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姓名: ____________________ 面談對象 :______________________ 日期: ______/ ______/______

* 貼士: 為了尊重彼此的時間,請做一位好的聆聽者,保持正面及給予鼓勵,集中於你們所討論的項目,一旦你更明白對

1. 請詳細形容你所提供的產品及服務: (請清晰及明確地描述)
The following describes the products & services you offer. [Be VERY specific]
i. _____________________________________________ iii. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________ iv. _______________________________________

2. 你所提供的產品與競爭者之間的分別: (例如: 我的產品 5 年內包退換)

How are you different from your competitors? [eg: My product comes with a 5 years money back guarantee etc]
i. _______________________________________ ii. ______________________________________

3. 請明確列舉你想找尋的目標市場 / 顧客: (例如: 律師, 銀行家, 地產業等)

Name businesses / people within your Target Market. [eg: Lawyer - House Buyers, Bank Officers etc]
i. _______________________________________ iii. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________ iv. _______________________________________

4. 還有那類與你相關的行業範圍未進入你的分會? (沒有衝突而同市場的行業)
Which Contact Sphere professions are still not in your chapter? [Non-conflicting industry serving the same target
i. _______________________________________ iii. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________ iv. _______________________________________

5. 請教我用一句好的開場白,即可為你找尋到適合的目標客戶/ 資源?
What would be good “Conversation Starters” so that I can listen out for lead phrases? [eg: Cleaner - How
long does it take you to clean your entire house?, Lawyer - Do you know what your rights as an employer are? etc]
i. ________________________________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________________________________
6. 告訴我當我聽到一句怎樣的說話時即表示有機會可以為你找到合適的引薦?
What “Phrases Do I Listen For” to find you a referral? [eg: Accountant - I don’t have time to do my taxes, Web
Developer - I’m looking to market my business internationally, Printer - I’m getting married etc]
i. ________________________________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________________________________

7. .我該如何衡量一個引薦的質量/認真程度? 例如: 我能否告訴___你真的需要請一個新工人? (對方的答案越仔細越理想)

How can I “Qualify” a referral for you to see if they are serious? [eg: Can I tell ___ that you are serious in getting
a maid?, Can I inform ___ that you will be visiting his outlet tomorrow at 10 AM? The more specific the better]
i. ________________________________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________________________________

8. 對你來說什麼會是一個不合適的引薦? (例如: 向批發商只訂一件貨)

What is NOT a good referral for you? [eg: Distributors – single item orders, Contractor – soft furnishing etc]
i. _______________________________________ iii. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________ iv. _______________________________________
9. 一般人對你的業務有什麼誤解及我應如何回應? (例如: 風水顧問的費用一般都很昂貴)
What are the most common misconceptions of your business & what should I say? [eg: Feng Shui consultations
are expensive, There are hidden cost behind every bridal package etc]
i. ___________________________ - ___________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________ - ___________________________________________________________

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