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Student’s Name: 1. ___Kemy Goh Hui Lin____ Class: _T2C2_

2. ____Wong Li Xuan ______

The impact of COVID-19

The world is experiencing an unprecedented pandemic that has disrupted lives.
Singapore is no exception. Shopping malls owners (landlords) and retailers are
fighting a battle that is still unfolding itself.
In this exercise, research and summarize your findings (max. 300 words) on any
ONE of the following topics. Support your findings with evidence such as images or
video link (with caption).

1. Identify a mall and briefly discuss the impact Covid-19 has on its day-to-day

Mall: Jem Shopping Centre

Jem Shopping Centre was closed for 2 weeks from 23 rd May 2021 due to the COVID-
19 cluster. After reopening the mall has thin crowds to little people.

Shops were mostly empty when CNA visit the mall after reopening on 6 th June 2021

Official (Closed) - Non Sensitive

Less than 5 people queue at prominent F&B outlets when Straits Times visited JEM

Visitor flow at the JEM shopping mall was low on Saturday (August 7) following the
report of a cluster of 4 Covid-19 cases there.

When the Straits Times visited the mall at around noon, queues at several prominent
food and beverage outlets, such as fast-food restaurants McDonald’s, were no more
than five people long.

There was also no line outside Don Don Donki, a Japanese chain store where
shoppers regularly wait in line to get in.

The third-largest mall in Singapore, with more than 200 stores on six Storeys, was
mainly empty, with only about 20 people window shopping on each level

Due to the substantial reduction in visitor numbers, it has greatly impacted sales
across many stores.

Impact on its day-to-day operation:

Shopper's traffic – Little to no customers came to patronize during last year's circuit
breaker as there were too many cases.

Official (Closed) - Non Sensitive

Sales – Since there were little customers, the business of the stores was affected,
like retail stores especially clothing and shoes since everyone is staying at home and
there was not a big need to buy for now especially winter wear as everyone is unable
to travel now during this pandemic.

F&B – Dine in restrictions which in turn cause F&B outlets to have decreased sales
during circuit breaker when no dine-in is allowed. F&B business affected as people
avoid social gathering.

Rental – Despite the COVID-19 situation going on, malls are still open, and retailers
must continue paying rental fees. This causes a downturn in their economy as not
only do they not have sales from customers patronizing but they had to pay the rent.

Covid-19 Restrictions – Dine in restrictions have been fluctuating from 2 pax which
means that there will be lesser customers being able to dine-in in F&B since
customers have to queue when the seats are subject to 2 availability each time.


Max. 400 words

Please rename file as T2CX_Name1, Name2_LT1


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