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Test Your Grammar Skills

How to Get from Bed to Work in 27 Easy Steps!

Complete the sentences using an appropriate past simple verb:

1) I _____________ up at 6.50am when I _____________ the alarm clock.

2) I _____________out of bed and _____________it off before it _____________up all

the neighbours.

3) I _____________ on the light and the heater, because it _____________ cold in my


4) I _____________ the bathroom; then _____________ for a clean shirt to wear.

5) I _____________ into the kitchen and _____________ the kettle on.

6) I _____________ dressed and _____________ my hair.

7) I _____________a shave and then _____________my bag ready for work.

8) The kettle _____________ so I _____________ a cup of tea; then I _____________

TV for a few minutes.

9) I _____________ all the curtains in my house and _____________ my sandwiches

from the fridge.

10) I _____________ on my shoes and coat; then _____________ that I hadn’t

_____________ anything.

11) I _____________ on the light in the hall because I _____________ it

_____________ be dark when I _____________ home.

12) I _____________ and _____________ the front door; then I _____________ outside.

13) I _____________ the front door and _____________ a few metres to my car.

14) I _____________ into the car and _____________ the key in the ignition.

15) I _____________ on a tape and _____________ up the volume.

16) I _____________ in my mirrors; then _____________ up the drive and onto the road.

17) I _____________ for five miles until I _____________ a traffic-jam.

18) I _____________ in the traffic-jam for twenty minutes; I _____________ forward

slowly, a few metres at a time.

Test Your Grammar Skills
How to Get from Bed to Work in 27 Easy Steps!
19) I _____________ the tape in my car stereo, and _____________ my fingers on the

steering wheel.

20) I _____________ on the radio and _____________ to the news, followed by the

weather forecast.

21) The radio _____________ one of my favourite songs, so I _____________ along


22) I _____________ right into the road where I always leave my car. I _____________

and _____________ off the engine.

23) I _____________ out and _____________ the door. I _____________ my car door

and then _____________ for about twenty minutes.

24) I _____________ a newspaper and a sandwich at the newsagent; then I

_____________ for work.

25) As I _____________ the building I _____________ “Hi” to the people I work with.

26) I _____________ to my desk at about 8.50 am and _____________ down my bag.

27) I _____________ ready for another cup of tea and to have a long nap start the day!

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