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1. Do you agree that there is difference between body and soul?

I agree that there is a difference  between body and soul. Body is tangible and mortal while soul
is intangible and is immortal.
2. Do you think you have  both? justify your answer.
Yes i do have both. according to A.J. Durai "The body is but a
vessel for the soul, a puppet which bends to the soul's tyranny". My
body is just a vessel while the soul is the one who animates. Just
like the puppet and the puppeteer,the puppet is my body and the
puppeteer is the soul.
3. What is the difference between the two?
The body is tangible while the soul is not. The soul is immortal
while the body is not.The body is destructible while soul is
indestructible. Soul is always spoken as a whole thing unlike the
body who has parts.
4. Do you believe in the concept of the soul coming to heaven after
death? why or why not?
As a Roman Catholic I should believe that souls are going to
heaven,according to religious scriptures souls are eternal or as
I’ve said immortal.So my answer is that I don’t believe that souls
are not going to heaven after death, they’ll just reincarnate into a
new living thing.
5. What makes people different from animals? Expound your answer.
People has higher thinking skills rather than animals.Like
Aristotle had said “humans has the ability to think and act
rationally”,humans can control their emotions and also can
differentiate what is good and bad.
6. How do you understand Descartes " I think, therefore, I am".
The phrase made by Descartes “I think therefore, I am”is to
assure that he exists. He keeps on doubting himself therefore he
exists. What I understand on his statement is that when a human being
keeps on doubting his self,therefore he exists and not living on a
mere illusion, since mind can fool itself that everything is real. So
I think,therefore I am.
7. Whose philosopher about self do you agree most? Why?
The philosopher I agree the most is Thomas Aquinas. His concept
of self is made from our environment. Self knowledge comes from
experience which shapes the “self”. Also souls animates the body
which makes us human.
8.Discuss the similarities or differences of the following
philosophers from each other.
The differences of the following philosophers is how they define
or perceive self. Socrates question about the self. Plato says that
self is our soul and it is part of our spirit. Augustine explains
that self is being open to relationship to God.Thomas Aquinas told
that self is made by our surroundings or environment,and self
knowledge is perceive through experiences. Rene Descartes presumed
that self has two system the cogito which is the mind and extenza
which is the body. That self is composed of two parts which is the
body and mind.

Their similarities is that they are looking the answer for the
question what is self.
9.If you are a philosopher, how would you create a philosophy about
If I were a philosopher I will create philosophy about self by
observing and also as Descartes said keep doubting. Compare my
thoughts with other philosophers on how they created the philosophy
about self.
Like my philosophy in life, oneself is the architect of it’s own

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