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Emmanuel Baumer (université de Toulon / Paris VII)

1/ Antonomases in absentia:

Because there are at least two dozen Trisha Coopers who are parents in this school. Su 145

5) Tom: "You are always competing with me, and judging by tonight, you know what, you still
Lynette: "Tom, I am sorry about tonight. Truly, but these days, if I'm competing with anyone, it’s
the Bree Van de Kamps of the world with their spotless kitchens, and their perfect kids, who
throw fabulous parties where nothing ever goes wrong. I try so hard to keep up, but I can't."
Tom: "Lynette, that’s not my expectation."

-You did hear about the Saturday Night Massacre, didn’t you ?
-I read about it in Time.
-Time is the American Pravda.
-Don’t you think that’s a little extreme, mom? (su 115)

-No – but maybe when I was in the Sodom and Gomorrah of Manhattan pb 254

Took fine little girls and turned them into that, didn't you? Listen to me, boyo: you won't survive
without the ADAM those ... things ... are carrying. Are you prepared to trade your life, the lives
of my wife and child, for Tenenbaum's little Frankensteins?

-I’ve failed.
-You’re not a failure.
-Anyone who starts off thonking he’s the next Bertolt Brecht – but finally ends up churning out
jokes for a quiz show – is allowed to call himself a failure.
1)They're coming after you... because they're scared of black militancy in the inner cities.
I ain't no H. Rap Brown. I ain't no Stokely Carmichael.
All they are is political.
You're the heavyweight champion of the world.

2) How's your practice?

It's great. Just great. I've got some very interesting patients --extremely interesting. Fascinating

Dad has a patient who dreams he shits trout.

Why are you wasting your time out there in the boondocks? New York City is the Mecca of

3) It Takes Two

 I feel like Sam Spade digging up the dirt ? It’s incredibly exciting. P 257
“You’ve been appearing before Justice Martin I understand” threw in one of the oin-stripped
partners sitting opposite her “he seems very impressed. In fact he described you as the Joan of
Arc of the Family Division.”
Tess laughed. “or the Joan Rivers perhaps” p 277

4) Lynette: "There has been flirting. I have seen it."

Susan: "Yeah, and the flirting made me think that he was kind and trustworthy and honest and
hygienic. That's how it is with me -- a guy just smiles at me three times, and I'm picking out
wedding china. I'm a mess."
Lynette: "But to be fair, that's part of your charm."

: "That's what happened with Carl. I only dated him a couple of months, I filled in the blanks, I
married him. It was a disaster."
Lynette: "You think Mike is a Carl in disguise?"
Susan: "I don't know. What does that mean, anyway,'my life is complicated'?"

Dénominations éphémères in absentia

Because there are at least two dozen Trisha Coopers who are parents in this school. Su 145

5) Tom: "You are always competing with me, and judging by tonight, you know what, you still
Lynette: "Tom, I am sorry about tonight. Truly, but these days, if I'm competing with anyone, it’s
the Bree Van de Kamps of the world with their spotless kitchens, and their perfect kids, who
throw fabulous parties where nothing ever goes wrong. I try so hard to keep up, but I can't."
Tom: "Lynette, that’s not my expectation."
FRANCAIS: antonomases in praesentia

J’ai carrément mis les pieds dans le plat :la vraie Mister Bean, moi !

Mon boss, c’est un Sarko, il fait tout, il contrôle tout il gère tout.
(Guillaume le 30 octobre)

C’est un vrai Pavarotti, cet homme-là.

- m’y résoudre, taratata, dit Manuela qui depuis que, sur mes conseils elle a vu Autant en
Emporte le vent, se prend pour la Scarlet d’Argenteuil. (P 158 L’élégance du hérisson)

les choix de Pelous et Ibanez me semblent mauvais. Sur les matchs qu'on a déjà vu on a vu un
Szarzewski exceptionnel. Idem pr Pelous qui a mon avis est moins bonne forme psychologique
et physique que Nallet. Apres pour harinardoqui en remplacant... il devré etre sur le fait
tellement de fautes de main, c'est le marty de l'avant ;)

Rôle :
Camille se demanda si elle n’était pas en train de tomber amoureuse de lui…[…] non, c’est
parce qu’il lui avait fait son Dickens, là… elle allait quand même pas tomber dans le panneau.

Je vais pas faire mon petit Alain Rey.

1/ NPR métaphoriques anglais (30)

1) “ Nothing really-they’re just the first I’ve nibbled.”

“Your old boyfriends never let you play Bugs Bunny on their ear-lobes?” DH 74

2) Something really radical - like walking out on my husband and son - is simply impossible.
Hey, not everyone can play Trotsky, he said. And breaking social convention isn’t easy. SU162

3) Piper: Mmm, the owner wants me to. Actually threatened to fire me if I don't but Doug's just
going through a hard time right now. Shelley the waitress just dumped him after six years of

4) Piper: Well, yeah, I mean, Doug loves her. Even bought an engagement ring and everything,
he just waited too long too ask. So now he's a wreck. (Charmed)

Phoebe: Prue’s just pissy because this time she didn’t get to play Wonder Woman. I’m not in
the mood to soothe your ego. (Charmed)

5) “That’s what my father always told me: “Toby wy you bein’ such a schmuck and tryin’to be
Emma Goldman? The FBI they come to my door, they say : “your son he vants to tear up the
Constitution of the United States and set up a marxist state.” SU149

Gabrielle: "We know what you did to Mrs. Huber."

Paul: "Wonderful. I see you've all turned into Susan while I've been gone."

6) What have I done with them? I‘m their aunt not David Koresh. BP 103

7) Who you trying to be, Zorro? BP 128

8) The fuck are you? My nanny Mary Poppins? BP 256

9) “Well, if he gets in your way, kick him out. Oh... It was smart to tell Betty about him showing
up. Good thinking, Batman”. SU 140( Sherlock, Watson...)

10) Go ahead. Shoot a cop, Einstein. See what happens. (The Departed)

11) You know, if you ever got me, you wouldn't have a clue what to do with me. That's the thing,
Romeo. (Being John Malkovich)

12) "answer for everything.... C'mon, Calamity Jane, get your coat. I've got two tickets to Beach
Blanket Babylon. " TC

13) Even if you decide to become Mahatma Gandhi later on, he said, four five years in some
big white-shoe-outfit will give you some very necessary street cred. Because it will mean that
you’ve done time as an asshole, and you’re not just some righteous do-gooder with no
knowledge of the establishment. BP 36

Collie, calm down or you'll shoot in your pants. I'll get you the records and what not. You'll have
'em but listen to me son, don't disappoint me on this, or some other guy will be putting their cock
up Little Miss Freud's ass. (The Departed)

For his own good, tell Bruce Lee and the Karate Kids none of us are carrying automatic
weapons because here, in this country, it don't add inches to your dick. You get a life sentence
for it. (The Departed)

16) We’ve got Frank Sinatra over here! (World Trade Center)


Hey, we've got Conan the Barbarian singing with us.

I think he's got a nice voice.


(ribbing her)
Go talk to him, maybe you can teach him how to read.

18) Piper: Now that you put it that way, no! I don't want to live with you anymore. (Phoebe and
Piper walk in Quake. Doug is at the bar shaking up a cocktail shaker. He does a little spin
on the spot. There are women standing at the bar.) Oh, boy.

Phoebe: I thought your charm was to boost his confidence, not turn him into Tom Cruise.

Piper: Maybe I shouldn't have doubled the recipe.

19) Chandler: Wish I could switch with someone. I really don’t wanna sit with Allen Iverson
over there. (Friends)

20) Its a writer’s haunt too. Steven pointed out, of the old school. The ones who can’t put pen to
paper without a full pack of something untipped and full strength next to them. You won’t see
any Silk Cut in here. Or single measures. They take their drink seriously. Everyone wants to be
Dylan Thomas. The trouble is, they’re forty years too late.” (tc P 331)
“ not to mention not having any talent”

21) “ Will Kingsmill’s come looking for you twice. Where on earth have you been?
Been Wonder Woman! Some kid was bullying Luke and I had to try to sort him out.” Tc P 451

22) What are you doing in here, Matisse old lad? Tc P 291
Qu’est ce que vous faites ici mon petit Matisse? P 253

Now, I ain’t saying I’m Shakespeare but I’m trying to run a respectable theater.


Ensemble c’est tout

-Tu es jaloux ?-putain, non ! manquerait plus que ça ! moi, jaloux d’un tas d’os ?
hé, y a pas marqué l’abbé Pierre, là ! p146
-et philou ?
- tu veux dire Cyrano ? à son cours de théâtre… p 340

qu’est ce que tu ronchonnes encore ?

rien. Je vis avec le prince Charles et sœur Emmanuelle et je m’éclate comme une bête. p417

L’équipe de France, c’était plus vraiment une équipe de foot, c’était les Rolling Stones en

De quel cote est pinocchio, etc

2/ NPR employés comme adjectifs anglais

-Was she Italian-american or Italian-Italian?

-Italian-Italian. A Milanese – and her parents were good Gucci communists, which meant that
their daughter had read her Marcuse and her Che Guevara, but also knew how to dress […]su

We spout on about ragged individualism and all that John Wayne nonsense. Pb 480

-Why are you hitchhiking? Wouldn’t it be easier to buy a Greyhound pass?

-Sure. But the whole point is to have an On the Road experience. Su 146

-So much for his Bogart cool. Mom throwing him out killed him. SU 33
- I know it’s what he wants. That’s what worries me : our son has turned into an Eisenhower
- I think Eisenhower was a little more liberal than Jeff. SU 241
- I wandered if my nose was about to enlarge, Pinocchio-style. SU 114
-I think this girl was a Park Avenue Princess LA-style a honey tan, slate grey eyes. JU 189

1) How’s Dan handling it ?

In a very Dan way. SU 150

2) We didn’t have servants. Just a maid named Geneva – which sounds very Aunt Jemima, I
know – but, hey, it was Shaker Heights… SU 133

3) Phoebe: Sure. Is that guy at the bar staring at me?

Piper: There are a lot of guys at the bar staring at you.

Phoebe: The one at the far end. Tall, dark, brooding, very New York.

Piper: Sorry, no.

[…]The children with their very long needles, their tuneless songs, their ghastly errands, their
ghoulish, Frankenstein fathers.

4) Prue: Well, tonight’s gonna be fun.

Eric: No, actually on magic.

Prue: Magic? Why would you come to me?

Eric: I don't know. Maybe because I saw you levitate two people in the park with just a wave of
your hand. I take that as a "no comment". So what are you, anyway? Some kind of David
Copperfield, Lance Burton, freak of nature? (He laughs.)

Karl: But you know, I mean, he's a little--Buster Brown. Don't you ever worry you'll gonna get
bored? Susan: Thanks for your concern, Karl, I'm fine.


léo : tu as de plus en plus le look Beethoven, toi !

*Pull a :

[Scene: Quake. Phoebe has another dress for Piper.]

Piper: Phoebe, over here. (She gives Piper the dress.) Thank God. The segment producer's
gonna be here any minute and I am a complete and total wreck.

Phoebe: Piper...

Piper: I thought I was gonna have to pull a Celine Dion and wear my dress backwards.

Phoebe: Piper, you have gotta listen to me. I had a premonition of Andy dying.

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