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Script for recorded topic

Good day everyone I’m Kaye Cadiz and I will teach you on how to use shortcut keys in Microsoft office

First of all, we will tackle about the objective and rules about our topic.

Our main objective is to make the students to use the Microsoft office Excel in an easy and more
productive way.

Our rules are to take down notes for your cheat sheet and use it until you memorize the Excel shortcuts
and always use it in our activities.

The first part of our lesson is the Formatting Shortcuts, Formatting means a trick that we can use to
modify the appearance of the worksheet.

No. 1 Ctrl + 1 if you use that shortcut Format Box will appear, Format box is where you change the
appearance of the cell by not changing the format of it such as alignment, font, number, etc.

No. 2 Ctrl + Shift + 7 Boxing it is where the selected cell will be boxed

No. 3 Alt + H + 0 will increase the decimal of the selected cell

The No. 4 is the opposite of no. 3 Alt + H + 9 will decrease the decimal of the selected cell

Alt + E + S + T will copy the format of the selected cell

Alt + “=” is the Sum function of the selected cells that you want to find the sum of it.

Alt + H + O + I will fit the column width of the selected cells

Alt + H + O + R will change the tab name of your worksheet

Alt + W + F will split and unsplit panes split panes will separate your worksheet in two or four areas that
you can scroll within.

Alt + W + S will freeze and unfreeze windows this is where excel keeps specific rows or columns visible
when you scroll in the worksheet.

Shift + Ctrl + # will convert your selected cell in date format

Shift + Ctrl + $ will convert your selected cell in from dollar to what your country’s currency

Shift Ctrl + % will convert your selected cell to percentage format

Those are formatting shortcuts next will be the Ctrl shortcuts

First one will be Ctrl + A will select all the cells

Ctrl + B will Bold your font on your selected cell

Ctrl + C will copy the format of your selected cell

Ctrl + D is fill down where it copies the formula or format of cell above of your selected cell
Ctrl + F is find you will use this if you need to find a specific word or number.

Ctrl + I will italicized your selected cells

Ctrl + N will open a new workbook

Ctrl + O will open a file

Ctrl + P will print your worksheet

Ctrl + R is fill right where it copies the format or formula beside the left side of the selected cell

Ctrl + S will save your work

Ctrl + U will underline you selected cell

Ctrl + V will paste what you copy in your selected cell

Ctrl + W will close your window

Ctrl + X will cut the selected cell

And last is the

Ctrl + Z is undo

The next part will be the navigation shortcuts

Arrows is move like up, down, left, and right

Ctrl + Arrows will go to the end of continuous range

Shift + Arrows will select a cell range

Ctrl + Shift + Arrows will Highlight continuous range

Alt + Tab will switch programs

Ctrl + Pg Up/Down will switch workbook

Enter will move below

Shift + Enter will move up

Ctrl + Home will go to cell A1

Esc is cancel

Alt + Enter if you’re in a cell it will add a line

And the last part of our lesson is the Function key Shortcuts

F2 is edit cells

F4 is anchor cells it means locking the cells

F7 is the spell check

F12 is save as

Shift + F2 will insert a comment

Shift + F8 will add to selection

Shift + F10 is Right Click

Ctrl + F3 will name a cell

And lastly

Windows flag + D will minimize your program

That’s are the shortcuts you can use in excel.

Thank you for listening and I hope you learn something for today


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