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Python Interview Questions

Q. Difference Between Flask and Django.

Q. What is ORM.

Q. What is Decorator? Write one Example of Decorator.

Q. What is Constructor.

Q. Difference between Shallow copy and Deep copy.

Q. What is Serializer.

Q. Difference between Authentication and Authorization.

Q. Git Different Commands. (new branch, Conflict, git Push)

Q. Write Sql Query for Second Highest Sal.

Q. Difference between Primary key and Unique key.

Q. Structure

Q. __init__() file

Q. What is Exception Handling.

Q. Pattern Program. *




Q. What is List Comprehansion. Write a program Even or odd no using

list comprehsion.
Q. What is Generator. Write a program.

Q. Explain Django Architecture.

Q. What is Primary key and Forign key.

Q. What is Flask And Django Default Port Number .

Q. Different Status Code.

Q. Difference Between List and Tuple (Memory Mangement Point imp)

Q. Explain Lambda, Map, Reduce, Filter Functions.

Q. What is Signals?

Q. What are the Dictionary Methods.

Q. What is Polymorphism.

Q. What is Inheritance And Different types of Inheritance.

Q. What is ORM.

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