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Lead-in Developing speaking skills

Look at the following job advertisement and answer the questions.
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i.·.•...:.·..•.·. A'pplicaW~rIl1ust.spe¡¡k·ErtglisB,~~e0JrlPllterJiterate;.hayelldIIlinistia~vee~p~rjeh2e .aúél" ,.c' ·<;·1

["aninter~sf~bealth arid .l{fystyl~iSsues.A-nabilityt()sp~¡il(~pallishisjlnª4~iui,tage;:;ti}. .~
¡';aIth()ughlanguage '<'"'0,,, ,." ", ·...·:c'l
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irair)ing\'1illbejrovided ..•; .....
store ",gi:th!','¡¡th;¡.¡g¡,¡¡m'ijt,;.{
'l. ,;tl

1 Do you think the above job would suit you'? WhylWhy not?
2 Tell your partner what skills or qualities you might need for this kind of job.
3 Which of the adjectives in the box would you associate with the jobs in the pictures
below? Give reasons for your answers.

.. calm' daring'determhíed emótionéillyst~Q~g: hardworking ,h~nesf:' .'.

. Í11ethodical·..patlein·,physicallystrong ..~qUi(k-thinkingresponsible•. SOCiable .,:.,. ::.
r •'
iReading task: Gapped text
Strategy: looldng lar associated won:ls and ideas
1 Read the following text and choose the sentence below which best fits each gap <1-3),
using the words in itofics to help you. In the example (ot the words in italks are associated
with the word in bold.

~ateefs/ ..<, .•.•.•:~

MYassoctittiúJ:iWithwóod~~~edMrhetlmy ......•.....
··>_E~rlyischdÓÜeavérsttsil~lLy.· p()()rIyépaid, .....
fathetÚ:t fut:-pl~ywithsorri~ofhis tools.I ·láved .......•...
l()'Y:sldIIedjo1Js~tb.nOIeal.ftiture,'I'llf:~Ydo. n~t· .

•. ~.•.•.t_..U:.c.$.~
:~.•. ,.t.•..•
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~.: .• .w . .••. I.·•.·.~.Od
a.¿.••.~.•.••. cc~iri~t;~~~~f!!:m~;l~e~
··EqualIYimportant .foFa ~lICCessfuIfareerarejob
sb()IlIMta1l1~verYgoodatha~dlillg·W()Od -::MY .•.....•.......
SkiJjswhich •.have ..beenlearned ..atthepIaceof ••.•

~. ~.ef!.e,~.· b...
• .....
.• Cl_ ..• ···.~ .•. ·~.Z¡
..e;:e .. work.IIli recentresearch;itwas~hOWllthatthe
abilitytoapp¡y;bUrselfto)'ouf work thekey

··•····•.•·.-.1. w.~:. a.•..•.
.•·.·••.·..•.. ·.y.C..
•.•.•.•..hO. ice.·
.•••.•·.. Of.···: .•.c.a...••.
.. to success-iIi the-world·Of i1ldu~ aIld _.
-". c..·
'.··.~Iear. . .. . /fherearell1.anyt?ingstoi ...•... -.', c·· >. .•....
,. .• ... ..
. . .·c····.·o--
·.:J·.....··o. ...
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b.. ••.•
:.···.e· ·.·•.. c·
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c<>nsidet.andlllanyql.lestíonstOfskaboutt~e the.flexibility, ari~lysis.a~djudgeIIlent~ftI-te .
righttjpe bf jobqualificatid~sskilIsaIld ··eIIlploYée~ . '._> '

-- .-~..'

~1:¿sl'ectsja1·~;·imwtio~1-.. ...... ..... .-,.-

1 A Por most young people, however, deciding about their future is very difficult.
B It's always very important to choose the right subjects.
e 1knew 1had to get a good job.
2 A Por those who lack skilIs and qualifications, opportunities for moving up the
career Iadder are rare.
B Getting a high salary is important.
e You need to think how you will behave when you are a manager.
3 A And soa university education is essential.
B It is therefore important for young people to get as much education or vocational
training as possible.
e As a result, they will never get promoted.

2 Read the last paragraph again and underline the examples of associated wordsand ideas.
Word atteck
1 Look at the example from the text on p.44.
. .. as it demande a strong sense oi commitment.

2 Complete the table. using the nouns from the box which collocate with the adiectives given.

stomach breath
trouble relationship
winds sleep
words thinker

3 Complete the following sentences, using the phrases from Exercise 2.

high hopes
1 She had of getting promotion after three years of work.
strong stomach
2 To be a surgeon you need to have a to stand the sight
of blood.
strong trouble
3 The manager was in with bis boss for having forgotten
to prepare the reporto
strong words
4 The director told the staff in very that she would not
allow smoking on office premises.
high standard
5 Our company has reached a of produetíon which we
wish to maintain.
deep sleep
6 Elena was in such a that her father couldn't wake her
up for work.
7 My company thinks there's a deep relationship between an employee's
job satisfaction and their level of productivity.
8 The high season for the tourist industry is [uly and August.

Phrase] verbs and compound nouns with work

Complete the followingsentences,using the verbs and 5 As 1 wasn't very hungry, 1 went for a run to
nouns from the box on p.46. Make any necessarychanges.
1 She had a heavy . 6 One of her does
and was exhausted each day. a 10t of overtime just to earn extra money for
2 When our machinery breaks down, we take it to her holidays.
our to be repaired. 7 His at the office is
3 Scientists are finding always very neat and tidy.
a solution to the problem of pollution. 8 We couldn't what
Going to a gym for a . was wrong with thc machinc so we callcd for
is a great way to relax. a technician.

Complete the table with more examples of jobs with the same endings.

Vocablll~ary connected with work

1 Complete the following text, using the words in the box. Make any necessary changes.

·~pp~!:·;!;i~il~:';:;~Lafl¡lJ!m:I~¡:~~;~s~~~~rl1~~· =.

Christopher had left sehool at the age of sixteen and (1) .

for a job as an apprentice (2) He loved electrics and
there was nothing he couldn't fix. His father had wanted him to study and have a
(3) in business. but Christopher had decided he wanted to
work in the building (4) His fust (5) .
were Bl0 a week, which was not very much, but he was able to make more with
some hours' (6) at the weekend. Christopher knew that
when he became a (7) tradesman he would earn a good
(8) Christopher has worked for several different firms and
has been fortunate never to be (9) in his life. He loves his
work, although he does look.forward to his (10) when he
can spend more time on his hobbies.

2 Complete the sentences, using the words in the box.

:~_.".....>,_-:. . .... .;.;.- -, ~-:.: ~


1 You need dedication and :.:¡ to get to the top of any field.
2 To be a politician, good public-speaking are required.
3 Punctuality and are important for work with the publico
4 You need to have a deep for animals to be a veto
S If you work at that firm, you will have good promotion for the future.
6 Qualifications and previous work are essential for this post.

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