complete the questions using the words in parentheses. Use the present progressive. Then answer
the questions.

1. Who (watch) a video?

My brother

2. Why (he / sit) in his room?


3. Where (you / stay) now?

4. When (they / leave)?


5. What (she / download)?


6. How (we / get) home?


UNIT 8 31
Reading Strategy: Predict

Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Do you watch online videos? What type do you like?

2. What do you like about them?

B. Read the title and guess what the text will be about. Read the text and underline words that support
your prediction.

Katie and Tim’s Video Blog

Katie and Tim are going to the Grand Canyon. They want to show the famous place to their friends. So, they
are making videos of their trip. They are uploading the videos to their blog. In one drama video, Tim is the
actor. He talks about the Grand Canyon.

Katie and Tim are also making comedy videos. Their characters are two birds. They say funny things about
the people in the Grand Canyon. They walk to the bottom of the Canyon. On the way down, they make a
movie. Then they ride horses up to the top. They’re making a movie of their ride, too.

They put photos of the nice places and animals on their blog. Tim is writing a fantasy story about two people and
magical animals. Katie is sending emails to their friends. She is telling them to watch the videos. Many people
write to Tim and Katie. They say the videos are great. They like their stories and their photos, too. Katie and Tim
are very happy.

After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.

1. Where are Tim and Katie going on their trip?

2. What does Tim talk about in the drama video?

3. What are their comedy videos about?

4. What do their friends say about their videos and photos?

5. What do you think Tim and Katie want to do next? Why do you think that?

Writing Strategy: Write an invitation
A. You want to invite a friend to go somewhere with you. Answer the questions that will help you write
an invitation.
1. What are you going to do?

2. Where are you going to do it?

3. Write the day and date it is happening.

4. Write the time it starts and finishes.

5. Do you want people to bring anything?

B. Write an invitation to a friend using your answers from Activity A.

UNIT 8 33
UNIT 9 Sports
Can and can’t
A. Circle can or can’t to complete the sentences.
1. They (can / can’t ) go kayaking in a swimming pool.

2. He (can / can’t ) ride a bike uphill.

3. You (can / can’t ) go abseiling without a partner.

4. We (can / can’t ) dive in the ocean.

5. You (can / can’t) go near the tigers in the zoo. They’re dangerous.

6. People (can / can’t) watch videos on the Internet.

B. Write questions using can. Answer the questions using can or can’t.
1. George’s uncle / play the piano

2. you / eat your book

3. a fish / swim

4. the girl / dive

5. we / play tennis


C. Complete the sentences using can or can’t to talk about yourself.

1. I ride a bike. 4. I dive under the water.
2. I ski. 5. I swim.
3. I climb a mountain. 6. I cook.

May / Might
D. Rewrite the sentences using not.

1. Mike might go diving on Saturday.

2. It might snow tonight.

3. We may ski on the weekend.

4. Janie may come home tomorrow.

5. We may win the soccer match.

6. They might be the best team.

E. Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

1. I may , but I may not .

2. My friend might , but she might not .
3. Dad may , but he may not .
4. The basketball team might , but it might not .
5. Our English teacher may , but she may not .
6. The police officer might , but she might not .
7. This weekend my family might , but they might not .

UNIT 9 35
Reading Strategy: Read for specific information
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What sport do you think they are doing?

2. Do you like this sport? Why or why not?

B. Read the text. Underline specific information about sizes.

Go-Kart Racing Is Fun!

Go-kart racing is a sport from the United States. Now people do it in many countries around the world. It’s a
great sport for people of all ages. Anyone over six years old can drive a go-kart. Their grandparents can do
it, too!

A go-kart is a small car that has four wheels and no top or sides. It is about 1.6 meters long and 1.2 meters
wide. Only one person can sit in a go-kart. Go-karts are small, but they can be dangerous. You might fall out
or get hit by another kart. Go-kart drivers wear helmets. They also wear special clothes and boots to be safe.

Some go-karts are for everyone to ride outside on tracks, in parks, or inside on special go-kart tracks. Some
go-karts can go about 40 kilometers an hour. They are safe for kids to drive. Other go-karts are bigger, and
they can go at 260 kilometers an hour!

Go-kart drivers race on tracks. A short track is about 400 meters, and a long track is about 1,600 meters.
Each trip around the track is called a lap. Some races are about 30 minutes, and they might have 20 laps.
Very long races are for 24 hours and have lots of laps! You might not win a lot of money in a go-kart race, but
you can have lots of fun.

After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.

1. Where is go-kart racing from?

2. Why is go-kart racing dangerous?

3. How fast can go-karts go?

4. Write one more thing about go-karts.

Writing Strategy: Post online
Follow the steps to post a fun experience online.

1. Choose a picture of you and your friends or family doing a sport.
2. Write who is in the picture.
3. Write where you are and when it happened.
4. Write about what you are doing.
5. Use “#” for key words.

UNIT 9 37
UNIT 10 Clothes and Shopping
Future Tense with going to
A. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).
1. Is Caroline (going to meet / go to meet) you before the concert?
2. Fred isn’t (be going to clean / going to clean) his room tonight.
3. Edna (has / is) going to study all evening.
4. Is she (going to / go to) wear her new dress?
5. I (am going to / going to) leave now.
6. Are you (be going to / going to) eat lunch at work?
7. We’re going to (work / working) late tonight.
8. Jessica (is going to / am going to) sing her favorite song.
9. Allesandro (is going to / be going to) ride his bike tomorrow.
10. Terry and Nancy (is going to / are going to) play their guitars now.

B. Unscramble the words to make sentences.

1. are / They / going / watch / movies / weekend / to / this / .

2. sister / next / is / going / to / Their / leave / year / school / .

3. is / Sam / going / to / travel / not / to / India / .

4. we / Are / house / going / buy / to / a / new / ?

5. take / the / going / to / test / not / is / He / .

6. you / to / Are / tomorrow / going / swim / morning / ?

7. your / going / us / Is / tomorrow / help / dad / to / ?

8. are / to / a / this / going / They / party / have / not / week / .


C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of be going to.

1. Michael and Montana take riding lessons next year.

2. Gabriel move to his new home this weekend.

3. Eric do his homework later?

4. Atara not come to class next week.

5. Cindy and Akua go shopping tomorrow?

6. The teachers not have their meeting tonight.

Time Expressions for the Future

D. Write sentences about what you are going to do or not going to do in the future. Use the time
1. later.

2. this afternoon.

3. tonight.

4. tomorrow morning.

5. this weekend.

6. next week.

7. next month.

8. next year.

UNIT 10 39
Reading Strategy: Read for specific information
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What is the man holding?

2. What is he using?

3. What do you think he’s doing?

B. Read the text. Underline details about clothes.

Shopping on the Internet

Do you need new pants? A T-shirt? A sweater? These days, you don’t have to leave home to shop. You can
shop on the Internet.

Online shopping is simple. Do you want a new shirt? First, find an online store that sells shirts. Then look for a
picture of a shirt you like. Do you like the color? Or do you want black, red, or green? Decide, and then click
the correct box to tell the store.

You also want a shirt that is in your size. Do you wear large shirts? Medium shirts? Small shirts? Click the box
to tell the store what you need.

Then you need to pay for your shirt. Which money does the store use? Your country uses Japanese Yen. You
might have ¥5,000 to buy your shirt. Your online store might want British Pounds. Then you need about £37.
Does the store use U.S. Dollars? Then you need about $47. Online stores usually help you change your money.


After Reading
C. Write information from the text about size, color, and price.
Information about size

Information about color

Information about price

Writing Strategy: Write short descriptions

Write a description about three things that you wear every day. Use these words, or use your own.

shirt red small plain

pants yellow medium striped

dress green big T-shirt

skirt black large shorts

UNIT 10 41
UNIT 11 Helping Each Other

Object Pronouns
A. Write the correct object pronoun of each subject pronoun.

1. I
2. you

3. he

4. she

5. it

6. we

7. they

B. Complete the sentences using subject or object pronouns.

1. That boy is going to win the game. Do you know ?

2. It will be a good day for her. is having a birthday.
3. I am lost. Can someone help ?
4. It isn’t a good movie. Don’t go see !
5. Nobody tries harder than you. study every day.
6. Aunt Meg is looking for a trumpet. Can Karim give it to ?
7. are waiting for the movie to start. Do you see them?
8. We want to play basketball. Do you want to play with ?
9. Mom and Dad have too much work. Let’s help .
10. aren’t going to go to the party. Do you want to stay home with us?


Need, want, like + infinitive
C. Write sentences and questions in the simple present. Use the infinitive after need, want, and like.

1. (they want go to another country?)

2. (she like write letters to magazines)

3. (I need buy food for the dogs)

4. (he not want give the money to charity)

5. (why old people need people help them?)

Let’s + verb
D. Circle the mistakes in each sentence. Then rewrite the sentences using the correct verbs.
1. I want eat. Let’s to cook something.

2. Let’s to go shopping. I need buy a jacket.

3. I to like listen to music. Let’s go see a band.

4. Let’s to take the bus. I don’t want walking.

5. I want to relax. Let’s to go swimming.

6. She needs buy a new T-shirt. Let’s go to the to mall.

7. We like eat healthy to food. Let’s go to the market.

8. You have eat good food every day to be strong.

9. They want winning the match.

UNIT 11 43
Reading Strategy: Read for the main idea
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Where are these women?

2. What do you think they are doing?

3. Why are they doing it?

B. Read the text. Underline important ideas.

Old People and Exercise

Many old people do not get much exercise. They sit and read, or watch TV all day, or sleep a lot. That is bad
for them because everyone needs exercise to stay well. Exercise is important to keep strong and healthy. It’s
also fun to do exercise with other people. They can meet new friends and feel good, too.

Most children are active. They run and play with their friends, and they don’t need to think about exercise.
But old people usually need to think about when and where to exercise. Doctors say old people need some
exercise every day. They can walk, swim, or work in a garden. It might also help to stop watching TV and
using the computer so much. Exercise is always good, and any time of life is a good time to start.


After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.
1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. Write the details from the text that helped you understand the main idea.

3. Choose three words you don’t know and find their meaning in the passage.

Word Meaning

Writing Strategy: Apply to volunteer
Write a letter to a charity that helps old people. Explain how you can help them, and tell why you
want to.

UNIT 11 45
UNIT 12 Experience

Was and Were
A. Write the simple past form of the verb be that:

1. is singular and positive.

2. is singular and negative.

3. is plural and positive.

4. is plural and negative.

B. Complete the sentences using was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t.

1. Yasir and Hamad always won races. They the best runners in town.
2. Noor never worried about anything. She very cool.
3. Dinh had a bad cold. That’s why he at my party.
4. Nikki liked going to college. Her younger sisters interested in going, too.
5. Ferdie and Tanya went to Paris. Their mother busy and couldn’t go with them.
6. Jonah and Rania had exams. That’s why they at volleyball practice.
7. The sisters liked to swim. They going to watch the Olympics.
8. Fred and Sue so happy when they heard the good news.
9. I so sad when my team lost the championship.
10. What happened to you yesterday? You so angry.

C. Circle the correct word. Then complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1. I (was / were) always .

2. My parents (was / were) so happy when .

3. Last year, my best friend (was / is) the best .

4. The two best teachers I had last year (were / are) .

Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs
D. Match the verbs to their simple past form.
1. run t t listened

2. write t t went

3. read t t took

4. go t t closed

5. listen t t ran

6. open t t read

7. close t t wrote

8. take t t opened

E. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the words in parentheses.

1. They (walk) home after work.

2. He (follow) his friend’s advice.

3. She (live) in the 19th century.

4. We (like) to swim when we were young.

5. Jane (want) us to put away the clothes.

6. Mrs. Tate (believe) what the child said.

F. Read each sentence. Circle the correct answer.

1. The dog (bit / bited) its owner’s hand.

2. He (bringed / brought) enough cupcakes for the whole class.

3. They (helpt / helped) their new neighbors move in.

4. She (ate / eated) everything on her plate.

5. The birds (drinked / drank) all of the water in the birdbath.

6. The volunteers (worked / warked) in the park all day.

7. I (listen / listened) to the news in my car.

8. I (took / take) a cooking class last Saturday.

UNIT 12 47
Reading Strategy: Predict what you are going to read
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What can you predict about the text from this picture?

2. What time of the year is it?

3. How do you know?

B. Read the text. Underline phrases that support your prediction.

Between Summer and Winter

Summer is the hottest season. Winter is the coldest. Between them is autumn. In many countries, autumn
is a time of change. The air becomes wetter and cooler. Many plants and trees change. Their green leaves
turn from green to colorful yellows, browns, and oranges. Then they die and fall to the ground. This is why
autumn is called “fall” in many places.

When the leaves die, the trees stay alive. In fact, many trees need to lose their leaves. In summer, the tree
drinks water from the earth. Then a lot of the water comes out of the leaves. In autumn, the tree closes the
holes where the leaves were. So the tree keeps its water in winter. Then the tree grows new leaves every

After Reading
C. Number the sentences in the right order to describe autumn’s changes.

The tree closes the holes where its leaves were.

The weather gets wetter and cooler.

The tree grows new leaves.

Leaves change from green to other colors.

The tree lives through the cold winter.

Leaves die and fall from trees.

Writing Strategy: Punctuation
Follow the steps to write a paragraph about something that changes.

1. Think about something that changes over time.
2. Include at least one sentence and one question.
3. Remember that sentences start with capital letters.

UNIT 12 49
UNIT 13 Home, Sweet Home
Wh- Question Words
A. Choose the correct answer.
1. A: is that in the car?
B: That is my mother.
a. Why b. Who c. When d. Where
2. A: are you leaving?
B: We are leaving because it is getting late.
a. What b. When c. Which d. Why
3. A: was the party?
B: The party was fun.
a. Which b. Who c. Where d. How
4. A: is Dad coming home?
B: He is coming home tonight.
a. How b. Which c. When d. Why
5. A: is my pen?
B: Your pen is on the table.
a. Where b. Who c. When d. What
6. A: color do you want?
B: I want the color red.
a. Which b. When c. Why d. How

B. Complete the sentences with Wh- question words.

1. is talking on the phone?

2. is my tablet?

3. does the bus arrive?

4. way did he go?

5. is calling my name?

6. much does the book cost?

7. don’t you answer me?

8. time is it?

9. do you want to leave?

10. jacket is yours?


C. Write questions asking a friend what he or she does in the summer.

1. Who ?

2. What ?

3. Which ?

4. Where ?

5. When ?

6. Why ?

7. How ?

Want to
D. Complete the sentences using want to.

1. In the summer, .

2. At work, .

3. With my friends, .

4. At the restaurant, .

5. When I wake up, .

6. In the winter, .

7. At the beach, .

8. At home, .

9. At the gas station, .

10. At the mall, .

11. When I eat dinner, .

12. In the spring, .

E. Write a paragraph about what your best friend wants to do. Use phrases from Activity D.

UNIT 13 51
Reading Strategy: Read for specific information
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1. What is this home made of?

2. Where can you find this type of home?

3. What are the characteristics of this type of house?

4. Would you like to live in a house like this? Why?

B. Read the text. Underline specific information that answer the questions in Activity A.

In northern Canada, Greenland, and the state of Alaska in the United States, you can sometimes see small
dome-shaped “homes” on the snowy landscape. These shelters are called igloos. The Inuit people from the
arctic regions of Canada, Greenland, and the United States build igloos for temporary shelter during the
hunting season. During the rest of the year, most Inuit people live with their families in regular homes in cities
or towns.

The Inuit people build igloos with snow and ice. They first cut the thick snow into blocks with a large knife.
Each block is about the same size and shape. Then, they gather the blocks and place them in a circle on a
flat area of snow. Next, they place more blocks on top to create the walls and a dome. Using the knife, they
cut away part of each block on the outside at an angle to make the igloo round. Sometimes, the Inuit place
pieces of ice in the wall for windows. Finally, animal skin or a blanket is placed over the door for privacy.

Inside the igloo, the Inuit often build a fire and burn seal fat. This keeps them warm and gives them light.
They can also cook meals over the fire. The smoke from the fire can escape through a tiny hole at the top
of the dome. Where do they sleep? The Inuit make small beds from animal fur which keeps them warm. The
igloo might be simple, but it keeps the Inuit safe from the cold and wind during the hunting season.


After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.
1. Why do the Inuit build igloos?

2. What is the next step after the Inuit cut all of the blocks?

3. Why does an igloo have a hole at the top of the dome?

Writing Strategy: Use specific details
Follow the steps to write an online survey.

1. Think of a topic for your survey.
2. Brainstorm questions you would like to ask in your survey. Some questions can be yes or no questions.
Other questions can have short answers.
3. Write your questions and check for any mistakes.
4. Have a partner fill out your online survey. Remind them that the information they share online may be
shared with others.

UNIT 13 53
UNIT 14 Celebrations
Simple Present of the verb Be in Yes / No Questions
A. Write a Yes / No question for each answer.
1. Yes, that is my sister.

2. No, there aren’t any balloons.

3. Yes, that is my teacher.

4. No, they are not at the party.

5. Yes, the dogs are cold.

6. Yes, the students are nice.

7. Yes, I am from Canada.

8. No, that is not Amy’s house.

9. No, there isn’t any cake left.

10. Yes, that is my cat.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be.

1. we late for the party?

2. the dog friendly?

3. he from your English class?

4. there candles on the cake?

5. we early for the dance?

6. the radio on?

7. that a bird I hear?

8. carrots healthier than celery?

C. Unscramble the words to make questions. Then answer each question.

1. these / your / Are / shoes / ?
Yes, .
2. home / Is / your / sister / ?
No, .
3. the / Is / she / teacher / ?
Yes, .
4. in / Spain / Are / Tom and Susan / ?
No, .

Count and Noncount Nouns
D. Choose the correct answer.

1. I would like jam on my toast.

a. some c. a
b. any d. an

2. Can I have piece of blueberry pie for dessert?

a. some c. a
b. any d. an

3. Are there bananas left?

a. some c. a
b. any d. an
4. There is ant on the blanket.

a. some c. a
b. any d. an

5. Please bring food to the barbecue.

a. some c. a
b. any d. an

E. Write a, an, or some.

1. oranges 9. sugar

2. candle 10. peaches

3. answer 11. bed

4. plates 12. car

5. ice cube 13. elephant

6. telephone 14. water

7. sand 15. university

8. fireworks 16. cookies

F. Describe your house or college. Use a, an, some, and any in your description.

UNIT 14 55
Reading Strategy: Read for the main idea
Before Reading
A. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. How do you celebrate your birthday?

2. Do you have any special birthday traditions?

B. Read the text. Underline the details that help you find the main idea.
Mexican Birthday Parties
Birthdays in Mexico are a time for families and friends to celebrate. One Mexican tradition at birthday parties
is breaking a piñata. A piñata is a container that is made of paper or clay. It has the shape of an animal, and
it is decorated with bright colors and ribbons. Inside, the piñata is filled with candies and toys. The piñata
hangs from the ceiling or a tree. Children wear blindfolds over their eyes and take turns hitting the piñata
with a stick. They hope to break it open and gather the candies and toys that fall on the ground.

Traditional food is also an important part of Mexican birthday parties. The host organizes a special meal and
prepares all of the food for the guests. Some traditional Mexican dishes at a birthday celebration are tacos,
churros, and tortilla chips with homemade salsa (spicy tomato sauce). When everyone has a drink, they lift
their glasses and say “Salud!” which means “Good health to you!”

Breaking the piñata and eating delicious food are traditions of a Mexican birthday party. But one of the most
popular traditions is eating the birthday cake. When the cake is served, the guests sing “Happy Birthday” and
then they repeat the word “Mordida!” This means “bite” in Spanish. The birthday boy or girl cannot use a fork
to take the first bite of cake. He or she has to take the first bite with his or her hands behind the back. But
watch out! Sometimes a playful friend may push his or her face into the cake!

After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.
1. What is the main idea of the text? What details support the main idea?

2. What are some foods that guests eat at a Mexican birthday party?

3. According to the third paragraph, what happens when the birthday cake is served?

Writing Strategy: Add specific details
Follow the steps to write about a birthday party.
1. Imagine that you are at a birthday party.
2. Describe the party by answering the following questions:
t Who is the party for? t How many guests are at the party?
t How old is he or she? t Who are the guests? (friends, family)
t When is the party? (date, time) t What kinds of food and decorations are there?
t Where is the party? t What fun activities are there? (music, dancing, games)
3. Write a paragraph of 40 to 60 words to talk about the birthday party.

UNIT 14 57
UNIT 15 Daily Lives


Questions with How often

A. Answer the questions using sometimes, usually, normally, never, or always.
1. How often do you go to the movie theater?

2. How often do you spend time with your friends?

3. How often do you go shopping?

4. How often do you ride a bicycle?

Adverbs of Frequency
B. Choose the correct answer.

1. Macy arrives on time. She is never late.

a. always c. usually
b. sometimes d. never

2. His dad usually drives him to school, but he prefers to walk.

a. never c. normally
b. always d. sometimes

3. We cook on Sunday. We always have dinner at a restaurant.

a. never c. normally
b. always d. sometimes

4. Joe plays soccer twice a week, but he only played once last week.

a. always c. never
b. usually d. sometimes


Know how to vs Learn how to
C. Complete the sentences using know how to or learn how to.

1. My little brother is only three years old, and he already tie his shoes.

2. Josie is taking a writing class so she can write a novel.

3. Zoey has a swimming competition this weekend. She do the backstroke.

4. Jack wants to drive a car when he is 16 years old.

5. Emily took cooking classes for years. She make many different meals.

D. Answer each question by writing a paragraph. Use know how to or learn how to at least once in
each answer.

1. Tell about something you already know how to do. How did you learn it?

2. Tell about something you want to learn how to do one day. Why do you want to learn this?

3. Tell about learning a new skill. What can you do to improve?

4. Tell about something you know how to do that is difficult. Give advice on how to learn it.

UNIT 15 59
Reading Strategy: Read for specific time phrases
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1. What do you see in the picture?

2. Imagine you have a part-time job. How does this change

your schedule? Use time expressions to describe how you
manage your time.

B. Read the text. Underline the specific time phrases.

Juan’s New Job

Summer vacation is starting, and Juan is excited about having a break from college classes. Juan usually
spends the summer hanging out with friends or going on trips with his family. But this summer is different.
Juan is starting his first job.

Juan is working part-time at a local café. It is close to his house, so he can ride his bicycle there. In the
past, Juan never woke up before 10:00 a.m. in the summer. But his boss at the café needs him to help with
breakfast from Monday to Friday every morning. This means that Juan has to start work at the café at 6:00

Now, Juan always wakes up at 5:00 a.m. He takes a shower, gets dressed, and he has something to eat on
his way out the door. He never has time to sit down to eat breakfast. He usually leaves the house at 5:40
because he does not want to be late for work.

The boss sees that Juan is always on time and that he works hard every day. One day, she asks him, “Juan,
how often do you get to spend time with your friends this summer?”

Juan is surprised, and he answers, “I don’t get to see my friends very often. I normally go to bed early so I
can get up for work on time. I usually see my friends on the weekends.”

His boss notices that it is a nice day outside. She tells Juan, “Because you don’t see your friends very often,
you can take the rest of the day off. Now go and have some fun!”

“Thank you so much!” answers Juan. What does he do? He goes to the beach with some friends and he
enjoys the day. The next day, he is happy and ready for work again.


After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.
1. How often does Juan get up for work at 5:00 a.m.?

2. What does Juan do before he rides his bicycle to work most days?

3. Make a list of the words and phrases in the story that tell you how often things happen or the order of
events. What do these words tell you about the type of person Juan is?

Writing Strategy: Write clear schedules
You just got a summer job. Follow the steps to write a schedule for a typical day at work.

1. Think of all of the things you do on a typical day at work from the time you wake up until the time you go
to bed at night.
2. Make a list of the things you do.
3. Decide which things to include in a schedule for the day. Some activities can be combined. For example,
"get dressed and brush my teeth," can be combined as “get ready for work.”
4. List a start and end time for each activity in the schedule.

UNIT 15 61
UNIT 16 Time
Regular and Irregular Verbs in the Simple Past
A. Write the simple past tense of these verbs in the correct group.

try buy make ask visit go want

need write send live read explain do

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

B. Circle the correct answer. Then tick (✓ ) the sentences with an irregular verb.

1. Mr. Hanson (went / gone) to Florida last month.

2. Nellie (finishes / finished) her research project yesterday.

3. Chase (do / did) his best on the test, and he (got / get) a good grade.

4. Kelly (worked / work) at the bank five years ago.

5. Max (arriving / arrived) ten minutes late to the concert.

6. The gift of new sneakers (maked / made) Gordon very happy.

7. I (sent / send) Tania a message last night.

8. Laura (explain / explained) her decision to her parents.

9. The teacher (ask / asked) us to leave the classroom.

10. Amanda (reads / read) my essay. She (said / say) it was very good.

C. Rewrite the sentences using the simple past tense of the underlined verbs.

1. Samuel starts working at the restaurant on Monday.

2. Gene has new sneakers, and he wears them every day.

3. Trixie puts her backpack on the table after school and begins her homework.

4. Natalie cleans her closet and gives her old stuff to friends.

D. Read the sentences and underline the intensifiers.

1. Helen was quite busy, so she didn’t have time to cook.

2. T.J. was really excited about starting his new job.
3. Because Abe worked so hard on his book report, he got an A.
4. We need to leave now or we’re going to be very late!
5. Peg was extremely disappointed when she didn’t get the job.
6. The road work is completely finished now.

E. Complete the sentences using both intensifiers in parentheses.

1. The exam was ________ easy that everyone did ________ well. (extremely, so)

2. The meal was ________ delicious, but the service wasn’t ________ good. (really, very)
3. We weren’t ________ tired; we were ________ exhausted! (completely, very)

4. Bill ran ________ fast, but Jon ran ________ fast and won the race. (quite, extremely)

5. That’s a ________ good idea. I ________ agree with you. (completely, very)

6. It was ________ late, but I ________ wanted to see the end of the movie. (really, quite)

7. I’m ________ hungry that I could eat two ________ big hamburgers! (really, so)

8. My sister is a ________ lucky person, but I’m not ________ lucky. (so, very)

UNIT 16 63
Reading Strategy: Read for causes and effects
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Do you play video games?

2. How long and how often do you usually play?

B. Read the text. Underline the effects of video games.

No More Video Games!

I’ve had it with video games! My daughter, Luisa, asked for a video game console for a long time. Three
months ago, I finally bought one to make her happy. She loves it–a little too much in my opinion!

Last year, Luisa played soccer and other sports with her friends in the neighborhood. Now she rarely gets
any exercise. In fact, the only time she puts on her sneakers is when I ask her to take out the garbage.

Luisa also isn’t doing well at school. Last year, she was a good student and did her best, but now she stays
up late to play video games and doesn’t study very much.

We had a long talk yesterday about how things have changed since Luisa started playing video games, and
we wrote down some new rules. Luisa promised to play games for only one hour a day so she will have more
time for homework and exercise. She also agreed to get a part-time job to pay for any games she wants to
buy. If she can’t follow the rules, there will be no more video games in our house!

After Reading
C. Complete the chart with the information from the article.

Causes Effects

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Writing Strategy: Use time expressions
Follow the steps to write about an activity that takes up a lot of your time. Use time expressions.

1. Choose an activity that takes up a lot of your time. Describe the activity.
2. Tell how much time you spent doing the activity in the last week or month. What days did you do this
activity? What time and for how long? Use these time expressions: yesterday, last week, last month, one /
two / three days ago, once / twice / three times.
3. Give reasons why you do the activity. Is it something you have to do or something you want to do? Why
do you enjoy it or not enjoy it?
4. Write about other things that you can’t do because of the time you spend on this activity. Write how you
feel about this.
5. Write a short paragraph that tells about this activity.

UNIT 16 65
UNIT 17 Now and Then
There was / There were
A. Match the sentence halves.

1. I wanted to buy a new dress at the mall, t t there weren’t any clothes to buy.

2. Were there any computers t t that I used to research my paper.

3. Jen didn’t enjoy the market because t t but there wasn’t one that I liked.

4. Was there a problem t t that served cheap food at the mail.

5. There were many websites online t t finding your friends at the meeting point?

6. There were a lot of restaurants t t in the U.S. in the 1950s?

B. Write a sentence that describes each picture using there was or there were.

1. 3.

2. 4.


Indefinite Pronouns
C. Choose the correct answer.

1. Lexi invited in the class to her party, and they all came.
a. nobody
b. someone
c. everybody
d. anybody
2. I thought I heard a knock at the door, but was there.
a. no one
b. anyone
c. somebody
d. everyone
3. Did you buy at the market yesterday?
a. something
b. anything
c. nothing
d. everything

4. should put away the books in the library.

a. Anybody
b. Somebody
c. Anyone
d. Nobody
5. Has anybody seen my backpack? I can’t find it .
a. nowhere
b. somewhere
c. everywhere
d. anywhere

D. Write about a party or event that you attended. Use an indefinite pronoun in each sentence.

UNIT 17 67
Reading Strategy: Make predictions from pictures
Before Reading
A. Look at the pictures. Predict what the article will be about.

B. Read the article. Underline sentences that answer Wh- questions.

Life in Pompeii
Long ago, Pompeii was a beautiful town that was located near Rome, Italy. People often went there for
vacation to escape from life in the big city. The town’s forum was a meeting point for rich Romans and other
visitors. The forum was something like a mall is today: a place for shopping, cheap food, get-togethers, and
business. People went there to enjoy the cafés, bathhouses, and the market, where people could buy fresh
fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, and other delicious foods. Visitors and residents met friends at the forum or
visited one of the temples in the area, too.

But in 79 C.E., Pompeii changed in an instant. Mount Vesuvius, a nearby volcano, erupted and sent ash high
into the sky. The ash rained down, and people quickly left the city for safety. But not everyone escaped;
nearly 2,000 people died. The city of Pompeii no longer existed because it was lost under the ash.

The ruins of the city were discovered in 1748. It is impossible to say exactly what life was like in Pompeii, but
the ruins give us valuable clues to the past. Today, scientists are researching the ruins to help us learn more
about the life of the people who once lived in Pompeii.


After Reading
C. Write questions about the article starting with Where, When, What, and Why. Then write an answer to
each question.

1. Where ?

2. When ?

3. What ?

4. Why ?

Writing Strategy: Write topic sentences
Follow the steps to write about a historic place you have visited or would like to visit.

1. Choose a place you have visited or would like to visit.
2. Describe the place. Answer the questions: What? Where? When?
3. Think why you enjoyed the place or why you want to visit it.
4. Think about how the place was different in the past than it is now.
5. Write a topic sentence about the place. Then write a paragraph with details to support the topic sentence.

UNIT 17 69
UNIT 18 Giving Advice

Used to
A. Complete the conversation with the expressions used to or didn’t use to.

A: When I was a kid, my brother and I (1) go biking every day. Sometimes we rode for miles!

B: We (2) do that because we didn’t have bikes. We (3) play basketball instead.

A: Well, I (4) do that because I didn’t like basketball. My brother (5) play on
the basketball team, though.
B: I (6) play on the team, too. We (7) have practice every day in the
afternoon for two hours.

B. Imagine that you are 70 years old. Write a sentence about yourself at each age below. Use the
expressions used to and didn’t use to.

1. age 10

2. age 20

3. age 40

Should / Shouldn’t
C. Write a question about each picture using should or shouldn’t and the question word. Then write an
answer to each question.

1. 2.

What ? Where ?


D. Read the sentences and circle T for True or F for False. Correct the false statements.
1. If you want to get good grades, you shouldn’t study often. T F

2. To be a kind person, you should listen when people have problems. T F

3. Everyone should take a shower regularly to have good hygiene. T F

4. If you don’t succeed at something right away, you should give up. T F

5. You shouldn’t be embarrassed to be yourself. T F

E. Look at the pictures. Write a sentence giving advice to each person using should or shouldn’t.

1. 3.

2. 4.

UNIT 18 71
Reading Strategy: Write titles and headings
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. Have you ever had a problem with a friend? What happened?

2. Are you still friends? What did you do to be friends again?

B. Read the text. Underline the main idea for each problem.

Advice Time
Topic >> Problems with Friends

Are you having a problem with a friend? Ask for advice here.
Sally I have a terrible problem with my friend Marta. I found out that she’s been cheating in some of her
classes, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t like to judge, but cheating seems wrong to me. I would
never behave that way. Marta says it’s no big deal, but I disagree. I think she should stop cheating,
but she says she won’t. What should I do?

Jorge So, there’s a new student in our class named Brian. He seems really kind and funny, but the other
students don’t like to be sociable with him. I like Brian a lot, but I’ll be honest: I’m embarrassed to hang
out with him. His hygiene isn’t very good, and he usually smells like he should take a shower. Is it a
good idea to say something to him? Or should I let him figure it out himself?

Renata My best friend Nancy used to spend a lot more time with me. Now she has a new neighbor, Ricardo,
and she’s always with him. I’m happy for her, but I also miss my friend. Last week, we had a big fight
because she promised to go to the movies with me, but then she went with Ricardo instead. She said I
was jealous of her, and that maybe I should find a new best friend. It really hurt my feelings. She didn’t
use to be mean like that. Should I try to save the friendship, or should I do what Nancy says: find a new
best friend?


After Reading
C. Choose the correct answers about the text.
1. What is Sally’s problem? a. She is tired of her friend Marta.
b. Her friend Marta has been cheating.
c. She cannot stop cheating.

2. What is the best title for Sally’s problem? a. My Friend Cheats in School
b. Don’t Judge Your Friend
c. Cheating is No Big Deal

3. What is Jorge’s problem? a. The new student is not honest with him.
b. The other students aren’t sociable with him.
c. He is embarrassed to hang out with a friend.

4. What is the best title for Jorge’s problem? a. Trying to Be Sociable with Everyone
b. Hanging Out with the New Student
c. My New Friend Has a Hygiene Problem

5. What is Renata’s problem? a. Nancy spends all her time with a new neighbor.
b. She does not like Nancy anymore.
c. She cannot find a new best friend.

6. What is the best title for Renata’s problem? a. Mean New Neighbor
b. Girl Chooses a New Friend over Best Friend
c. A Big Fight at the Movies

Writing Strategy: Write an email to give advice to a friend
Write an email giving advice to Sally, Jorge, or Renata.
Dear ,

UNIT 18 73
UNIT 19 Travel

Should / Why don’t you...?
A. Match the sentence halves.

1. You should t t a capital in the Middle East?

2. Why don’t you visit t t get your passport renewed.

3. You can take t t drive so fast; it’s dangerous.

4. Max shouldn’t t t my suitcase? It’s bigger than yours.

5. Why don’t you take t t a shorter trip if you prefer.

6. Sarah feels sick, so t t fast food if you want to lose weight.

7. You shouldn’t eat t t a new tablet?

8. Why don’t you buy t t she should go to the doctor.

Should / Shouldn’t / Have to / Had to

B. Complete the sentences using should, shouldn’t, have to, or had to.

1. My grandfather wear a uniform when he went to school.

2. They get on the early plane tomorrow. There are no other flights.

3. Adir explore the rainforest when he goes to Brazil.

4. Pyra run a long distance today because she isn’t feeling well.

5. We renew our passports before we left the country.

6. They go through security. Otherwise they can’t board the plane.

7. Phet and Abdul thank their guide before they leave the tour.

8. Malik feel bad. She didn’t do anything wrong.

9. It was a long trip. We change planes in London.

10. You go to bed late because you have an exam tomorrow morning.

11. She pack so many things in her suitcase. It’s only a two-day trip.

12. You stay in your seat when the airplane takes off and lands.

Let’s / Go + verb + ing
C. Complete the sentences using Let’s or Let’s go.

1. take a trip to Peru.

2. exploring in the capital when we’re in the Philippines.

3. explore the Mayan ruins in Mexico.

4. hiking in the mountains with a guide.

5. swimming at that beautiful beach.

6. be healthy and eat the salad instead of the fried fish.

Should / Shouldn’t / Have to

D. Answer the questions using should, shouldn’t, have to, or has to.

1. What is something people shouldn’t do when traveling?

2. What should travelers do when they travel to a foreign country?

3. What is something you have to do when you travel?

4. Which place do you think everyone has to visit at least once? Why?

5. What things do you have to take with you when traveling?

6. Do you think people should travel to any part of the world? Why? Why not?

UNIT 19 75
Reading Strategy: Read for specific ideas: Causes
Before Reading
A. Look at the pictures and answer the questions using because. Predict what the text will be about.

1. Why shouldn’t you pack too many things in your suitcase?

Why should you keep your passport up-to-date?

B. Read the text. Underline the phrases that show causes.

Traveling Abroad: Shoulds and Shoudn’ts
Visiting a foreign country and traveling abroad by plane can be a wonderful experience. Your trip can
be even more enjoyable if you prepare well. Before you leave, there are a few things you should and
shouldn’t do.

You should:

You shouldn’t:
idea to save room in your suitcase for souvenirs that you want to take home.
late for your flight!

After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions. Use the word because to explain your reasons.

1. What are some things people should do when they are in a foreign country? Why?

2. What are some things people shouldn’t do when they are in a foreign country? Why not?

Writing Strategy: Write a postcard
Follow the steps to write a postcard to a friend or family member about your experiences on a trip.

1. Include a salutation or
greeting to your friend or
family member.
2. Write a note about your
experiences on the trip.
3. Include a closing.
4. Add the recipient’s name
and address.
5. Check that all the
information is in the correct
place on the postcard.

UNIT 19 77
UNIT 20 Collections
Possessive Pronouns
A. Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns.

1. Jon Lee bought an expensive new car. That red sports car is .

2. My sister, Monica, is very proud of graduating from college with honors. She said,

“That degree is !”

3. Did someone give you flowers? Are those flowers ?

4. I told Jason, “Your comic book collection is bigger than .”

5. Tim wants his eggs fried, but Sally prefers to have __________ boiled.

6. Do those expensive objects belong to Nin and Kalil? Are they ?

7. I found this ID on the floor. It has your photo on it, so it must be .

8. This report card has Tina’s signature on it, so it’s .

9. Can you see Gary’s new bike? That orange one is .

10. We’re not in this classroom. Remember classroom 12 is .

Pronouns: One / Ones

B. Complete the sentences using one or ones and your own idea.

1. I have several bathing suits, but .

2. There are many cheap items to choose from. Which ?

3. Mali has a large collection of old dolls and .

4. I really like these blue sneakers, but .

5. There are lots of sandwiches to choose from. I want .

6. Would you like some cookies? The peanut butter .

7. There are so many pretty dresses in this store. Which ?

8. There are so many games at the carnival. I’m going to play .

9. Jess likes to play many sports, but .

10. I watch several cooking shows, but .

11. Karl has some watches. Which ?

12. There are many fish, but .

One / Ones, / Too, and Possessive Pronouns
C. Match the sentence halves.

1. I like horror stories, but t t mine is more expensive.

2. Sara says these socks aren’t t t one are my favorites.

3. My sister is grown up, but t t too old to collect teddy bears.

4. My mom says that I am t t this one is too scary to read.

5. Her collection is large, but t t not too old to enjoy our games.

6. This blue scarf and that red t t hers, so are they yours?

D. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word.

1. I’m making a cup of tea for myself. Would you like (one / ones)?

2. How did you like the movie? I thought it was (to / too) long.

3. My order of Chinese food isn’t very spicy, but Karen says (her / hers) is too spicy!

4. We missed the bus. When does the next (one / ones) leave?

5. Ayesha and Usher arrived at the airport (to / too) late and missed their flight.

6. Can you please show me which shoes you prefer? Do you like these (one / ones)?

7. I made these cookies for Mason and Gabriela. The cookies are (theirs / mine).

8. This dress is pretty, but it is (to / too) small for me (to / too) wear.

E. Unscramble the words to make sentences.

1. collects / her / Susan / . / antique dolls, / and that / favorite / is / French one / .

2. very good / had / too slow / food, / The restaurant / was / the service / but / .

3. because / old cell phone / My brother / his / broken / mine / gave me / was / .

4. I don’t read / too many / . / I have / the ones / give away / comic books, / so I should / .

UNIT 20 79
Reading Strategy: Read for specific ideas: Nouns
Before Reading
A. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Predict what the text will be about.

What is she reading? What is she watching?

B. Read the text. Underline the words that are nouns.

Anime is a style of animation (drawings made into a moving picture) that started in Japan around 1917. It was
very simple then, but over time it has become more sophisticated with the use of computer technology. While
anime is mainly popular in Japan and many Asian countries, more and more people around the world watch it,

There are thousands of anime artists, and each one has a unique style. Some artists draw their characters
by hand, and others use digital computer technology. The art styles are different, but anime characters
have some common characteristics. The eyes are usually very large and expressive to show the characters’
emotions. Hairstyles are often unnatural, and hair often shows movement and emotion, too.

There are more than 80,000 different anime characters. Most characters are human figures, but there are also
animals, robots, monsters, and other strange creatures. The characters also have strong personalities: some
are kind and generous, some are brave, and others are mean and selfish.

Anime stories are always full of action and drama. The characters may “live” in fantasy worlds with dragons
or futuristic worlds with robots; others live in historical places or modern cities. One thing all stories share is
that the characters have to solve a problem and learn a lesson.

After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.

1. What are some nouns in the first paragraph?

2. What characteristics do anime characters have in common?

Writing Strategy: Write descriptions
Follow the steps to write a descriptive paragraph.

1. Choose your favorite cartoon or comic book character.
2. Describe the character’s appearance.
3. Describe the character’s clothing style.
4. Describe the character’s personality.
5. Tell why you like this character.

UNIT 20 81
UNIT 21 Transportation

A. Complete the chart using comparative adjectives.
Adjective Comparative








B. Complete the chart using superlative adjectives.
Comparative Superlative




more comfortable


more expensive


Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
C. Read each sentence. Circle the correct word(s).

1. That is the (stranger / strangest ) story I’ve ever heard!

2. Sam went on a diet, and he is much (thinner / thinnest ) than he used to be.

3. This pizza is quite good, but Gino’s serves the (better / best) pizza in town.

4. Our cabin on this cruise is nice, but I believe yours is (more comfortable / most comfortable) than ours.

5. Australia is (farther / farthest) away from New York than China is.

6. That flag is the (more colorful / most colorful) one in the parade.

D. Write sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the adjective.

1. beautiful (comparative)

2. young (superlative)

3. tall (superlative)

4. fast (comparative)

5. happy (superlative)

6. long (comparative)

7. lucky (superlative)

UNIT 21 83
Reading Strategy: Read for main ideas: Author’s purpose
Before Reading
A. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. What is this young woman interested in? How can this activity be good for her?

2. What is this young man interested in? How can this activity be good for him?

B. Read the text. Underline phrases that show the author’s purpose.
Do Student Athletes Need Good Grades?
Some people think that students should get better than average grades (As/Bs) to play on sports teams.
I don’t agree. Not every student can be good at all subjects and get good grades. If young athletes stay out
of trouble, go to class, and get passing grades (Cs), they should be allowed to play sports.

Not all students do well on tests, assignments, and exams, but they often have other talents. People are
good at different things. Students should be allowed to participate in activities that interest them so they can
discover and improve their talents.

Participation in sports has many benefits for students. They learn to be part of a team and become more
sociable. The physical exercise is also healthy for the body and the mind. Some people think that playing
sports helps students learn better because sports teach them how to focus on something.

Do other college students in clubs, for example the computer club or the drama club, have to get above
average grades, too? What about students who don’t participate in any clubs? When students have more
free time, it doesn’t mean that they spend more time studying. Without hobbies or interests, some students
are bored and unhappy.

Different people have different talents. Students who enjoy sports and other activities should be allowed to
participate in what interests them. They shouldn’t have to get good grades to play on the college team or
join a college club.

After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.

1. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?

2. What reasons does the author give to convince the reader?

3. Do you agree with the author? Why or why not?

4. What sport or activity do you participate in? How is it good for you?

Writing Strategy: Write concluding sentences
Write an interesting concluding sentence for this text.
My college, The Higher Institute of Applied Science and Technology, is known for several things. First, it is
known for having the best basketball team in the city. It is also known for its strong academic programs. The
third thing is its excellent cafeteria. The lunches are not only tasty, but they are also very healthy.

UNIT 21 85
UNIT 22 Offering and Giving Help
Will for future
A. Complete the sentences with an expression of time that shows the future.

1. Will you help me ?

2. Susan won’t help me paint the room .

3. I will start singing lessons .

4. They will cook for the family .

5. I will shop for groceries .

B. Complete the sentences with will or won’t and the verb in parentheses.

1. He (help) me because he doesn’t like to work.

2. They (go) to the beach on Saturday if it doesn’t rain.

3. Juno (buy) a new dress for the party because she has no money.

4. He (plant) a tree in his front yard to create some shade.

5. James (work) for that organization because he is too busy.

6. I (eat) more vegetables because my doctor told me to.

C. Write sentences using will or won’t.

1. I’m really hungry. I .

2. The phone is ringing. I .

3. It’s raining. They .

4. I have a lot of work. I .

5. The sports center is closed. She .

6. Lee got the scholarship! He .

7. I lost the concert tickets! I .

8. Don’t worry about the exam you failed. You .

9. Lenny looks sad. I .

10. There’s a big party tonight. We .


Be going to to express future
D. Complete the sentences with be going to and the verb in parentheses.

1. I (study) for at least three hours tonight.

2. The teacher (attend) an important

meeting with parents after school.

3. My children (help) their grandmother

bake cookies tomorrow.

4. The boss (hire) four new workers to

help with that project.

5. The employees (work) extra hours this


6. The weather report says it (snow) tomorrow and the

day after that.

E. Complete the sentences using a phrase that includes be going to.

1. Next summer, we .

2. My son .

3. We .

4. Are you ?

5. Yes, I .

6. Next fall, I .

7. My father .

8. I think she
9. You .

10. His teacher .

11. Next week, they .

12. Her mom .

13. Is the teacher ?

14. My friends and I .

15. Everyone in my family .

16. All my classmates .

UNIT 22 87
Reading Strategy: Read for the main idea

Before Reading
A. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What is happening in the picture?

2. How does the picture illustrate a strong community?

B. Read the text. Underline the main idea in each paragraph.

The Power of Helping

My mother is a helper. She volunteers for community organizations to help poor people. She works
with people to collect food and clothes that people in the neighborhood donate. When I was little, she
volunteered at my school. She helped monitor students during lunch time and in the playground. She is also
a good friend. When her friend was sick, my mother cooked for our family and their family, too. Once a man
crashed his bike in front of our house. Mom called the ambulance and helped the man get to the hospital.

Mom says, “If you are feeling low, you should help somebody with worse problems than yours.” One time I
tried it. My video game broke, and I was angry and sad. At that time, my grandma was sick. I called to see if
she needed help. She said I could cut her grass and weed the garden. After I did that work, I felt a lot better.
With her good advice, Mom helped me, too.


After Reading
C. Read and answer the questions.

1. How does the writer’s mother help her community?

2. What advice did the mother give to the writer?

3. What happened when the writer tried her advice?

Writing Strategy: Plan a paragraph
Follow the steps to write a paragraph about helping somebody.

1. Make some notes about a time you helped another person.

2. Make notes about the problem that person had.
3. Write a paragraph in which you describe the person’s problem and how you helped.

UNIT 22 89
UNIT 23 Requests
Can / Could to express possibility
A. Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could, or couldn’t.

1. I go to the party tonight because I have to study for a test.

2. Jack is a little boy, but he eat more than his father.

3. You do it if you really try.

4. Shannon play basketball until her knee gets better.

5. Last year, we afford a vacation, but this year we can.

6. Susan get a job if she had a way to get to work.

7. I join the team this season. I hurt my leg badly.

8. The teacher mark all the exams yesterday. He has 100 students.

9. Tina help you with your research project. She’s the best at it.

10. I go cycling in the park. I had a lot of homework.

Will / Would to express possibility

B. Complete the sentences with will or would.

1. I have a new dress, so I wear it to the party.

2. Dad said that he stop eating sweets, and that is what he did.

3. If we don’t leave now, we be late.

4. He thought you go to the concert with him, but you didn’t.

5. I thought we win the game, but we lost.

6. you marry me?

7. She hurried because she thought she be late, but she wasn’t.

8. If she runs, she be first in line.

9. I said I make the team, and I did it!

10. he be at the dance?

11. We be the champions. Nothing can stop us!

12. I didn’t know you were there. If I knew, I have been there.

Want / Tell / Ask for requests
C. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of these words.
want tell ask me her him them us

1. My roommate to take out the trash.

2. I my dad to give some money.

3. The kids will their Mom to let go to the party.

4. The teacher to rewrite the paper.

5. Stephanie to fix her car.

6. Nadja me to help paint her room.

7. Sumiko to repeat the question.

8. Kenji to book a table for two.

9. Lucy the teacher to pass the book.

10. My coach to play tonight.

D. Write six sentences with want, tell, or ask so they are true for you.







UNIT 23 91
Reading Strategy: Make a request through inference
Before Reading
A. Write a short conversation between the men in the picture. The man who is standing should make
a request through inference.






B. Read the letter. Underline requests made through inference.

Jesse Newman
123 East 4th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Michael Newman
9876 Via Maria Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90009

Dear Grandpa,

I’m writing because Mom’s birthday is coming up. She has said that she wants to see her family. I don’t mean
me, Dad, and my sisters. She wants to see you, Grandma, and uncle Dave’s family, too. But Mom is in college,
so there is not enough money for all of us to come see all of you.

I’m wondering what you think of Mom’s idea. Her birthday is in two months. But I guess you know that!

Please hug Grandma for me.


After Reading
C. Read the sentences and circle T for True or F for False.

1. The writer was thinking about himself when he wrote this letter. T F

2. The writer asks his grandfather to buy plane tickets for his mom and his family. T F

3. The writer infers that he would like his grandfather’s help to make his mother’s wish come true. T F

Writing Strategy: Make a formal request
Follow the steps to write a formal request to a company.
1. Write notes about a product that is broken or doesn’t work properly.
2. Write what you think the company that made the product should do.
3. Write a letter to the company that made the product. Describe the problem with the product. Then make a
request for the company to solve the problem. Use formal language.

UNIT 23 93
UNIT 24 Stories

Present Perfect
A. Read each sentence. Circle the correct answer.

1. For the past three years, Jared (has been / is) the best scientist in his field.
2. She (is / has been) living in New York now.
3. He (gave / has given) flowers to his wife every week since they got married.
4. Right now, the little boy (is / has been) crying for his mother.
5. I (am not / haven’t been) taking very good care of myself for the past few months.
6. Since catching a cold last fall, my grandfather (had / has had) health problems.
7. (Have / Has) Ashley started school?
8. They (has / have) been working together for six years.
9. (Has / Have) Deb and Steve gotten married yet?
10. (Had / Have) you started training the puppy?
11. Julie Jones (have / has) always been my favorite singer.
12. Martin and John Wilson (has / have) always been his favorite singers.

B. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses.

1. you ever (donate) blood to the Red Cross?

2. In his work as a firefighter, he (rescue) a lot of people.

3. Carol (move) to Chicago?

4. I (grow) my own vegetables since buying this property.

5. He (build) his fortune over many years.

6. Ryan (discover) a lot of money with his metal detector.

7. Steven (find) many fossils during his career.

8. Bruce (read) all of Shakespeare’s plays.

9. Jade always (be) the most beautiful girl in town.

10. Elizabeth (have) a puppy for two months.

11. Justin (climb) twelve huge mountains.

12. Benjamin never (eat) traditional Indian food.

Present Perfect vs Simple Past
C. Complete the sentences using the present perfect or simple past form of the verb in parentheses.

1. A: Have you ever tried sushi?

B: No, I haven’t. But I __________________ (eat) Japanese food two or three times.

2. A: Have you ever ridden a camel?

B: Yes, I have. When I was in Egypt, I __________________ (ride) one in the desert.

3. A: Have Bryan and Barb been to the art museum?

B: Yes, they have. They __________________ (go) to the museum two weeks ago.

4. A: Has Angela found a new office to rent?

B: Yes, she has. She __________________ (move) into her new office last week.

5. A: Have the kids seen the new superhero movie?

B: No, they haven’t. They __________________ (want) to go last weekend, but it was sold out.

6. A: Has Barb gotten her promotion?

B: No, she hasn’t. Her boss still __________________ (make) a decision about it.

7. A: Has Lance contacted you?

B: Yes, he has. I __________________ (receive) an email from him earlier today.

8. A: Has Simone finished writing her book?

B: No, she hasn’t. But she __________________ (write) eight chapters so far.

D. Use the information to complete a short biography about Ajay’s life. Use the simple past and present
1985 – Ajay is born in Chennai, India.
1990 – Ajay and his family move to London.
2008 – Ajay finishes school and starts working as a chef in London.
2012 – Ajay opens his own restaurant in London. He hires immigrants who need jobs.
2015 – Ajay starts a soup kitchen to feed the homeless in the community.
2013, 2014, 2016 – Ajay’s restaurant wins awards for its excellent food.
2016 – Ajay wins an award for helping his community.

Ajay is a successful chef and restaurant owner in London. He has helped his community in many ways.

UNIT 24 95
Reading Strategy: Infer the author’s intentions
Before Reading
A. Look at the picture. What story is the artist telling?

B. Read the text. Underline the sentences that allow you to infer the author’s intentions.

Aiming for Lions

I saw the lions in the meadow. I moved toward them as quickly and quietly as I could, hiding in the tall grass.

There were two females and four young cubs. The cubs played and wrestled like puppies. The mothers
looked lazy and bored, but I knew they were strong. If they saw me, they would attack to protect the cubs.

I had to get close enough for a good shot. A lot of money was at risk. I continued toward them, trying to
ignore my fear.

Finally, I was close enough. I raised my camera, hoping the mothers would not see me.

After Reading

C. Read and answer the questions.

1. Put the following events in order.
The writer raised the camera.
The cubs wrestled.
The writer saw the lions.
The writer ignored her fear.

2. When did you infer the writer was a photographer? Did you know that at the beginning of the text? Why or
why not?

Writing Strategy: Write a short story
Follow the steps to write a short story.

1. Think of two characters.
2. Think of a conflict or problem that they need to solve.
3. Think of a solution to their problem.
4. Write a short story.

UNIT 24 97

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