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University of Engineering and Technology Mardan


Real Time Driver Drowsiness Detection

Using Machine learning and Deep learning Algorithms in Python

Project Supervisor:
Sir. Muhammad Ishaq

Project Members:

Kamran Khan

Junaid Iqbal

Zubair Ahmad Khan

1. Abstract:
In recent years, the casualties of traffic accidents caused by driving cars have been gradually
increasing. In particular, heavy cargo trucks and high-speed bus accidents that occur during driving
in the middle of the night have emerged as serious social problems. In this project we will develop
a system that can monitor the alertness of drivers in order to prevent people from falling asleep at
the wheel. The other main aim of this algorithm is to have efficient performance on low quality
webcam and without the use of infrared light which is harmful for the human eye. Motor vehicle
accidents cause injury and death, and this system will help to decrease the amount of crashes due
to fatigued drivers. We will apply deep learning algorithms to predict drowsiness and improve
drowsiness prediction using facial recognition technology and eye-blink recognition technology. We
will improve the model incrementally by using other parameters like blink rate, yawning, state of the
car, etc. The proposed algorithm will work in three main stages. In first stage the face of the driver
is detected and tracked. In the second stage the facial features are extracted for further
processing. In last stage the most crucial parameter is monitored which is eye’s status. In this last
stage it is determined that whether the eyes are closed or open. On the basis of this result the
warning is issued to the driver to take a break.

2. Introduction
Driving is a complex task where the driver is responsible of watching the road, taking the correct
decisions on time and finally responding to other drivers actions and different road conditions.
Vigilance is the state of wakefulness and ability to effectively respond to external stimuli. It is
crucial for safe driving. Among all fatigue related accidents, crashes caused by fell-asleep-drivers
are common and serious in terms of injury severity. According to recent statistics driver fatigue or
vigilance degradation is the main cause of 17.9% of fatalities and 26.4% of injuries on roads.
Vigilance levels degrade mainly because of sleep deprivation, long monotonous driving on
highways and other medical conditions and brain disorders such as narcolepsy. Majority of the
road accidents are mainly due to the driver fatigue. Driving for a long period of time causes
excessive fatigue and tiredness which in turn makes the driver sleepy or loose awareness. The
study states that the cause of an accident falls into one of the following main categories: (1)
human, (2) vehicular, and (3) environmental. The driver’s error accounted for 93% of the crashes.
The other two categories of causative factors were cited as 13% for the vehicle factor and 34% for
environmental factors. It is important to note that in some cases; more than one factor was
assigned as a causal factor. The three main categories (human, vehicular, and environmental) are
related among each other, and human error can be caused by improper vehicle or highway design
characteristics. The recognized three major types of errors within the human error category: (1)
recognition, (2) decision, and (3) performance [2]. Decision errors refer to those that occur as a
result of a driver’s improper course of action or failure to take action. A recognition error may occur
if the driver does not properly perceive or comprehend a situation. To perform all these activities in
time and accurately its necessary that driver must be vigilant. In Pakistan 10,125 crashes were
reported to police including 4193 fatal cases in 2006. According to a study conducted by the Aga
Khan University in Karachi, government statistics included only 56% of deaths and 4% of serious
injuries and concluded that traffic fatalities are a much more serious health problem than is
reported by the official statistics which show a death rate of 11.2 per 100,000. The aim of this
project is to develop a computer vision method able to detect and track the face of a driver in a
robust fashion, also determine the status of the eyes, and with the highest precision possible. It is
to serve as the bases of an automatic driver fatigue monitoring system.
3. Problem Statement
Many researchers have worked in recent years on systems for driver inattention detection, focused
mainly in drowsiness, with a broad range of techniques. Fatigue is a safety problem that has not
yet been deeply tackled by any country in the world mainly because of its nature. Fatigue, in
general, is very difficult to measure or observe unlike alcohol and drugs, which have clear key
indicators and tests that are available easily. Probably, the best solutions to this problem are
awareness about fatigue-related accidents and promoting drivers to admit fatigue when needed.
The former is hard and much more expensive to achieve, and the latter is not possible without
the former as driving for long hours is very lucrative.

4. Project Objective
Neglecting our duties towards safer travel has enabled hundreds of thousands of tragedies to get
associated with this wonderful invention every year. It may seem like a trivial thing to most folks but
following rules and regulations on the road is of utmost importance. While on road, an automobile
wields the most power and in irresponsible hands, it can be destructive and sometimes, that
carelessness can harm lives even of the people on the road. One kind of carelessness is not
admitting when we are too tired to drive. To monitor and prevent a destructive outcome from such
negligence, many researchers have written research papers on driver drowsiness detection
systems. But at times, some of the points and observations made by the system are not accurate
enough. Hence, to provide data and another perspective on the problem at hand, to improve their
implementations and to further optimize the solution, this project will be done. We will improve the
model incrementally by using other parameters like blink rate, yawning, state of the car, etc.

5. Litrature Review
The main reason of choosing the project is that we went through society and different sites and
looked for the fundamental data. Based on these data, we will make an audit that helped us get
new thoughts and make different arrangements for our task. We reached the decision that there is
a need of such application and felt that there is a decent extent of progress in this field too.

6. Approaches and Methodology/Architecture

1. Python (including different libraries)
2. Jupyter notebook
3. Image processing
4. Webcam
5. Machine learning
6. Deep learning algorithms

7. Project Milestone
We will present our first progress report on September 28, 2020.
8. Work Division
Teamwork: All the members will contribute equally to project. It is AI based project using
complex concept, so we are not sure about our specific tasks in the project. However, we all do
teamwork and tackle the project working equally.

9. Budget
Webcam + sensor (25k approximately)

10. References

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