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A. Listen to the conversation and match the people to the things they did. (12p)

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box. (18p)


1.   your books away and leave quietly.

2. Mum has     my old jeans away.
3. The police   Mr Smith last week for   graffiti on the school wall.
4. Would you cheat in an exam if you thought you could   away with it?
5. Someone has   my mobile phone!
6. The boys were   with vandalism.

Read the text and choose the meanings which are correct here. (12p)

When is a crime not a crime? Here are two examples of people who have broken the law or been
arrested but really did nothing wrong. What do you think about them?

A A man was driving his son to school. Close to the school was a zebra crossing. As he drove up to
it, a group of children started to cross so the man told his son to get out. By the time the children
had finished crossing, the man was ready to drive away again. However, a camera had filmed him
and, a few days later, he received a letter telling him to pay a fine for parking next to a zebra
crossing. The man is angry with the decision and has refused to pay. What he did is against the law
but should he pay? What do you think?

B In San Diego, California, fire officers rushed to an accident on a motorway. They blocked
one lane of the road with their fire engine so that no-one would accidentally crash into them while
they were working. Then, a police officer told them to move their vehicle. They weren't breaking the
law and refused so he arrested one of them. After half an hour, he released him without charge but
the fire officers are angry. Most people agree with them but do you think they should have moved
their fire engine? Let us know.
1. close
(adj) not far from someone or something
(adj) uncomfortably warm because there seems to be no air

2. fine
(adj) bright and not raining
(noun) money you have to pay as a punishment

3. lane
(noun) a narrow road in the countryside
(noun) part of a road, divided from other lanes by painted lines to keep traffic apart

4. charge
(verb) to deliberately rush quickly towards someone in order to attack the
(verb) to state officially that someone may be guilty of a crime

Write sentences using wish/ if only + past simple. (20p)

0 I’m too tall. (wish)

I wish I wasn’t so tall!

1 I don’t like parties. (wish)

2 My ears stick out! (if only)

3 I can’t dance (if only)

4 I’ve got red hair and I hate it! (wish)

5 I don’t know how to talk to the girls. (wish)

1.Tell me some phrasal verbs.
2. What sort of websites do you like?
3. Have you ever bought anything online? What did you buy?
4. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
5.Tell me some classroom rules by using: must, should, have to,ought to.

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