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Abstract Generator

This Abstract Generator is basically a guideline for writing abstracts. We have also written an article on
how to write abstracts. Go through the post and use our tools to create properly formatted abstracts.
Note: An abstract should be between 100 - 250 words.

Abstract (2378) words

scientific paper entitled “The Impact of Clean Behavior to Physical and Spiritual of Human Health”, the
writer use various stages, namely: 3.1. Title determination Our title determination uses the title that has
been determined by the school based on the results of discussions and approval from advisor 3.2.
Method of selecting data Data and information that support writing are collected by conducting library
searches, searching for relevant sources and searching for data through the internet. The data and
information used are data from books, electronic media, and several relevant libraries. The data
collection techniques carried out are: With library studies carried out to be considered and add insight
into the preparation of scientific papers. Discussion of the data obtained from various reviews that have
been obtained as a reference as a reference for the development of scientific works. 3.3. Method of
analysis Some of the data and information obtained at the data collection stage, then processed using a
descriptive analysis method based on the data that has been collected and is accurate. 3.4. Scientific
papers The last step is scientific writing in accordance with the data that has been analyseQuoted from
UC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services, physical health is an effort to improve our body care
for optimal health and function through physical activity, the body''s nutritional needs, and mental
health to keep the body in top shape. Quoted from the Faculty and Staff Wellness, the notion of spiritual
health is a way to make peace with the mind so that there is harmony in life. Examples of spiritual needs
are praying according to faith or trying to do yoga. This method can also be used to find meaning and
purpose in life through deep reflection. Physical and spiritual health is an effort to improve the care of
our bodies for optimal health and function through physical activity, the body''s nutritional needs, and
mental health so that the body remains primed so that it can make peace with the mind so that there is
harmony in life. 4.2 Application of Clean Behavior to Physical and Spiritual Health To mantaoi a balance
of physical and mental health, here are simple tips as quoted from Control your
diet Eat regularly three times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening). The most important thing to
remember is that dinner doesn''t have to be big The composition of the diet must be balanced,
complete with fruits, vegetables, and low-fat milk. Don''t forget to choose healthy meats, fish, nuts and
eggs. Choose foods that are healthy and high in fiber, containing minerals, vitamins, low in fat, low in
salt and low in sugar. . Sources are dates, grapes, pumpkin, watermelon, olive oil, figs). This food is very
nutritious to maintain good health of the stomach, intestines, kidneys as important human organs.
Rasulullah SAW likes water, milk and honey. Avoid eating large portions before bed. Eating large
portions is not a solution / problem solver when depressed or stressed. It will only add to the problem in
the future. Eat when you are hungry and stop before you are full (eat in moderation) according to health
rules, our stomach and intestines have capacity, which we have to take care of because they help the
metabolic process. Overeating causes the intestines to work hard, thus causing health problems. Eat
Halal food and avoid Haram by avoiding alcoholic beverages. Routine physical activity and sports Besides
being able to improve body balance, flexibility, reduce the risk of bone disorders in old age, reduce the
risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure, regular exercise can also increase self-
confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, calm mood and generally improve health. mentally. Do light
activities first to avoid injury. In the early stages of exercise, it is done for 30 minutes, every 3-4 days,
until regular exercise is done for 30-60 minutes every day. For elderly people and have a history of heart
disease, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure or osteoporosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor first
before engaging in physical activity. In addition, there are several sports that are recommended by the
Prophet Muhammad including archery, horse riding, swimming. Maintain mental health Enough rest.
Sleep regularly Maintain good relations between each other by staying in touch, because it can
strengthen the ties of brotherhood so as to create inner peace. Taking time to calm the mind such as,
recreation with family, friends and others. Keeping the environment and body clean Health can be
created one of them by keeping yourself and the surrounding environment clean. In addition to having
an impact on personal health, maintaining cleanliness also provides comfort and confidence for users of
these facilities Maintaining personal and environmental health is quite easy to do with discipline and
consistency so that the expected health can be realized. Keeping the environment clean By disposing of
garbage in its place, distinguishing waste that can be recycled in order to minimize environmental
pollution and diligently cleaning the house and community service cleaning the surrounding
environment. Maintain body hygiene Wash your hands regularly Washing hands is one of the sanitation
actions by cleaning hands and fingers using water or other liquids by humans with the aim of being
clean, as part of religious rituals, or other purposes. The World Health Organization or WHO
recommends washing hands 20 seconds before and after carrying out certain activities, such as before
and after caring for sick people, before and after preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet (to
urinate, defecate, hygiene, etc.) menstruation), helping someone who has just used the toilet, blown
their nose, or coughed and sneezed, touched animals, animal feed or animal waste, touched garbage,
came home from the hospital, worked, and after any travel. For Muslims, besides washing hands, they
also apply ablution. In addition to the legal requirements of prayer, ablution can also remove microbes
from one''s skin. Brushing teeth and siwak Toothbrushing is a tooth cleaning activity using toothpaste as
a cleanser and a toothbrush as a tool. Tooth brushing is also done by cleaning between the teeth (you
can use special threads for cleaning between the teeth or an interdental brush). This step is quite
effective for maintaining the health of the oral area because it can reach parts that are difficult to clean.
For Muslims, in addition to brushing teeth, there is an act that is sunnah by Rasulullah SAW, namely
siwak every time he prays. According to Imam Nawawi, siwak in language is rubbing with tools or objects
and tools for rubbing. 4.3 The Benefits of Implementing Clean Behavior on Physical and Spiritual Health
There is no need to doubt, there are many benefits that a person can get when doing a clean living
behavior pattern. Come on, get used to the following clean and healthy living habits. • Eat clean and
healthy food Food is one of the factors that determine a person''s health condition. Ideally, the food we
eat is a balanced food in terms of the amount and nutrients it contains. Healthy food is a balanced diet.
Thus, in addition to the number of nutritional elements contained in food, healthy food is food that is
clean and free from disease germs. Nutritious food contains nutrients that are useful for the process of
growth and development of the body. Here are some of the functions of the nutrients contained in food:
Energy substances: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Such as rice, potatoes, bread, noodles, macaroni,
vermicelli, sweet potatoes, cassava, taro, and sugar. Building substances: protein and minerals. Such as
fish, meat, chicken, milk, cheese, nuts, tofu, and tempeh. Regulatory substances: vitamins, minerals,
protein and water. Like vegetables and beans. Before consuming staple foods, you should consume
fruits, because they will provide benefits for body health, because fruits contain sugar that is easily
digested in digestion and easily absorbed. As for someone who directly consumes staple foods, it takes 3
hours to destroy the food. Exercising in your spare time for Health "A healthy mind resides in a healthy
body." One way to support this adage is by exercising. The right exercise for a person and regularly is
very useful for physical fitness and body health. Some of the benefits of exercise on the body: The
muscles of the body are good and harmonious and there is good flexibility. Harmonious growth and
development of body parts. Improve blood circulation. Burning carbohydrates and fats properly, so that
the appetite is good and excreta is perfect. Breathing deep and fast so that the lungs become healthy
and can perform their functions properly. Maintaining Mental Health There are many things you can do
to maintain mental health, including: Rest Benefits of rest: Releasing Tired Gives the body a chance to
form new strength Add freshness and strength Extend the life of body cells Sleep Sleep is the best way
to get rest. Actually perfect rest will not be obtained, even sleep our bodies do not rest. If you don''t get
enough sleep, your health can be disrupted. The effect of lack of sleep on the body is felt and over time
it will be felt more and more. Efforts to sleep well: Conditions in the room must be neat and clean.
Feeling calm by trying to eliminate the disturbance of the mind and not restless. Good ventilation.
Recreation Recreation is re-creating, or bringing back something that was lost or lost. Recreation is
useful for restoring lost energy or refreshing the mind and clearing chaotic feelings. The relationship
with personal health is that you will get physical freshness and mental health again, so you can do work
with new energy and a clear mind Keeping the environment and body clean Keep the environment clean
A clean and healthy environment is everyone''s dream. There are various ways to create a clean and
healthy environment, one of which is to dispose of garbage in its place. Various benefits are obtained
when we apply to dispose of garbage in its place, among others: maintaining environmental cleanliness,
preventing disease, preventing flooding, preventing unpleasant odors in the environment, facilitating
waste recycling. Keeping body clean Various benefits that we can get by keeping the body clean Diligent
hand washing and ablution Protect yourself from various kinds of infections and dangerous diseases
Keeping the environment and body clean Keep the environment clean A clean and healthy environment
is everyone''s dream. There are various ways to create a clean and healthy environment, one of which is
to dispose of garbage in its place. Various benefits are obtained when we apply to dispose of garbage in
its place, among others: maintaining environmental cleanliness, preventing disease, preventing flooding,
preventing unpleasant odors in the environment, facilitating waste recycling. Keeping body clean
Various benefits that we can get by keeping the body clean Diligent hand washing and ablution Protect
yourself from various kinds of infections and dangerous diseases Quoted from the Faculty and Staff
Wellness, the notion of spiritual health is a way to make peace with the mind so that there is harmony in
life. Examples of spiritual needs are praying according to faith or trying to do yoga. Eat regularly three
times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening). The most important thing to remember is that dinner
doesn''t have to be big. Don''t forget to choose healthy meats, fish, nuts and eggs. Sources are dates,
grapes, pumpkin, watermelon, olive oil, figs). This food is very nutritious to maintain good health of the
stomach, intestines, kidneys as important human organs. Eating large portions is not a solution /
problem solver when depressed or stressed. It will only add to the problem in the future. Eat when you
are hungry and stop before you are full (eat in moderation) according to health rules, our stomach and
intestines have capacity, which we have to take care of because they help the metabolic process.
Overeating causes the intestines to work hard, attack, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure, regular
exercise can also increase self-confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, calm mood and generally improve
health. Do light activities first to avoid injury. For elderly people and have a history of heart disease,
asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure or osteoporosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor first before
engaging in physical activity. Health can be created one of them by keeping yourself and the
surrounding environment clean. In addition to having an impact on personal health, maintaining
cleanliness also provides comfort and confidence for users of these facilities. For Muslims, besides
washing hands, they also apply ablution. In addition to the legal requirements of prayer, ablution can
also remove microbes from one''s skin. Tooth brushing is also done by cleaning between the teeth (you
can use special threads for cleaning between the teeth or an interdental brush). This step is quite
effective for maintaining the health of the oral area because it can reach parts that are difficult to clean.
There is no need to doubt, there are many benefits that a person can get when doing a clean living
behavior pattern. Food is one of the factors that determine a person''s health condition. Healthy food is
a balanced diet. Nutritious food contains nutrients that are useful for the process of growth and
development of the body. Here are some of the functions of the nutrients contained in food: 1. Energy
substances: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. 2. Building substances: protein and minerals. 3. Regulatory
substances: vitamins, minerals, protein and water. Before consuming staple foods, you should consume
fruits, because they will provide benefits for body health, because fruits contain sugar that is easily
digested in digestion and easily absorbed. "A healthy mind resides in a healthy body." One way to
support this adage is by exercising. If you don''t get enough sleep, your health can be disrupted. The
effect of lack of sleep on the body is felt and over time it will be felt more and more. Recreation is re-
creating, or bringing back something that was lost or lost. A clean and healthy environment is
everyone''s dream

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