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CPP Question Bank

1. Describe the various steps involved in program development with a neat
diagram. (10M)
2. List and explain the types of programming languages. (6M)
3. Explain any 4 features that would make a programming language easy and
efficient to use. (4M)
4. Outline the basic structure of a C program with a neat diagram. (10M)
5. Identify at least 4 limitations of computers. (4M)
6. List the advantages of modern computers. (5m)
7. Explain the classification of constants in C with a neat diagram. (8m)
8. List and explain any 6 rules for forming variables. (6m)
9. Describe the structure of C program? Build a program to print numbers from
one to ten.(10M)
10. List any eight major applications of computers. (8m)
11. Explain C compilation model with a suitable pictorial representation. (10M)
12. Discuss the evolution and characteristics of C language. (8m)
13. Define a variable? With a suitable example discuss run time and compile time
initialization of variable in C. (8m)
14. Briefly describe the four fundamental data types that ‘C’ supports. (8M)
15. Define the terms keyword, constant and variable. Give examples. (10M)
16. Write a short node on program solving aspects? (5M)
17. Define C Token and explain? (10M)
18. List and explain types of operators in in C.
19. Explain binary operators in C.
20. Discuss Conditional operator in C with example.
21. Explain Bitwise operators with example.
22. Illustrate Right shift and Left Shift operator with example.
23. Write short note on sizeof() operator.
24. Differentiate pre Increment and post increment operator.
25. Explain type conversion in C.
26. List and explain types of logical operator with example.


1. List and Explain various formatted Input and output in C.

2. Illustrate formatted input for different data type with example.
3. Explain unformatted input and output with example
4. Explain break, continue and goto statement with example and their use.
5. Write a program to find greatest number among three numbers using nested if
6. What are loop control structures? Explain While, do-while and for loops with
syntax and flow Diagram.
7. Write a program to find a number is prime number or not.
8. Develop a C program to simulate the use of Simple calculator using switch.
9. Differentiate between entry-controlled loop and exit controlled loop.
10. Write a C program to check if a number is even or odd.
11. Explain the syntax of switch and else-if ladder with examples.
12. Write a C program to calculate sum of n natural numbers.
13. Write a C program to find GCD and LCM of 2 numbers.
14. With example explain different ways to initialize 1-dimensional arrays in C.
15. Design a C program to sort n integer elements in ascending order.
16. Illustrate with example to declare and initialize 2-D array in C.
17. Design a C program to find smallest and largest element in an given 3x3
matrix of integer elements.
18. What do you mean by string? How string is represented in C.
19. Explain any five string functions with their syntax and give example for

1. Define Functions? Discuss the advantages of using Function in any
2. With a neat block diagram explain how does function work.
3. Compare and Contrast User defined Functions and Predefined functions.
4. Differentiate between User defined functions and Library Functions.
5. Determine the various elements of User defined functions with an example.
6. Illustrate the different categories of functions with an example.
7. Explain the different types of Function Call.
8. Compare and contrast Call by Value and Call by Reference.
9. Using the concept of functions, Write a C Program for the following
a. To find the given number is Prime or not
b. To find the sum and occurrence of a given number
c. To sort the given array elements using bubble sort technique
d. To search a given key element using Linear Search Technique.
e. To check the given number is Armstrong number or not.
10. What is a Structure? Explain the syntax of a structure with an example.
11. Which are the 2 ways in which structure variables can be created ? Explain
with examples.
12. Explain the significance of dot operator in accessing structure members.
13. How can you copy one structure to another? Explain.
14. Explain how you can compare 2 structure variables.
15. Create a structure called Employee with the fields: Name,Branch and
Experience and input the details of 2 employees.
16. Create a structure with the name Student which has the following fields :
USN, Name,Branch. Input the details of 10 students.
17. Define a pointer. List out the benefits of using pointers in C
18. Explain how pointers are declared and initialised with general syntax and
19. Considering an example write the difference between & operator and *
20. Write a program to add two numbers using pointers
21. Write a C program to read N integers into an array A and find the sum of
elements using pointers
22. Write a C program using pointers to perform the following:
23. display the address of a variable
24. display the value stored at the address
25. Define a file. List and explain the the functions used in C to perform basic file
26. operations
27. Write the general syntax of fopen function and explain the different file
28. modes
29. Write the syntax and explain the following: fopen() and fclose()
30. Write a C program to perform input and output operation on file using getc()
and putc()
31. Write a C program to copy contents of one file to another file.
32. Write a C program to perform reading and writing from file using fprintf() and

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