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Question List :-

Interview questions by Somesh jadhav sir , Dikashnt Gawai sir and Nikhil Marathe sir

1. List vs tuple
2. Generator
3. Iterator
4. Pickling vs unpickling
5. Decorator
6. Exception handling
7. Diff Packages and module,
8. What is self ?
9. What is super()
10. WAP list in descending order without built in function(bubble sort)
11. WAP File handling(read a line and spaces in bet )
12. Modes in file handling?
13. WAP program count elements in string?
14. Django?
15. Diff between jango and flask
16. MVT?
17. Request and response cycle in jango
18. HTTP status code
19. Relationships in django
20. Primary vs unique
21. Joins Left, right, inner, full
22. Authentication
23. Validation in python,
24. write custome validation in django,
25. Write Django queries,
26. Write SQL query and convert it into django query,
27. Git commands used
28. Git merge
29. Git conflict
30. Git flow to push,
31. How so solve git conflit
32. Migration- what inside it what file create and what sort of code it contains,
33. Serializer,
34. Multithreading vs multiprocessing and it's practical scenarios
35. WAP to get output like aaaabbbcc if input statements is like a4b3c2

Experience about this Interview:

Personally speaking this mock interview is very very helpful as it

gives pre_war_practice like feel. Most of the question are based on
real scenarios that I might not have been practiced yet or if practiced
dint think this way while doing practice.. Mostly patterns of asking
question is like what happened when you run this command that is
mostly they focus on execution part rather than just knowing what’s
the output is…..

Frankly speaking both the mocks just change the way of

doing study or looking perspective….

Also they share some key thing regarding how practice going in
industry and what kind of precaution you should take while working
in actual…so at the end this is very very helpful ….

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