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Important Questions

Chapter 1: Introduction to Algorithm

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is algorithm? Or Define Algorithm. Mention its advantages and disadvantages.

2. Mention the characteristics of algorithm.
3. What is an efficiency of algorithm?
4. What is greedy approach?
5. What is backtracking?
6. Define time complexity and space complexity of an algorithm.
7. Arrange the following complexities in ascending order.
O(n logn), O(n3), O(n), O(n2), O(1)
8. Define Big-Oh, Omega and Theta notations.

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Explain different steps in problem solving.

2. Explain divide and conquer technique.
3. Explain priori and posteriori analysis with an example.
4. Write a note on operation count and step count.
5. Explain Asymptotic notations with an example.
6. Explain briefly best case, worst case and average case time complexity of an algorithm.

Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Algorithm

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is ASCII code? Give an example

2. How characters are stored in memory?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Write an algorithm to exchange the values of two variables using temporary variable.
2. Write an algorithm for summation of n numbers or to find sum of n numbers.
3. Write an algorithm to find factorial of ‘n’ where ‘n’ is a given number.
4. Write an algorithm to find first ‘n’ terms of Fibonacci sequence or series.
5. Write an algorithm to find reverse of a given number.

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Chapter 3: Introduction to C Programming

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is a program?
2. Who developed C Programming language? Which operating system was written in C
3. Differentiate between function overloading and overriding.
4. What are preprocessor directives?
5. What are global and local variables?
6. What are high level and low level programming languages?
7. What are header files?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Explain the structure of C program with diagram.

2. Explain the characteristics of C programming language.
3. Mention the applications of C programming language.
4. Explain basic control structures with neat diagram.

Chapter 4: C Language Basic Concepts, Character Set, Tokens, Constants, Variables, Data types

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is keyword? Give example.

2. What are tokens? Give example.
3. Define identifier.
4. What is a constant?
5. Define a variable.
6. What is the size of int, float, char, double data types?
7. What is default constructor?
8. What is parameterized constructor?
9. What is a copy constructor?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. What is a variable? What are the rules for naming variables?

2. Explain different datatypes supported by C programming language. Mention their range and size.
3. What are local and global variables? Explain with one example.
4. Explain how to use #define with an example and its purpose.
5. What is macro substitution? Explain with an example.

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Chapter 5: Managing Input and Output / Input and Output with C

One / Two Marks Questions

1. Mention the two input and output function.

2. Mention the formatted and unformatted input functions.
3. What are getchar( ), getch( ) and getche( ) functions?
4. What are scanf( ) and printf( ) statements?
5. What are format specifiers? Give examples.
6. What are escape sequence?
7. Which operator is called as address operator?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Explain the unformatted input & output functions with example.

2. Explain field width specification with examples.

Chapter 6: Operators & Expressions

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is an operand?
2. What are logical and relational operators?
3. What do you mean by unary operator? Give an example.
4. What is the difference between = and = = operators?
5. Write the general syntax of conditional operator or ternary operator.

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Explain type conversion with an example.

2. Explain increment & decrement operators with examples.
3. Explain bitwise operators with examples.

Chapter 7: Control Structures, Decision making, Branching

One / Two Marks Questions

1. Write the general syntax of if-else statement.

2. What are base class and derived class?
3. What is ambiguity?
4. What is single and multilevel inheritance?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Differentiate between while and do-while loop. Illustrate with example.

2. Explain if-else statement and else-if ladder with an example.
3. Explain switch statement with an example.
4. What is the use of break and continue statements? Give examples.

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5. Explain different looping control structures with an example.

6. Explain goto statement with an example.
7. Write a program to find factorial of a given number.
8. Write a program to find largest of three numbers.
9. Write a program to find GCM of two numbers.
10. Write a program to find given number is prime number of not.
11. Write a program to find reverse of a number.

Chapter 8: Arrays

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is an array? Give the general syntax. Mention types of arrays.

2. What are two dimensional arrays?
3. What is sorting?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Explain the classification of arrays.

2. Explain bubble sorting using arrays.
3. What are the applications of arrays?
4. Write a program to add and subtract two matrices.
5. Write a program to multiply two matrices.

Chapter 9: Strings

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is a string?
2. Which character is terminating character of strings?
3. What is concatenation?
4. How strings are declared? Give example. Which header file is used for strings?
5. Which format specifier is used for strings?
6. What is the use of strlen( )?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Explain any five standard string library functions.

2. What are the different ways to read strings? Explain.
3. Explain writing strings to screen with example.
4. Explain strlen( ), strcmp( ), strcat( ) functions with example.
5. Explain arithmetic operations on characters.
6. Write a program to find length of a string.
7. Write a program to concatenate two strings.
8. Write a program to compare two strings.
9. Write a program to count the number of alphabets, digits and spaces in a string.

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Chapter 10: Functions

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is a function? What is the need for function?

2. What is function prototyping?
3. What are user defined functions and library functions?
4. What is function call? Or what do you mean by calling function?
5. What is function definition?
6. What are actual and formal parameters or arguments?
7. What is recursion?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Explain function definition with an example.

2. Explain the difference between call by value and call by reference with an example.
3. Explain passing arrays with an example.
4. Explain nesting of functions.
5. Explain recursion with an example.
6. Explain variable length argument with an example.

Chapter 11: Structures & Unions

One / Two Marks Questions

1. Define structure. Give an example

2. Write the general syntax of structure initialization.
3. What is union? Give an example.

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Explain structures with an example.

2. Explain union with an example.
3. Explain passing structure to a function.

Chapter 12: Pointers

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is a pointer? Write a general format of declaring a pointer?

2. How an address of a variable can be obtained?
3. What is pointer to pointer?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. What is the use of pointers? How pointer is initialized?

2. Explain pointer dereferencing? Give example.

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3. Explain array of pointers with example.

4. Explain command line arguments with an example.

Chapter 13: Factoring Methods

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is factoring or factorization?

2. What do you mean by prime factorization?
3. What is random number and pseudorandom numbers?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Write a program to find square root of a number.

2. Write a program to find smallest divisor of an integer.
3. Write a program to find GCD of two numbers using function.
4. Write a program to find pseudorandom numbers.
5. Write a program to find power of a number.

Chapter 14: Array Techniques

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is histogram?
2. What is frequency histogram?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Write a C program to perform multiplication of 2 matrices.

2. Write an algorithm or program to reverse elements of an array.
3. Write an algorithm or program to display the frequency count of each element in an array.
4. Write an algorithm or program to find the maximum number in an array of n elements.
5. Write an algorithm or program to remove duplicate elements from an ordered array.
6. Write an algorithm or program to partition the array elements.
7. Write an algorithm or program to find the kth smallest element using array partitioning.

Chapter 15: Merging, Sorting and Searching

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is sorting and searching?

2. What is two way merge?
3. Define binary search?
4. What is hash search?
5. Mention any two differences between linear search and binary search.

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Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Write an algorithm or program to merge two arrays or Explain two way merge with example.
2. Write an algorithm or program to sort n elements using quick sort. Explain with an example.
3. Write an algorithm or program to sort n elements using insertion sort. Explain with an example.
4. Write an algorithm or program to sort n elements using selection sort. Explain with an example.
5. Write an algorithm or program to sort n elements using bubble sort. Explain with an example.
6. Write an algorithm or program to search an element using linear search. Explain with an example.
7. Write an algorithm or program to search an element using binary search. Explain with an example.
8. Explain hash function and hash table.

Chapter 16: Text Processing

One / Two Marks Questions

1. What is pattern matching?

2. What is text processing?
3. What is linear pattern search?

Five/Eight Marks Questions

1. Write an algorithm or program to find the occurrence of a pattern in a text.

2. Write an algorithm or program to find and replace a pattern in a text.
3. Explain the need of linear pattern search.

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