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Objetivo: El propósito de este segundo acercamiento virtual es continuar con el desarrollo de

las actividades establecidas dentro de esta competencia, además está diseñada para
realizarse desde la comodidad de sus hogares.

Fecha de Entrega: 01 de agosto de 2020

Actividad 1: Subject Pronouns and Verb “ To Be “

A) Fill in the blanks using “HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY”:

cat and horse…IT……… Mary……SHE……… Tom ……HE………

Jack and I ……WE…….. books …………. sister …HE……….
You and Dave …THEY…….. plane ……IT……. sunshine …IT…….
cheese ……IT………… cactus ……THEY…… parents ……SHE……..
Pamela ………IT……… news ................ scissors ...................
geese ……………. flowers ………… piano …IT………….
school …IT………. daughter ………… milk …HE…………
children ……….. sugar ……….. feet …………..
bicycle ………… Ann and Kate ………. tennis ………….
son ……………. mice …………… sky …………….
shop ……………. buses ………….. papers …………
Mr. Green ……HE……… brother-in-law ………….. picture ………..
friendship …………. dolphin ………… The Riggs family ………..

B) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:

1. It …IS……. an onion. (+) 11. İzmir …IS….. a city. (+)

2. Jasmine …ISN’T.. a student. (-) 12. He …IS…… a postman. (+)
3. We …ARE…….friends. (+) 13. It ……IS…. nine o’clock. (+)
4. I…AM NOT…. hungry. (-) 14. Manhattan …ISN’T…. an island. (-)
5. Mark .....ARE...... 20 years old. (+) 15. Mr. Richards …IS… a lawyer. (+)
6. A bee …ISN´T.. a big insect. (-) 16. I …AM..ill. I …AM NOT…. happy. (+ / -)
7. Newsweek ……IS…… a magazine. (+) 17. London …IS…….. a big city. (+)
8. I …AM NOT……. a professional football player. (-)
18. Dave and Adrian ……AREN´T…… sisters. They …ARE.. brothers. (- / +)
9. I know you. You …IS. in my class. (+) 19. New York …IS……. near to New Jersey. (+)
10.Cows …AREN’T… insects. They …ARE…. mammals. (- / +)
20. Susan and I …AREN’T….. teachers. We …ARE…..students. (- / +)
C) Fill in the blanks using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN’T, AREN’T”:

1. Germany, England, and Spain … ISN’T ……… cities.

2. A lemon …ISN’T…….. sweet. It …IS….. sour.
3. Copper ……IS….. cheap. Diamonds …ARE… expensive.
4. Airplanes …AREN’T….. slow. They …ARE…. fast.
5. Ice cream and candy …ARE….. sweet.
6. Today …ISN’T…… cloudy. It …IS….. bright.
7. My brother ……ISN’T… married. He …IS… single.
8. I … AM NOT …… from Turkey. I … AM….. from Canada.
9. Maths …ARE…… hard. It ……AREN’T….. easy.
10. Mariah …IS a beautiful girl. She …ISN’T…… ugly.

D) Rewrite the sentences by using “ IS, ISN’T, AM, AM NOT”:

1. London aren’t a country. …….London isn’t a country……………..

2. The United States aren’t a city. …THE UNITED STATES ISN’T A CITY……….
3. An elephant am not a small animal. …AN ELEPHANT ISN’T A SMALL ANIMAL….
4. English and Turkish isn’t sister languages. …ENGLISH AND TURKISH AREN’T SISTER
5. Mercedes aren’t a bike. …MERCEDES ISN’T A BIKE…….
6. Is I a student ? …IS I AM A STUDENT?…………….
7. Mrs. Stuart aren’t a poor woman. …Mrs. STUART ISN’T A POOR WOMAN….
8. Cigarettes isn’t good for people. …CIGARETTES AREN’T GOOD FOR PEOPLE..
9. The North Pole am not hot. …THE NORTH POLE IS NOT HOT……..
10. Simon are from United Kingdom. …SIMON IS FROM UNITED KINGDOM……..

E) Complete this postcard by using “AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT , ISN’T,AREN’T”:

My name ….is….. Jack, and this ….is… Sue.
She IS my sister. Sue ARE.. twelve years old and I …ARE… sixteen.
We …ARE NOT…. adults. We …ARE….. students. We …AREN´T Canadians. We …
ARE Americans.
We ……ARE….. from Chicago. Chicago ……IS….. in the United States.
Best regards,
F) After you complete exercise E rewrite the text with your own information and make a Video
with your cellphone or any recording device reading the text.
______ HELLO_________

Actividad 2: A continuación, podrá dar click al link que aparece al final del enunciado, que lo
llevará a un video en youtube para que vea y escuche atentamente la explicación sobre los
Artículos en inglés, y se contextualice de manera tal, que pueda dar respuesta a los ejercicios
más abajo. Este ejercicio se puede responder sobre el formato en este documento o en sus

Identificar el uso de los artículos definidos e indefinidos de acuerdo a su gramática.

Escriba el artículo correcto en cada oración:

Indefinite article

1. This is ....AN...... orange.

2. That is .....A.... book.
3. This is ......AN.... hospital.
4. That is .....AN..... egg.
5. He is eating ....AN...... apple.
6. This is ....AN...... umbrella.
7. That is ...AN...... university.
8. I'll be away for .......AN.... hour.
9. What .....A.... nice day!
10.....AN...... horse is ......AN..... animal.

B. Insert definite or indefinite articles, the, an, a, where necessary:

1. Greeks like .....THE...... coffee.

2. English like ....THE...... tea.
3....THE....... exercise he is writing is very easy.
4.....THE...... exercise is good for our health.
5. He lives in ....THE....... Japan.

6. Is ,..A...... Chinese easy?

7. ...THE.... Chinese language is difficult.
8. Mr. Brown is .....THE.... teacher.
9. They took him to ...THE.... hospital in ......AN........ ambulance
10. ...A.... good student work hard.
11...A......., students must work hard.
12. He is having......THE....... lunch.

C. Supply the definite article the, where necessary:

1. Ι ΊΙ study .....THE..... history of Crete next year.

2 ...THE....... History is an interesting subject.
3. ...THE...... water in your glass is hot.
4. He always drinks ........... cold water.
5. She lives on .....THE..... bridge street.
6 ...THE....... Mississippi river is .....THE........ longest river in ...THE.... world.
7. A lot of ships cross .....THE...... Pacific Ocean.
8. We drink ...THE....... tea out of .......THE.... cups.
9.....THE..... tea in this cup is too cold.
10. For me breakfast is ., ....THE........ best meal of ...THE.... day.

D. Put a, an, the, where necessary

1. Napoleon ....THE..... great was born in Corsica. coffee comes from ....THE... ..Mocha ..THE...... town in ...THE...... Arabia.
3....THE....... Alps are ..A....... longest mountain in Europe.
4..... THE...... Aegean sea is usually rough.
5. He fell and was taken to ...AN.... hospital.
6. We must help ...THE.... poor.
7. This is made in ....THE...... United Kingdom.
8.....THE...... Americans like whisky but ......A...... Germans prefer beer.
9.....THE...... silver is one of the heaviest metals.


1) Los aprendices leerán la información con cautela y responder o completar en la actividad 1 en doc Word o en
sus apuntes con ayuda de diccionarios físicos o digitales, esta actividad es evaluada.

2) En la actividad 2 consta de un video que podrán visualizar vía youtube y luego responder items en ingles de
manera escrita sobre el formato o en sus apuntes, para aquellos aprendices que no tengan acceso a internet
cualquier compañero les podrá facilitar el video a través del WhatsApp.

3) Es importante evidenciar estas dos actividades a través de imágenes que pueden tomar con sus celulares y
luego subirlas al WHATSAPP PRIVADO.

4) Sera tomada en cuenta su honestidad, es decir, acciones como plagio, respuestas idénticas, etc.
5) Esta actividad tendrá como fecha y hora límite de entrega el día Sabado 01-08-20 11:00pm.

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