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1. Describe the parts of a computer system with neat diagrams.
2. Explain different types of computing environments with neat diagrams.
3. Discuss the steps involved in creating and executing a program with neat diagram.
4. Number systems-Binary , Decimal and Hexadecimal conversions
5. Explain about C Tokens in detail.
6. Discuss about input and output functions in C with examples.
7. Explain operators in C with suitable examples.
8. Differentiate implicit and explicit type conversions with examples.
9. Write about decision making-branching statements(selection statements) using examples.
1. Explain about looping statements with suitable example programs.
2. Differentiate the entry controlled loop(while) and exit controlled loop(do while).
3. Compare and contrast break and continue statements with example programs.
4. Define array. Explain how a single dimensional array and two dimensional (2D) array can
be declared and initialized with examples.
5. Write a C program that can demonstrate the matrix addition.
6. Write a C program that can demonstrate matrix multiplication.
7. What is linear search? Write a C program that can search an element in an array using
linear search.
8. What is binary search? Write a C program that can search an element in an array using
binary search.
9. Explain step by step procedure to sort the elements of a given array. Write a C program that
can sort the elements of an array using bubble sort algorithm.
10. What are the different ways of reading and writing(displaying/printing) the strings with
11. Discuss any 4 string handling functions(string manipulation functions) with simple
12. Write a C program that can print array of strings.
1. Define function. Give the syntax(general format) of function declaration and function
2. Differentiate standard functions and user defined functions. Give some examples.
3. Mention the advantages of functions.
4. Explain the four basic function designs with examples.
5. Differentiate formal parameters and actual parameters.
6. Discuss about inter function communication with suitable examples.
7. Write a C program that can print the factorial of a given number using functions.
8. Write a C program that can swap the values of two variables using functions.

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