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Goliath birdeater spider has eight eyes, but it cannot see well. It stays in its underground burrow until it detects vibrations from movement. It darts out and grabs the prey. Using its long, hairy legs, the spider pulls the prey into its damp burrow. Since it has no teeth, it injects digestive juices with its fangs. The juices break down the soft parts of the prey. The animal turns into a soupy mess. The spider sucks up the tasty soup. Unlike most spiders, this one is not silent. It rubs the bristles on its legs together and makes a hissing noise. Wise people get out of its way. According to the passage, spiders inject digestive juices into their prey because a they don't have teeth b they only like to eat hard parts of the prey c_ they have poor eyesight d_ they don't want to make a hissing noise Final Test 4 In many Greek stories, the heroes have to fight terrible monsters. The monsters have incredible features and extraordinary powers. The monsters in Greek stories look very strange, which makes them more terrifying. Greek monsters also have special powers. The Greeks invented weird and horrible monsters for a reason. In Greek stories, the hero has problems at first. In the end, he always defeats the monster. These monsters seem stronger and scarier than humans. However, our human hero always has something the monsters do not have patience and wisdom. These qualities are what make us different from beasts. The monsters in Greek stories represent__-==——— a patience b wisdom c heroism d strength Many Americans were very poor in the 1930s. Three boys from Ohio did not have money to buy toys. They decided to make their own toys. They built engine-less cars with junk piles and raced each other down an inclined brick street. It was just a fun race for the boys, but it became a very special event later. The small race became popular with a news reporter named Myron ‘Scott. He was very impressed with the race and wrote a story about it. Later he bought the copyright for the idea and developed it into a bigger event. He held the first soap box race in Akron, Ohio in 1934. It became a big hit. More than 70,000 people gathered to watch the race in the 1950s and 1960s. The soap box race became a national race. According to the passage, why did the boys make their own toys? a It was fun to make toys. b They wanted to have special toys. c They wanted to havea race. d They didn’t have money to buy toys. Since the blue-skinned people were not common in the past, some people thought they were aliens from outer space. However, the cure for the disease was simple. A doctor named Madison Cawein heard about the Blue Fugates and gave them a medicine. The medicine helped produce more oxygen in the blood. The result was surprising. The blue-skinned people turned pink within minutes after taking the medicine. According to a science magazine, there were still Blue Fugates living in eastern Kentucky in 1982. So, look closely when you hear someone say “I feel blue.” They might be one of the great-grandchildren of the Fugates. According to the passage, which one is true? a Blue Fugates lived in outer space. b The treatment was simple. Blue Fugates turned deep blue after taking medicine. d Madison Cawein also had blue skin. Red means energy and tension. The color red makes people excited. It makes the heart beat faster. Many sports players wear red uniforms. They believe that red is a winning color. A long time ago, people carried red flags before a battle. It meant, “Get ready. It’s time to fight the enemy.” It also gave the soldiers energy and strength to fight well. Red also means love and joy. Red roses are special gifts. People give red roses to someone they love. In India, brides wear red wedding gowns. It means a happy future and a new beginning. In China, people give each other red envelopes full of money. They also celebrate New Year's Day with the color red. According to the passage, which one is true about the color red? a The color red brings bad luck. b In India, grooms wear red tuxedos. ¢ InIndia, people celebrate New Year's Day with the color red. d_ The color red gives people energy and strength, It was a busy morning in New York City on January 2, 2007. A 50-year-old construction worker, Wes Autrey was waiting to take the subway to work. Unfortunately Wes couldn’t make it to his job on that day after all. While Wes was waiting with the other people for his train to arrive, a teenager had a seizure and fell onto the train tracks. At that moment, Wes saw the train coming. He had to make a quick decision and do something. He knew that if he tried to save the teenager, he would risk his own life. Yet he could not let the teenager get hit by the train. He jumped onto the tracks. According to the passage, which one is true about Wes Autrey? a He was a construction worker. b He took the day off on January 2, 2007. c He fell onto the train tracks. d- He was constructing a subway: Every October, the streets of Perugia are filled with delicious chocolate. Perugia is a small town in Italy. It is also known as the “Chocolate City.” It is famous for its yearly chocolate festival called Eurochocolate. Chocolate lovers from all over the world come to celebrate. Eurochocolate started in 1994. It has been a huge success ever since. This fabulous festival takes place in the central square of Perugia and is held for nine days. The first sign of the festival is countless white tents on the street. Then the tents are filled with special chocolate goodies and products. And the streets are covered with people sampling, tasting or buying chocolate. According to the passage, which one is true about Eurochocolate? a Itis held every year. b It became a national holiday for Italians. c It takes place in the capital city of Italy. d It lasts for 19 days. Boxing Day is not a day for boxing. It is about giving gifts. It is celebrated in some countries like England on the day after Christmas. Historians believe that Boxing Day started in medieval times. They do not know exactly how, but they have two ideas. One idea is that Boxing Day was a donation day. Every church had a special donation box called an alms box. Wealthy people put money in the box all year long. On the day after Christmas, the churches emptied their boxes and gave all the money to the poor. There is another idea about the origin of Boxing Day. It began with noble men and women. On Christmas Day, they had huge feasts. The servants had to prepare all the food. They could not spend time with their families on Christmas Day. The noble people wanted to thank their servants. They gave their servants the day after Christmas off. The noble people also gave their servants leftover food from the feast. They put the food in boxes. According to the passage, which one is NOT true about Boxing Day? a Itis a day for boxing. b Itis celebrated on December 26th in England. c Some people believed it was a donation day. d_ Historians believed it began with noble people. Money did not always mean coins and bills. The first civilizations did not use money at all. They traded things they had for things they wanted. For example, one person wanted a horse and another person wanted two pigs, four ducks and a goose. They decided to exchange their animals, but it got more and more complicated. People needed a better system. They soon invented a new system. The first people to use money were the Chinese. They bought things with shells starting around 1200 B.C. Then they started to use different types of money. In 1000 B.C., they made shells out of metal. These were the world’s first coins. 500 years later, people in Turkey began using silver coins. They printed the coins with figures of gods and emperors. Each figure meant a different value of coin. According to the passage, which one is NOT true? a People of ancient times bartered their products. b The first coins were gold and silver. c Ancient Chinese coins are shape of shells. d Turkish people printed silver coins with figures of gods and emperors. Today, farmers. are growing all kinds of colored vegetables. They grow colored vegetables for a reason. The reason is that people like the new vegetables. They love seeing all the pretty colors on their plates. They want to see even more colors, so the farmers keep making new plants. There are many different ways to do this. One way is to breed two different plants together. They take a piece from one plant. Then they cut the other plant and join them together. Another way is to change a plant's characteristics. Scientists do this in a laboratory. They combine the genes of two plants to grow a new plant. Another reason why farmers grow colored vegetables is because brightly colored ones have more nutrients than common vegetables. According to the passage, which one is NOT true? a Farmers breed plants to create new vegetables. b Farmers combine the genes of two plants to create new vegetables. c Colored vegetables have more nutritional content. d People like the new vegetables. The Sumerians were the first people to write numbers. They drew pictures on pieces of clay. At first, the pictures looked like the things they were counting. Over time, they made the pictures simpler. The pictures became symbols. Other people also had numbers. The Romans used letters from their alphabet for numbers. Around 200 B.C., the people of India invented Arabic numbers. These are the numbers we use today. They are the simplest numbers to use. Thanks to the ancient inventors of numbers, counting is easy! According to the passage, which one is true? a The Romans were the first people to use numbers. b The Sumerians drew pictures on clay. c Roman alphabet is the simplest numbers to use. d The Romans invented Arabic numbers. In China, the number four is an unlucky number. Architects in Hong Kong refuse to have any floors with the number four. They are afraid of bringing bad luck to the building. They are afraid people would not live or work there. Many people in Europe and the Americas fear the number thirteen. It has long been thought to bring bad luck. People are not sure of the origin. Some people believe it started from the story of Jesus. He is believed to have died on the 13th Friday, but even before that time, people were afraid of the number thirteen. Even today, most hotels do not have a thirteenth floor. According to the passage, which one is NOT true about unlucky numbers? a Different cultures have different unlucky numbers. b Many people in Europe are afraid of the number four. © Most hotels in Europe do not have a thirteenth floor. d- Many buildings in Hong Kong do not have a fourth floor. Thousands of ships have sunk in the ocean and are waiting to be found. Some are filled with gold and jewels. Others hold secrets. It may sound too good to be true, but real-life treasure hunters work hard to look for clues every day. Underwater archaeologists are treasure hunter. They are scientists. They want to find ships and understand the secrets of the past. Dr. Robert Ballard is an underwater archeologist. He found the Titanic and many other famous shipwrecks. He carefully studies the ships. Often he does not take any objects from the shipwrecks. He takes videos and photos instead. He shares these videos and photos with people who want to learn. What is the main idea of the passage? a How to take pictures underwater. b Treasure huntis easy ¢ Underwater archaeologists try hard to find the secrets of the past. d_ Underwater archaeologists want to find gold and jewels. 3 5 The Brothers Grimm wrote Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. As many people know, they have happy endings. In fact, people have changed the stories to make them less scary. In the original Cinderella, the two mean sisters were blinded by angry birds! The humble brothers never knew children around the world would read and enjoy these fairy tales today. The Grimms’ fairy tales have been read in more than 160 countries worldwide. Thanks to the Brothers Grimm, children around the world can share the same stories. And luckily for today’s children, the original gruesome stories have been changed. What is the main idea of the passage? a The Brothers Grimm knew their stories would be popular. b People changed the Grimms’ original stories to make them less scary. c People cannot read the Grimms fairy tales anymore. d The Brothers Grimm wrote Cinderella. a Tropical storms are always given the names of people. Melissa, Marco and Dolly are all famous tropical storms. Tropical storms also have scientific names. What they are called depends on where they are located. Tropical storms are called by different names in different places. The storms over the Pacific Ocean are called typhoons. It means “great wind” in Chinese. They ‘strike Southeast and East Asia. Hurricanes form over the Atlantic Ocean and strike North America. Cyclones form over the Indian Ocean and hit South Asia. What is the main idea of the passage? a When tropical storms occur b How tropical storms are formed c Where tropical storms occur d How tropical storms are named oO Goodfellow's tree kangaroos live in the rain and cloud forests of New Guinea. A cloud forest is a rain forest on a mountain. The treetops are often shrouded in clouds. Tree kangaroos live in the trees. They leap from tree to tree and can even drop 9 m from one branch to another. Sadly. Goodfellow's tree kangaroos are endangered. People hunt them for food. People have cut down many trees in the forests where they live. Now People are working to save their habitat. What is the passage mainly about? a the habitat of the tree kangaroo b the effect of global warming c ahunting regulation of tree kangaroo d akangaroo population control The oldest book written by a kid is called Youths Behavior. Francis Hawkins wrote the book in 1641. He was only eight years old. In 1936, two English schoolgirls wrote their own book for kids. The idea came to them during a rainstorm. As they were taking shelter together during the storm, they decided to write a book together. They titled their book The Far-Distant Oxus, It became a classic in Europe and the United States. Age doesn't really matter when it comes to imagination and creativity. People are never too young to write. What is the passage mainly about? a_ how to write a book b how to introduce a new book to young children c young writers who wrote their own storybook d_ story writing tips for young children Final Test 47 18 A teal volcano is a natural disaster, but you can-make your own volcano at home for fun. You need baking soda, vinegar and red food coloring to create lava. You also need a flat board, a bottle, tape and some wet dirt to build your volcano with. First, find a bottle and put tape on the bottom and attach it to a flat board, Pack the wet dirt all around the bottle. Do not let any dirt fall into the bottle. Next, pour some baking soda into the bottle. In another cup, mix together vinegar and red food coloring. Finally, carefully pour the vinegar mix into the bottle. Stand back and watch the red foam comes out. What is the purpose of the passage? a To explain how to make a volcano at home b To invite students to the science fair c To show how volcanoes explode d_Towarn the danger of volcano Many people work together as a team to develop a TV commercial. An account manager is the leader of this team. He learns about the new product. If it is a new kind of soap, he uses it in his bath. If it is a car, he drives it. The account manager talks to the account planners about the new product. Account planners meet and discuss why the product is special. Account planners identify who will use the new product. They do research ‘on why people purchase things. Account planners imagine what viewers feel when they see a TV commercial. What is the purpose of the passage? a To show how a TV commercial is made b To persuade people to watch TV c To inform benefits of watching TV d To advertise a new product 20 Boxing Day started three hundred years ago. It began with noble men and women. On Christmas Day, they had huge feasts. The servants had to prepare all the food. They could not spend time with their families on Christmas Day. The noble people wanted to thank their servants. They gave their servants the day after Christmas off. The noble people also gave their servants leftover food from the feast. They put the food in boxes. Boxing Day is a great day to celebrate with families and friends. It is also a good day to enjoy the Christmas spirit. Just put a gift in a box and give it away. There is no need to hit your friends, by the way. What does the writer insist? a Do not waste your money. b Have huge feasts on Christmas Day. c Celebrate Boxing Day with other people. d Spend time with your family on Christmas Day. 20. Reading juice Pl Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo has a tail that is as long as its body. (a) It uses. (b) It for balance. Its front and back legs are the same size and length. (c) It has thick, curved claws that help it cling to trees. Its body is 61 cm long, and (d) It weighs about 7kg. The tree kangaroo has blue eyes and red fur. The thick fur sheds water. This keeps the animal dry during frequent rainfalls. It lives in the rain and cloud forests of New Guinea. A cloud forest is a rain forest on a mountain. The treetops are often shrouded in clouds. Goodfellow’s tree kangaroo lives in the trees. It leaps from tree to tree and can even drop 9 m from one branch to another. Choose the one which is different from the others. a (a) b (b) c (c) d (d) a Making mistakes is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, making mistakes can lead to new inventions. Many of your favorite foods were probably mistakes. Popsicles were invented by mistake. On a cold winter day in 1905, eleven-year-old Frank Epperson was making soda pop on the porch. Using a stick, he mixed water and powdered soda in a bucket. Then he forgot about the bucket and left it outside all night. The next morning, the soda pop was frozen. He pulled the stick and licked the ice. It tasted great! Frank decided to sell his popsicles. He sold them for five cents each, According to the passage, why did Frank make popsicles? a He made them by accident. b He wanted to make money. ¢ He made them for a school project. d- His parents wanted him to make them. 22 Rea 23~24 Usually spiders fear birds. Birds are one of their primary predators. The relationship is reversed with the Goliath birdeater spider. This spider is so big that it can eat birds! It creeps through swampy areas in South American rain forests. An explorer first reported the giant spider. He witnessed one eating a hummingbird. The Goliath birdeater spider is the second biggest spider on Earth. Its leg span is a shocking 25 to 30 cm. That is the width of a dinner plate! Despite its name and size, the Goliath birdeater spider rarely eats birds. It prefers to eat insects and small animals. Even though it has eight eyes, the spider cannot see well. It stays in its underground burrow until it detects vibrations from movement. It darts out and grabs the prey. Using its long, hairy legs, the spider pulls the prey into its damp burrow. Since it has no teeth, it injects digestive juices with its fangs. The juices break down the soft parts of the prey. The animal turns into a soupy mess. The spider sucks up the tasty soup. 23. What is the best title for the passage? a A Scary Monster b AHungry Hummingbird © AGoliath Bird Eating Spider d_ Unusual Food Chains 24. Which one is NOT true about the Goliath birdeater spiders? a They are big enough to eat birds. b They like to eat birds. c They have poor eyesight. d_ They inject digestive juices into their prey. 23 25~26 24 The people of an ancient Chinese village had a problem. At the end of every year, a terrible monster came to the village. It was the last day of the year. People knew the monster would come. They were sitting around the fire and talking about what ta do, but they didn’t have any solution for their problem. Soon, they saw the monster coming toward them. People got up and started running. Some bamboo sticks nearby caught on fire. When the bamboo sticks burned, they made a loud sound. Crack! Pop! The monster stopped. He didn't know where the sound was coming from. He thought there was another monster in town. He got frightened and ran back into the mountains. Soon, the villagers figured out how to make the explosions louder. They put a kind of gunpowder inside the bamboo sticks. The bamboo sticks burned bright red. The bursting bamboo sticks were the world’s first fireworks. Today, the Chinese still celebrate each new year with fireworks. They ‘believe the bright explosions frighten away all evil spirits. It must have worked well. The terrible monster has not come back since then. 25. What is the best title for the passage? a A Special Event in China b A Famous Monster in China c Chinese New Year's Festival d The History of Fireworks 26. According to the passage, which one is true? a Amonster came to the town on every New Year's Day. b The Ancient Chinese invented the first fireworks. c The monster knew what the sound was. d_ The Chinese used bamboo sticks to make the explosions louder. 27~29 It sounds silly, but worms make great pets. You can watch what they do every day. Just remember the following steps if you want a pet worm. (A) Finally, put the box in a cool place and then cover it with a dark cloth. Worms do not like to be in the sun. (a) They can die in bright sunlight. In a few days, you will see little tunnels run in every direction. (b) They are like streets for worms. (c) They wiggle and squirm through the dirt to make their way. They use the tunnels to move, eat dead leaves and visit their friends. 8) First, you need to build a special house for your worms. Using glue or screws, make a small box with two wooden sides. The front and back should be clear plastic, so you can watch the worms live their lives. () Next, fill the box with layers of dirt. You can use different kinds of dirt because worms like all kinds of soil. (d) They also like to stay in wet soil. You should remember to water the soil a little bit. Place your worms carefully in the box. Then cover the surface of the soil with dead leaves or grass cuttings. It will be tasty food for the worms. 125 27. What is the best order of (A), (B), (C) after the sentences in the box? a (B)-(C)-(A) b (A)-(B)-(C) c (B)-(A)-(C) d_(C)-(B)-(A) 28. Choose the one which is different from the others. a (a) b (b) c (c) d (d) 29. According to the passage, why should we place the box in a dark place? a Worms can be observed better. b Worms can eat more nutrients in a dark place. c Worms like to stay in water. d Worms can die in direct sunlight. 30~32 William was born into a poor family. He could not ______ to stay in school. Fortunately, the United States had built a library near his home. He walked there each day. He used an English dictionary and science books. He taught himself to read English. He learned how engines work. At last he saw what he had been hoping for: a picture of a windmill and how it worked. William went to the local junkyard. He dug through the trash. He found a tractor fan, a car's shock absorber and bicycle parts. He melted plastic pipe over a fire, flattened it and carved it into four blades. He cut trees to make a tower. At last, William had a wobbly windmill made from scrap parts. When the wind blew, the blades turned. It powered four lights in his parents’ home. A few years later, William built a machine that pumped water. This let his mother grow a garden all year. In 2007, people found out about William. They gave money to go to school. He learned to make a sun-powered water pump. It kept his father’s fields moist. Today William is leamiing to be an engineer. He has plans to bring water and electricity to the towns of Malawi. 27 28 Re 30. William taught himself to read English because a he dropped out of school b he doesn't want to learn from someone else c hewas born ina rich family d_ he had to pass the exam 31. According to the passage, which one is true about William? a He learned about a windmill at school. b He built a windmill to power his family's home. c_ His first windmill was made for pumping water. d William never went to the library. 32. Which one best fits in the blank? a afford b supply c yield d delay

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