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Important Question Of Compiler Design

Unit 1

Imp Q1. What is pass, types , advantage and disadvantage, factor deciding number of passes for a compiler

Q2. Explain each phase of Language Processing System

Q3. Data structure in Compiler Design

Imp Q4 Explain Bootstrapping

Imp Q5 Explain each Phase in detail of Compiler, and what is Symbol Table ?

Imp Q6 Explain Buffering

imp Q7 what is LEX, various components of lexical specification file with example, numerical based on LEX.

Unit 2

imp Q1. Explain about CFG?

imp Q2 Explain in detail Top down parsing

imp Q3 Explain about left Parsing and how to eliminate it and why to eliminate it , numerical based on left

Q4 Explain LL(1) also look for numerical on it.

Q5 Operator Preceding

Q6 Define Syntax directed definition.

imp Q7 Explain Syntax tree

Q8 s and l attribute

Q9 top- down translation.

Unit 3

Q1 write short notes on type Checking

imp Q2what is type conversion, how it is implemented, explain Implicit and explicit type checking

Q3 what is overloading of function and operations

Q4 what is polymorphic function

Q5 write short notes on runtime memory (short notes mean at least 7 pages)

imp Q6 Describe the storage allocation strategies its limitation , difference between static stack and heap
allocation ,

Q7 what is hashing and different types of hashing technique

Unit 4

Q1 Write down translation scheme to produce quadruples Boolean expression

imp Q2 Describe the backpatching

Q2 what are the procedural call

imp - numerical are important form this unit

imp Q3 design of code generator

Q4 define "basic blocks"

Q5 how CPU registers are allocated while creating machine code

imp Q6 Explain about DAG and advantage and its application

imp Q7 Explain peephole optimization

imp Q8 look for how to construct DAG for a given expression

Unit 5

Q1 short notes on principle source of optimization

imp Q2 explain dead code elimination , local and loop optimization

imp Q3 explain code movement and common subexperssion elimination

Q4 Different types of optimization

Q5 define i) dominators ii) Natural Loops iii) Inner loop iv) preheader

imp Q6 explain briefly data flow equation

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