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AREA(S) OF BODY Thoracic spine and shoulder girdle, neck, and head

IMBALANCE(S) Elevated scapula, excessive cervical lordosis

Upper fibers of trapezius muscle; also activates and strengthens the lower fibers
STRUCTURES ADDRESSED of the trapezius muscle and rhomboids when contracted isometrically during

This exercise targets the upper fibers of the trapezius muscle, which can become
tight and restricted as a result of excessive cervical lordosis. Increasing the
EXERCISE BENEFITS flexibility of the upper traps will allow the shoulder blades to depress and the neck
to flex more easily.

 Sit on a stool or chair; firmly grasp the back leg or seat of the chair on one side
and pull the shoulder blade back and down.
 Maintain a firm grip and bend the neck away from the hand grasping the chair.
HOW TO PERFORM  Engage the lower trapezius and rhomboid muscles on the side being stretched
to help pull the shoulder into correct alignment so the upper trapezius can
 Repeat on the opposite side.

Stretch each side for 15 to 20 seconds, and repeat the cycle 2 to 3 times at least

Tip: Keep your chin tucked in as the neck is bent to the side during this stretch.
TIPS and/or PRECAUTIONS Precaution: Do not rotate the head and neck when bending it to the side.

Progression: Perform the Straight Arm Pulldown.

PROGRESS / REGRESS Regression: Perform the Theracane on Trapezius.

Trapezius Stretch Start/Finish Position

Copyrighted Material The BioMechanics Method

Regression for Trapezius Stretch

Perform Theracane on Trapezius

Progression for Trapezius Stretch

Perform Straight Arm Pulldown

Copyrighted Material The BioMechanics Method

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