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Grammar 3 Insert ten apostrophes in the text, The fjrst one has
b ee,n d one for you.
1 M a tch the verb tenses in the box with the We ve chosen the name Sca rlect for our daughter.
und erl in ed verbs below. At first, my husband didnt like il. H is pare nts dont
---------­ --------­ -- --­ -··-·...-------·1
like the name and he doesnt like to be different from
future (be) going ta present perfeet
them. Ils not very fashionable, they said, but they
p resent p rogressive simple past
simple present dont have any idea whats fash ionable th èse da ys l 6
_. __. ~ __ . .._ _,.._ ~ ~ ..~, __ , .J Theyre ovcr 65 and they ha vent becn to the mo vics
a) Have yo u ever ]lE'ard of ilnyone narn ed "Sk y"? for years. "vVh y dont you narne her Mildred?", they

pre sent per fecl askcd.

b) His paren ts named him alter il painter.

c) How do YOll practice Englis h a t home?

d) r IT) go in g to work in the games dcpartmcnt.

e) It 's the best sushi I've cvcr tastcd.

f) What are you going to do this cvening?

g) "\Then did l'ou last read a book in English?

h ) Wh y are l' o u leolTning English?


2 Insert the auxilîary verbs from the box in the "Come back when you have a 91rlfriend with
sentences below. a shorter name ."
...... - . ~ - . - -- --.-- - - - - - -- -- - - ï
4 Write the sentences in the negative.
am ar e do docs è-:i:4 1
a) Dave and I h 'C' in the sarnc town.
1 did has have is 1
L. _.~ ....._..._ .._ _..._ .._. . ~ _ _-.J Dai«: ar d l don '1 ltuc ln l!le same /01'/11.

did b) He knows me very wei l.

a) His parents Ana l give him il typical Mexican
name. c) He can un d erstand my problems.
b) He oevel' broken the law,
d) He'::; done very we il in his job.
e) He not go on vaca tion last year.
d) (going ta have coffee after the class,
e) Our p arents w erc very good triend-.
e) I not have my dictionary with me right now,
f) Sile not want to see me . f) We w en t to th e sa me school ,
g ) She readin g a book about Hawaii.
h) îhey learning English for their work, g ) We/re thinking abou t getting married .

i) Wc nev er been to New York.

h ) We're going to h a ve " ',) j g party.

4 ..'. UNI T . • Name

5 In the fo1Lowing sentences, delete like when 8 Wrlte the words in the correct order to make
il should not be there. Check (,1) the four questions.
correct sen te nces.
a) the USA been ever to J Ou Have ?
,-,) He always looks H*e terrible carly in the
Have YO! l el le!' ba n 10 ;:,e USA ?
b) are today wcanng you What ?
b) He looks lik e i1 v ery friendl y persan_
e) My cx-husband looked like our dog.
c) do What kind of read things you ?
d) The} .ooked like tired after the class.
e) She looks like a typica 1middle-aged mother,
d) a dictionary How do ofton use you ?
,) Shc looks like foreign - IS she I)rni lia n?
g) My fathcr-in -law .oo ks like Dracula. Only
e) are class in many people there your
Ho w ?
h) You look like very stressed . What's wrong?
~) The tcacher looks like very young.

6 Complete the short fonn answers, f) an When class di d English have last
you ?
il) Did you have a good w cckend?

Ycs, r dia' , thanks. And you?

b) Do you like Madonna's music?
g) are English going How "13n y study
No, 1 . Not at all , ta yea rs you ?
c) Have you ma de a decision about YOUf vacation?
Yes, wc . Wc're go ing to Italy,
d) A,-e you going 10 ha ve an appetizer?
Yes, 1 . Salado Write true answers to the questions.

e) Does he play soccer? 9 Correct the questions with grammatical mistakes.

Yes, he , but not very well. Check (.1) the correct questions.
f) Ts she your sister? il) Whar you are holding in your hand?
]\,<J, she _ . That's my mother, Wlw l are YOIA llO/ding in !JO/Ar band?
g) Were you late yesterday?
b) What have you ealen today ?
No, r . J was five minutes early.

7 In ser t the subject and rewrite the questions . c) Who did you saw last night?

a) When did meer him for the first lime? (you]

Wfwn dtd you mec! hu« {Of :11t' [irst limer d ) \"fha t are YOll thinking about?

b) Does work in the evenings? (he)

e) How m uch money does you have in YOUI
c) What do like most about .iim? (you)

f) How many brothers are YO ll have?

d) How weil do know his farnily? (you)

g) How far yo u have wal ked today?

e) In what wa y is important to yo u? (h e)

f) Whcn did Iast see him? (you) Write true answers ta the questions.

g) Wh en are going to see him aga jn? (you)

Name 'iiiifW":':;',::' .'-"-'li:NJ{.; 5

1IIIilIJilllJ!J"Jllil' ../l'" •••., . . . .
vith the words in the box.
. ----..·....l
initials last name ,"
en middle nickn amcs
- - -,-_._.. - ---- -- .. -- .. --

• Iuli an 's half-brother has a gi r friend narned Irin a , The s in ger Beyoncé h as an u n u su a l narne. tleyon cé
• One of John Len non's half-sis ters had th e samc is h c r (1) {irs / na rne, an d h e r (2) ­ - - - -
narne as his mother. is K now les, H e r (3) na me , G iselle. is
• M im i has a niece namcd [a cqui.
also unusua l.
• John had a grandmotht'r narned Mary.
Hcr parents narncd her after hcr m o th e r, Tina
Know les. Tina 's (4) [lame W è\S Beyincé.
l'ro m her Frc nch-sp eaking famil y in Lo u is ia na.
Beyo ncés (5) - B.G. - are the sarnc as
th e rap per B.G. (Ba by Gangsta). B.G. ha s worked
w ith Beyoncé's (6) 1 t he ra pp er, [a y-Z.
Beyo nc é ha s at leas t two (7) : Bee
a nd [u] u .

4 Put the Iines of the text in the correct order.

a) afte r my g ran d fa th e r, Jean -Franço is. T hey also

gave me both
b) fr om my fathe r, Pau l Herrem a ns. She got
c) 1 have a problem every time l sign
d ) is even wo rse beca use sh es narned
2 Look al the cornpleted fa mi ly Ire e. Are these
G ab rie lle-A n to ine tte.
sentences true (n or fa ls e (F) ?
e) m l' na rn e because it's so lon g. My parents
il) John Lennons w ife w as M im i's nephe w.
n a m ed me
b) Alfreds ex-wife was named Julia.
f) their last names, He rrcma ns-Co sta . But illY
c) Yoko was [ack's siste r-in-law , rno th er, Alice C osta, got div o rccd
J ', Ann ie wa s Cy n thias aunt. g) las t narne, a lso . My twin sistcrs signatu re
e) Ju lian was [acqui's stepson. .• 1 h ) to m y step-father, Mich el Dachele t, They added
f) John's stepfat her was al so narncd John. his
g) Ge o rge' s fat her-in-law was also named .•!........ " 0 ' , _ - ,' - ' - - •• •••• ••• - . _~ . , . ..--..-- .,.-"-'__
. . .... . ' - . - .~ . 1 - 0 , ' - ,

Ccorge . 1 2 3 4 ,5 6 8: 7
.j- _. - -- - - -1'..-..-

._.,..1 --.--- ·-1-.._ .
h ) [ ohn Le nnon ha d an un cle narncd Jac k. c ! I ! ri .
___ _ __•• ••. •••• _ . _. ~~ ,_ I . •••_. , •_ _ i _ ••_. _.--1.. ~ ... _ .,.. L . _, _ .~ __

6 Name
5 Underline the correct phrase. 7 Find seven adjectives in the ward snake and use
Mike: We had il really good weekend . them to complete the sentences.
W[H1dil: (1) Oh, no!! Really? What did you do?
Mike: WelL our new neighbors have ZI big
backyard with a pool.
Wanda: (2) Does it? / Do they? Nice!
Mike: Yes, and they had a party for everyonc in
the ncighborhood. Ail wer -kend -Saturda y
and Sunday :
Wanda: Wow! (3) That sounds great.!
That's terrible. a) If someone is (a/no,' , , a lot of peop.e
Mike: Fantastic weather, greZlt food, rcally know their namc or have heard about [hem.
fricndly people. We danced for hours, b) Something ;~ popular at a
Wanda: (4) Great! 1T know. particular tirne,
Mike: And Tom Clyde, the new ncighbor­ c) Someone who is is always
he's a TV star. pleasant and helpful toward s ethe r people.
Wanda : Tom Clyde? (5) How about you? 1 d) Something is new, intercsting,
I've never heard of him. and different fror : ,)·, ythi ng else .
Mike: have. He does the Arts Show on e) If YOll arc when you are old, yon
Monday nights, are Hot working any m ore.
\Vanda: Oh, him! (6) Unfortunately! 1 Wow! 1) peop le ar e nervous and
Can you invite me next lime? ernbarrassed in the compa ny of other people,
especially people who they do not know.
~ 02 Listen and check. g) Somcthing is d iffere-ir from and
usually better than what is n o rm al or ordinary.
6 Continue the conversation with the words in the
_· _ · ·~_ · ..
- ~· · -- -..... ~
i a:bettt bad Does tantastic

1 ~ 04 Listen to the pronunci ation of the !~! sound

i of Really sounds That

in the underlined words.

A: Whal did YOLI do ovrr the w eekcnd?
Mike: HaVI! (1) abolAI YOLl? How was
B: Nothing special. : iow about yo u ?
Y0uf weekend ?
A: We l'lent for d in ner with th,,: ncighbors, We wen;
Wanda: Not (2) . VVe went for a drive
ID l'The Plaka " - ~ new Cr.ek restaurant.
up to the mountains.
B: What was it like? I'v« nevcr been there.
Mike: That (3) great.
A: Great . And the waiters wcre great , tao.
Wanda: Yes, we went ta a little place called
Breeze Hill.
@l 05 Listen again and repeal.
Mike: Mm , l 've never heard (4) _ .... il.
ls it nice? 2 Underline the !~! sounds in the sentences below.
Wanda: lt's (5) in the summer when a) What's the ward order for negatives?
-he weathcrs good . We're going again
b) I'm goin:; to have cor;"" aftcr the class.
ne xt weekend. Why don't you come
with us? e) Write new vocabularv on a piecc of paper
'viike: Yes. OK. (6) sounds great. d ) My brother is going to be a bankcr.
Thanks... . Vou know, rny new neighbor
likes going to the mountains. @ 06 Listen and check. Repeat the sentences.

\Vanda: (7) he?

Mike: Yes. he loves walking.

Wanda: (8) ? Ask him 10 come with us!

• 03 Listen and check.

i~ame . UNIT m 7
Reading 2 Where do these missing sentences belong in these
stories? Write the nurnber in the box.
1 Read the stories belaw and match each story to a a) He looked at her and smiled, !'-",
. _~ - . I

b) He was very worried about il. 1.: , ",
• Bow stupid can you be?
c) ft had no hair on its bottorn - after an accident
• The wrong name? with an electric fin:'. r··....
• Will man)' me?
... ­
d) ft was their first date. C';

e) Strange, but interesting, she thought. !....

f) When sl~(?..~as feeling well agam, she went for
a walk. ! _

, 07 Listen and check.

3 Read the stories again and write questions for the

following answers,
a) Where did 'he ftIal1 piA t 'lte adrJediseh1e1'l/r
Ln the newspaper. (stary A)
b) How man)' _

Three. (story A)

m'"'-'" '" . ~,~ u· , • -- ._.. • '''.. '" .. ..

c) What _

THE FAMOUS British conductor o classical A tag with its name 011 it. (story A)
music, Sir Thomas Beecham, was walking d) What _
one day wrth a friend of his sister's . (3) Her
name was Ulica Wells. Beecham turned to He was a classical music conductor. (story B)

the girl and said, "1 dont like your first name . e) What _

l'd like to change it. "rou cart do that." she

repned, "but Vou can change my last name ." He wanted ta change the girl's Fust name, (s/Dry 8)
(4) They got marned saon atterwards.
f) When
.............. -....

Soon afterwards, (stary B)

g) Where _

On a door, (slorl; C)
h) When _
1 Six months later. (story C)

Fill in the registration form for an on] ine chat service.
(·'.~' - - -®-i-~ - -· " - · · · - " -'-- · · " ·-- -- · --- - ----- - -- - · " --- ' - -----..- .. - ----~. -- -- . - --- - --- ---..- -- .--- - ­ -
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..---- -----....- ..····---·--- -- -·-..·-·--- ----..-- ..1·

." .
1T •
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... .. r ;'·

. • .• • •. • . • ,! .


Grammar 4 Co m plete th e text w ith sa or suclt.

Flo rida is (1) s w;h à grea t place to go on vaca tion

1 Write the pLurals of the nouns in the correct
in the w in ter. The w ca ther 's (2) w a rm ! l'ou
p __ • • .~ _ · ~ r .._.__ ..·_••._.u•.•_. _._ ...... _ ..
. ~ ~ . . . . . . __ ~ I

can wear jus t shorts an d a T-shirt, and the beaches

i eeadt Eil+tftl. eITiM church etfr .ire (3) qui et. We found (4) a ni ce
1 club country foot gallery is lan d hotel, a nd it w as (5) a short wa lk to the
1 kiss nationaliry persan vacation beach ! We w en t there e very day. And in the win tc r,
!L_ watch_ woman
_ _ _ __ _.._ .J
every th in g is (6) ch eap ! We had (7) a
grea t rime a nd we want to go a gai n .
PIf/mi, ending in "e" PIf/rais cuding in "ies"

canals ci!., 's fii. 0 8 listen an d ch eck.

5 Complete the secon d se n ten ce 50 tha t it means the

sa me as the firs t.
a) Th e hotels pool w as 50 nice.
PIf/rais ending in "es" irreeular pif/mis The hotel had s uch a niCf! pool
beaches childre« b) 'vVe had such a mod ern roo rn.
Our rn om wa s sa _
c) Th ore w as such an arn azing v iew from our
roo rn .
Th e vicw fro m our roorn was 50 _
2 Underline the countable noun in each group
d ) The bcd in our room w as so bi g .
of words,
O u r roorn had s uch _
a) air-conditio.ung archi tec .u rc çi!stl!::
excltemen: e) The hotel gard en was 50 beautiful ,
b) ad vice destination. money transportation T he hote l had such _
.') bridge food music we .irher f) Th e hotel restaurant was so roman tic.
d ) fu m i h.m ' vaca tio n l1 ew ,' work The hotel had such _

e) horncwork love nightlife office g) vVe had s uch a good va cation .

f) knowlcdgc scene':-Y toot h tr n ffic O u r vaca tion was so _

3 Complete the sentences with a/an or some.

a) Cari you tell me if there's a movic thcatcr

near here?

b) Is the re good shop p ing , en te ­


c) Don' t forget to tak e m oriev with yOl'

cl) l'rn going to take shorts to tue beach

e) She studicd '11 collège in Chicago.

f) We saw miee in the kitchen.

g) There was Ian tastic modern architecture.

h ) Could r have inforrna t.on ab out

museums. please?

10 PLace
6 Underlirie the best way to complete the sentences.
a) The bea ch was ve ry crowded. but we couldn't
Iind a place to sit 1 had a great afternoon,
b) The archi tectu re is too m odern an d 1 really
don't Jike it 1 like it.
e) Th e stores wc rc ve ry exp ens ive, bu t we
bought a Lot of things 1 bought nothing.
d) Our hotcl room wa s too small , 50
it wasn't a problcm 1 we asked for another one.
e) lhey arrived a t the airport very late, but they
caught their plane 1 didn't catch their plane,
f) Youre l;,-iving too fast ana l'rn enjoying it 1
you're breaking the Law.
g) 1 know our town is very dull, but wc re
happy there / not happy there.
h) The ocean w as too cold , so w c
didri't go swirnming 1 went swimming.

7 Complete the sentences with ml/ch or mallY.

a) 1 dont have ml/ cfl work to do tocl.iy.
b ) 1 dont have trienu s, LI nfor tunately.
c) 1 get too ernai is every ci 01 Y.
ct) ! arc too chocoiate ye ste rd ay,
e) 1 don't know how . peop le live in
mv town,
f) 1 often wear way too pcrfurnc.
tj) 1 hav en 't seen A m erican m ovies,
:1) 1 don't drink coffcc,

Change the sentences sa that they are true for yeu.


à) [nalle lÀ 101 of :"ork ~:,--

7 -,-d -,-o---,-,-
lo d-,-a-,,!I,--, _

8 Match the sentences (a--g) with their responses

a) Would J'Ou like sorne su gar in th at coffee? 9 Underl ine th e correct alt ernati ve.
b) Do w.- have a lot of tirne? al How m u ch / m an y d o you kn ow abo u t Los
cl Trn sarry, but J don 't have enough money. Angeles?
d) 5h"s gat cl lot OC friends. b) ln two days. you d o not hav e en ou g h IlittJe
c) The metro system is really up-to-date, lime ta see e very thin g.
f) We dori't get enough homework. c) Th er e are a !iUle / a lo t of big ho u ses in
g) Are there any good restaurants in y our tOWI\? Ho lly wood,
d ) There are much / n o t enough parks in the city.
l But therc arcn't en oug h tm ins,

2 :-: lere, ',.Ike il little irom my waller.

e) Ther e is way a lo t of 1 too much traffic in the
3 No, not ~ rl uch .

4 Not eno ug h? Way too muchi

f) Much 1 Not many people in Los Angeles spcak
langu ages othcr than English .
5 Yes. a few. But liwy 're expansive.

6 Yt "" but not Lan y gon d ones.

g) Los Angel es on ly ge ts a li ttle 1 not enoug h rain
in the sum mer,
7 Yes, please. Jus t a littl e.

,""""''' ---'-' --- - - , ' -- -- "T" ...... T" .. .._. ,"'- ... 1--' -- 1
h ) A few 1 Many police officcrs have guns.
[ a! b; c: d, e : f ;g ,
1--- 0 - , . - -- - - ----1--~·_ · · ·-· -·f· · ··_·· - .J _" --.. - -.l.. --.. 1.....•._
- " 0 _ _ ­ 1 N ow decide if sentences (b-h l are tru e (Tl or
7 False (F) .
.__..' 1 L 1.,

I::! .•.. : .. , . . " . '

PLace UN [ T 11
VocabuLary 3 Complete t he table.
.·.a -·· ~ ~ __-.._ .......•..,

City Cou n try 1

i-- - ..· -..·-.- _ _-:- -o. --:...- -.,
i a ) Acap ulco Mexico
; b) Beijing
,: c) Buenos Aires
i d) Cairo
a) Have you seen the s:alue of
; e) Hanoi
Shakesp eare ou tside the theat er?
! i) Hava ne

b) Lct 's go sw imrning a t the _

i g) Rom e
c) On Sat urdays, there is a market in th e large ! h) Toky o
L ._ . ___•• • 1 ••• _••__ •• ' _ ." . • -.... . ' __' __ ' __ .1
d owntown .
d ) The park is on a _ and has 4 Com plete th e sen te nces with a cou ntry adj ective.
good views of the city. a) A sombrero is a lVkXIC(i l1 ha t.
b) Fuji ls a J moun tain ,
e) r 1i ke sitting nea r the bridge over the
c) Spaghetti is an I dish.
_ an d watch ing " Il the be ats.
d) Valpa ra iso is a C city.
f) They have an office in one o f the
l') Lisbon is the P ca pi tal.
_ _ _ _ __ bu ild ings n ot fa r From the
f) The G reat Pyrarnid is a n E _
sta ti on . monu men t.
g) Ch ild rc n enjo y pJ <~ y ing in the wate r of the !Si Samba an d Bossa Nov a are kinds of B. _
m usic.
h ) Juan P éron was an A p resident.
h) Many pe ople go 10 the not for
i) Th e C flag is red and white with a
the boo ks, but to use the comp u te rs, red kat.

2 Underline the correct ad jecti ve.

Bangko k is on e of the m os t (1) exciting 1 quiet
cities in the world, It 's (2) big 1 great, with a

po p u lation of ov cr ten m illion . A (3) big / great

way to see the city is to ta ke a boat along the

Ch ao Phraya River. From there, yo u have

(4) fantasti c / friendly v iews of the o ld city with

the (5) cheap / spectacular roya l palac.- ,111 d m any

(6) beautifull dull te ripies . Th e people are very

(7) expensive / fri en d ly and (8) polluled 1

w elcoming.

;'he cen ter of the city is (9) beautiful / modem

wi th h undreds of h igh -rse buil d in gs and

shoppi ng ma ils. The streets are ( W) crow d ed f

romantic an d with 50 m an y cars, it's

(11) fab u l o u s 1 noi sy an d (l2) polluted /

s pectacu la r. ln so rne m onths, i t is also ve ry

hot and (13) humi d lup-to-date. But one t1ùng

you cari say ab out Bangk ok is tna t if s ne ver

(14) dulll hot! If yo u lov e sho p p ing, if s a

(15) fabulous / humid place to be a nd if s not
(16) expensive / lovely . The markets in China

Town are very (1 7) cheap 1 fre ezing, and

dori 't leave without a v isi ta the (18) boring 1

romantic night market .

12 UNI T .. Place
::; Rea d the desc ri p tion of Sicily an d complete the 7 Write the words in the correct arder ta make
labels (a-Ir) . questions.
Most of the cities and la rge towns of SiciIy are 0:1 a) on do d oing like wce ken ds What
the coas t, The biggest city, Palerme, is on th e north yo u ?
coast in the west of the island . The second -biggest Whal do Y O/J. /,,:., doing on ;'i ee kei1 d s P
city, Ca tan ia, is in the m id dle of the east coast, an d
b) a Do job like mine want yo u ?
the third , Messina, where most tra vclers a rrive (rom
Italy, is in the n orth-east corn er. Siracusa, w ith its
bcau tifu l palaces, is a lso on the cast coast, bu t Iu rt her cl apartment is like What yo ur ?
so u th than Catania. Ag rigente, with its fam ous
C ree k monuments, is in the middle of the so uth-west
d) eat likc so mething to Wou ld you ?
coast. Rag usa. the b iggest tow n tha r is not on th e
coast, is in the south-east corner of the island. In
th e mo untains in the center of Sicily is th e beautiful e) Does h cr like look sh e sister ?
tow n of Elma. The fa mous vol cano, Mount Etna , is in
the nor th-eas t, bctween Messin a and Ca tania.
f) ab out did vaca tion like What you
your ?

8 Match th e responses (1-6) with the questions (a-f)

in Exercise 7.
1 Ever ything, but especially the nightlife. r

2 Having d in ner in a restau ran t, or ma ybe

going dancin g .
3 \Jo , thanks. I'rn no t hu n gr y,
4 Pretty sm all, but it's very m odern .
S Yes, but shes a lot taller.
6 Yes, so me th ing inre resting a nd well-p aid.

Pronu nciation
a) e) 1 Circle the ward in each group that has a different
b) f) vowel so u n d haro the others.
c) g) a) (~_~.~_ê.1 mo sr only smQke
d) h) b) crowd ed flowe r fou ntain neighbQr
c) ch ojce moncy nQisy
6 Put the lines of th e conv ersation in th e correct
cl) h.Qme hQt01 hQl1ey road
ord er.
al A I: Is that nea r the river? ~ 10 Listen and check.
b) A I: Reall y? 1 kno w it p retty weil. Wh ich pMt
of the city are you From? 2 Look at the words in th e box. Is the underlined
c) AI : Wherc are l'ou from? Ne w York? sou n d loul, lau/, 01 !J)/? Put the words in the correct
d) A I: Wherc in the cit y exactly ?
e) Bt'th: No , I live there n ow, but l'rn acrually ~ €COint co in dQn't enjov hotel
from Washing ton , OC . ~ D1Qst nmse noun ou ts id e
f) Beth : We h ad a n iJ p ar tm en t in C eorge tow n, : p hone south t.u:,y11 vo ice
_." . •-••.•__ _ . __••••••.••• _ . __a._• •_..... .
g) Beth : We ll, 1 was bo rn in Kens ington, srna ll
_ ~. ~ . . _ ~ . '

to wn just outside the city', an d then we .-.­ J' -- ---... •... .• .. -_•.••••. . ·­ 0· ; .•-­ ----­ .. _~ O · · --~ · i

moved to the city w he n 1 was te n. /ou! •• :._ - 0 . __ • _ l a~: ._.___ ~-o _ ~ L~ I !. . . • • • .. _ _ __...!
h) Be th : Yes, th a t's righ t, Not far From the White COCiSJ Aow bo,i/ !
...... . ....- "... "1­
1 2 3 4 5 6 8
! "..

'. 09 Listen and ch eck.

~ 11 Listcn and check. Repeat the words,

PLace ';;'.'" . . . U N[ T
.:: ..!: ..... ·1 •• I ' r ••• '. 'f 13
1 . 12 Cover the List ening scri p t.
Lis ten 10 the record in g . Which
place i s the sp eak er descr ibing?

2 Listen aga in. Are th e st ateme nts tru e (Tl or

Ialse (1 i?
il) He firs t wen t to Marrakech five yea rs ag u. : F :
.:} H e "ven t th ere for his su rn rner vac ation. ;
c) i il: trave led w ith his gi rlfrie nd .
d ) He stayed with th e fa 111 il Yof a friend .
e) A fte r d in ner. he visitcd il masque.
f) Djern aa el Fna is the narne of a go od caf é.
g) TI1l'fC is il lot ta sec in the ma in sq uare.
h ) You can sec the mountains from the city,
i) He has been th ere six limes.
j) His last visit was th ree rnon ths aga.

Correct the senten ces tha t ar e fal se .

14 Place
1 Read the web postin g by Eri c a n d the three replies. vvhich reply is the most useful?

2 Th ere are eight sp elling m istak es in the texts. 4 Lin k the pairs of sentences with a word from the
Find them an d circ le them. Wri te the correct words box in F:xercise 3. (There is more than one possible
b elow, answer.)
, r:
<1) aCC{JIII !11<7(/ t j ' JOI1S a) The reception sta ff Me ve ry we ' corning.

b) Th e wai ters a re fr i e n ( ~ : y.

b) Thcrc are galleries, museums, stores, and movie
theaters nearby. heres lots to d. :

c) H\ a popular d estina tion . H h as good w ea th er
ail yea r.
ct) Therc arc hig h-rise b uildings ail around.
g) The views From the hotel arcnt ver y !...ood .
5 Wri te a reply to the web p os tin g below.

3 Compl ete the se n tences with th e w ord s in the box.

! an d because so \Vith .'

L _ ....••__.• ._ _ _

a) There's il lot of nightlife. it's good

for younger people.

b) its cas tlc and cat he dral. if s goo ,:

for sightseeing.

c) The restauran ts are good they/ re

very chea p.

d) Its <l litt le dirty there an? too

man )' tourists.

'lace 15

Grammar 4 Write the words in the correct arder to make

1 Look at the underlined verbs. Check (.1) the correct a) Dicl go s hopp ing ye sterd ay l'Ou ?
sentences. Correct the mistakes, Diti !fou. go dt oppii1(i !fesladayP
a) He decided to get 11:, revenge. ./ b) cold it Was yes terd ay ?

b) She pourred paint ail over :,1s car. powy;d

c) "Wh,"'" are you?" 1shoutted . c) Did cnjoy vacation last you your ?
d) 1 invited four friends to my pa rty.
el l pbied basketball wnen 1 was young. _ d) English la st clas s was When
f) 1 rnailed a note to her, your ?
g) 1 !:rXJ'o, to call you.
h) My fricnds arch'cl on time. e) aiL! go vacation last on Wh cre yea r
i) She finally 2.illP-p-ed working, you ?
j) Th ey studied English at S::;1001.
:) di c! dinner for have la st night
2 Find 14 irregular simple past verbs in the What j'ou ?
wordsquare. Look -+ and -J,..
-, _ o.
- - -- . ,
( 8 ._._E G A . ....N", g) in best friends elementar y school
.., - , . ~, - ­ M E T

- ~- "" " - - .~- . ~ ~

were Who youI ?

R C 0 R A N K A
0 A S W A M E U
Write true answers to the questions.
U M T 0 0 K P G
5 Write the sentences in the negative.
il) [uliet was a hilPPY si rI.
H C A U G H T T JI,die: rA/aSI1 " a hapPiJ girl

T T H 0 U G H T b) Ju liet's fa ln i ly il nd Romeo s fa : :1i Iy wc re friends.

c) They wanted her to marry hirn .

3 M atch the simple past verbs in the wordsquare in

cl) Jul iet WOl S in lov e wi th Pa ris, a friend of her
Exercise 2 with the infinitives.
fam i ly,
il) begin f) c: 'in k k) swim

e) She liked hirn .

b) bring g) go 1) take

f) [uliet knew wha t to do .

c) ca tch h) keep m ) teach

g) She told her parents about h er tru e feelings.

d) come i) meet n) think

el cut j) sleep

16 love
6 Look at the picture of a modern Romeo and J uLiet. 8 Complete the conversation with the past
Complete the sentences with verbs From the box in progressive torm of the verbs in parenth èses.
the past progressi ve . A: Who (1) iA'C" C /JOU la/k ifT{i (you talk) to?
:.\: I (2) (n ot ta lk )

to anybod y.

A: \Vhat (3) . (you do)?

11: l(4) (1 isten) to the radio.
A: Wh)' (5) (vo u stand)
1:\: :lecélllse you (6) (rnakc)
illot of noise in side,
A: We (7) (no t makc) a lot
o f noise!
B: 1 thou ght you (8) (have)
il fight.

'f* 13 Listen and check.

9 Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.

Use the simple past or the past progressive.
[ulier (1) Lvas gOifT,4 (go) out with a man

narned Pa ~ is , but shc didn'I love hi m. One

cvening. s he (2) (wa tch ) TV whcn
her ( l'li phone têlng. lt was Romoo and he
(3) (say) thar he was in her stree t.
Shc (4) (open) th e door of the
il) Juliet [vas wearlna an old T-sh irt. balcony .:nd saw hi m. He (~~ ) (sit )
b) She a cup of coffcc. on a motorcyle, When he sa w hcr, he
c) lt wa s la re and sh e tire d . (6) (begin; to si ng, It w as cl
d) Romeo on his motorcyde. beau tiful so ng and Juliet (7) (want)
e) They on their ceU phones. it ta las t fo rever. But it (8) (m in )
f) Rorneo wet. a nd she wa s cold. Shc (9) (d eci d e)
g) They ta ge t m arried . [0 ask Romeo ins ide. Then, another motorcycle
(10) (arrivel .Jt was Par is . . .
7 Write true answers to the questions .
il) What ,vere yo u doing thirty m in u tes ago? 10 Make adverbs From the adjectives.
a) [t'gular regu/tir/y
h) attractive
b ) Wha t were yo u doin g a l fivc oclock c) beautiful
this morn ing ?
d ) earl y
e) ~as t

f) happy
c) What were YOLI doi ng at ten o'clo ck last night?
g) loud

1 1 Underline the correct alternative.

d) What were you doing las t Saturday al a) Be careful/ carefu Il y if you swirn in th e ocean!
thrcc 0' d ock? b) 1 p lay soccer very bad / badly, but l l'nia)' it.
c) Could you speak more quiet / quietly, plea se?
d ) She wrote the p ostca rd very quick / quickly.
e) Wha t were you d oing at midnight on e) Their hou se is a lwa ys very neat / neatly.
[anuary 31?
f) He wa s angry / angrily and wan ted rev en ge.
g) She knows me very g ood / well .
h ) We're sisters but wc look very different /

Love :.. . ... UNIT: ID 17

VocabuLary 5 Underline the best alternative hOTU the options
below to complete the text .
1 Complete the story with the words in the box. l At Iirst 1 One d a y / Thilt day
-- ---.-- -.-- .-- •. --- -- ._. ..." ' '' 1
2 At Iirst 1 Next / The next morni.rg
i cali date flirt have :
1 3 Finally 1 Last week 1 Then
\ kisscd lffietl meet was
L .. .... 4 A w ed <Lrer / Next 1 ;-11;] ~ evenmg

l saw a boy at a party that 1 (1) _ _-'----_ and J

5 At the end of the month 1 Hnally 1 One day
6 Last night 1 LJ~1 l'ear 1 Thar mght
decided to (2) with him. l (3) _
A week later 1 The next morning 1 That night
him the next day and wc be gan to (4) _
each other, Afte r three weeks, he finall y (l) il man was ta lking to his wi fe when
(5) me . He said that he (6) _ she stopped hi m an d said, "Do you kn o w that
in lo ve with me. He wanted to (7) lots tornorrow is our wcdding annivcrsary? We got
of children and he wanted m e to (8) _ married twenty yeMs i.lgo." (2) , he
his parents. didn't believe he r. "No," he replied, "ifs next
month, isn't ir?" "No, tornorrow," shc said , (3)
2 Continue the story in Exercise 1 with the words in
the box.
_ _ _ _ _ she continued, "You forgot, and now r
r-- ---- ... ---- ----­ want cl really special gift."
, get had Iost rnovc split ,1

1 (4) , the m an thought for a long lime

1 said, "Maybe ifs a gaad idea to (l ) live about cl gift for h is wife. He had lots of id eas. but he

together first, befare starting a family ." could not deci,;('. (5) , he decided ta ask
his wife. "Vvould you like to go shopping in New
"1 don't want ta (2) in together before
York?" he said, "No, not that. Sornething sp ecial,"
wc (3) marricd," he rcplicd, Thar was
shc said . "How ab o u t il new car?" he sllggested.
when we (4) ~ __ ._ _ our first and last fighl. Iwo
" N o. 1 want som ething really special ," she replied.
days later, we (5) up and J completely
(6) , he we nt ta bed and he st ill had no
(6) touch with him,
id ea what to give his wife.
3 Cross out the response that is not possibl e. (7) . he go t up and wrote a check to his
J) A : 1think Johnny Depps 50 good-Iooking. wife fo r $'100,000. "Happy An niversarv," he sai d
B: GA, 1cleo/ Oh, 1dori't. / 50 do 1. and g il\"l' her the check. "I d on't wa nt money," sh e
b) A: 1 gOt really boree. said . "1 want something rea lly. rea llv sp ecia l. r want
B: Neither dic; r. 1 Oh, Ldidri't. / Sa did l. il divorce! "
c) A 1 didn'r undersrand th e book
"Sorrv, tao expensive," he replied .
B: Me, neither, 1 Nerther did r. 1 Oh, l didn 't.
cl) A I'rn '10t married ,
:;: Mc, ncithcr, 1 Me, tao . 1 Ncithcr am 1.

4 Complete the respnnses with 011(' ward .

a) A: 1 think baseball is boring.
B: Me, tao
b) .A,: 1don't have (lny children.
B: Me, _
c) A: l studicd in the lJ5A.
B: Sa 1.
d) A: l don't speak Italian.
B: Ncithcr 1.
e) A: I'm an optimist,
B: am 1.

i';OW give true responses to the staternents.

~ 14 Listen and check.

6 Label the pictures with the adjectives in the box. 8 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
r-·.··-··..·- ·- - - - - ---- .·····..····...- ·· I_ ' ~ .•...- • • ._ - ~ . - - . ~ . _ .. " .• _ . -. ----- n ---.._._••• ~ _ .. _......._•••• • •

j annoyed bored confused embarrassed 1 !i along a postcard better changed !

~ j 1

\ _.~
scared surprised
..-_._--....--.. _ - -~...._ . ~ -- -
i d a rk

~" _ - .. _ .
- ' --~ - - - _ . ----;- . ._ - ----
ta tl'or1( i
- .......•_.- _ -- .
.1 - -. ~

a) The re was a lot of tra ffie so we got 10 wol'k

very Jate.
b) ln the sumrner it gets much later,
c) 1 thought the movie got near the end.
d) Many unhappy couples don't get _
because of the children.
e) My old colJege friends and 1 get _
every year.
f) We got _ from sorne lriends in
g) l hope you ' re going to get before
we go out this evening,
D _ 0 ­ h) She doesn't get
very weil with her

1 . 15 Listen and notice the different
pronunciations of was and toere.
)"'- "'_'_' -- · · · · T- --;~-;--T~e__;;

\_._ - _ ... .-i-.- .-.._ .. ....L-.-=-J

\ U Sl W] pronunciation iShort ., Short 1

Il - -- ---- 11 - \ 1 /wnf /w Jr/ 1

l -P;~~~ ~~ i~ tion in short answers l" L~~g TLong-l

: ! /waz/ ! 7\~Ol r/ !
L"._. ._. _ _._ _. .. .L _.._.:- L_ ...J

A: What were you doing at eight oclock?

13: l was having breakfast.
A: And YOUf wife? Was she having breakfast, too?
0 _ 13: Yes, she was, We bath we re .

7 Check (.1) the best way to continue the sentences. 2 Look at was and were in the conversation and
write the correct phonetic symbols (/w';}z! or /wozJ,
a) Why are you so bored? ...
""', /w'Jr/ or /w3r/) in the boxes.
LJ 00 something original! r..······_·- - -1
A: What were you doing 1 a) i
[2J Don't you Jike it? when vou met? · ;
, 1 ..-J
b) My mother WOlS so embarrassing! ... B: l was working as a nurse. j'b')' - \
il She talked about me when I was a child. A: Where did you meet?
,.... .- - ...-- - - - -..- -.
j cl

· · ~ - _ · ·- t

[ ] Her face went really red. Wos it at the hospital? i-~-._..-._

...- ..--....._... J
c) He looked really scary . ... B: Yes. il was. L5!2 1
[ .1 He was wearing a Dracula costume. A: Were you both singlE' at 1 e)'- "-""""- -- l
l=!1said 1 had a snake in my bag. the time? 1.__.... _ .]
d) The children were very tired .... B: Yes, we were. L_L __._ _!
L.I They wanted to play ail the time.
ri They had a laIe night last night.
@t 16 Listen and check. Then practice saying the

e) 'flle teacher was il little confusing....

[J He couldn't remember anyone's narne.

i"l [-Te was very hard to understand .

f) 1 thought she was very interested....

r "
She told sorne very good storics .

Cl 5he wanted a lot more information.

Love 19
1 Read the <tory about the famous opera singer,
"'l aria Callas, and put the paragraphs in the
correct order,
:_ •• 'Uj

2 .i ,,: 3

2 Put the events (,'-k) in the correct arder.

a) He bought g ift~ for her,
b) He died.
() He called her,
d) Maria got rnarricd .
e) On assis güt marricd .
f) She di ed .
g) She fell in love .
h) She met Onass.s.
i) She sp lit up from he r husb an d,
The y had fight s.
k) They w en t on vacation together.

'...:.~.~ i.~.~...r· '3:.· ·r~· · :~.~··5..·.T" ..~·- :r.7 -'i- " ~'--' ,....~
, 1 i . . ! i !
10 ! 11
il _J . .; L J.. L.. ~ ! __ 1.. . - 1 .. __ __' ,

. 17 Listen and check.

3 Answer the questions.

a) Wh al happ ened w h en Ma ria was staying in
Vcn ice?

b) VVhy did M ar ia love Onassis?

c) Why d id she have fig hts w ith On assis?

d ) How d id s he find ou t about Onassis's ma rriage?

e) Why di d On assis begin visitin g Maria aga in?

f) What wa s Maria d oin g on Skorp ios?

'. .'. '.:::: ::"'":

ù" N/ ;:'fif
... : .".: .... ::: Love
Writing a) They sto le il ca r. T hen the y drovc out o~ tow n .
A fte r sit'r.l i l1 ,Q a cal'. IJ1l','4 dro;;e oui of 10111/1.
Liriking sentences with ofter/befo œ + inq
b) They drove for il few m iles . Then they rca lized
Writing a story the y nccded gas.
A fte r _
1 Rea d th e beginning of the s t ory of Bonnie an d
Cl yd e and nu mber th e pictur es in the corre ct c) h ey filled the ( J I' with gas. TI1en th ey killed t he
o rd er ("1-3) . gar<l ge attenda nt,
Be fore bec orni ng il Iamous bank robbe r, Bonn ie Befor e _
Parker w or ked in il caf é. O ne da y. il go d -loo king
young man , Cl yd e Bar ro w, w alkcd in to the café. d ) The v sto le m one y from the garage. They d ra ve
It w as love at first si ght. The )' talk ed and , after il w a y.

finishin g the meal, the two left th e café tog ether. Before _
The next day, the)' w crc walkin g a long the s treet
together when they sa w il car that Honnie like d . e) The p olice fo und the dead ma n. The y began
" l.e t's ta ke it.' she said . Cl yde agreed . He fixed the looking for the k illers.
motor and the couple d ro ve out of town. A fte r _
They d rove for a fcw m iles and the n reali ze d th at
the )' necdcd ga.s. They stopped at il garage an d 3 Look at the pict ures an d an swer the questions (u
as ked th e attendan t to fiIl th e ca r. comple te th e sto ry.

Wher e did Bonnie and Clyd e go one week lat er?

Wh a t did th e)' d o the re?

What did th ey d o befo re lea ving the ba n k?

2 Look at the example s. Then lin k the p airs o f

sen ten ce s (a- e).


Bonnie Par ke r wor ked in a café . Later she becarnc a

farn ous bank robber.

Bef ore beco ming il Iamou s bank ro bber, Bonnie

Wh at w ere Bonnie ami C lyde doing six months later?

Pa rker worked in a café.

Whcrc w ere the pol ice officers?

He fin ished the m eal. Then the)' left the ca f é tog ether,

W ho w e re the y w ait ing for?

Aft er finish illg the mea l, th ey lcft the café together.

What happencd next ? (Use yo u r imagination ')

Love .,
J.:',.. .
...... ' . 1
u f'{ 1T il 21

Grammar 3 Complete the sentences with jur Dr ta .

a) 1 think 1'11 buy sorne pe rfume for illY
1 Write the adverbs in the correct part of the table. gmndmother.

~ " ~-- -l~~:~ily c~'cr ---;~~~-;~~-_.._~ b) 1 told a story _ _ the children.

c) 1 lent my car _ _ my sister.

; norrnallv occasionally often i d) He made a delicious meal _ _ lns girljnenâ.
: rarely sornetimes usually !
e) Why don't YOll get some chocolate _ _ your
f) He showcd his wedding album _ _ his boss .
g) Cive the ticket _ _ your ncighbor.
11.) 1 sent a letter _ _ flle bank manager last we ek.

4 Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 3. Replace the

words in italics with a pronoun (him, lier, it, them),
and do not use for or to.
a) 1 I-Ail1 k l'II buy her sortie pe t'/~ h1e_

2 Write the words in the correct order.
il) a always am diet on
I am a/ways 011 a dlel
b) cve r hardi)' 1 perfume wear
c) buy cloches 1 often sccond-hand

d) don't gold jewelry like usually 5 Sorne of the sentences below have a word that
should not be there. Cross out the unnecessary
words. Check (.1) the four correct sentences.
e) a is plcasure rarely Shopping
a) She told ffi me ail about ber new job.
b) J'In gojng to write a letter ta you very soon.
f) after always changed get work
c) She sent the tickets ta the wrang address,
d) I gave for my brother a gold pen on his birthday.
g) are dirty My shoes sornetirnes
el She lent to me her new foot spa.

f) He is teaching English 10 the new students.

h) am al choosing good normaLLy

gifts g) J showed ta her my new œil phone.
h) CouJd you expIa in to me why you did that?
i) My parents got for me sorne silly socks,

Change the sentences 50 they are true for you.

a) La», '-Mely 011 Co diel

22 Shopping
6 Und erline th e correct verb torm, 8 Complete the questions w ith the simple present or
il) J ca nt sta nd cooking / to cook. present progressive form of the verb s in parenth èses.

b) 1 did nt choose stu dy in g 1 ta study Engl ish. a) Do dl)l. come (you come) from
a large farnily?
c) I d id ri't n1il n<lge fini shing / to fin is h m y
homew or k las : ni gh t. b) _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ (YOLI Jisten)
d ) 1 cnjoy spend ing / to s p en d t im e w ith m y to th e rad io righ t n ow?
o a rents. cl _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (mos t o f
e) I never refuse l ending / to Tend money to my YOUI friends work) in an office?
tr iends.
d) (it rain) a lot in
,) 1 of tcn forget taking off / ta take off my ea rr ings yo ur to wn in th e win ter ?
wh cn l go to bed.
g-) I usually avoid going / to go to the sto re on
(the studcnts in )'o ur class st udy) fo r
Sa rurd ays .
cxarn in a tions?
h ) 1 wo ul d li.«: h aving / to have six ch ild ren .
f) (you read) a
Ch eck (/) the se n ten ces that are tru e for yo u . nc wspapcr cvcr y da y?
g) _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (YO Uf father
7 Complete the conv ersation with the co rrec t fo rm
sp eak) English?
o f the verbs in the bo x. Use the il1g-foml or the
to -i n fi n i tive. h) _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ (it get) cla rk ri gh t DOW ?
-- - -­ --­ - -"­ ---­ ~

1 be choose ea t gd go 9 Match the short answers in the box with the

: spe nd talk ff>r w a tch questions in Exercise 8.
L. .._.

A: I w ant (1) tD tri! these on. Do YOli mind

i Yes, hl' docs, Ycs, I am. Y-es, l Ela.
i Yes, I do . Yes. il docs . Ycs, it is. 1
p .) '1' )' ba g fo r a fe w m inu tes?
B: OK but plea se dont ~ o e n d ail a fter noo n i. . ~~~~ _~~.~_ d .~~..__ Y~s:..~~:y~~ :. .1
(3) a dress. 1 lo ve (4) _ a) Ves, [ do e)

tim e with ye u, honcy, bu t we ag reed b) f)

(5) 10 onl v '.1'V O or three s to res. c) g)

A: I know, but I wan t (6) someth ing d) h)

really nice.
10 Write true answers to the questions in Exercise 8.
B: Hli t Ii ike ev c rythin g you buv and we need
a) e)
(7) car eful with money.
b) f)
A: Oh, Lhate (8) abou. money. If
wc can affo rd (9) a t expe nsive e) g)
rest au rants, we can a fford one little dress ! d) h)

J l?DU'fi'lJlro~
m®®GW $ ~

.., 18 list en and ch ec k.

Shopping 23
Vocabu Lary

.l Match the words on the left with those

on the right,
a) a can of - .." gum
b) a bunch of cake

c) a bo x of \ g r a p e~

dl a pair of
e) a pack of
ma tche ­
\ mayonnaise

f) a p iece of \ -, perfume

g) a bott le of ' -.. p air-t

h) J [ar of scissors

? label the designs below. The first and

last letters have been done for you ,

a) ~'-- _ b) _

b) f e) c d c) _ d) _

:: Match the words in the box with the pictures on

the right.

drcss earrings gloves hat ~l

jeans necklace pajamas pan tyhose

raincoa l scarf sh ;rt sho cs sk irt
socks su it sweater tie top vest
e) _

24 Shopping
4 Cross out the word that dues not go with
the material.
a) si/ver bracc.ct ,' earrings / ~! ring 1 Look at the words in the box. 15 the underlined
b) denim .ackct ,' jl.'il ns / swea ter ! ski rt sound leI! or 'ai/? Put the word- : in the correct
c) cotton bracelet / dress ! <hirt / top
cl) .ooo! jeans ! sweater ! scarf ! socks :~ brilln ~ cxchan gc gr!:.i!t
e) nylon raincoat ,' shirt ! skir: / earrings m jnd PilX plilln right sûmc
f) silk necklace / pajamas / scarf / tic ! striped style surprise tr~
g) leatner g-loves / jacket / " ;lOe s / scarf
...... .. ~- - _....
' ''' - ~ - '. . -....-.f ..... ,.- .. .
~. '~ ' - ' . .~.- -- -, · 0· ...

5 Match the questions (a-/z) with their answers (1--8). iCI; , hw'
............-................... ...................•._.._..i_
__ _.__ _ _ _ .
a ) Can r help you? , aill/tlifs . ,leeide
h) Wh<J1 <Ife )'OU looking br?
c) What colors do you have?
d ) How would you like to pay?
e) What size is he?

f) Whêl! do you think? Do YOLI like il?

g) Cm I exchange il?

h ) How much ;', il?

~ 19 Listen and check. Repeat the words.

1 By credit card, if thar's OK.

2 I'm looking tur somcthing for my girifriend,

2 Look at the ad. Un derline the words that contain
actually. the /eu sound. Circle the words that contain the 'ul!
3 Large, or rnaybe extra large. sou nd.
'1 No, l'rn just looking, thank YOll.

S H's 49.99.
6 'vVe only have il in purple, I'rn afraid,
7 Yes. it's great. l'ii take il.
8 Yes, of course. Make sure YOLI keep the receipt.
r ~~ ~~ ï~· - · · · u ~ ._ ·-r ·~ ·· u '," --<_. " oU" !" ,,, -_.-- : __.--; ••• -~ :
, a 1

~ _· · I-· · ·-i -
b ! c
+-- .-+ --+-..---
id " e i f ig
----.!.- - -j
h i

[. _.~..J.",_.l... . _.J _._....L_.....- __J.._

6 Complete the questions with the words or phrases priees
in the box.
AH sizes - male an d fernale fashions
; 'W'-g~--;chang ~d ··-ge;~~ssed-' ~~;"~'d ~~~~'~' 1 Special oHè rs on raincoars , winter
) look good on trvon weitf' 1
jackets, rn en 's ries, and sa rn uch m ore
a) How long do you M~M il pair of
jeans bcfore washing them?
b) How long does il take you to _~~~~~_
before a parly?
. 20 Lis ten and check.
c) How lon g does il Lake you to _~~~~~~
before ta king a sho w er?
d) How often do you on a
typical Sa tur d ay ?
e) Which colors you?
f) Do you t'ver wear clothes that don't
_~~~~_ vel)' well?

8) 00 you ahvays _~~~~_ _ clothes

before buying them?

Wrile true answers to the questions.

Shopping 25

1 ~ 21 Cover the listening script and listen to

a news report about the movie première of
Spiderman 3. What are the speakers talking about?
a) Critical opinions of the movie
b) The plot (story) OC the movie
c) The stars of the movic and their clothes

2 Listen again and check (,1) the correct answer,

! How much did Spidcnnan 3 cost to make?
a) Over $200 million
b) Over $300 million
c) Over $400 million
2 Wherc was the world première of Spiderman 37
a) London
b) New York
c) Tokyo

3 Who was the first star ta arrive?

a) Claudia Schiffer
0) Kirsten Dunst
c) Samantha Mumba
4 Who was Kirsten Dunst with?
a) her boyfricnd
b) J.enny Kravitz
c) Toby Maguire
5 What was Kirsten Dunst wearing?
a) a black dress
b) a dress with diamonds
cl a Spiderman costume
6 What WOlS Toby Maguire wearing?
a) a red suit
b) a black suit
c) il Spiderman costume

26 UNI T
" .. Shopping
~~ _""""~ _ _ " ' ' '__ 1 " p• • ~l •••• • • _.J." ... J._.__ ...__..
~ .u~ •• _ •• ~ _ ~ ---"-I.

My favorite store
'_."~ ..~n· · ._" ,~ " '_" " '=" '"'_'U ' ''' '''''' ''_''' '' ''U''' ....." . ..

J This week, Jo Greig describes

1 Read the article and write the topics (a-Il in her favorite store.
the correct arder in the paragraph plan below,
a) How rnuch did you spend?
Iv>; favori .e store in the .vorld is Bcrgdorf Goo dman in
b) What did you bu y on your last v isit?
New York. lt's a long way from rn, horne ln New Je rsey,
c) What do es the store look like?
bur th e ~ rain ta New York is very > ;t . The sto re is ver y
cl) What does the store sell?
large , with eight flcors, and the bu i' r'm g is very beautiful,
e) What is the stores name?
At Chr is tmas, th e)' have recoTd t ion s on th e fro nt.
f) Where is the store? lt sells eve rything, l go there be. .iuse there are four

Pamgraplt ! flo or s o f wo rnen's fashion. ';"ley h ave all th e fam ou s

brands, but they h ave less expensiv. il ungs, tao. Th ey

have' a fan tas tic shoe depar tm en t, also.

Or. ml' last visit, i bought ct Don na Karan dr ess . 1also

Paragraplt 2 go t a jacket . They cos t a lot of m on cyl 1 wore th em a t my
sis ter's wedding last week.

Paragraph 3 i

2 Match the sentence beginnings (a-e) with
their endings (1-5).
('1) Ifs on Jy a short walk L
b) lt ' s on a busy street [
cl The last thing 1bought W<lS t
d ) They have a greilt selection of h
e) It looks very modern and they [
a pair of designer shoes,
2 from the station.

3 in the center of the city

4 play laud music.

S sn eakers and sports shoes.

3 Answer the questions in Exercise 1 and write
about your own favorite store.

~'"'7".,~-,--•._-- ,,,, ~ ..•--._ -_.~ ..,;_ .-..,..-

Shopping 27
ln hape

d) Running is better for you than swimrning,
Swim ming is not _
1 ~on~ple ~ ~ t~?e.~ ~,~.le..
Ad jective - Comparative Superlative e) The rules of volleyball are not as easy ta

.., ~ , -
-- ~ . . . . .­ . ­ ,---­
understand as the rules of ba sketball,

good best
The iules of basketball are _~ _

; w et
j ea sy f) Watching a spo rt is mo re exciting than pla yin g il.
Playing a sport is no: _
i far
!. da ngerous
g) Being in shape is not as important for aider
people as ir is for YOlUlge r peo p le.
2 Solve the puzzle,
Being in shape is _
Dan is healthier than Andy, but not as healthy as
Chris, Ed is healthier thau Dan, but not as healthy as

Ch ris ,

Do you agree with the staternents above? Change

Brian is the hcalthiest.
them, if necessary, so that they are true for you.
Write the name of each person und er their picture. 4 Complete the sentences with the superlative form
of the adjectives in the box.
11 - - _ - - _ ••• ' - ~ - • • • - - , - • • _ . _~ . _ ._- - _ . _ - - •• • • • • .~. - -

j big cro wd ed expensive fast

j hetwr hot noisy wet i


al The /lCti vi csl animal is the blue whale.

which weighs about tw cnty-si x tons .

b) island in the worl d is

Gr eenland (2 million km '),

c) cou ntry ir the world

is Monaco, with mo re than 16,000 people p er
sq ua re kilometer,

d) With 12 meters of rain every yeM, Kaua i Island

in Hawai i is pla ce in
the world .

3 Complete the sentences, e) planet is Venus, with a

il) Sküng is more dangerous .han basketball. temperature of about 460°C.
l3asketball isn ' t as da ngero/As as skii nfl f) Oslo, where most things cost more than in
b) Tennis is mor e interes ting than judo, Paris or London, is _
Jud o isnt _ city in Europe.

g) Howler rnonkcys are _

c) Men aren't as good as womcn at ball games. animals in the world: you GIn hear their cries
Women are _ tram five kilorneters away.

h) After doing 50 meters in under 21 seconds,

Roland Scho ernan became _
swimmer in the world .

28 In Shape
5 In sert the missing wo rd s in the text b elow. Use the 7 Rewrite the sentences by repl acing the words in
words in the box. italics with th e pronou n in pa renth èses.
a) Don 't forge t to turn off the l ighf. (it)
as as as more ~

DOI1 i forfit!1 /0 turn il of{ .

than than the the

b) 1 ta ke after m!! [ather. (hi m)

1't1 0 S/

c) My gra nd parents b rough t up rny sister. (her)

Th e/dangerous age for a rnarr's healt h is From 50
to 60. Exercisc is very im por tant, bu t not i-np ortant
d ) Il e d ecid ed to giv e up sioinuning. (it)
as il heaIth y diet. A b() d d iet is bigge:.t rcason for
heal th p roblcms. Veget ables Me bett er fast food , e) Pleasc p u t il Wil Y !l0ur books . (them )
fo r exarnple. Peo ple w i th mo st stressful jobs have a
i) The ch ildren clea red up themess. (it )
sho rter lite pe opl e w ho have no stress. Th ey sho uld
u y to rel ax, They shoud exorcise than once il week.
g) Wc ha d to ca ll off the parly. (it)
A h ard, sweaty spo rt is no t good fo r y OUI h ealth
reglll a r, edS)' exercisc, h) They t an after the bus as fas t as po ssib le . (il)

~ 22 Listen a nd ch eck.
il She nev er takes off her shoes in th e house, (th e m )

6 Write the words in the corr ect order to complete

the qu estion s.
a) given ha s coffee up Pronunciation
Do yo u know an yo ne w ho has .j/i _'ell up correp_? 1 Th e word s in each group ha ve th e s aille vowel
b) clothes han g up yo ur so und . In sert th e missing letters. Choose from th e
Do yo u always _ letters in the bo xes.
in the evenin g?
a) /sr/ -i [- -or- -ur­
.... ........ ......

c) dea l pro blem s w it h "--­

Do yo u always _ f u: s t w i nd s
im med iately? th cl w k
d) wo rds up look 11 W 5 t
. ~ -- - ~ - - - ...
H ow aften do you _
i ~ r1 -o u r- 1
b) "-or-
in the diction ar v ?
e) a care of
baby taken c se sp_ t

H ave yo u ever ) ( rn e

sc e f

f) a .illed fo rm ln

When was the last rime that you _ ~ 23 Listen an d repeat the words.
- - - -- - - -- - ­ - - - - - - -­ ?
g) away love-let te rs ol d thro w 2 Look at the words in the bo x. 1s th e underlined
so u n d l st! or h r/? Put the word s in th e correct
Do ya u ev er _
colu m n .
- - - - - - - -- - ­ - - - ­ - --­ ?
h) an excuse make up be;rtd € ' ttffi form m orn ing
Do you ever _ pe rsan s(;Xve story thlr st
when YUU' IC la te?
..... ..-_ "1 ..
ge t a long people the wi th /3r/ h r/
How do J'ou _
in your rlass?

Wtite true answers to th e questions.

. ..•l. __••• • . • . •• • . ". • ,

~ 24 Listen and check. Repeat the words.

In Shape 29
VocabuLary 4 Write the numbcrs as you say them.
a) I/ S one CI g/llh
1 Match the questions (a-h) with the answers (1-8). b) 5112
a) How far is the closest bus stop hum your school? c) 1 2h
b) How tast cari you run 100 meters? d) 7.5°1.,
c) . low ;\)n g does il take YOll ta get dressed in the
e) 0.675
f) 0.33
d) How many people are thore in your family?
g) 2,976
e) How much hornework do yeu have today?
f) How often do you go swimrning?
h) 1,500,000
g) How old is your car?
h) I-Iow Wl'U can you speak Chinese?

5 Cross out the word that is not possible.

1 About tell. minutes.
a) He decided to give up coffee J Ais Aei~hl:36r9 J
2 About two hundred meters.
3 Four, but with me, it's five.
b) Wh ere cari 1 hang u p rn y coati cl oth es 1 shoes?
4 I'rn not sure. Fifteen seconds, maybc.
c) He put on a car! suit! tie ta go to work,
5 I've had it for three year~.
cl) She gat home and tumed on a novel!
6 Not a lot. Two or three exercises, the computer J the TV.
7 Not as well as my mother.
e) She took off her hat 1 keys 1 shces when she
8 Never. 1 cant stand il. entered the bouse.
~ .. _~_ h ~ ..• ..
~ 0-' •• _ - . ~ _. - . ; - _• •• • • • • 1.­1 '-r-'>O ~ ~ .. - !-._ ...-.. •. -" .­
~ - ~

f) 1 never throw away old newspapers Z

a ! b c id \ e i f ; g : h
[..~ =;.~.~ _J~~ ~~
. . .
~." r~~'
_ .
-.1 1... _ ,..... .._..1

plastic hags 1 the office.

Complete the definitions with the phrasal verbs in

Write true answers to the questions. the box.
;_ ~ _ _. _ .. _ .. ___ _ _._­ _._
­ ,
2 Complete the questions with an adjective or an
i bring up dear up dea] with fil: in
adverb. i get along with look up f~IPl aFr-er take aftcr i
a) How (itsl can YOll lcarn to speak a
foreign language? a) 1f you ,.un a(ler someone or something,
b) How _ can yOll play golf? you follow il very qulckly.
c) How .. do you go on vacation ? b) When you sornething
cl) How does it cost? _ __ , you makc it neat byorganizing
l') liow does it take you to get things,
to school?
c) If you a problem, YOLl do
f) How - - - - - is il ta the station?
something ta find a solution.
g) How is your brother?
d) When you il forrn, you
h) How people are there in
Y0uf classroom? write informa tion in the empty spaces.
e) If you sorneone, YOli look
3 Underline the correct WilY of saying the numbers,
like sorneone in your family (rnother, father, or
il) 500 [ive hundred / five hundreds
gra ndparents).
b) 0.5 nil po int five / point fiv .:
c) -­ 1 rhree qua rter / three quarters f) If you someone. you have a

d) 1.75 one point seven five / good relationship with them.

one point sever-ty-five g) When you a child, YOtI take
e) 7,184 scven thousand, one hundred and care of them until they Me adult.
eighty-four / scvenry-one hundrcd,
€ight four h) If YOll _ _.. something _ .
f) 3--0 three - nil / three - oh you try to find information about it in a book.
g) 1h one and half / one and a half

30 In Shape
7 What could you say in these situations? Choose an 8 Put the words in the box into the correct group.
expression from the box.
r··· - - _- _-- ., court field gogglcs ge±f
Be ca reful ' Ge p atient. Come back! : golfer helmer net runncr skier
Den't Be l'l'leaA! Don't worry. Try again. : skiing soccer swimming pool

a) Sports:
b) People:

c) Places:

d) Equipment:

9 Coro p tete the text wi th d oes, goes, or p(ays.

a) Vou show yom new dress ta a Iricnd. Your

friend laughs and says thar you look like a
Vou say: Don'I he Jr1 ean/
b) A friend tells JOU thar they have an important
exam next week. They say thar it is very
Vou say : _

c) Vou are in a subway station and a train arrives.

Your friend gües to get on the train. but you Tyler is very sC"·ious about sports. ln the morning,
suJ d enly realize that YOll have left your bag at he usually (1) goes cycling, but he
th e ticket office. sornetimes (2) swimming ai the pool.
Vou say: _ At work, he (3) exercises during his
cl ) Vou are with a fr iend and waiting for another coffee breaks and he occasionally (4) _
friend to arrive . Your friend is getring angry goH in his office! At lunchtirne, he (5) _
because the other one is ten minutes late .
tennis or squash. Then, in the evenings, he (6)
Vou say: _
_ judo for an hour or two at the gym.
e) Vou are with J friend. YOUI .riend calls il
On the weckend, he also (7) as many
restau rant to reserve il '.:.ble, but the Iine is busy.
Vou say: _
sports JS possible. He (8) baseball
On Saturdays and soccer on Sundays. For vacations,
f) Vou are in a car with your fricnd who is d riving :
he (9) skiing in the winter and
Your friend is driving J little fas t,
windsurfing in the summer,
Vou say: _

r 25 Listen and check.

In Shape 31
Reading 3 Which sportsperson are the following sentences
talking about? Write your answers in the boxes:
1 ~ 26 Read the arti c le and choose the best titl e. SK - Shizo Kana g u ri; EM - Fric Moussambani:
d) Crea : Ol ympie Champi ons EE - Eddi e Edw ards
b) Olympie Lo sers a.) H e came from Britain. IEE!
c, Great Oly rn l,ic Records b) He didn't enjoy taking p a r t in the race. r-"'-!
c) He wore g lasses.
2 Read the article again. Write the naine of the d) He took parr in the Sydney Olym nics . ~: )
sportsperson below the correct picture,
e) hL: stoppcd in th e middle of the race.
i_ .J
I) H e only started the srort thar year. 1. J

t; j He too k part in the Stockholm Oly mp ics. :=:: '~

h) He broke sorne bones, L......

,,. ' ''rD ~ _

[ .'':' l 'h '_ ~ ' ' '':_ I . '_~ ' '''-;'_ '' ' '~ " '~ ' ._~.. J . . . . _ J . L1h - : .. .: :_.::..a ~ •.•_...._ •.••_,_ ••••_ . : I • • •• • • ~ I .. . _ •••• h _~ .... ......:..:.h ••.....:J • •• • _~ ••• ~ ~ •••••. J.,;..uo. _ . ~ _.~ .. .-.-....;U ~ . ;~ • .:.t;..;u ._~ ...
~hH-o_ . .... . _ •

) There have been many great champions in the history of the Olympie Games. For r
j example, the American swimmer, Nlichael Phelps, won eight gold medals in 2008, and (
i th e Hungarian fencer, Aladar Gerevich. won gold medals at six diHerent Olympie ~
: games. But there have also been sorne great losers. We look at the best of the worst, i:


-___. __.
Kana g uri
._.. •• .• "- _ 0_0 _ 0_. _- __ __.._ _o._ .
Eric M ou ssambani Edd ie Edwards

1 i
Kanagurl, ran th e marath on in Eric Moussambanl, from Equato rial Edwards (or " Eddie the Eag le" ) too k i
the 19 12 Olympics in Stockholm Guinea, beeame an internati onal hera part in the ski-ju mping event at the
lt w as an extrem ely hot day and The new spapers called him " Eric t he 1 W inter Olympies in Calgary in 1988.
Kanaguri w as findin g t he race Ee! " w hen he set a new Olympie record ; Edw ards lived hundreds of miles f rom
very hard. As he wa s runninq in th e 100 meter freestyle. Eric took up i the nearest mountain and it was
along the road. he saw a family swi mming only a few months befor e ! diff icult ta prepare for the games.
w atching the race. They w ere t he games and it wa s his f ust time in a 1 During his preparat ion, he broke his
having a picnic and he decided i SO-meter swimm ing pool. He completed 1 jaw, his collarbone, and a num ber of
ta sit dow n and join th em. Aft er 1 the tw o lengt hs of the pool in 1 rruru. ;e i teeth . He w as also near-sighted and
finishi ng t he meal, he realized 52.72 seconds - a record slow t ime and needed ta we ar thick classes, but in 1

that there wa s no point in tw ice the time of t he other swim mers the cold mount ain air, he could not 1
cont inuing with the race. But Eric w on the race beeause the tw o ! see throug h them. He came in last .
other swim mers we r~ drsqualihsd ior " He doesnt jurnp," said one Olympie l
false st arts. off icial " He drops like a stone."

32 ~!f!!!!!!ff!!f!!!!f!!!fgr~:F.~~: :f:!Hm In Shape

3 Link the sentences with although.
il) We arrived earl)'. There was a very long line,
Allhov,gf1 Wé· fitrived ea .·,'y, ::·,et'e fvas a vet',Ij

lon8 line.
b) The tickets wcre very expensive. We didn't have
a very good vicw,
1 Look at the plan and put the paragraphs (A, B, C)
in the correct order.
1 name, rime, place of the event
c) The match was very cxciting, lt was very long.
Paragraph _ _
2 description of the l'vent

Paragrapt: _

d) Nothing much happened in the first half, The

3 feelings , commcnts, final thoughts

second haU was tantastic.

Paragraph _

A : arrived early because 1 wantcd tu get a guod

seat. Lnfortunately, it was raining and 1 waited
three hours before the match began.l had a c) Chivas won the game. They wr re not the better
good seat near the front. Because of the rain, team .
there were not man)' people. Th o match was
really exciting, although Venus was lT111Ch
stronger than her opponent. She won 6--4,6-3.
f) : enjoyed the game. My friends thought il
Later, 1 warched Roger Federer play against
was boring.
Michael Russell. Unfortunately, it began to rain
again and they did not finish the match.
B This was m y Iirst visit to Roland Garros .
Although l was glad Ihat 1 saw stars like
Williams and Federer, il was a sharne that the
4 Write a description of a sports event that you have
attended , Use the paragraph plan in Exercise 1.
weather was 50 bad. 1 was very cold and wet.
1would Iikc to go again, but f hope [ am luckier
next tirne.
C The French Open tennis charnpionships lake
place in May and June l'very year al the Roland
Carros stadiurn in Paris. Ihis year, a friend
ga VI" me a ticket for the second day of the
cornpetitior- Lwanted to sel:':' Venus WilliJms in
her first match of the tournament.

2 Match the sentence beginnings (a-g) with their

endings (1-7).
a) Although.l was pleased ta see Williams

and Federer, /5

b) Although 1 gat wet,

c) Although 1love .ennis,
d) Although Venus won this match,

l') Many people prefer watch .ng the men's matches,

f) Sorne tickets are very cheap,

g) The tournarnent's official narne is

"Roland Garros,"

1 although it is often called "The French Open."

2 although the women's matches are often more
3 although the most expensive cast more than
70 euros.
r en joyed the day,
5 it was a shame that the wearher was sa bad.
6 she lost in the third round.
7 this was my first visit to a m a jo r ch ampionship.

In Shape 33

Grammar 4 Complete the table .

1 Match each group of sentences (1-2) with a job

:,. i~~i.~·~.~.i _.:s.~i~.iî~ .· ~~s~~. --_',,-._....-..._
Pastp ' art i~ ~i~ ·- .. ·~
.. ...",,'- _.. - ....i
in the box. ; be wa s / w(: ,'e bt:t:11
i b ring
i an a u pair il DJ a flight atte nd a nt a mode! ,
1._ _ _.._ .._ __ _ _ __ ' J i b uv
: J

1 She ha s to wear a un iform at work. i d rink

Sh e Gin tr ave l free to d iffere nt count ri es, ! ny

Sh e does nt have ta have il. collège know

education. ", m eer
She can't sit dow n rnuc h in her job . : road
She is _ , .
i n ng

2 She d oesn 't have ta pay for sornew here

! $<lY

to li ve.

! s pe nd

She can wea r h er own clo thes.

! teach
Sh e ha s ta li ke young chi ldren. i rhink

She cant inv ite her fr iend s to dinner. i ,," . _, .. . _ ,.. . _ . ,, _ _ . .. . __ .. __ 1. .. _ _ . .. ,, _ _ .. _ ... " . _ _ . .. _J
She is _ 5 Complete the sentences with the present perfect
fa on of the verbs in p ar enrheses,

2 Change the eight sentences in Exercise 1 ta

a) Ho w m J n y ci .ffc reri t jobs has she had

(sh e h ad j?

a) Docs she halle :c' wear a tIIl i ( or'irl al lA/ol'k ?

b) She (ha ve) lots o f d ifferen t

b) - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -_? job s .in her life.

c) - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ? c) _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (vou ev er work)
in a faclor y?
d) - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ?
cl) No, 1 (never bel in a
e) ?
- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - bakerv,
f) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ? e) What's t\'I.E' worst meal YO ll _
g) - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ? _ _ _ _ (ever eat)?
h) - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - ? 1 (Iike) most o f m y jobs and 1
like this o ne, too.
3 T h ink of a woman you know. An s wer the
g) Yes, 1 (always wan t)
questions in Exercise 2.
ta be a ballet d an cer,

a) Yes, s/ic dues, / No, sAe duesr, ,





34 Job
6 Wdte questions for the answers beJow. 8 Underline the correct lime expression.
a) Hrw(! ifOl J t'ver bccn <7/1 TV ? (1) Llearncd to d rive ever / in my life /
No, lve m've r bee n on TV. when) was eishtesn.
W ? b) i b ven't been to the mo vies a few weeks ago /
last week / this week.
No, lve ne ver worked as an au p a ir.
c) I b {)~l ghi .:1 gre<l t CD in my Jife / over the years /
c) yesterday.
- -- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - ? d ) Td id nt go to :.h.,. bea. h a t .111 last sumrner /
No, my parents ha ve nevcr forgotten my over the years / recently .
birthd ay. e) I' ve been to a Icw good restaurants last Friday /
recently / years ago.
l) sp ent w ay too rn uch mo ne y last night /
{' Vl'
- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ? today / yesterday .
No, my teacher has ncver made il. jokc in class. g) a lot of silly thi ngs in 2006/

l' VL' d one

e) ? a few moments ago / over the years.

No, ivc never seen a ballet.

Change the sen tences 50 they arc true for you.

f) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ?

No , I'vc never voted in a pol itical election .

g) - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - ?
No, l've nevcr ridden a motorcycle. ~ 28 Listen to the rccording and read the text. ;'Joti ce
the pauses and how snrne words: Me linked together.
Write true answers to the questions above. Then practice reading i' while you listen to the
7 Put the verbs in parenthèses iota the correct form.
H i! 1/
Use the simple past or the present perfecto
My narne 's C a rlos, 1 l and ) com e from / Fo rmosa 1
in Argent ine. ! /

l workasa nar tis t 1 fora nad vertising company, ! !

bu t lnlso teac hEnglish Il

I' ve bccn w iththe co m pa ny / fora cou pleof yeat s / 1

an dL en joy m y w o rk. 1/

1 (1) __ .l'Ii"" !lad (have) lots of horrible jobs

in my life, but the wo rst job [ (2) _

(ev er have) w as selling hot dogs

l (3) (start) the job at the beginning

of last surnmer because J (4) _

(need ) so rne moncy to bu)' Cl car. It was the bigges t

mistake 1 (5) (l'ver rnake) in my

life. 1 (6) (no t like) the smell o f the

hot dogs and, on the firs t day, J (7) _

(fcel) sick. The wcather (8) (be )

Will y bad and J only (9) (sell)

two or three. At the end of the d ay, th e boss

(10) _ , (say) to me , "You

(11) _ (not sc ll) cnoug h!"

The ne xt morning, 1 (12) (d ecide)

to sta y in bed.

'. 2 7 Listen and check.

Job 35
Vocabulary 2 Match the jobs in the box with the texts (a-g).
! ~~ - _ ..- -._.--..... - '-- . -...- .. ~ ' ,..,....
--- , ~- ' .. ' ~ . , ~ --·'- '- ~ 1

1 Who do thèse things belong ta? Label the pictures ~ archaeologist CEO cook i
with the words in the box. " tele~~~~~~.~~~~ . - . __t_~~ .r_~~i cl e ~~ J
f:~;air -b~tch'~ ~-"" " Dj--':n~;n~~;- '-fu';:~~ -j
a) I' ve been in a few movies, but l like being on stage
1 flight a tten d an t
L ._. .__ ..
.....__... ..
surg eo n
.._ _. .. .
i, in a theater best. Last year, Lwas in "Harnlet" .ind
1 got excellent rcviews, ac/or
b) At first, this was j ust a s ummer job, but I rea 11 y
cnjoyed it. -: love reading history books 'Incl r
\;ke sh o wing people th e interesting parts of m y
town. _
cl 1 have a marketing company and we now have
about ninety employees. 1think 1 know the
narnes of <Ill my staff.
d) 1 spend mo st of my time with farmers and J
Il work outdoors a lot. But in the village, p eopl e

come ta see me with their dogs and cats when

. ~
they are sick,

11--- - - c) 1 studied it at college, of course, but 1 was lucky

ta get th e job. 1 work for a museum in Mexico
City and we are studying Aztec ruins in thi s
part of the country. _
f) i work in a large factory and I run the kitchens
there. We have ta prepare meals for about fou r
hundrcd people and l'm responsible for b uy ing
.i ll the food. _
g) 1 work in a large office. It's very noisy be cause
we are all talking on the phone ail the time. We
I!I - - - -- -- D----­ sell photocopiers and ether office machines.

3 Complete the sentences \-Vith the phrases in the bo x.

r-· -···--····--..----··· --· --- '- --,
1 a break a-d-à-r a decision a living \
( mo ne)' a part-rime job permission !
i two weeks
1.__.__........_ ........._... ..__ ....._ ....
,l :


a) l'rn going 10 have a dal! off

0 - -- -- 11----­ tomorrow and go for a long walk.

b) 1asked my boss for ta leave
work carly,
c) 1 need to make about rny
d) 1 think l'li take now and
finish the work later,
e) 1 usually have off in the
summer and go on vacation w ith my family.
11--- -- D- - - - ­ f) I'd like to make as a model,
g) l'rn haping to find _
in the evenings and 00 weekends.
h) The job isn' t well-paid and J don't make much

36 UNIT ftilt Job

4 Complete the sentences with an appropriate verb, 7 Fil! in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.
a) Ifs extrem ely difficult to (ma' a If no preposition is necessary, write 0 .
well-paid job . Hi, my name's lames. I work (1) /or a large
b) Every morning, they a group of hotels and I'rn (2) _ _ charge (3) __ .
fiftccn-minute co ffee break. the cleaning staff. l'rn bascd (4) Miami, but
c) He only wanted to a nap, but he my work involves (5) a lot of travel,
slept for three hours.
d ) In some cou nt r ies, men can sorne
My narne's Mercedes. Righl now, I'm working
time off when their wife has a baby. (6) _ _ 3 cook and l'rn responsible (7) _ _
e) Is it rcally possible to _ _ __ a living as a the salads.I'rn training (8) be a restaurant
snowboarder? manager and r would like to l'un (9) my own
f) 1111: Iactory is closing and she's going to restaurant.
_ _ __ her job .
I'rn Kilte. l w ork (l0) an ad vertising company
g) Why dorr't you your parents for
their advice? and we p roduce short rnovies. Right now, l'rn based
h ) You can il lot of rnoney as a sales (11) office headquarters. but I'm looking
person, but you have to be good. (12) il job with more travel.

5 Match the sentence beginnings (a-g) with their 'c 29 Listen and check.
endings (1-7),
a) Women live lon ger than men, 50 they should 8 Find Iô words or phrases in the ward snake and
b) People who do stressful jobs sho ulc write them in the correct place below.
c) Before they are allowed to run a country,
politicians should
d ) The CEOs of large corporati on s tha t lose money
e) Employees who are often late shouldnt
f) People in important jobs, like nurses and police
officers, shouldn't
g) Pilots and drivers 'who are responsible for
pcoples live s shou ld n' t

1 be allowed to h ave vacations.

a) You GIn make hales in a piece of paper

2 continue working al'ter the age of 55.

with this .
3 earn k-ss than pop stars or D]s .

AGle pW1ch
4 get longer paid vacations th an other people.

b) You can put trash in this.

5 leam ho w to run a business.

6 resign irnmediately.

c) You can p u t work thar has just arrived or that

7 retire when rhev're older.

you have just finished in these.

. ~ -- ._- ~. , -----.,-- --...- ..
! a : b : c ! ct i e i f ig )

l·.=~-.J.- _: =-J..-.~_~l.~_.=r.~_~.- · .~r.=·.::.r ·=-··J

d) You ceri p u t your work in this ta take home.

e) Vou can use these to attach two pieces of paper.

Check (,1) the statements you agree with.

6 Complete the sentences with job or uiork. f) You can use these to produce copies of
a) r had il badl y-paid job and I resigned. documents.
b) He's looking for a well-paid abroad .
c) I'd love ta fi nd a where Tcan be g) You GIn u se these to put information into your
outdoors, computer.
d) lE possible, 1prefer to alone.
e) More and more people can now _ h) Vou can write on these.
fro m home.
f) She's going to apply for a _ i) You can use thcse to keep your office ncat.
in marketing.
g) We often have ta on the weekend.

Job . UNIT m
1 ~:: 30 Caver the listening script and listen to two
people playing a game . On e perso n thinks of a job
and the other person has to guess what it is.
Check (,1) the two jobs that they describe.

1 a) il dish w as her

Ann :

2 Listen again and number the questions in the

arder in which they'rc mentioned.
___ Do you have to be strong?
_. Do you have to wear il u n iform ?
!"".:! [Jo you need any training for th is job?
: 1 i Do men do this job?
Do YOli travel a ht in this job?
Do you work indoors?
Do YOli work normal office hour-?

3 Answer the questions in Exercise 2

Carnei Came 2
1 Vé ,s

~8 Job
2 Un d erlin e the be st way to clo se the letters,
a) Dear Sir or Ma da m :
AU the bes t, 1 Lots of love, 1 Sincerely,
A« l fla Brtckct!
b) Dear Mr. a 'Su llivan :
1 Where do the phrase s belo w belong in th e letter?

Write the nurnber in the box.

Gest wishes, 1 Love, 1 Sincerely,

AIc{i1C1 3m;,>11
a) Cou Jd YOD pl ease te ll me

i -'~-"

: !
c) H i [ emma,
b) Finailv, cou ld you p lease se nd me
Bcst wishcs, 1 Yours faith tull y, 1 Sincerely,
c) :-'irst o f ail, l wou ld Iike to know a little

mo re abo u t
! ! A lana
d ) 1 am w riting wilh refe renee to : T'
d ) Dea r John,
~) 1 look fo rw~ rd 10 heari ng From you soon . ;':'1
AH the best. ;' YOllTS faithfull v, 1 Sincerelv,
f) 1 would l.kc sorne --­ A lano

g) ln add ition, cou ld YO ll possibly tell m e

e) Dear H elen,
more abou t
Lo ts o f love, 1 Yours fai thfully, / Sincerelv,
A /(il1 a
r,....c..,,·_ti.- ...
~"-' .. ..
-=- -~ _~ .~. . ~ ·~ ..
· --'-·_ -~· · -"1

420 t Washington Ave 3 Read th e ad and notes and write a letter asking for
San D iego, C A 92 112 mo re information.

V\.IJwl kind of' worh? Travet - ;,.410 po.ysP

Volunrary Work C amp", [rie,
PO Box3620
Austin, 'l'X T B Ol

Dear Sir or Madam:

. . . (1) ... your advertisemcnt in rhe newspap(;;" yesrerday,
l am inreresred in app lying fi,r a position wit h yom
organizarion and . .. (2) . . . moT\.' informado n.
... (3) .. . ynur o rgan ization . Your advertiserneru says th ar f
l î Our va lun t.~ er work proçra-r offers a hug e rang e ~
il is for young people. . .. (4) . .. how old 1 have to be ta 1.

1 af poss ibilities la responsible young peo pl e r.

ar r ly? ] am go ing co he 18 ne xr month .... (5) ... th e
! who want to discove r the worl d and make it al..

kinds of projectsthar YOl l suppor.
... (6) .. . an application form. : j
: bet.c olace to live :

.. . n ... 1 Yaur accorrmor' ations Will be ln our dormi tor ies ."
i "j and ail me als are poviced. i
Sincerely, r
] Plac es available in our pragr am s star tmq July, l:
j Septem be r, and Ja~:J ary.

Alan a Brickc n 1

f j Don't delay - apply today!

''-''_~=---=-~_'"'' ' ' .. ",_1
j Write \0 :

Hm" long are 'he work camos?

Job 39

Grammar h ) Sar ahs children d on't care about global

1 Insert an auxiliary verb (do or doe s) in the
questions below where necessary. Check (,1) the i) Her child nm love travcling by planco
questíons that do not need an auxiliary,
a) What . )'ou recyde? 3 Correct the sentences with gramrnatieal mistakes,

b ) Which person in yo ur Iamlly cares the most

Check (,1) the three correct sentences,

about the environmcnr? a) Is your town having goad public transportatíon?

e) How many plastic bags you throw aWilY Does YOlA r JOWfI have (j OO! ! fu.Me :,'{)';¡ !;p l"'r"i,;¡l iofl ?

every week?

b) The protesters are having banners w itb

d ) Whi ch stores in your town sell organi c politieal slogans,

e) Who uses public transportation in your famíl y?

e) He's having a lot of fun with his friends.
f) You ever pick up trash in the street?

g) Who won the last elec tion in your country?

d) We're not knowing how to stop the war.
h) Which political pa rty you usually vote for?

Write true answers to the questions. e) She is wanting to help polar bears and
2 Write questions asking fnr the information that is - - - - - - - - .. _­
underlined. f) He 's coming back in time for my birthday.

g) They aren't beli eving in democracy,

h) You are pollu!ing the armosphere and

destroying the pl anet,

4 Pul the verbs in parentheses into the corred formo

Use the simple present or the present progressíve,

The orphanage (1) ís ¡aki:'.i.-- (tak e) ca re of

a) Sarah grows vcgetables in her backyard. tw elve children right now. There are three íull -tímc

NAo (frene!; ;lege/ab/es / 11 he;' backyard? workers, Beca use it is su mmer vacation now, tw o

b) She hates hamburgers. volunteers (2) . _ _ (work) there for

six weeks.

e) She rec ycle s the wa ter from her bathtub. The orphanage (3) _ _ o • _ _ (have) six

bedroorns, bu! they (4) _ (want) to build

d) Her husband wears second-hand clothes.

thr ee mo re rooms, The director (5) _ _ ..

(look) for a wa y to find the necessary money. He

e) SiIf¡¡h and her husband eat organíc br ead.

(6) __ (think) that he (7) .
(know) someonc who can h clp .

f) They wony about pollution .

Most of the childrcn (8) ._ _ (seem)

happy. The volunteers (9) _
g) The y sup port t!leir loc<ll fa rrne rs,
(organize) a special party for the end of the sununer.

!ffl' ;
40 1; Ji¡ Eco
5 Look at the sentences below. Ooes the present 7 Write the words in the correct arder lo make
progressive refer to the present (write P) or to the questions. Then answer the questions,
fulure (write F)? a) Me bed go going time to to
a) Are you enjoyin.g your I:'nglish classes? P tonight What you?
b) South American go venunent lcaders are WA" ,' l ime tilY' yo/), ,qOi fl,q lo ,10 f. o bed IOi'II{jJ,¡i'
meeting in Caracas on Friday. Answer: _
e) Thc groce ry <ore is closing ne xt week.
d ) I'rn feeling reall y grea t, thank you . b ) a re for go in g have lunch lo
e) chis is Rhond a Weiss of CNN and I 'rn speaking tomorrow 'What you ?
frorn México City.
f) We'f(.' having a party thi s weekend. Would you
likc to come? A nsw er: _
g) Our ci ma te is changing an d we' re not doing
enough about it.
e) af ter are do going class the tú
h) The Presiden! is not com ing back to Washin~ton,
WhJt yon ?
DC until ncxt Friday,

6 Correct the gramma ti ca1 m i sta ke in th e sentences.

An swer: _

d) are do gOlng this to weekend

What you ?

- - - - - - - - - - ­- _ -
Answer: _

f.-l /'{! we
Barry: What ~ go in g to do toni ght .
veróni ca?
2 Veronice: I'm lired. 1 going to havc an
early night ,
3 Barry: What ab ou t tomorrow? Are you go
lo be free in the evening?
4 Veronica: Yes, but [ not am going to go out. r
want to watch TV.
5 Barry: Are you going come with me ro my
parr-nts on Saturday?
6 Veronica : No, l'rn going to secing Ton y and b)
Carla thi s w eekend .
7 l3ar ry: Verortica, w hen are we go ing
ge l rna rried ?
8 Ver ónica: I've alread y told ya u, Barry.
\Ve're nev er to going get married,

'ítt 31 Lis ten and check.

Eco 41
VocabuLary 3 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 2.
a) Large cornpanies have becorne richer and more
1 Complete the newspaper article with the words in powerful as a result of glo búfJ2úfin_it_ _
the box. b) More than ten thousand people took part in the
....... . -._ _ _---_._-_..
~ -_ ~ . ~ -..

broke J*I"H slogans
. j e) Sorne people believe we need a
swarmmg urgent way ; _ _ _ _ to change our world .
....._ --- - _....~._ ..~. _-_ ...~. ~~ _ . !
d) The demonstrators were protestíng about the
_ _ _______ o í the rainforest.
iNlPR.ooV e) The government is spending maney on
OUP-. the of schools with

eomputers and other technology.
f) They havcn't found a to
the problem.
g) Thousands of fish died because of
- - - in thc river,
h) VVe should spend more money (m
_ _ _ _ _ _... . _ _ , so that young people
understand the worlds problcms.

4 Underline the corred alternative frorn the options

below to complete fue text.
1 took part (1) the demonstration
beca use 1 care (2) the environrnent. I
don't usually Ieel strongly (3) politics.
but l really believe (4) the need for
greener cities. I'm in favor (5) chcap
public transportarion and I'rn (6) big
par! _ In
Thousands of students took (1) _-----"''-'-''-_
cars that need a lol of fuel , 1 (7) the
a dernonstration downtown yesterday afternoon .
"Creen City" organization because they are
They were shouring anti-governmcnt
(8) __ big business.
(2) and dernanding (3) _
action to improve educa tion in the country, Asma 11 1 at I for I ill
2 about I for I to
group of demonstrators (4) _ <Iway
3 about I for I with
from the main demonstration and made their
4 at I in I of
(5) _ _ to the President's palace. Six
5 uf I 011 I with
p eople were arrested, Later in the evening, the dty 6 after I against I opposite
was still (6) with students who were 7 care I feel I support
enjoying the party atmosphere, 8 about / after I anti

2 Complete the nouns in column B with the endíngs

in the box,
[---_·----- ··-- ···- - ·· --- - ---1

L~ ~ .~~~ _-u ~t.~~:.. ~~~~.J

a) demonstrate demonstr alton
b) destroy destr
e) educate educ
d) gJobalize globaliz
e) modemize moderniz

f) organize organiz
g) pollute poll
h) revolve revol
i) solve sol 32 Listen and check.
. .
r,, '
~: ..
42 ,
U N '¡
'.:' :. ¡: Eco
5 Complete the conversation with the phrases in e) Grocery stores around thc world give away
Ole box . more than one million
I-' ~;;~;' ;~-~~-~-¡;;-;-;;"í ~~ ~;~ '~";~: :~'~g c ? I every minute.

: 1:11 try t~
put Y0l! th.rollg.h I f) Spending more money on
¡ 1 ID afraid Ms. Harrison 15 out r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a good wa y of
i COH!d 1 spealE te Ms. Haffi:;¡6ft reducing tr affic pollution .
j, Huid on él moment, please g) The burning of Like
Please tell her that 1called ! oil and gas is the most important cause of
: who's speaking?
f .... .... .. _ _..... ....... _ _ . •__
h) Scientists are trying to develop different kinds
Rcceptionist: Good morning.
of _ _ .__ , like wind power.
M3n: Cood moming. (1) Could 1 speak lo
Ms Harnson , please? 7 Insertgot in the sentences where it is necessary or
possible. Put a check (.f) if got is not possible in
Receptionist: Ves, sil'. (2) _
the sentence.
Man: My namc's Bobby Mullins, 'Jol
Receptionist: (3) _ a) 5he hasntjmuch
, selí-confidence.
Mr. Mullins, and (4) _ b) Does she llave a boyfriend?
e) How many credit cards have you?
... lm sorry. but (5) _ d ) Have the y any children?

._ _ right now.
e) 1 don't have muny good friends.
f) You 've u meS Sdge from the director.
Man: Oh. Do Y0L! know when she'll be back?
g) We havc lunch at one o'dock.
Receptionist: I'm sorry, but 1 dori't know, h) He's beautiful dark eyes.
(6) _

Man: Ves, thank you. (7) _ 'o Pronunciation

1 11';' 34 Listen to the recording. Which word in each
Receptionist: Certainly, Mr. Mullins. group contains a different und erlined vowel so un d?
a) ªngiY -ªrrive band b:ªvE'1
. 33 Listen and check.
b) ªbroad p-ªrty car pasta
6 Combine a word from coJumn A with a word from c) country CJJ.1ture discgss war
column B to make eompound nouns. Then use the
cornpound nouns to complete the sentences beJow. 2 Look at the words in the box. 15 the underlrned
A B sound /al, /re/, or / tJ? Pu t the words in th e corred
recycling bags colurnn,

i ~~n~~~~~~~:~::t::':~~{:," ·-1
carb on bins
Iossil cloth ing
global energy
mass-produced footprint
plastic transportation i something
'~- '_. " -- ' _ . - - . I
.- -' ~'~""""" ' -" ' - - ' . _ -'.' - -" " - '" . , ~ __
public fuels

,;,~c: =r= =~;L =:1 o ;~;~~:~:!l'

renewable w arming
l. . .
a) A :::arbol1 f oolpti¡-¡I ís a mensure of how
: !
much ca rbón dioxide (Caz) we use. . I ¡.
b) Factorles in sorne countries employ children to
make the that we wc ar,
-- -- -1
-­ - - i - - -- - ­
e) In some parts of the world, the ocean 15 rísing
- ­ - - ­ - 11- - - - 1
beca use oí _ .:==::=====-.. _._...._._.._.._....__1...-_­._-_-.-- ._-,­..._­.. -_ J

d) Many places now have _ ., 35 Listen and check. Repeat the words.
to put yo u r empty bottles in .

.. : . " '.' ijJF.Ji¡

Eco ':::. '.: U N } T .•tJlII,.¡¡I 43

Reading 2 These sentences come at the end of the newspaper \

stories in Exercise 1. Match the sentences (1-4)

1 Match the newspapers stories (ll-d) with four of

with the stories (a-d).

the headlines (1-7).

Sentence 1: ,:ory _ _

Story a: headlínc _ _ Sentence 2: story _ _

Story b: headline _ _ Sentence 3: 5tOIY _ _

Story c: headlinc _ _ Senrence 4: story _ ,__

Story d: headlinc~_ 1~ :"'I. u!~!i'h ':"::~~"':':;:' ''~ h':'':'''!I •• ,,; .,~ U''~1> ''' ~;'~ I '''~ ;.,i. ) ~ ; ; •• ;~.u .;;~ :_ :l ;;~"';~:J;i~';~. J;" ' ~

;L~·.;~~~~~.~:~~~:~:::::;::=:~=:::":~~:~~::=:·~:~:~~"~:~~ ~ El But ir is good news for wine-producing countries ~,

El The políce have arresred eighr protcsters during an r~

:¡ in the north of Europe, where ternperarures are ¡:

:1 anti-globalization march in downtown Washington, ~ ' j ~~~ f

1 oc. Ar first, the evenr was peaceful, but the ~ L",~" ,~"" ,,,,,,_,,,,~",,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,=",,~=-,,=,,,,,,,,,,~,~, __,,,,,,,"r

l. ;:' ;"';';I I 'H:.: :. :. ~ . : ~ .~ ~.;..:. ~.... ;;.;;j~;;~ ~~J "¡~U~'.':":'::';.l<" ;';'; " : , • ....:.:.: ~ "~ : ;.;.;.; ~ i ;. ...o.:..:..:.i••<.;;.;J . J..... :4
J atmosphere deteriorated larer in the day. Police made (,
;j rhe arresrs when a srnall h'TOUP of demonstrators j !I U There has bcen no reduction in rhe number of ti
1.~~:~~P fligh ts..~:~_:..~rj ~ish .~ir:~~~" ." ;"". ,q,,,._ , ,=...t
, C

1 broke awav from the main demonsrration, p .­

~"",s''''''~r'".". ~.., ,,~ ,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,, ,,.;;;;;;;;~-:;:::;.... ,,r,,,,,~'' 'rl "... f!" " '- '
t:." ."...
~ ~ .... ~: ~ 04 .:..!..:.J •• ;; :..JJll. ;'~_J ,; ;:::nu.::~.. ,:;.:i:.:.lj,:J.·; ,:,• • ;; :,!__ .·,;~; ,. ~~ ••:. ;:.,: : iJ.:;; :.:!.:.hi~
¡:::,:~~:~::::~~,.:~ z"'.~JJ'~~; l~ .':~ ~";;; J:'.~~'.~~ .~::::'0 ; ;1

IIThc vVorld Wildlife Fund has said that sea water 1 ¡ _

They smashed car windows ami threw bottles r

at police officers, f

1 is :lOC the solution '.0 rhe world's water problems. 1 t

1 ~
- ' .~'-:-""~~r.-' ,,;, ..,"'"7":;":~ .---: ~.-.~""" -
.. ~'~
. •~."" ":~'" ', -.~~••••~ ~ ~"
Countries like Australia and Spain are turning salry
I.. .L.llu-• • ,~.l.i ••• -s-us••••'; "::I' ~~ ' -";' :'I. ---.;. ;~ ,;, ••• • • :~J" _.:1.:.I~ . a ~.l..l" ~~. o..- ....
sea water into frcsh water for farming and drinking. ' í,
1 But rhe environrnental organization says in a r.ew !! IJ' We should look for ways of recycling OUT water, l,
rcp~rt thar desalinati~n plants are expensive, and are U :! h ' t e report connnues.
~ ."" ';' dW'" ''''''''' ' ' ' '' '=-'' ' '''' '''---;-' '-='''~='' ' ''' ' ' '' '' ' ' '-' -' ''' ' ' '
errvironmcntally unfriendly, .""".__. ~' '' o ' '' ''=' '''-~ '~,_/ r-· - '
1 --. ••~ r.~;~~ -: :. ~ :~ . ~" ;-;:-:-~rr:--:"' ::-:-: : :"" ""' :.-: ~ ; ' r.:" . ' '. .
., 36 Listen and check.
D;:~:~r~':~~~.~~;~;~;-~ '~~ ·~v:~~~~~:~:~~'~l~~a;::~·;~~:l ·'t:
The changing clirnatc could halt their traditional way ~. ¡ 3 Find these words in the stories and underline the
best definition.
oflife. According to a new study, it will be very difficulr '. ~,
to grow the right grapes for their famous wines if !
. . I J
l J) deteriorared
became better I became worse
rernperatures connnue ro ose, ,_".,..,­
r;;,~·~::.~-; '.-;:::'~.::;:;;~~ · :-·:·.::;;;;~::::;;~;-~':':::;;;;::.~.~,~:::::;:::;;::;;;;;:;~"'; . b) desalination plants
factories that change sea water into fresh water
'~ J "", ,,,,,,,ú' ~; ; ' '' ; ;';';J~ ;.,;.;.;; u.. .~'' ~ ln ~ . . ... ......:...:.; ;;~;.;..a ,~, , ~;''; J,.1 '~~''';;':~ ¿ U:~f.

I vegetables that change sea water into fresh

1 The dernand for responsible rourisri is growing, r. water
according ro British travel agents, A ncw survey shows .
e) halt
that more than 50% of British travelers say thar they
continue I stop
would like to know more abour the environmental
d) policies
policies of their travcl companies. ]\IIan)' tourists also
plans or actions I prices 4
want to me,as,ll,re, theír earbon "foorprint, but onh: a
very small number are ready to spend more money on
4 Read the stories again and say if the statements are
travel '.~~ l"':'~r~~~~"~. , r._~~;:r:-.-'f~~~. Oi'_ ""'-'

~,~~ ... ,

ri l " ~J:t1.1&' '''''':''' ! j .t I ' ' ; :J ~ J I ' ' ;ll.= l l ' .~ '''U ~ ~I~ ~ ' . ;'' JJ / ' ' ; ':'''-: U. ' .L..u' ~ ' ' .~ J~ ; : :, "';":";':!u... _ ll . ~ ~ ~
true (1) or false m.
a) The demnnstration in Washington, DC began
~ Government demands urgent aetion t peacefuUy.
wi.!:'f:]i!!1JI[i ::::!IIiii!!!!'::i:!!!f1i¡;!!l!.';;;:§:!!!]I;i: : !!!!;;¡;i!!Jii::1fi;'7::!ir;;ii:!!'-;-'=-' ~",-.1 b) Asma 1I group of a ngry demonstra tors joincd
~ New evidence of global warming : the marcho
e) People drink salt)' woter in AusLJalia.

t[~:,::;:;~:~~I<~ "'" el) Desalinotion plants Me good for the

~ Poliee stop demonstrators i e) Californian Íarmers do not care about global
B,~;··~i;!lf; i " i :~~:Ili;:;;;7;gI;;¡;r~JfIill:!J:1i;;;; : :!rrm:! ~d.~ •."-; ~ Ul. warming.
L Travelers want more information ~ f) Hotter weather ís Ilot :;ood for some grapes.
·¡;- " : !fl. :::~ ! ~: t;;-r;-;:: ~: ! ~~ : !f :-::::::~ ' 1 ;;;;:: ~ ~ I":'r:'":'~ r:Jfl: ~' : m;:-:: rr.:-;:'••utr: ::,,:,-:•• w~f g) British tomists have become more interested in
q· ·wi~~"g·~~;~;;"i~·
' · " · · ·~ ;~~bl~":: : ·~ the environment.
. ~
h) MJny British tr<r\Telers art' happy tú have more 5

B~~~~.';~~;~~~~~~~~"~;~::'~~¿~~] expen.sive vacations.

44 Eco

~~\lr:~jl~iii~ffI~:;!i~~~Q us e, Q\~1jifj
1 Look at the competition notice on the right and read
the competition entry below it.Ln what way does
the entry llot follow the rules of the competition?

2 Match the sentence beginnings (a-e) with their

endings (J-3).
<1 ) Children pla y in the streets
b ) People d o not use public transportation in the


e) Not many people cy cle to work

1 as it s tops at ten o ' d oek.

2 beca use there Me not enough parks,
3 since th er e ar e no cyclc paths .

~:~: . ~-~' · ' · ·,· -· · '~~~~~~~~:~-1 rfjWJ~~~fir:#,tj#,l.t#iE~#.~t!jWg({s$fM~~P~f:rr:;~~!ii~~f~~

! I
_L..._ J. _ .. ..-J ~ How could your crty beco me a (
greener place to ttve and work? I
3 Insert the words in parentheses in the correct place :~ " " "
. •O"'" •• ; ... . . .: : .... . ; ,. ; : ' .
o• • ...;l.;..
¡: : · · · · . I ~ · · · í
in the sentences. sin ce Send us three of your ideas for improving

a) Business people travel by airj th e trains are too

the environment in your cuy Dori't forget to
slow, (since) ,l.
give your reasons. and remember to tell us
b) Mast pcople dori't pick up trash th ey don't the name of your horne town .
thin.k. about it. (because)
e) Nobody recycles their bottles there are no The lucky winne r will spen d 1 0 days in Shanghai
recyc1ing bin s. (beca use) and visit the new eco city of Dongtan .
d) Offi ces don 't use recycled paper ít is .nore
" i;

expensive. (since)

e) People don't like to use the subway ít is

dangerous in the evenings. (as)

:1 '~ '''::'' '';~~~:~' ;:~'';:;:~~ ; :~~~:::':' ' ::; '~~' ';-:'~~: ;'~l';';; ~'~: ';~l
f) The city is building new trams they are cleaner
than buses. (as)
'1 Francisco. t

4 Write the words in the correct arder to complete

j The a r ea ne a r F: ion Sq\.ic:ce i s ve r y unattrac t i ve \:.
the sentences. 1 because t he r e s a l arge p a r king l ot , a busy
í l
should thc y think '1 r oad , and a lo t of t r a ff i c pol lur íon . 1 t hi ak t
a) ! IMnk /,>,11 SllOU!'; :1 t hey s hc.iId c. os e the parki ng l oe an d change t.hi s 1,
.j a re a i nto a park IoiL '¡ cafés and restaurants. ~
plant m ore trce s in the main squ are.
:j Peop l e do not do ~ : ;e ir f ood s hopp i ng downt own t
idea is My should that thcre j sin ce t he r e a r e no gr ocery s t or es t he re . My i dea t
! i5 tn a t the r e should be an ~~an i c f ood mar ket ¡~
i n the c ity ev ery da y . ~
be more areas without cars .
I The r e a r e too many ca rs i n the c í.cy . a s ~
15 My people should suggestíon that :j'.~ a l ot o f peopl e do not; vJant t o u s e pub l i c t­
c) tran spor t a t i on . My s ugge s t ion .i s tha t p eop l e ~
not pay to use public transportation. .j" s hou l d pay 5 do l I a r s a da y hto dr i ve hi n t he c i t y . ij
The l ocal gov ernme nt can t en use t l S money t o ¡
eity 1 s.iou ld 5uggest that the
1" i mp r-ove t he t r ams and buses . ~
d) 1 Some stree t s are very d i r ty s i nce t he r e ~
help m ore pe ople to buy bicycles. a r en' t enough t .ra sh cans , 1 suqqea t tha t t he ~
5 Think of three ways oí improving the environment
in your town or city aud write a competition eutry.
c i t y should have many mo r e t ras h ca n5 on a l l t he
busy ' t e" t , . ¡
~·"~·~-·-~""fr<'.-.'· -~- .. 'f~ -... •••• ~_ •• ~ . .... #t~" " 'nr--'n~""',.-••••r.--... rr.--"'• • .-nr._ •• ..J

" : .
Eco ;i/:.. :'. .. . U .~ I T '. '1 ~ 45

Grammar 3 Complete the short answers,
a ) Did he have to take the exam ag a ín?
1 For eaeh situation below, check (,f) the corred Ves, he di) No, he didll'¡
b) Could they use iI dictionary?
a) Emma's Errglish teacher was sick.
Ves, . No, _
Emma didn't have to go to school that day.v'
Emma couldn't go lo school that da y. e) Do the y have to srudy él lot ?
b) 11 was a public holíday yeste:rday.
Ves, No, _
5h e didn't have to go to work.
d) Can you speak during the exarn?
5he cou ldn ' t go to wor k.

Ves, No , _
el She wanted logo out, bu! her telephone uiasn't
e) Did she have to do much homewo rk?
She didn't have lo call anyone. Ves, No , . _
She couldn't call anyone. f) Does he ha ve to sit at the front?
d) Her bes![nend waS in lv!exico on vaca/ion.
Ves, No , _
She didn't havc to go an d see her,

She couldn't go and see her.

4 Mateh the sentences (a-h) with the sentences (1-8).
e) It was too late lo go to the motnes.
a) 1 it's ,1 bad ide a fo r you to lea ve school.
5he didn /t have to go and see a movie.
b) I think it's a good idea for Y0l! to leave schoo1.
5he couldn't gu a nd see a movie.

el 1 thínk it's a ve ry b ad idea for yo u lo lea ve schoo l,

f ) She had a lat of load in the refrigcmior. d) l think it's a very good idea for you lo leave
5he d idn't havc lo buy any food. school.
5h e couldn't buy any food.
e) 1 thin k its a.. bad idea for Y0l! to cook for him. 6
g) Her apartmeni uias very m al ami ctean. f) l think it's a go od id ea for yo u to cook íor hirn.
She didn't ha ve to clean it.
g) I think its él very bad idea for you to cook for him.
5he couldn't clean it.
h) 1 th.inkit's a very good idea for you to cook for him.
2 Rewrite the sentences so that they are in the past­
1 You rnust cook for him.
a) AIl men have to do two yea rs of military ser vice.
2 You must leave sch oo',
Ai/ ¡'¡ Uf1 Aad lo do ¡¡ ,JO years 01 mi/¡Iary service.
3 Vou rnustn't cook for him,
b) Women d on't ha ve lo do militar)' scrvice. 4 Yo u mustn 't leave school ,
5 You should cook for him.
e) New soldiers nave to take a med ical
6 You sho uld leave school,
examina tion.
7 You shouldn 't cook for him ,
8 You shouldn 't leave school,
d ) You can ' t have long ha ír in the army. ·-· ··­ ·--·-·..-- · -- - - f - ·~ <# - ' · - - r - n ... .' .­ - . , ··- · " · - · -; '-'~-- ·· · - ·· ·· r ··· - - - · · - · ~ ~ - · , · · · · - · - ' · ..i
i a i b ¡ e ¡ de ; f ! g ¡ h ¡
_ i.
j I .
-+.--__ _ ,.
+ _.._ -i-r­ __ .. ".__j.__ .1--_
, .

e) YOll can train to be an engineer in lhe army.
¡.. _. ~_.._.L. _~_._ . ~..~__.__..L __. __ i L_ ]
f) Milrried men cao 't live with their wivcs.

g) Meo with collcge diplomas can become officers .

Check (,f) the past or present sentenees that are

true for your country.

46 Education
5 Correct the mistake in each sentence. Pronunciation
a) You rrust to lea rn ten new words every d ay.
Vou mus/. le.anl ,I-::¡1 /1el;l words eilet'i/ daij. 1 ,<r, 37 Listen and check (,1) the words you hear.
a) sh oes ,l choose
b ) You r b es t friend sho u lds speak to you in En glish
fo r one hour every d ay. b) w ash wa tch
e) cash catch
e) You sh ouldn ' t worry ing abou t making m istake s, d) share cha ir
e) search chu rch

d ) You sho ul d to stud y for yotlr Eng1ish test . 2 Look at the words in the box. Is the underlined
sound 1ft or ItJI? Put the wo rds in the corred
e) You are must atren d every class, column.
í ' -"'-" "- "_OO'- , - ..- - .-- -- 00·-- ···- 1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ .... _.._ - ­ ¡ aeC8ff'd:ft8da1ien child choose i
fl You should to enjoy your studies as much as
I ea ch finish permission ¡

i resea rch rich speQa l ~u re !

L _ __ _ _ . .__ ._. .. J

~~-=: .·~~:~.·~:~ .:(f.~~~.===-¡~-==~-- ·i~~~~~==-.-~

gl You s ho uld us e not a dictionary too often.

{jcc(Jm/flod{~JroJ1 i
eftild Il
h) You must'nt translate everyth ing ,
- -- - - - - - -
- - -- - - - ¡I
Look at the sentences again. -------- ]
• Which are the four best pieces of advice for
someone studying a language?
!.__.. ,~ ., _. _ _ _._. .J _ _ _ _ _ _ __.. .1
• Add three more pieces of advice, • 38 Listen and check. R epeat lh e W'o rd s.

3 39 Repeat the following sentences fiv e times as

¡l ,.

fas t as you can!

6 Finish the second sentence so that it means the

same as the first .
a) Sm oking is n ot pe rrn itted in the restaurant.
You can '¡. smoke in ¡he reslauran/
b) It isn't a good id ea to play your music so loud .
YOl1 _ .....
e) Is it n ecessary for us to wear a seatbelt? She ehose sorne che ap shoes at the shoppíng m allo
Do _
d ) It was n ecessary for everybod y to take an
en trence exa m .
Eve rybody _
e) [g i t OK for me to bring sorne friend s h om e after
Can _
fl When were you permitted to leave sehool? She said the short child sh ou ld share h er ch air.
When could
g) It wa sri't neee ssa ry for me to lose wcight.
1 _
h ) 1 think it 's a good idea fo r yo u to com e ho m e
ea rly.
You _

She chatted with a tea cher in a special ch ecked shirt.

• "

. 0
": .

• o
.U N' 1 r 1". , ~,
;f 47
VocabuLary 3 Complete the sentences with an appropriate verbo 5
The first letter of each verb is gi ven.
1 Underline the corred alternativa. a) You have lo app/y for a place at college a
a) lt often costs / had I needs a 101 of rnoney to go
Icw mo nths befo re you want tu begin,
to collcgc. b) Could you piease try lo m an cfrort

b) He is getting / training / working to be an IT

to find a job?

technician. e) Shc wants lo h a carecr in politics.

e) ~ waní LO become I do I make an architect when d) 1 want to work with people who s....

1 finish school. m y opinions.

d) It's not easy to get a place to Iearn I make I e) Unfortunately, we dont 11.__ anything

study medicine. in corrun on with our neighbors.

e) Students often move I pass I take into the dorrns f) r hale crowded places 1>0 1 ,l"Y to a _

whcn they go to college. thern íf posslble.

f) It usua II y ta kes th ree o r four years te become I

qualify I stay as a teacher, 4 Match the school subjects in the box with the book
titles below,
g) Teachers are Ido I play [In important role in the r ·······-·
u • • • • •• • - • .• • • - . --. --. - - - ••• • - • • • •• • _ . - . . ....... -- - - - , . -~ • • .• _ .

'ives of YOlU1g people. ¡ art

biology chemistry
) econornics geography h isto ry
2 Complete the conversation with pass, take, ox fai!
in the corred formo literature ph::ilo50phy
__o • • • • _, • ~ • • • • _~ . u ..........•.._ _. o • • _.1

A: 1 (1) i oo;" my drivcrs test yesterday.

8: Oh, yes? Did yau (2) ?
A: Unfortunately, no. But I'rn going to
(3) it again next rnonth.
B: How many times have you (4) ~ it?
A: Seventecn.
B: Why do yau (5) it every time?
A: Lots of di fferent reasons. But this time, ; 6
(6) because 1 didn't look in the mirror,
B: WeH, good luck ne xt month. I'm sure you'Il
(7) ne xt time.
A: I hope 50.1 can't afford to (8) it

another seventeen times'

a) philoso(JI1 ,l1 e) ... _­

b) f)
' - ­
e) g)
d) 11.)

:. 40 Listen and check.

!:~ ?¡l
48 U NI T Education
5 Un derline the best phrase to co mplete the 7 The text contains 12 spellíng rnistakes. Rewrite il
responses. with the correct spelllng.
. ..__•..•_ ••• ._ ._ ••_•••_. _. • ••_-.r-:
a) A: I th in k child rcn slart pre-school too early,
- - - ~ ,.,._

B: Absolutely.! Oh, I'm not so sure, Its 'v-/hen 1 <ro. s o. t hi St.h oo 1, 1 -c/ o: S er-e C ·

impo rrant for young children to play with Ihe besl sTevderJ:, in Ihe t.'e ,:'S, bl)J
other children of a similar age. 1 .. ', vo.y" (o.o.d o. prob\em v llh " pe \.\lng. /ly
b) A: I think th at the retircment age sh ou ld be 55. be"l :,u bJ ed s <rete iet.1\0 \o9Y o-nd ph l:,ics 1
B: Absolutely.! Oh, no, j dori't agree wíth
VOl\l ecl. lo go lo c.ol,E'g e buJ 1 f Cl.I \\ed. Ihe
that. We need people to w ork until they're
70 or 75.
enl r ·.: r.sE' eYClm '·..eC:: :.J,se Ihey cou \Jn ' l (eo..d

c) A: Thís enuntry w as much bcttcr when young

my vrl lin g. Bul Ihe ':>E'c..oni li me, 1 po.s l

people nad to do militar)' service. o.nd 1 "lud.yed. c.he rnisi(" rm o- re-:'E'rc.h

B: Oh, 1'01 not so sure.! Oh, yes, 1 agree. It síCr"\ l is l r"\ov
was an impor tant part of a YOUJ1g man' s
Wliel1 l I<!tj 5 .. 1 !ligli school,
d) A: 1 though t the clnss yest crday was reall y
interesting. And ya u?
B: Absol utely, / Well, it depcnds. I loved it.
e) A: He should go to college ami get a diploma.
Don't yau agree?
B: Oh, I'rn 110t so sure.v Oh ye s, 1 agree.
Maybe he should just get a jobo
f) A: What do you thi nk is mo re interesting,
physics or ch ernistrv?
B: Well, it depends. ; Oh, no, 1 don't agree
with that. Wirh a good teacher. theyre both

6 Complete the senrences with the words in the box.

¡ coJlege course ele rncntary hi gh
: p lace 13ft' 9t'ftool su bjec t
l , _ _.

a) 1 only went to _ ./1/y',sc!lOol for ene year

and r can't remember anythíng ab out it.
b) Llearncd to read and write at _
c) 1 startcd 5(ho01 when 1 was
l·i. .rnd Ieft when 1w as 18.
d) My Iavorite was musi c but
I wasn't ver y good at it.
e) i couldri't go to because 1
di d ri't gradu al€ [roro h igh scho ol,
E) 1 díd a in secretarial
stud ies for two yea rs.
g) 1graduated frorn high school and got a

_ __ _ _ __ _ at co lJ ege.

Education 49
1 ~ 4 1 Cover the 1i stening scri p t. Lis ten lo the
extraer frorn a radio show and eheck (.r) the best
sumrnary of the talk.
a) Becoming a foreign geisha

b) Learning to w al k in a kim ono

e) Training lo be <1 geisha in four weeks

2 Listen again. Pul the topics below in the order in

which they are rnenlioned .
a) l,mguage problcms
b) sínging and scrving tea
e) p laying the shamisen , ,
:- _..!
d ) standing up and sitting down

e) the length of the training course

f) walking with a kimono

g) the tea ch er
: . . -1

3 Listen again, Are the statements true (n or

fa lse (F)?
a) The actors were prepa ring for a Holl ywo od
movie, T
b) The actors be ga n the i r dass at six in the
moming. _
el The teachcrs narne W<lS Ziyi Zhang. _
el ) They had to keep their knees together when
they wa lkcd ,
e) They had lo repeal the exercises many times.

f) The two most irnportant actors in the mo vie are

g) l.earning Engl ísh pronunciation was not
h) The training was successful. _

50 Education
Writing 3 In informal writing, it is usual to use contractions.
Circle all the different contractions in Barba ra's

Ietter. What are the uncontracted (Iull) forms?
contracted fnrm fuI! jorm
[ ú h1

1 Read the lette r and say if the statements are true

(7) or Ialse (F).

a) Barbara has received a lcttcr frorn Nick. T

b] Barbara has had a lot of things lo do. _

el Barbara has finished collegc. _

d) Nick is going to ge married to Henry. _

e) Henry was in a hurry to get married. _

f) Barbara is going to write anothcr letter soon .

4 Rewrite the paragraph below. Use contractions

:f~·~ " ·_~· ·' ...!.1.~ · ':"'· &O ~· " ; ; ;":' ~II ' ; ~ ~ '; I HI " ~ ';' ':'':' I I ; ':''''';': h . ' ;~' ''' ~; '''''':h ~;,; u , ,,., '; " i U · - ·~; ; ' · " · · '; '; ' · ·: · ; '; . ; · · -';' '; ; · ' l where possible.
¡ _-- _. ---_ _ - _ _- _ _ ." . _ ~ ~ _ . _ ~ .

I do not have much news. I am studying Englísh
1 Dear Nicf::, t in the evening and it is a lot of fun. 1 have made
lots of friends in tne class, and we are gaing tú
,1 (1) Ths:n f::<;: <;:0 much for writlng. (2) tt \.\';;<;: gooato ~
have a party at the end of the monih. 11ave

'1 h<%lr your n e.w~ . (3) I'm <;:orry I have.n't writte.n for ¡
not made any plans far the surn rn er, bu( 1 am

j 1

'! <;;0 long, but lv e been rto8 11y bU$Y· r

~ My big nCIA'<;: iQ that I-le;'-y and ; :'l ólV e decided to

) get m'-'.;Tiu:. [ wasnt In 9 hurry .:lna \·Ij,g nte d to fini<;;h

'/ co llege. 1:Iut I-Ienry didn't want to wait 1-1 ;;. ó1sKe.cI
rY1e <;:0 mél ny ~ :mes th st : ~i n;,; : ;y s ':¡ld yesoVVe d Ol'I ,'
;] hsve a date for the wedding, but ¡{<;; going to be in
'j t he SUrY1m er.

Anyway, (4) th élt'~ aHfor noVv', becs use (5) I have.. to

to out. 1:11' .he W8Y, I-Ienry >:encls ~I<;; lave.

(6) Take C8.rc G:nd wr ite bacK scon.

5 Imagine that you are Barbara's friendo Write a

reply to her l ctter. In toe second para graph, {e1J
her your own personal news.

2 Read the leUer again and replace the underlined

phrases (1-7) with a phrase from the list belaw
J) Best wishes ~:.. :;
b) 1 have to leave 1'''
0_­ ,

e) : was really happy to rea d your news ; i

d) .J
; can't write anything else right now ! ..

el Look after you rsci f and kcep in touch l.._...i

f) Many thanks for your letter i U
g) Sorry 1 haven't been in touch for a long time i.... . i


Grarnmar 4 Complete the sentences with been OI gone .
a) Have you been abroad this year?
1 Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct forro. b) He's never to New York City,
Use the ing-form or the ro-infinítive.
e) She's shopping every day this
a) Do you enjoy doing (do ) nothíng? week!

b) Do you hope _ (retire) very young?

d) 1 haveri't _ to a rack concert lar ages.

e) Do you know anyone who has stoppcd

e) They've on vacation together
_~_~_ (drink) coffec? every year sinee she can rernember.

d) Have you ever de cided (b u y)

f) I've to the doctor twiee, but she
sornething after seeing a commercial on IV? can 't find the problem,

e) Have J a u ever tried (understand)

a person you really don't like? 5 Wrile the words in the correct arder.

f) Have you ever wanted (live) in al been guitar have How long

another country? playing the you ?

g) How often do you need . __ (go) How IOMg baue UOiA bccn playi!lfl th« gw lad

b) been We have here last living

~l) When did you last waste time ._ _ since summer

(play) a computer game?

Write true answers to the questions,

el arrived been doing have since
2 Complete the sentences withfor or since, What you you ?
a) I've had thc sarne cell phone sincc I <vas 17.
b) 1 havent had a vacaban a long time.
e) r havent becn to el good party _ _ monihs. d) been for have long not there
very working
d) I've lived herc 1 was born.
e) ;' vc known my neighbors more than
15 years.
f) I'vc had this book _ . _ the beginning of May. e) been for has he How long
g) I've been in this room ihree o'ctock. waiting you ?

h) 1havent bought a newspaper _ _ ages.

3 Change the words in italics in Exercise 2 to make

the sen ten ces tru e for you. 6 Complete the sentences with the present perfeet
a) progressive form of the verbs in parentheses,

al What fllive ¡J¡cy ban d(! i~ (they do) all
b) They (sil) 00 the
e) How long (yo u feel)
f) sick?
g) d) J _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ (not sleep) weH
h) for the Iast two weeks.
e) (you work)
a lot since the end of your vacation?
f) [ (gel) home late
every day for months.
g) We (not stand)
here all the ti me.
52 Smile
7 Put the verbs in parentheses into the correet fonn. 9 Fínd and corred six mistakes in the cartoons.
Use the present perfeet simple or the present
perfect progressive. El l'm son}', sir. We're been
l A: Ha!Je /fOil. ktlOwfI (you know) him having sorne problems
long? Waiter! Do you in thc kitchen.
know how long 1
B: Ves, we (go) out
together Ior two years. has been waíting?j~~!!~~~fQ)

2 A: How long _

(you read) that book?

B: Oh, [ (have) it
for about ten weeks,
3 A: _ _ _ _ ____ (you be) here
for a long time?
B: Ves, we (wait)
since two o'dock.
4 A: (she work) in
the same offiee all her Jife?
B: No, she (havc)
this job since she got rnarried.
5 A: Why (you study)
B: Because 1 __ (always
want) to learn it, What you have been
doing since you lefl
8 Complete the second sentence so that it rneans the your last job?
same as the first, Use the verb in parentheses in
the correct formo
a) She started as a DJ two ycars ago .
She nas bUefl hJof'kiflg as a V;j (O,.
two years. (work)
b) He began cooking the dinnc:' thirty minutes ago.
thirty minutes. (cook)
el The y arrivcd in Co lombia last Friday.
They _
Friday. (be)
d) l met m)' English teacher for the first time in 2005.
1 _ 11 Sorry, honey. 1 went to a bar for an
2005. (know) You're late. Whcrc hour, and sincc thcn l ' v e trying to
e) She started cleaning the house very early thís have you being fOI" think oí a good excusE'.
the Iast six hou rs?
She _

very early this morning. (clean)

f) He started gomg to the dive centcr five rnonths

Iive months. (go)
g) They bought their car last Nov ember,
They _
November. (ha ve)
h) We began renting this house tw en tv years ago:
We _
twenty years. (rent)

Smile 53
Vocabulary 4 Match the description with the correct picture. 7
Cindy has dark. straight hair, Shc also has dark eyes
1 Fínd 14 parís of the body in the wordsquare. under hcr thi ck eycbrows. Shc ha s rosy cheeks and
Look ~ and d-. thill lips . When shc srniles, Y0 l! can see he r white
teeth. She has a pointed chin o Piciurc
( H" I P e e H 1 N



uJ 1 1 S o o B 1

K S L T E Z o N



S H o U L D E R

hec] 5 Now write a description for the other picture. Use

the words in the box.
. . •• __••__. .. • . . .· · "' __. _ _ .. ••_••• • __n._.·._... _. h . · ~_ _ ~ ,

! curly f u i) pale square stra ight thin ,:

2 How maoy of the different parts of the body do

have? Write the corred number next to the
words in Exercise 1.
hco! 2 6 Match the adjectíves in the box with the sentences
3 Put the following parts of the face in order. , ~ _ _•• •• •• " ._ --" ~ ~ _"_ . ' & _. " " .~ .. • ~ _ • • • • • •• • - " _ " _0 ' _ _ 0· H ••_ •• _. ~ :

Begin with the top of the face and end with ambitious bossy con.fident easygoi ng i

the bottorn of the face.

, Ioya l sensitivo 4t; socia ble ;

! cheek chin eyebro w eyelash

! forel=tead mustache teeth
a) I find it difficult to talk to people rhat 1 don't

¡ ..... __ 0 ' _ " YO • • • • • ~ . . ... kn ow very well. s/¡!f

[oreliead b) 1 know I'rn goin g lo be successíul.

a) e)
,)) f) 9
e) I love go ing to parties and meeting new p eo p le.
c) g)

J) h)
d) r make the decis íons here, so do what 1 tell Y0l!.

e) I really understand yaur problems . I know

exactly how you feel. _

f) 1 w ant to be the mos t successful busines sm an in

the country. _ _

g) You can decide. I don't mind . _

h) You know that 1 will always support rou.

54 SmiLe
7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box, 10 Match the sentences (a-e) WiU1 the responses (1-5).
r - -··- ----··-- ··--···- - ·-··---··..·..··..-- -- ..- - _­
I addictive affcctionate aggressive I
¡ annoying Iaithful mysterious i
Il ~
.. __

_. ~ ~'" _.__._ .. ._ _..~ . ~. _ .. _J

r ••

a) He said sorne very _ _ Msly things about

me . He really doesn't Eh me .

b) My mother is always very _

When she's with me, she srniles a lot and often

kisses me.

e) Sorne of the boys in the class Me very

They push the other children

_ _ _ o

and often fight.

d ) Michael is a friendo 1have

known him for years and he is always there

when I need him,

e) Shes a very person oYou never

know what she is thinking,

f) reo pIe say that 1 am too . They

say that ] onJy think about myself.

g) These cookies are very . When

you start eating them , you can't stop.
h) Thc children are sometimes very a) I've got a really important exam tomorrow,
.. ._. They ask the S;JiUe qucstion a b) They stayed in a fantastic five-star hotel on the
hundred times! bcach in Puerto Vallarta.
e) 1 have lo cook dinner for ten people this
8 Underline the adjective that goes best with evening.
each noun, d) Adam told me he was going to make a movie
a) a mysterious I shy place with Leonardo diCapriü.
b) <In addictive I a bossy game
e) Why aren't you going to Beth and Ernma's

c) aggressive I sociable driving

d) annoying I faithful music l He was only pulling your lego
el a loyall selfish reason 2 r bet it cost an arm and a lego
f) an affectionate I a nasty kiss
3 I don't see eye lo eye with thern anv more.

g) confident I sensitive .« in
4 1'11 give you a hand jJ you want.

5 ['U keep my fingers crossed Ior you.

h) <In easygoing / a nasty surprise

9 Underl ine the corred verb formo [~·_· ~~·~·: ·!:~:_.b =~·~ ~-~~~~ .-.:.r.-:·~.·. ..1.:....-~.-- . ..¡
a) Do you always rernembcr doing / to do your \ 5 I ! . ! i
!_ ....._ .. .: .._._i... ~ _....._.:...._ _..J
b) Have you ever forgotten tuming off I
to turn off your cel] phonc in un exam?
e) Ha ve yau forgotten mee tíng I to meet jau r best 1 ;,~.:. ~2 Listen lo the words and cross out the
'rícnd for the first time? silent 1etters,
d) How oftcn do you stop having I to have coffee al is la n d d) wa l k

when youre working? b) knee e) wrinkle

e) What can you rernernber doíng I to do when e) thumb

JOU were eleven years old?

f) Whcn will ya tl <;top studying Ita study 2 ~ 43 Listen, then insert the missing silent letlers.
(" _
....._...._-- - - ...... _...... .. . ._..... ... ._--.

:I b d g kit w .
c .._ _ _ _. _ _ ._ _ .l
Write true answers to the questions.

a) _now el desí n

b) Jíst f) lil>_en
el clim g) We_nesday
d) cou_d

Smüe 55
Readi ng

The Mona Lisa

VJe ioorlds most famo us smile - and the world's
most famous painting - is Leonardos Mona Lisa
(La Gioconda). But how mueh do you know about
ber? Who ís the mysterious uioman and why is her
smileso special?
A Leo nardo began wo rk on chis portr.i ; r aro und 1.5 00
and spcm many years working on it . Thc art historian
Giorg io Vasari said thar ir shows rhe young wife of
a rncrchanr from Florencc. She is probably smiling
bccause shc is pregnanr. Bur Leonardo never gave (he
picture ro rhe rnerchanr , He kcpt ir for hirnself

B Larer, rhe Frcnch king boughr ir and puc ir in the royal

palace ar Fonrainebleau. Centuries larer, the French
king Louis XIV moved rhe palace ro Vl' ;\ail\e~ and che
painting moved , (00 . For a shorr rime, N apole ón had
ir in his bedroorn, bur the Mona Lisa moved to [he
Lou vre when il beca me a mUSCUll.

e Leonardo did not finish mosr of his pallltIngs and self-porrraír and rhe Mona l .isa. Shc :~ ;\' fou rid rha t
the Mona Lisa is probably unf nished , roo. She has rnany of the fearurcs are exacrly rhe sarn e,
no eyebrows or cyelashes and thi s is not normal for
E The rwo mas, importam featu res of a face are the
paimings of rhe time. X-ra)' phorograph s show rhar
corners of [he eyes and the mouth . Ir you look ar [he
Leonardo also changed hcr hair at leasr once.
p'lin t ing, you \\ :11 see rhat these fearure s are blurred
D Leonardo's pai nting is exrrcrnely life-like, bur many - rhey are rnu ch less clear rhan thc rest of rhe flee. As a
exp erts are IlO[ sure rhat ir is a painring of th e woman rcsult, rhe viewcr has ro imagine whar rhe Mona Lisa is
[rorn Florcnce, T here are many theories, bur pcrhap s rh inking. Thc rnysrery of he r smile is just a bit of clevcr
rhe most int eresting is rhar ir is a portrair of Leonardo arristic rech niq ue.
himself. An American expen has cornparcd Leonardo's

1 ~ 44 R ead the article about the Mona Lisa and f) The Mona Lisa ', appearance h21,~ chan ge d .
match Ihe titles with the paragraphs. gl The Mona Li'i<l j., pos ~ .ibly a ~e lf-p or tra i t
a) Unfin ished work (paragraph _ eJ of Leonardo_
b) Who really was the Mona Lisa ? (paragrnph __ ) h ) You can ' t f: ~ e lhe Mona Lisa/s mouth
e) TI1e birlh DI a painting (paragraph __ ) ver y wdl.
d) TIle French connectiün (paragrapl-¡ __ )
3 Find these words in the artide and underline the
el The secret of lhe smile (paragmph _ _ ) best definition.
a) portrai t (pil.ragraph A)
2 Read the artide again and say if tbe stalemenfs are
a picture of a building / a picture n~r<;on
true (TI or false (F).
b) ,'- 'lerchant (pa ragraph A)
a) Leonardo painted Ihe Mona Lisa about five -"
a businessman / a businesswoman
hundred years ago. : Ti
e) life·like (parag r;lf.h O)
b) He painted ¡tvery quiekly.
it looks fe al / it moves
el The Mona Usa is a portrait of Vasari' ~ wife.
d) blurred (paragrélph L)
d) LOllis XIV put the p<linting i.n Ihe palilee a t € a sy to see dearly / diffi cult to see dearly
e) tcchnique (.' a ragraph E)
e) TIlt' L.ouvre has not illways been a museum. a machine or motor / a w;,\y of rl.oing something

56 ,lf/lj!¡!!lf¡¡!¡!j!!fliff¡¡N~~:AF!¡! ~ o;¡:


1 Read the travel blog and check (.1) the best way ro 4 Use yauy imagination to complete the sentences
complete the final sentence. below,
a) ... was a rcally good [apanese restaurant a) It was our first time in the jungle. Naturally, we
where we }- ,ld sushi.
j) ... were people fror - aH ayer the world at the
party and we danced all night, b) It was a five-star hotel. To our s urprise,

e) ... wcro thousand- of fish of lots of

different colors.

e) VI,'e we re looking forward to our v aca t io n .

2 Flnd words or phrases in the blog lo replace the -~-nfortunately, _
words in ita 1ics.

WI': reallv enjoyed OUT time thcrc. Flrsih], [he

d) Wc wanred to go so mew here with lots of th ings

weather was pc-Icct. It didri't rain once. Then ,
to do. Most irnportantly, _
the wildlifc was íantastic. We saw sorne amazing

animals during our trek in the jungle. Lnstly, wc

e) The waiters were very annoying. Honcstly, 1

lov ed the laid -back lifestyle, ~verYJody was so thought _

3 Find words or phrases in the blog that have the 5 Think of a vacation that Jau enjoyed.
sarne meaning as the phrases below, • Think of three reasons why you enjoyad it.
a) J am lelling the truth • i m agin e that you are in the midd le of that
b) Il WJS extremely irnportant to -.IS vacation,
e) it was unfortunare • Write a short blog entry lo describe the
d) of cour-« ­ vacat íon.
e) we were surprised

Smile 57

Grammar 3 Put the verbs in parentheses into the corred form,

Use the simple present or toill + infinitive.
1 An advertisement for a health spa made these a) As soon as he leaves (leave) the
promises. Insert will in an appropriate place in health spa, he'Il have a cigarette.
each promise, b) Hís wife will be happy when he _ .. _
(come) home.


! \. W 1 US ... } 'i!
e) If she asks, he
Jiked it,
d} When his friends see him, they
__ (say) that he

1 _. .....- ••.- ..-- •.- . -.-- . -- ..- - ..._ - _...._ ••_.__ .... ::
i will Ji' (think) he is sick.

I a) yau liase at leas! five kilos Ifi e) He reaIl y will be sick if he (not
f\ ;i eat) more.
b) you be relaxed and posiuve about life ¡!: f) When he ._ _ (eDI) norrnally again.
] e) you have much more energy he'Il feel much better.
g) If his wife (ask) him to go to the
1 d) relauonships wilh your fnends be happ ler
hcalth sra again, he'Il say no.
j e) your general fitness gel better
4 Pul the verbs in parentheses into the correct formo
I f) you think diHerently about load Use the simple present or will + infinitive.
I g) your Inends tell you you look great fij a) When we gel (gel) to Havana, <1
I f friend ¡,Jill meel (rneet) us at the airport,
··~ ! ~m:~::t~m::m::m~f!m: :mrm;: · mJ:: ~~!: :m~mrm:m¡w:;m!:. l !!rrrrrr:: ~n!:; ff!·?r!: ~ rtr:f!

2 Aman is going to the health spa for two weeks. b) lf he (not be) therc, we
_ _ __ _ _ (take) ¡¡ taxi.
e) When we _ _ _ (ge t) to the hotel,
1 (ask) them to bring a bottle
of champagne.
d) As soon as we __ (be) readv, we
_ _ _ _ _ _ (look) for a restaurant.
e) We .__ (go) to an expensive
restaurant if you . (want).
f) lf it (not be) too late aftcr that.
we (find) a good nightclub .

Do you think the sra wilJ keep its promises? g) (tell) YOll where 1 gol the
Change four sentences in Exercise 1 to show what rnoney when we _ _ (gel) home.
you think wilt happen by
• inserting probablylandlor
• making the sentences negative

He probab!y ~¡lDI1 ',1 lose al I"así (1 Vi' kilos,

m _

' .. _-- ._ - - - - _ .--- - - ,- - - - ­

58 LifestyLe
5 COrred the sentences with grammatical mistakes. 7 Write five sentences with used tú I didn't l/se to +
Check (,1) the correct sentence. infinitive comparing city life now and city life
<1) : didn't ~ lo likc spinach, but llave it now, one hundred years ago. You can use the pictures
lo help you.
[ didl1 '1 i-Ise /0 like spinach. bu; [ lave ii I1m-.'

b Did yom parcnts use ta ke you to school?

el Where you used to go for YOLlr summer


d) My brother and 1 used to having fight~ all

the time.

el We are used to share a room until 1 was 11.

f) OUT parents didnt use to have much money.

g) Oíd you use to spent a lo t of time with

your gr,;l\dparents?

h ) Were you use to be ver y messy?

6 In the sentences below, replace the simple past

with used to + infinitive where it is possible,
a) A::, a child I cyclcd to school every day,
As a cAda'. 1 IA Sé'd ,lo Cif clt~ lo scitoo/ C;;Cfy dtl,lj
b) The roads v.'ere quiet and safe.

e) My parents gave me the bicycle for my tenlh T/WI'C uscd to be [ewcr pcoplc.

birthday. Pcopl« didnt use fO drivr l o wark.

d) I c1eaned it every d ay,

e) My best friend wa s a boy narned Torn.

f) Onc day, I lcnt him m y bicyclc.

g) He was not a very reliable friend o

h) He gave it back lo me iI week later,

i) One wheel was brokcn an d it W¡¡", all dirty

Lifestyle "1!¡!¡!¡!f!!¡!!j¡¡¡!!!¡!H~;:~ :.i;:id . •

o' ,
VocabuLary 3 Match the words in the box with the pictures.
¡-- _ . . .•_-.•. _ . __. . . ••. •. . - , ,-- - ~ . _ -- -- - - - ••• ., - ••••_ . ' - - .-.,•. .. . .. ­

bea ns ca uliflow er cherries ~

1 Underl ine the correct altemativ e.
i rn ush room nu t sard ine tom ate
1._ _ _ _.. _ __ .

a) lem o« e)

b) f)
S UE' lead s él very health y (1) diet/life and sh e likes
to s tay in (2) alon e / shape. She goes for a (3) brisk I
large wa lk every rnorni ng, an d in the evening she
(4) do es I goes martial arts. She h as a s tro ng
(5) network / serving oí fricnds a nd a large
(6) extended I natural famil y. She 's never in a
(7) beach I hurry an d she's ha p p iest of al! when

she 's w atching the (8) lifesryle I sunset,

2 Answer the questinns with the words in fue box.

~a r~~~" " " ~~¡~ken -~~~'~'~b e;-" '~~;~'i~~;" - e) g)

¡gar lic g rape lertuce pettffi pepper

¡ sau sage shrimp trout
I .... . ~. __ ~ ••.•~ _,. .. __"' . ._ _ .~ .. • ~ .... •.. J

a) vV hich is a Iruit that grOW$ on trees? ~a..~

b) used to make wine?

c) Whic h is a riv cr fish?

- - - --
d ) Whic h Uves in the ocean . bu t is no t a fish ?

e) Which : ~: a vegetable tha t can be red or gr een? d) h)

f) Which look s like a srnall onio n? - 4 Match the verbs 00. the left ((l-g) with the words on
- - -- the right (1-7) .
g) Which is an oran ge vegetab le that grows
underg round? _ a) baked I in ba tter
h ) Which is purple 0 11 th e outside and white b ) bo Ued 2 in half
insidc? c) ehopped 3 in the oven
d) ca ten -± in a li ter of water
i) Which ís dark green on th e outsid e and light
green insid e? _~ _
e) fricd 5 into small picces
f) broilcd 6 under él bro ilcr

j) Which is a g reen lea f tha t ís us ua Ily used

g) sliceo 7 raw
in salads? ~ _
r ,.- .,-- .._.- __. ~~ - ~ ·' · 1 · " - · · · · - . _ .•u····f··········· . ~-. - _..
_; ~ . . . . ' - - -' 1
k) Which is a bird?
- - --- ¡ a ! b I c id j e i f ! g : h ;
1) Which is made of chopped meat ? _ _~_ _ l- -r'" - .~-..-_ ~ _~_ _ i..._ _ '

; ~ i.. . :_ ...! _ ; ;__.__ . ~ _.. :

U in r : ~ Lifestyle
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box, 7 Match the questions (a-e) with the responses (1-3),
al Did YOl1 enjay yo ur flight?
" brake bUfflper engine gears
! b) Did you pass the exarn?
[ hood piule steering sun roo f
el Do vou want to join rny martial arts class?
¡ tire trunk windshield
1 No, thanks, It's not rny eup of tea.
a) Cars have a bmper at the front and thc 2 Ycs, 1 did really well, It was a piece of cake.
back for p rotection in an accidento 3 No! We were packed in like -ardines,
b) A driver has to take one hand off tite - " - -~ "" ' T"" 'b -'-'! . - --~
_ _ _ __ wheel to change _
...... _... ¡ --~ . __.-"""1
e) Many cars have an extra in the

d) When it's raining, you nced ro turn on the

e) In mosr cars, the is under the 1 Which word in each group has a different vowel
_ _ _ _ _ al the front of the car,
f¡ lt's a good idea to put the emergency

al brisk built gx:rn high traffie

_ _ _ _ _ on when you park.

b) fr~nd guess head healthy n~

g) A is greatwhen thc weather
is good . el cnop Qmon sausage dollar wash
d) cook f.!Jll g!.1.Qd S!!.g<lf .!,!ncJe
h) A businessman bought the license _
CEO 1 for more than $300,000,
: 45 Listen and check.
6 Complete the rnissing words.
: . l ' ... . _ ~ ~ ~ • • --a..~ •. ' ••• • H • • • ~.~_ !> • • •• ; . I • • • • ~ .~,U .. - - : I • •• -...:.:J u. ;. ~ ~ .r , . ~ . ~ J J h . ~ U ._ '~L _
2 Look at the words in the box, Is the underlined
sound Iv, lel, /0/, or fuI? Pul the words in the correct

1 , 1lIJ~~íI~I~.jl~ttl!if i column.

! ~ e)d~1E\ee frgsh ~ heavy

j ;jj.,f/ I 9 _ _ stuck In a traff e jam. i
j .: ! hot knock lrathcr Qffícer pill PQ3iti o e ,
1dJ!hU The car o down on the way :0 work. j Pllll should spinach s)':stem took

j ·iiiHr I had lo give my grandmother a r to the ¡vege table .:ª~~~ ~~n~~I~~~~ __ _:~~~_ .
hospita' 1
.','.' -- ··-;;v..----------·..--
····..·--.. ¡· -.- ----. -.-- -,/~:.; .
..... .. -.._- - ¡............... -- -- - - '''... '1
I'm afraid my ear r __ oi.: of gas and I eouldn 't
active ex tended
find a gas station that was open.

._- --.. - ---- --'1"' _ - ¡:¡ ,-' ---j

._- .: --.._-- _._.- --.. ....!
Check (.1) the excuses that you have heard or used po sthve good

.. _ _.. _ ..J

~ 46 Listen and check. Repeat the words,

1 ~'_ 18 Cover the listening script and listen to three
people talking about their dream cars. Match the
speakers with the cars.
Sp ea ker 1: car _

Sp ea ker 2: car _

Speaker 3: car

'; Listen again and check (,1) Ihe tapies that each 3 Listen again andowrite short note-forrn answers lo
speaker talks about. the questions in the table.

i S PE' ;;ker 1
¡ Speaker 2 : Speaker 3 : ;. S~~~ke~ l ' :. S~ ~ ~ ~~~X";.S·p ~~ker 3 ;
~ Wha! color ¡ What color
: is it? . is it?
¡ ", ---- , .
. W hat s pecial Wh a t s\, ,-cial

I fearurcs do es it features d ocs il i

: ha vc? have? .

L... '-1
; How Iast does 1Iow Iast docs

i it go ? it go?

i Wherc would ¡ Where would
:; you likc to go in ¡: ; you like to go in
; y our car ? ! yo u r car?
r·· .,.. . " .. , .
Whü woi. ld jau : : Who would you ¡
¡i ke to t.:ke ; like lo tak e
w it o V Ü U? w ith yo u?

62 Lifestyle


1 Look at the exarnple sentences (a-d) and underJine

the correct alternatives in the box.
a) One day, during his vacation, Tony saw that he
was less healthy than many of the other meno
b) One da y, uihile he was on vacation, Tony saw
th at he wa s less healthy than many of the othe r How much did Tony weigh when he arrived?

men o Tony we10Jled 95 hilas whel1 Me arrh/ed.

e) During the flight home, he de cided to do Who did he mect duri ng rus first moming at the spa?

something abou t it. What did she sa y to him?

d) While he was flying horne. he decided to do

somethi ng abo u r it.

i Linking words
! To talk about a period of time or one point
¡I in a period of time w e use
( durin g + noun / phrase (subject + verb)
\ while + noun / phrase (subject + verb)
1_••_ _ . ..._ •••_ _ _

What did Tony nave for lunch?

How did he feel?

What did he think aoout while he was lo oking

rus plato?

2 Complete the sentences with during or whíle .

a) He used to go to a bar dMil1g his
lunch brea k.
b) He always a te pizza he was
watching IV.
e) He smoked cigarettes _ he waited for
thc bus to work,
d) .. he was working, he used to drink
lots of sweet coftee.
e) He liked to relax in his backyard _
the summer.
f) At the movies, he always ate popcorn
a movie.
g) He never worried about his fitncss _
he was married.

3 Look at the pictures on the right and write the

story of Tony's visit to a health spa, Use the Oíd Tony lose wci ght while he was at the health spa?
questions to help you. How did his trainer fee l? 1Nhy?

,;i: ...:':,' .': :. i U 1'I.1.T
, ,,¡ . .r
. /tI#;
1.'0: 63
;i,: ·: " :.'.:' .," : ¡I

Ani mals
d) Indian newsp<lper~ have reported the death o f a
Grammar lorloi se. It Iived to the age of 255.
1 Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun
(who or ihut). Only use tliat when toho is not
possible. e) Animal rights protestors changed their minds
a) The people IiIfw _ líve in the Serbian town when they saw the animaL'hey wanted to free
of Odzaci were arnazed w hen it began raining J tiger from a circus.
frogs one da y in 2005.
b) A Mexican woman _lost her cell phone
calle d the numbcr and heard it ringing inside
her dog's stomaeh. 3 Complete the questi ons with the correct form of
e) Scientists have Iound that chickens _ the verb in parentheses .
watch TV lay more eggs. a) If yau 5t/lv (scc) an injured
d) A rnan from .'-:ew York went to hi s bathroom bird in the street, would you help it ?
and found a baby alligator was b) [f there was a mosquito in your bedroom.
swimming ;1\ his toilct. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you try) to kill it?
e) Bcars in the Yosernite National Park often s tea e) If fl cat (come) into your
food people have idt in their cars, house, would yau give it somerhing to eat?
E) Pcnguins often faH over when the y try to watch d) If you found a spider in the bathtub, what
airplanes are flying above their heads . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you do)?
e) [f a friend (ask) you to
w atch their dog for lwo wceks, what would you
f) If the goverrunent closed al! the zoos in YOUl'
co un try, how (you feel) ?

Write true answers to the questions,


a) Yes, [ ¡;Joula' ['el iakc ,1 lo ti vel.

4 Insert that in the corred place in the numbered

lines of the conversation,
. ¡f,al
A: Th ese are great pICtureSt

1 What kind of animal isr'?

2 B: ls a g,ilago. It's also

2 Combine the sentences with relative clauses.

called a bush baby

a) A Me xican man says that he has el duck. It

drinks bccr and can understand hirn. 3 A: fs ,) kind of monkey?
,4 Mexici jf1 111 M sdiJS l A,:: '-,e Aas (j duck Iha! 4 B: Yes, is right.
drinhs beer and Clm undersiand /¡i ll1 A: And in the next picture,

b) A group of dolphins savcd a rnan . He was 5 what's in rts mouth?

sw imming nea r a great white shark. B: It 's a baby. They're

6 animols carry ~ hE'ir

babies in their mouths.

e) Sho ppers in Virgin;<l were ~urprif.('d to see a 7 A: b reatiy strange!

deel'.lt was in the grocery store.
48 Listen and check.

64 Animals
VocabuLary 4 Complete the conversations with the words in the
r" •• , - , ~ . & •. - r - ~ • •• . • ~ • • • - . - .. ~ • • • - • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• • • • • •- _ •• • • _. _ - , _ •• • • _ -. -­ -­
1 Find 15 animal s in the wordsquare and write them
in the correct column. Look -7 and >!.-.
! afraid eett-I4 mind never

_. ..
- . ;' ."
_ I-' - ~ "
I probJern sorry thi nk wonderful
e K R o A.. f--.­ e H\
(c O
H B E E e A T F

1, wondering
1_--,-- -- _
, _ , _ _...:

a) A: Scott. (1) cauld yüu take cario' of m)'

I A N T J U P L N cat this weekend?
B: I'm (2) , but I'rn allcrgic to
C A L F o A L Y o cats.
K M o S Q u I T o A: OK, don't (3) _ _ _ .... _ . I'Il ask sorncone
·1 else.
W o K I T T E N G
b) A: Sorry, Pete, would you (4)
B U T T E R F L Y driving a Jittle more slowly?
y B: OK, no (5)
A: Thanks.
insects Baby animals Other» c) A [cnny, do you (6) you could
cockroack take rny dog for a walk?
B: l'm (7) J can' t. J'm busy
A: OK, (8) rnind.
d) A: Petra, Twas (9) if Y0l! could
make me sorne coffee.
B: Of course,
A: Thats (10) . Thanks,

2 Underline the correct altemative to complete the

#i!:t 49 Lis ten and check.
a) Ar e you afraid I fascinated of snakes?
b) I'rn allergic I fascinated by wild birds.
c) They are terrified I interested of spiders, 1 tl/!I 50 Listen and check (./) the words that you hear,
d) Are you afraid I allergic to cats? a) bear ./ beer
e) Are you interested I crazy in wild plants? b) dare deer
f) She is ('razy I terrified about horses, e) air car
d) hair here
Write true answers to the questions.
e) where were
3 Underline the corred alternative.
2 look <lt the words in the box. Ts the underlined
a) Steve often has to go away at I in / on business.
sound lerl or lul? Put the words in the correct
b) l' 11 get in I on / to touch wi th you next week. colurnn.
r .. ..._... _ _.
e) You'lI never guess who turned
l aHair
· rr • • • .. r r •• • • • • • • •• • _ . _ •••_ _ • • • • • • #0 _ _ . _ • • • . ... .

around / down I up here yestcrday! Beaffi ca reer careful chair )

J) Can you keep an eye for Ion I out rny L. ~e~~ ._.r~~ely ...~ql~~.~ ~ ..... :t_ee.~__ .: e a~.. _
apartment when l 'in away? ;_. . r _. ~ __._ ' ._.__ . _ ~.,. . . __..
~ ~ 4' · .,. , _ . •• • ~ _ . . • _ • • , _ . • _ _ "_ ._ , · _

e) Don't forget to key in / through I up jour name !

L _ ler I , '
¡ , ,
and password . i Cifra!!' f,Cf), t'rJ
f) VVhy did he walk at I off / to likc that?
g) Please oull about I by / up over thcre and turn
off your engine.

_.-_----­_-­._­..­,..---­_--­._- ,1. _. _ _ ._J

@ 51 Listen and check. Repeat the words.

Animals 65
:. " _ _ .; • • • ...: " _~ : __ J " __r ~ " 0. " ••• •• . _ ~ •••• • • _ " • •• •• • •• • • • JI' ~_ U • • _--! __ ,.' • • • • • _ : ,. • • ~ ~ _

Reading [i

1 Label the magical anirnals with the w ord s in th e box,

r···_·········__··..·-·-··········- ... -_..-._.."" -- _..
l\l1agical ll 11j C () J~ 11 S ~.

¡ draga n __ _ _
_ • • .... . • • • u • • •• • • ~ . ,~ .
uni corn
••• • . _, •
L\'t'ry hod:v' Ilt'l it'ved t h lllln iu lI"Jls cxisl t'd.1Jut"very Iew
j:J \' (l Jlll' sow ¡-h¡' 1"1. Juli us Cil C ~; ¿l [ Sil id ¡-h a ~ llw an ím al
h<id tl-K' h é'c ~d uf ,] dccl". d ll' ('e\ 01 dJl l"lepha lH., ami D
nnc J ;11;:'1.\' -·IIWg hum 011 i [ S[órt'!H.'nd. ¡'vlarco polo. ",d IO ~
t!w'.lglll 11t' <:¿nv n ¡¡Ilicurn in Ilk \id. dgi"ceC! 1h,ll il hod
c l ~ 'P h d )l -¡-"S red cinc! il l-on-bui :'; c1 id \( Il <VJ él pi g s
h ?e1ci il
- IY· (llrnos! lí'l'l din lv dl's cril./tllg d rl"11 10CC' I'OSI
\}.··él:> i.
13.\' {he si;.;t .;'';1~ lh (\ -n tury whc n hooks a bout r1l'i 1118.15
\'W [ e bL'COn l illg very popu lar; t'verybody r1greed d l M

t hc uiucorn looKc'd Iike él. \yh¡¡-l' horst' wir h <1 horn.

a) _

.1\[ ter \\ ",)Ib llg

ll1 rough 1h t' nnrror. II"<11 1Y st rcmge
things hdP Pl'I1CC[ tn Alic"t' Une ( 1.:1)-'. .,1)(' 111E't t\ unkom
tJ-1I ~ st r" l1 ~e Cl""t'é)tli I"C.r 11 1,' un kom " skeri its
\ .1/11,)( is
II·it'nJ. 'T)1<l ( is el girl' H'p1i¡YI l lll:' rrtcud ';\ 11: s"üd tf1l'
lI nim m . 'l t houghr lI ld l gir ls \\,('1\' lYJ dgic<l l ,mil"l1 (l!S. I
,'Iid 11m know 11 ~ ellll]l;'Y \\' ¡' I '(' ~ 't' il l" i\lict' [ 11(' 11sl.! (.)ke ':'-\Il d
It hought that lInl CO¡'11Swere n1<l gic,l¡ ~ ' slle Sil id.'Wt'11. ir
2 Read the article about unicorns and put the YUll be!ií.' \T ¡1'1 me. Jll bt'h 'v(' ln you. :-;c1id t l1(' llllIcun ,.
paragraphs in the correct order.
,' ~ - ' " '~ " ' ~ "l - - - .. -~ I · ·- -· · ·· · · · ··~_ · · ·· · _ · __ o

!I 1 ', 2 I,! 3 ' 4 i

I ¡ : I
1···- .-. - ··_·f-···· ··· .. -! ---- .
i B ! ~ "

~ ...._.•~ •..._.i.._.. 0_ 0 _ _, f._. ......i.._._.. •._. I

4j# 52 Listen and check.

3 Find these words in the artic1e and underline th e

best definition.

a) existed (paragmpl! A)
were real! were not real
b) ..::"['<1 t u re (paragraph B)
human I animal
el mvth (paragraph C)
a true story / an untrue story 11
f'if"t.V Vl'drS l'w f(¡I( ' Ll' \Y ' S Cm 1( 111 '."-Tole h l~; s l(Jr i!:'.'
dl ( ~iseascs (pnragrapl! O)
ahour ;'dice. many lIi'op!e st illbe li('l'c'cl in t hc !nYI h uf
medicines / illnesses lln!Wrns. f)l'ilgons d:ld phoi.'Il Lw s \\'('rl' (liso very rrr11
4 Read (he article again and answer the questions. in sOll1e IWO¡lit"S ¡n¡!lil " rJm in Ull' car lv ni neti:'Cllt l\
Cuvk'r,who s l ll d ~ed
<. <' n t u ry, ,1 1"1"('11( 11 SCiE' llli<.t rl<1rn n
a) When did strange th ings ha ppen to Alicc ? d i l\( lSr1 u r~; .
showed t 11ill ltni w l'll S only exht ('cl in the
imrJgi l' m io11. For hundreds ol .vei.wibefore that, rhmgs
b) Wh y was tbe unicorn su rp riscd lo se e A lice? \\\ '1""l: WI""I-' d iff cn 'l l l

el Whcn did people stop believin g in unico rns ?

UllIU H'11 110 1' 11:; \ \-'('1\' cxt remely l',-:pensivt? \/('1)' rkh
P('(lll k' l1eld ,11 I ~' d ~ l ()]le 110m i!l t ll eil" humes <1l1d
d) In what \vay w ere the descrip tions of Cae sa r d()(to l"~ nll L il ill l1l(·d lcil' i;'~ F\YJple tl1ough(' i l ((lll ld
<lnd Polo differen t? cure !J1(),q di<:;c'ctse" TJ h' ~; (' Ilurns \·'len' probilbly jJ1('
l1 ¡lYII" ni ( !l ilrl\.-'h'l l, ej. [drgt' q \l cl.J1imal t hl l look-s like'
e) Which aniln¿¡\ did Marc o Polo rc¡¡J]y see? el Wh"llt' \v il l \ el l-1 o n \ ~ l () r i t'~ rlboul u ll iconlS wert'
, ll (lplII,l l·. 111 nkJn'i Of rl1CSl' sUwies. t hc lln ico rn is (1 ,

d(l!l gcrnus d ll i!11r11 ( l¡,l l bt'COI l h' S Cd[m W H'11 it is Wttll ,.

f) Hall\' d.\d people use to Ll se unicorn hom s?
I ,1 1' \.l l lI !l I'1lT i ecl g i l"l i

i ._ .., __ __..'0., _..•, ..,,__ "", ,- ._" _.•".u- ,,- _ ~ -- m - •• K"'...f"

66 Animals

1 Look at th e web po s ting below and choose the be st pet for Bill from the pictures.

- - - - - "--- - - - - - --0;5
Animal Advice :1
J' ;1
'í1 I am a ret ired m anager. I am 74 years ole ,

bu! 1 am in ver y good hea lt h . I have been 'j
a little lone ly since my wife died and I am '1

1 somet ime s seared in the house on my !


1 own. I live in the count rysid e and enj oy going t)

] tor walks. 1 don't like cat s, but I love all othe r 1i

'j anima ls . What pet do you recom mend? fi

Bil 18 0we ll '/

1., .~ ,' · " ~;~~~;~;:~:::::~~~~::: '::::::~:::~, . ,.~;,:~~: :: ~.:·:~: ;.:f': · '· · "'~ · : ,·" · ~ ~· ·: · ,· .
2 No w read th e reply below, D oes the writer agree

with yo u? Do y o u both have the sarne cpiruons?

(.... ..;~~~.~ ~'i~ i ·~~ :·~~·;·~~;~ ·~~~·~~·r · ·~·i~ ' ·i· ~ ' ·~. ~~;~ ·~~;~· . ·-"·. C~. 5 Corn plete the first sen tence so that it is true for
~ cc gs make very good friends and Bill will feel less if. you. Then use y ou r imaginaban to com p lete the
'. lonely. I also think that there are other good reasons 'le '; other sentences.
j for getting a dogo For instan ce, Bill could take it i i. a) In rol' op inion, cat s are / are not vcry good pe t s.
'j with him when he goes Ior a walk , and a oog could
b) It seem s to m e that _ - _
1 protect him in his home. i;

j It seems to me that a dog is really the only .. ~

i possibility. Cats are out of the quest ion because [ e) J éllso think that

j .. Bill doesn't like the m. Animals like goldf ish and l

1 tortoises don't really communicate, and I don't t hink !:' ~

d) r don 't t hink th at _
i they will improve his life. In my view, a dog 15 the ¡¡¡;j.,
i b~ s t choice. It will solve Bill's problema and make ,~ !
hlm a happler mano : ' el Tn my v ic w, _

t.. .,·.;;;,::~Z~:::::~:::::::::~:~::~ : ~:::.'~,::~!.: : ;:::::::; ::':~~.~l¿}

6 Read the web po sting below and ch oose the best
1 Find wo rds in the reply above ta replace th e words pet for Zo é.
in i talics,

a) 1 cant understand sorne p eop le's choi ce of pc ts.

Help me choose a pet
My brother-in- la w, for example, has a snake,
1am t welve years old and 1 s hare a ro om with
b) Sorn e rn ov ie stars havc s tran ge p ets, .' ;iC}¡ as pi gs
my bro ther, Art hur. Arth ur ha s a pet mou se and
an d tigers.
I want a pe " too. 1want something cute and
fluffy. We live in a twelfth floor ao artm nnt in
4 lnsert the words in parenth eses in the correct place
downtown Manhattan. My parents have agreed
an d re wr ite the se n terrees.
t hat I can have a pet, but th ey have t old me t hat
a) So rne anim als are " ery chea p to take carc of. A , nave t o ta ke care of 1'(. They don't like an im a ls
gold fish costs a lmo st no thin g. (fo r exarnplc) an c it has to st ay in my room .
b) Young chíld re n love ba by an ima ls p uppies and Zo é Hou seman
kittens, (likc )

e) l-lave you tho ug ht of ge tting sorn eth ing original

a n iguan a? (such as )

d ) So rne p co p lc Me allerg ic to ca ts. My ta the r can 't

Write a short reply and exp lain which pet you
go ne ar th<:111 . (fo r instance) think is best, Gi ve your reasons,

AnimaLs ffU¡!f¡ff!¡f!¡I!¡f!/!fjl#ji~::~!' ]j;TYJi 67


Grarnmar 3 Underline the corred verb formo

a) The best movie s are made I make in the USA.
1 Read the sentences, In each case, ch eck (,/) which b) TIw most friendly people in the world
happened first, a) or b). are found / find in Sou th Ameri can cou n tries.
1 11 was la/e umen I gol 170me because 1had worked e) French restau ra nts are cooked I cook the
fa te Ci t lhc office. world's bcst food .

a) 1 go t horn e. b) 1 worked late at th e office . /

d) The fastest cars are usuaUy driven I usually
2 When 1had hada quick dinner, I toatched 11 scary d rive by meno
mooie on the TV e) Th e most important political changes
J) 1had dinner. b) 1 watched a movie, happened / were happened in the 1990s.
3 Tuient to bed as soon as lhe nunne had finished. f) The world'< best pa inrings were done / do in
a) I went to bed. b) The movie finished . the ninereenth century.
4 ! saw (1 yc/low l ighf al my window aftcr 1had
Check (,/) the sentences that you agree with .
galten into bed.
a) I saw a yellow Li ght. b)) got into bed . 4 Complete the sentences with the simple past Form
5 ,",V!len the lígh¡ fiad gone away, I neard a of the verbs in parentheses. In each sentence, one
~ t m nge ['Oía. verb is active and the other is passive.
a) The ligh t went aw a y. b) I heard a voice. a) My shoes :vete madc (make) in Argentina,
6 1¡di very scurcd after the ooicehad spoken. but1 . _(huy) them in the USA.
a) I fe), scared. b) The voice spoke, b) The English (play) very well
but thc game (win ) by Brazil.
2 Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct formo
Use the simple past Uf the past perfecto e) 1 (read) the book in Engli sh , but it
lo 1887, Lucy Dodson (1) ,,'as (be) in bcd _ _ _ _ _ (write) in Portuguese originally,
when sh e (2) _ _ _ (hcar] a voi ce cal! h cr
d ) The chectah (catch) only when
narne, She (3) _._. (rcalize) that it was
it (stop ) for a rest.
the volee of her mother who (4) _
(d ie) 16 years before, She (5) (look) e) She (givc) a fur hat for her

up an d (6) . .. _ (see ) that her mother had

birthda y, but she _ _ _.._ (n o t Uke) it.
two small children in her arms, The ghost

5 Underline the corred alternative.

(7) (as k) Luc y to look after the
Line a is your heart line . With " very long line. you
child ren bccause they (8) (lose) thcir
(1) might I will probabl y have
rnothcr, Lucy (9) ._ (take) th e children (t ha ppy lov e jife 'with ane

into her bed. The next morning, the bed was empty persono Wíth a broken line,

and the children (10) (go). Two d ays you (2) definítely I míght

havc more than one partner.

later, Luey learned th<1t her ~ister-in-law
Line b is you r head tine. With
(11) (die) thilt same night, leaving
a long, strong líne, you (3)
two small children. 5he ¡Jter (12) _ will / won/t defínitely n ot

(leJ rn ) tha t hel' m other ' s ghost (13) have problems with yom

(v isit) her just two houl'S after her sist er-in -Iaw's studies. With a short [ine , yo u

probably (4) might I won't do

de ath.
very well at sehool.

:::' ';. 3 Listen and check. Líne c is your lífe lioe . Wíth a s tra ng Hne, you

definitely (5) will / won't have any health problems.

With a broken line, there (6) might / probably be
maoy b ig changes Ln your ¡He.

68 Incredible
VocabuLary 4 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in
Exercise 3.
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. a) Charlie Chaplin's movies are absolutcly
1-" '-'-- .•.--- -- .--- --- - . .- •.- - - . _ _ _ -1 can never stop laughíng.

: do get go havc make take i

b) I find physics very lo undcrstand .
e) Lleve chocolate cake - it's absolutely _
a) First YIl _ .d!!... _ m y homework, a nd then
d) 1 o ften have an absolu tely dinner on
I'Il a resto
Su nd ays - a nd then feel very fu II!

b) 1 decided to for a drink and a

e) 1 tlúnk that baseball is él very sport.
good time with my frie nd s . E) I'm always absolu tely after 1 do the
e) 1 want to a lot of pictures when my housework.
fricnds married.
g) M Y town loo ks ver)' in the winter
when it snow s.

d) lwill responsib i Iity if we _ .

h) Sorne students iJ ' my class are absolu te ly

lost. _ _ __ at speaking English.
e) ru the shoppíng and then for
Check (,f) the sentences that are true for you.
a walk,
f) l'rn going to sorne research so l don't Pronunciation
_ _ _ any m istakes.
1 Match the words in the box with the
g) I'm trying to a living as an artist, but 1
phonetic symbols.
donI much money. ~ " " " " " " " ' '''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ''''- ' ' ' ' _ h ' ' _ _ ' ' ' '. ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' . __'' _' .......~ _ ........ :

11..) 1 know I should more risks in my IHe

art dear dull fog tour

anc more fun .

¡ guesl how ice made

i rnatch sno w work

2 Underline the correet alternative in this weather
forecast. a) / aTS / g) / Ilao!
lomor row will start dry and (1) sun I sunny, but it b) / gesl/ h) /dll"!
will becorne (2) clnudy I fog later in the morning. e) / snou/ ___ i) /meTd / _
The afternoon will be (3) dulll storm and
d) / mretS/ _ j) / fJgI
(4) wi nd / wi ndy, w i th a possibili ty Di (5) rain /

rainy in the evening. Tuesday moming will be e) / ort/ k) /fJr!

(6) fog / foggy at Hrst, wi th (7) freezing / snow f) / dAI/ 1) /wsrk ,' _
temperatu res of minus 1 or 2. In the aftern oon,
(8) storms / stonny are possíble in the so u th of the 2 Write the words in norrnal letters.

eountry. Later in the w eek, there will be more

a) / storm/
(9) raining f wet weather and sorne regions will
b) / rem/
have (10) snow / snowing.

e) / wau/

~ 54 Listen and check. d) / s~ d /

e) / Ialr¡
3 Pul the adjecti ves in the box next to the adjectives
f) / wsrld/
witb similar rneanings .

¡ - - --- -- - -_ - -.._ _ -- .-.--.. -----·---1 g) I OT1t /

'delicious efl:8fID8US exhausted fantastic ,

h) / bruukan/
. gorgeous hilarious impossible incredible, i) / ll\v/
1 - __ _ _ _ _ . _ .. _ .. _ ._ .. _

j) / faund/

a) big enorm aus

b) difficult .'l 55 Listen and check.

e) funny

d) good

el pretty

f) strange

g) tasty

h) tired

1U!¡#!¡¡&!¡!¡¡il¡¡!¡j!&~ff¡~~f,li! :1:..:; uu
,; .i!· ;
Incredible , ,; 69
1 . 56 Cover the li stening script, List en lo the
conversation and pul the pictures in the order in
which they are mentioned .

2 Lis te n aga in and match the tapies in Exerci se 1

(a-e) with th e phrases belo w
1 tour million US citizens !e
2 h um ans di d n' t ha ve the techno logy
3 it's ti religion I. ..i
! " . ,

I ,

~ rnillions of do lla rs every yeal

5 more than half rhc peo p le in thc USA

6 not exactly the sarne thi ng

7 really rid iculou s

S si nce th c Harru Poiier movies

3 Find the folJowing ph rases in the li stening scri pt

an d expl a in what it refe rs lo.

a) 1 don 't belie ve it.

The rael ;Iwl tour mil/ion LAS cilizens ha v..c.~

S("!I!1e kllld of a/ien e.cperiencc _

b) It sai d tha t hurn a ns did n ' t ha ve the technology, d ) Ir 's incred iblc, isn' t it?
- - -- . _ - ­
e) It's just [u n. e) They think it 's all untru c,

70 IncredibLe
2 'I'ne »entences below come from d.escriptions of
other b u ild in gs. L!-:2 the paragraph plan rrorn
Exercise 1 an d d ecid e if they come from paragraph
1, 2, or 3.
a) It' s bui lt on a hill overlooking Oaxaca.
b) TI1<.' entrence is in a gl ass p yramid 1Il el
centra l sq uare,
Read th e descrip tio n of Ril a M ona stery and put
the topics in th e correct order in the p arag raph e) The w alls ME' mad e of gJass an d meta l, and
plan b elow, sh ine in the su n .
d ) The pa lacc w as d csi-rncd by Palladio in the
h istory insid e location outside i scvcntcen th cen tur y.
e) Th c most intcrcstin g room is Iull of hundred ­
J'amgrapil 1 of rnirrors,
a) f) The castle is s u rrou nd ed by ¿¡ dark torcst.
3 Read the descríprion of Rila Monastery again.
Paragm ph 2
Fin d places to insert the adj ectives in the box.

J'llras raph 3
at tractivc fabulou - gorgeo us !
in credible interes tin g ,,
r"': ~·"::·~ ·"':··:::;:·,'·~-·~:: ~·~~~~··,,~~,,~~~·:,,~~·--.'~~":~~.-'::'-:.'::.'::".~::::"~· ·· ' · ··-I.
om~ O{' be a lA i ifi~1
1.:t / ' "1 i
Rilü ¡ti/ ofl aS/N i! is /he f,JOs i bl.iIldii1(JS

.",,~..U:/~..~}Y15? .. }..!~.?.::r.~;.E~.!~..
¡he ¿<,{¡ole Buiaarta JI situated in ¡he
in o( is

1, .¡ ( Iiba/u/./ s Ri la M O/{fI ;aift s ift ¡he ~ves ; o{ ¡he COlVl/t'y .

1, Rila Monasrcry is onc 01 thc mosr bcauriful bu ild in r- s I j..
'1 ", in the whole of Bulgarü. It is situated in th e Ril a , I 4 Th in k of an interesting building that you know
h:i~ :Vlo un tain" in rh c wcst of rhe counrryl t was built in the f ¡ an d complete the sentences below.
1 "i¡ fourteenth centurv, bu t was desrroyed in a fire. Tt was ¡···7
a) lt is situ a ted in
1-"'1 later rcbuilt and it is now ~ museurn , ' I

l: : Th e ru ad ro rhe monastery follows '1 pr etty valle)' l' b) The road to oo. follows oo.

-1-" j through rhc forest oAfter parki ng th e car in the p<l rking
r ,:.J lot, you go throujrh two b rge doo rs inro the mo na,tery.
• :1 M ost people are not prepared fo r rhe bca ut y 01' wh at
1', e) Aroun d ... is ...

d ) In thc cen ter of ' oo is

. oo

l ,'
. 'j th ev see insidc. e) Bch ind .., you can see oo •

-! w al~:l ::ec~ev:::i o\~~~:~e :C:1~~:~~ rl~aii~ t ~~~s• c:~~:cl;h~:
l. "1 5 Wri te a de s crip ti on of a building that you know.
1" religiou s scenes, Behi nd this, you can find a storc tha t Us e th e p arag ra p h plan in Exercisel and try to
F,1 sclls souven irs. Ar ound rh e church un al! tour sides are incl u d e th e w ords and phrases in Exercises 2--4.
a. ) buildings wh erc thc mon ks uscd to livc. Th cse are black
1-; I and wh ite, and in one com er, r ou can visir J monk 's
y., bedroorn.
,'." )
1: l


IncredibLe ¡¡¡!fU!¡¡¡!!!¡¡¡¡!¡!!!ft1::~:~:L~rH 71
Story: The Dancing Men

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, retold by Anne Collins

1 2
A Strange Drawing Mr, Cubitt's Story
One moruing. Sherlock Holmes hand ed m e a shee: " l'rn not very good at tellíng s to ri es ." said Mr.
ofpaper. Cubitt, "But first, 1 want to explain something.
"Look, Watson," he said. "Can you e xplain this "Im not rich, but 1 come from a very old and
problem?" well-known family. My family has lived at Ridling
I looked at the papero To my su r p rise, it w as Thorpe Manor, in Norfolk, for nearlv five hundred
covcred wíth a line of strange pictures . These pictures ycars.
looked like little dancing meno "Last year, w h ile 1 w as vi siting London, I m et
"A child must have drawn these, " I said. "Where an American lady narned Eisie Patrick. Flsie and 1
did yau gel this piece of paper, Holmes?" became ír ie n ds and 5000 fell in lovc. 1 didn't kn ow
"It arrived in the rnail this morning," answcred anything about Elsies family or her past IHe. But I
Holm es , "A man namcd Hilton Cubitt, of Ridling decided to ask her to m arry me.
Thorpe Manar in Norfolk, sent it to me. Mr, Cubitt is "The day before our wedding, Elsie spoke to
coming to see me today. me. ' Ive had sorne very sad ihín gs happen to m e in
"There's somcone ringing the doorbcll, Watson. my past life, Hílton. I've done nothing wrong, but 1
Perhaps that ' s Mr. Cubitt now. " wish to forget rny pasto Please promise m e you wiJI
A mornent later, a tal1 gentleman entered the never ask me anything about it . If you are unable to
room. He had a handsorne face with clear, blue eyes, make this prornise, then please go back to Norfolk
and looked very strong and healthy. and leave me.'
This gentleman sh ock hand s with both of uso "So 1 prornised Elsic 1 would never as k h e r
Sudd onlv, he cau ght sight of the s'range drawings. anything about her past life. We'vc been married
"He res a mystery, Mr. H olrnes," he said. "What for a year now and we've been very happy. Dur in g
do you think of these drawings?" all this time, I've kept my promise. But ene day,
"The)' 100k like children' s drawings," replied ab out a month ago, my w ífe rc ceived a letter Irom
r íolmes. "Bu t why do you think they are irnportant?" America - 1 saw rhc American stamp. She reaJ the
"1 don't, Mr. Holmes. Bul these drnwings are letter and her fa ce turn ed white. Then s he threw
making my wifc ve ry scarCLl. That's why I have come the letter in the fire .
to see you. I want to hnd out what they mean." "She s aid nothlng, but from that time, thcre' S
Holme~ heldJp thc pnper so that the sunlight been a look of fear on her face.
sh one through ít . It was a page torn fram a notebook "Mr. Holmes, my wjfe is a very gúod wúman.
and the mar kings on it looked like this: I'm sure she has nut done anything w:rong in her
past li fe.
"But Elsie k.nows I am ver)' proud of roy famiJy.
My family' s long histúry is ver y important to
me. She would never do anything tú upset me.
Perhaps that's the reason she's afraid to tell me h er
Holmes examined th e paper carefully. Then he
folded it up and put it in his pocket
"Please go on," sa id I lolmes.
"I h is is a most interesting and unll sual case, Mr.
"Wel1," continued Mr. Cubitt, "yesterday
Cubitt," he said. "Piease tell us your story trom the
morning, a strange thing happened . 1 found th is

72 !1¡!f#1!¡¡¡¡¡j¡f¡¡¡!!!ff;~~;i;:R;; ~hYJ1!t ' Í!M~ rile Dancing Men

piece of paper lying on the su ndial in the garuen. can say what it is,
At fi-st, 1 thought it was a childs drawing. "Co back to Norfolk. If thcrc are any more
"But when 1 showed the paper to Elsic. she pictures of dancing men, makc a capy of them for
fainted . Since then, she has seerned likc som eon e in me. If an ythíng irnportant hanpens. I'll come to
a dream, and there is terror in her e ye ~. Norfolk at once ."
"1 didnt know what to do. ir 1 took the papel'
to the police, they would laugh at me. So 1 carne to
you. Mr. I lolrnes, please help me. l'rn n ot rich, but 3
1'1: spend all my maney to protect m y wifc from Mr. Cubitt's Second Visit
During the next few davs, Holrncs was very quieto
1 was sorry íor Mr. Cubitt. He was a good man
Sevcral times he looked at the paper with che dancing
and 1 saw tnat he loved his wi íc very mucho
figures on it.
Holmes did not speak for s orne time .
Then one afternoon, about two weeks later,
"Mr, Cubitt, don't you think," he said at last,
we had another visit from Mr. Cubitt. He seem ed
"y o u should ask your wife to tell yo u everything?"
worried and tíred.
"But 1 prornised Elsic 1 would never ask her
"My wife hasn't told me yet, Mr.
about her past," replied Hilton Cubitt. "H she wants
Holmcs," he said. "But I havo more pictures of
lo tel1 me sorneth íng, she will. But 1 will not ask her
dancing men and - more ímportanrly -l've seen the
to tell me."
man who draws them.
"But 1'11 tell you evcrything that has h appencd.
The morning afte r [ visited you, 1 found another fine
of dancing meno -¡h ey were drawn with chalk on
the toolhouse whi ch stands in the gard en, near th""
house. J rnade this copy."
Hilton Cubitt unfolded <J papel' and laid it ori the
table o

"Excellenl!" cried Holrnes. " Pleasc go on .'

"After I' d made the copy," continued MI'. Cubitt,
"1 cleaned off the rnarks. But two days later, another
drawing appcared. Here it is:

Holmes was delighted .

" Wc' re beginning lo gel a lot of information," he
said .
"1 decíded to find out who was drawinz these
pictures," went on Hilton CubitL "So the next night,
1 took my gun and sal beside a window w hich looks
out anto the garden.
"Al about two o'dock in th e moming, roy wife
came into the room . She was wearing her night
"l/aun.d this píece of pnper /ying 011 the sundial. "
clothes . Sh e ask ed me lo come to bed. Bu t 1 refused.
' No, flsie,' 1 s<Jid. '1 \vant to see wha i5 drawing
'TII be happy to help you," sOlid Holmes. these pictures. '
"J believe thel'e is a mcaning in the pktures of the "Suddenly, 1 saw Elsie's face turn very white in
dancing men o But 1 need more informaban befo re r the moonlight. She ,vas looking out of the wíndow.
r looke d out of the window, too . 1 saw something

The Dancing Men 73

moving near the toolhouse. A dark figure carne
slowlv around the comer of thc too.nouse and
stopped beside the domo
"lmrnediatcly, 1 picked up my ge ',1. r wanted to
run out of thc house. bu! my wife caught me in her
1 could see thaí Hornes was vcry excite d .
arrns and hcld me back. ny the time 1 got outside, the
"Tell me," he said, "was this second linc of figu res
man was gane.
sepárate from the first?"
"It w us on a different part of ihe door, "
"Excel lont!" cried Holmes. "This last draw ing
is very irnportant. It rnakes me fec : hopeful. Please
continue your interesting story."
"I 'vc got no thing more to say," rcpl ied Hilton
Cubítt, "exce pt, 1 was angry with Elsie íor holding
me back, I'rn sure she knO\VS who this man is and
what these picrures mean.
"Now I mu s ! go back to Norfolk. Elsie is
very scarcd. and 1 don 'I w unt to leave her alone at
"Wcll." said Ho.rnes, "plea se leave these píctures
with me. 1 will examine them carefully, 1 th in k ('JI be
able to salve the mvstery soon."

Terrible News
As soon as Hilton Cubitt le ft the room, Holrnes ran
to a table, He put all thc papers with pictures of
dancing rncn on the table. He began to examine thern
For the ncxt LWO hours, Holmes workeo hard
exammmg the papcrs. Al last, he jurr- ped up
e xcitedly. Then he sat down again and wrote out a
long telegram .
"As soon as we get an answer to this telegram,
Watson," he said, "we'Il visit Mr, Cubitt in Norfolk. 1
"A dark figure carne slO1.ul,V around the comer of me
have sorne importan! information for him."
toolho us e and s topped beside the door. "
1 was very cu r io u s abour the te leg ram . 1 very
much wanted to know what Holmes had found out
about the meaning of the dancing meno But 1 didn't
"On the toolhousc door was thc sarne drawing r
ask any qucstions, 1 knew Holmes wou ld tell me
copied befare:
when he was ready.
Two day- passcd. Then on the evening of the
secon d day, Holmcs received another letter frorn
Hilton Cubitt.
In this letter, MI'. Cubitt said he had found a new
" 1 '.ooked everywhere, but 1 couldn't find the dra,wing oi dancing meno He had found the drawi :lg
mun. However/ ¡,1 the morning, when r looked nt lhe lhal morning, o.n the sundial in the garden . Mr. Cubitt
toolhouse door again/ 1 saw a second k1e of dancing had made a copy of the dral;\ling in his lelter :
meno This new line is very short, but 1 made a copy
and here it is."
Hilton Cllbitt gave another piece of paper to
Holmes .

74 The Dancing Men

Holmes exa m in ed thcse p ictures carefu Ily. "But, Mr. Holmes," he said, " th e crime was
Sud denl y, he jurnped up. comrnitted only a few hours ago, at three oclock
"We must go to Norfolk at once, Watson," he said, this morning! How did you gel here from London
At that mornent, a telegrarn arrived for Holmes. so quickly?"
It was th e answer he had been waiting tor, Holmes "When r left London. 1 didn't know a crime had
read the telegram and hís face Iooked sorious . bcen cornmitted." replied Holmes, 'Ir was 011 my \Val'
"Mr, Cub itt is in terrible danger," he said. to herc to prevent a crime, But l've arrived too late,
" He needs our help ." "Now, Inspector Martin, should we work together
But, untortunately, we were not able to go to on this investigation? Or do you want to work alone?"
NorfoJk that ev ening. Ir VI/[J$ late and the last train "I'd be very happy to work wíth you." replied the
had gone. The next tra in wa s not until the morning. inspector.
;,11 the morning, wc travsled to Norfolk . At the station, "Cood." said Holrncs. "Then let's try to fín d out
we askcd our way to RidJing 'ihorp e Manor, what happened."
"Are YOL the detectives from London?" the Al that mornent, the doctor, an old, white-haircd
statior-master asked. rnan, carne downstairs trom Mrs. Cubitt's room . The
" \I\' 11y do you think wc are detectives from doctor said the lady was very badly injurcd, b ut that
London ?" asked Holmes in surprise, she would not die.
"Because the No rfolk pollee are already on their The bullet which wounded Mrs. Cubitt h ad gone
way lo Rid ling Thorpe Manor ,' said the stationmaster. into her brain. The gun which fired '.'lC bullet had
"But pcrha ps )'ou are doctors? The lady isn't dead becn very clo se to her. Hilton Cubitl: had been shot
yet. You roa)' be in eme to savc her Iife.' through the heart.
Ho lrnes lookecl very worried . A gl1n had been found lyin g halfway between rhe
"What d o you mean?" he askcd. "\Vhat has two bodies. Two sho ts had been fircd frorn the gun.
happencd a t RidJing Thorpe Manar?" But we dio not know if Mrs , Cubitt had shot her
"' \'s terrible ne\'\:"," replied the stationmaster. hl1sband first, and then shot he"sc1f, ol' if Mr. CuiJitt
"Bo th Mr. Hilton Cubitt and rus wift:'ha ve been shot. had sho t rus wife, and then killed himself.
Mr. Cubitt is dead and his \",ife is seriously ;:1íurcd ." "Has Mr. Cubitt's body been mo ved?" askcd
"No," replied the doctor. " We h.:ld to move the lady.
5 Wc couldn't leave her lyin g jn.jured on lhe flúo r."
The Investigation Begins "Who found the body?"
"Two of the servants," said the doctor.
Al oncc, Holmes hurried to a carriage. During the "Then let's hear lheir story," said Hollnes.
journcy to Ridling Thorpe Manor, he did nol speélk rhe two women told their stor)' very dearly. They
at al 1. 8 u t 1 couJd see he wa ~ ver y worried. had been awal<ened from their sleer by a loud noi se,
Holmes had known th at HiJton Cubitt WilS in A minute later, the y heard another noíse.
danger. Bu t he had no! arr ived in time to save his Both women ran downstairs from their rooros.
7 he Joor of a downst<lirs room was open and Mr.
Al last, we could see a large, old hOllse through
Cubitt la y dead on the floor.
the trees. This was Ridl ing Thorpe Manor. As we
Near the window, his wHe was sitting with her
ca me near th e fron l door, r saw the toolhouse and the
head <Igainst 'he wall. One side of her face was red
::'clndial in the garden. These were the podces vvhere
with blood.
Hilton Cubitt had fou nd p ictu re s of d<lnc;ng meno
TI1€' window was shut and [he room was full of
A carríage was s tand in g ou tsidc the front door and
smoke and tht:' smel1 uf gunpowder.
::"l small man was getting ou t. This man i¡ürociuced
Immed íalely, th e lvvo servants senl for thE: d act oT.
himself as Inspector M artín of the Norfolk pollee .
vVhen he arrivcd, they carried Mrs. Cubitt upstairs.
Holmes ín trodu ced hi mself to Ins pecto r Martin.
The !::>ervant~ did not undcrstand why th e crime
ln~pector Martin \vas very surprised hhen he
had been committed. M ,~. and Mrs. Cubil:t had been
h eard my friend's mOle.
in love with each other and had never argllcd .

The Dancing Men 75

"\Ve know that two bullets wcre fired from (he
gun," said Inspector Martín. "And we ~"now wherc
each bu llet went. One bullet killed MI'. Cubitt and
the other injured his wifc.'
"Yes." said Holmes, "but what about the third
bu llct - the bullct which pa ssed through the window
frarne ?"
He turncd sud d e n ly and pointed to a hole in the
bottom 01 the window frarne.This hole was the exact
shape and size of él bullct.
"Wonderful!" cried Inspector Martin. "T he n three
shots were fired, not two. A third person was in thc
room .
"But, MI'. Holmes, how did YOl1 know a bullet load
passed tbrough the window trame?"
"WelJ," said Holmes, "you rernernber that the
two servants smelled gunp o w d er as soon as they left
thci r rooms?"
"Yes," said the Inspector, "but 1 still don't
understand ."
"The servants' roorns are upstairs, But the gun
was fired downstairs. So the srnell of the gunpowder
must have been blown frorn this room to the rooms
upstairs. Therefore, the window must have been
"A third person could have stood outside the
window and fired through it. H sornebody ínside
----- ",..­ .... the room fired at this person and missed, the bullct
Mr. Cubiit ¡ay dead on theftoor. HI:Sw ife was sittillg unlh would pass through the window trame."
her head against the toall. "1 understand," said Inspector Martín. "But when
the servants cntered thi s room, they said the window
was shut."
"Tell me," said Holmes, "when did you first notice "That was because Mrs. Cubitt had just shut it,'
the smcl l af gunpawder?" replied Holmes, " Bu t what's thi s?"
"When we ran out of our roorns upstairs," replied A lady's handbag was standing on a small table,
the women. 1 saw it was full o' money. The money wa s tied
"Good," said Holmes, "Now lets examine the together. \Ve counted twenty fiúy-p ou n d rotes.
room downstairs." "This money is irnnortant evidence," sa id Holmes.
"An d now le t's find out where the third bullet wen.,
after it passed through the window trame.'
6 \AJe all went outside into the garden. There were
Holmes Sends a Note flowers planted underneath the window. The fJowers
weTe broken and there were largc foot ;:>éints on the
Th e room was small, with a window la oking anta ground.
che garden . Mr. Cubill'S body lay on the flúor. Holmes searched in the g :· ,l ~~. Sudd enly he bent
"You can take away the body now/' said Holmes. forw a rd and picked something up. It was the missing
Then, he tumed to the doctor. "Huve you found the bu [!et.
bullet which injured Mrs. Cubitt?" he asked. "T think, Inspector," he said, " tha t our case is
"No," replied the doctor. "7he bullet is still almost soJved. "
somewhere in her brain . We will have to operate to
re!na ve the bullet."

76 ff/i¡ i!f/'! The Dancing Men

;: , UJt
"But, Mr. Holrncs, " said the Inspector, "who was "The Iettcr of the alphabet VI nich appears
this o the r person and how did he get away?" most often in En gl ísh is 'E' . The picture of
"1 will tell you later," said Holmcs. " Firs t, 1 want the dancing man which appeared most often
lo know Ji there is a place near nere called Elrigcs?"
We asked the servants, but none of them had ever
heard the narne, Then the boy who worked with was'lv. So I knew that this picture was T'.
'che horses remcmbered a farm with that narne, This "Sorne of the dancing rnen were holding Dogs. 1
farm was a very lonel y place, man)' mil es away, ncar guessed that a figure with a flag was the _l"st letter
a village called East Rushton. oí a word."
H olrnes thougr.t for a rnorncnt, then he smi led "But how did you fin d out what the othe r pictures
strangely. rncant?" 1asked.
"Bríng a horse." he said to the boy. "1 want you to "On Hilton Cubitt' s second vi ~.;t," went on
t.ike a rnessage to Elrige's Tarm." Holmes, "he brought three differer t m essages with
Then Hol rnes took from his pocket all the papers him. Thc lasl messagc was:
with th c p ictures of the dancing m en on them . He
sat down at atable and worked carefully, Fínally, he
handed a note to the boy.
"Give th is note to the person whose n amc is
writtcn on the outside." said l Iolrnes . " An d dori't
answer any questions." "In thi s messa ge, there W él s no f1 ,:g. So the messa ge
l looked attheoutsíd eofthenote. It was a d d resse d , had to be one, sin g le word. Whnt could ~ [ be?
in large writing, to: "The word had fíve lettcrs, and the second
and fourth le tters were ' E' . Jt migh : be ' SEVER' or
lvl r. Abe Slaneq 'LEVER' or 'NEVER' . but the most nrobable of th ese
Elrige'» Farm
word s was 'NEVER'.

~, ~"nd t-
Easi Ru shton

No rjol k

So 1 knew the pictures were

Then Holmes turned to Inspector Martín .
' N ', 'V', and ' R' ."
" I think you should ge l more policerncn," he sa id , "Excellenr, Holrncs! ' 1 cried . "What did you do
"We'll have to cateh a dangerous criminal."
next? "
" Well," said Holmes, " 1 knew Mrs , Cubitt's first
narnc was Elsie. 1 noticed that there was another
word which had five lctters a nd began and ended
with ' E' .
Halmes Explains the Mystery
After the boy had left, Holmes gave some in structío ns

*,~"nd t
to the serva nts.
"If anybody comes and asks for Mrs. Cubitt," ne
said, "d o not tell thc person that she is sick. Sho\o\ Lhe
"So I gue%ed that
person straight into the sitting-room.
were 'L', 'S', and T.
. pmbably

"There are some things I w ant to explain," Holmes

" In o ne messa ge, the word 'EL5IE' wa " written
said. Then he told the Inspector about Hilton Cubitt's
twicc. In this rnessdge¡ thc won.1. beiore 'EL51E' had
vbits to us in London and the pietures of the dancing
tour letters and ended with 'E'. 1 g u esse d th,' writer
men o
was askíng EIsie to do s()~llethíng.
"These drav. i:lgs are a :<.:nd of seerct writíng,"
"So now I Jooked for an English word 0;- four
said Bolmes. "They look like childrcn's drawings,
Jetters ending in 'E'. The best word 1 coulc~ think of
but they are messa ges. Each picturc of a dancing
m<ln ís a Ietter of the alphabet. Let me show you how
it w 0rks.

The Dancing Men 77

~~ t
"So now 1 knew that , , and were 'C',
' O ', and 'M' . "The sarne evening, 1 received Hilton C ubi tt's

"1 used the figures holding flags to divide thc ELSIERf.ARE TO M EET THY GO.
mcssage into words. 1 wrote out the message, putting
dots for the letters I didri't know, Clea rly, the missíng ;ctters had to be 'P' and ':)'.


"T1,e first rnissing letter had lo be 'A' and the !JI knew thc Cubitt-: werc in terrible dan <, ('r. Abe
<,... .

second letter had to be 'H'. 51aney was saying he was going to kilI Mrs. Cubi tt .
So Dr Watson and 1 hurricd irnmediatc ly to Norfolk,
AM EERE A.E 5LANE. but, unfortunately, w e were too late. H ilton Cubitt
was daad."
"Clearly, the two missing letters wcre part of
"Bu t what about Abe Slanev, Mr. H o lrnes?" asked
somebody's name, So ít mu st be:
inspector Martin. IJIf he is the rnurdcrcr a nd h e's al'
AM HEREABE 5LANEY Elrige's, he ma y escape."
"Don't worry," said H olmes, "He w o u't escape.
"Then 1 lookcd al the second message again: He's cornin g here.'
" H e re?' said Inspector Martín, in su r prisc, "\Nhy
should he come here?1J ­
"Becausc I have w rittcn an d asked hirn to come
"This message worked out like this:
Holmes stood up and walked to thc window,
A. ELRI.ES "Look, here h e ís '"

"Hcre, 1 figured out tha t thc missing letters could

be 'T' and 'e'. 8
The Murderer is Caugh t
Aman wa s coming up the path. He wa s tall and
"1 decided to find out if there was a place near
nandsome, with a large, black beard. The Iront
RidHng Thorpe Manar that was called Elrigc's. ~f
doorbcll rilng loudly.
there wa s, then J k new th at this was where the writcr
"Hiele bchi nd lhe door," said Ho lm cs (IU ierl y "This
of the messages w as staying ."
man is very d a ngerous, and we m ust be careful."
Inspector Martín and 1 looked at Holmcs. It w as
We waued in silence for a mir ute. Then, the
wonderful how ro)' friend had fou nd out the meaning
sitting-room door opencd and thc man s tep p cd in to
of the dancing meno
the room, At once. Holmes pu t <J gun against hcad
"Wh<lt did you 00 then, Mr. Holmes?' asked the
and Tnspector Martín put hand cuffs on rus w rists .
The man looked at us. Hi s b !,\Ck eycs lo oked
"1 gucssed that Abe Slaney was <In Ameríc<ln.
' Ab e' is an American name and Mrs. Cubitt hilO
"1 rcceived a note froro Mrs. Cubitt," he said .
recently received a letter f rom Amerjca. Thi<; letter
"Where i~ she?"
had l1pset her very much,
"So 1 sent a telegram to a friend in the New York
PoJice Oepartment asking about Abe 51aney. Thís

was the repIy:

78 The Dancing Men

"1 rgured out what the figures meant." replied

Holmes, "But now, tell LIS your story."
"Al] right," said the mano "lf Elsie dies, i ~ doesn't
~ i
m atter what happens to m e.
¡ ,
" M y narn e is A be Slaney an d l' ve known Elsi e
!! 6!'~-tl-.:.t
since she was a child . Her Ia ther was head of a gang
of crooks in Chicago and l was a mernber of '.he
"Els ie's fath er though. o f th e secre t writing o í th e
dancing mC L The membcrs of the g an g uscd H lo
send mcssages to one another.
"Elsie and 1 WCTE' engaged to be m arr ie d , But
Els ie hated he]" fi.lther's busine -. « arid sh e d id n't
wan t lo 0 r m a rricd lo a cri m in al. So s h e r an <lway
to England. Sh e rnet ami m .irried this En g lish m an,
H ilton Cubitt.
"1 wrotc to Els ie, bu bhe didn' t answer m y letters.
In the end, 1 carne to En gla nd a nd staye d at Elriges
' 1',
Fa r m .
"1 kncw Elsie understood th e r-ictures o f th e
d ancing meno So 1 le ft mcssélges where she wou ld
se e them . In the messages, 1 asked her to come away
with me. Bu t her onl y a nswer w as ' Ncvcr.'
"Then Elsic w rote m e a lette r. Sh c said she would
m eet m e at thrcc o' dock in th e morning, whe n her
h usba n d wa s a sle e p,
"Sh c brought mone)' with hcr, She offered me tlw
money and askcd me to go a w ay , 1 became angry
Al al/ ce, H a/m es p uf 11 glA l l agai nsf Iris head and Inspector and tr ie d to pull h er through the w ind o w,
i\1nr t i n p u f hanrfC1.lff s 0/1 hÍ s torisis. "[u s t thcn, her h usband rushed in, ca rry in g a
gun. He fíred th e gun a t me a nd rnissed . Al th e same
rnoment. 1 shot at him and he fell down d ea d .
"Mrs . Cu bitt is badly injured." replied Holrnes, "I ran across th e garden. As 1 ran, 1 heard the
"Her lifc is in greal danger." w indow shut belind me.
T he n',an crie d out. H e sa t clow n 0 11 <1 ch ai r and /J I llave told y o u lh e truth, g en l1e m c n . T d id n' t
pul his face in his hands. kn o w Elsie was h urto She m u st ha ve shot her sel f
"I didn' t know she w as in ju red," h e said. "l shot after 1 leH."
her husband when :w trieel to kili me. But J would While Abe Slancy was Llking, a carriage arriv ed
never in ju re Elsic. J lo ve h er m o re t han <ln ything in with h\'o policemen in il. l r",pector Martín tu1'ned to
the w orld ." his pri son cr.
Suddenly, U1e man looked u p . " lt's time for li S tu go, Sla ney. Goodbye, Mr.
"Waít ," h e sa id. " Jf Ebi e is badly injure d, who Holmes. [ hope 1'11 \-vork with yo u ag ain o nc day."
wrote this?" As the G1rriage dro\Te away, 1 Saw the note which
He opened his hands and th re w a no te ooto the Abe Sl<mey had th rown on the table. This w as ,,,,,hat
table . Holmes had w ri ttc n:
"lwrote it, to make you come h e1'e," said Holmes.
"You w rote it? But hoí\' cou ld yo u kn Qw the
meaning of the dancin g m e n ?"

The Dancing Men

"If yo u figure it out, Watson," said Holmcs,
"youll fin d it means: ' Com e here at once'."
"1 knew Abe Slaney would come when he read thc
note. He would think Mrs. Cubitt had written it,"
"Well," I said, "crirninals have used the dancin g
rnen to heJp themin their Dimes . But now 'he dancing
men have been us ed to catch a crimina l."
"Yes,' said Holmes, "The dancing men havc
tinally done sorne good."

The Dancing Men

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