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According to the Hierarchy needs of theory, the needs are implementing according to the

Hierarchy in nature. The needs play a vital role to motivate the employees. You must be in good
health, safe and secure with meaningful relationships and confidence before you are able to be
the most that you can. This theory tells about basic needs to advance needs of motivation. It can
take an advantage of this theory. In the absent of one needs this theory is not applicable, which is
disadvantage of it.

The Herzberg two- factor theory also motivates the employees positively and negatively.
The figure shows more clearly which is illustrate below.

This theory demonstrates the way of motivation optimistically and pessimistically. Hygiene
factor motivate by force. The employees work under the rules and regulation. To be free from
punishment workers should do carefully. Employees are normally discourage rather than
encourage which can be taken as a disadvantage of this theory. However, motivational factor
encourage employees by giving them more responsibility, advanced work, freedom, etc. Workers
can work freely in the organization so; it can call as pros of this theory.

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